(2009/06) June 2009 MTBs

Hi Audrey, you may want to tear the sides of the pull-up pants when your gal poo so that it wont brush against her legs. Thats what i did last time. But I found it quite ex so I decided to train my son to stay still by beating him lightly at his thighs... hahaha
hi mummies,
my girl has a fever now and I have put fever patch. also wiped her neck with cool water, and given the fever medicine (that was given during vaccination).

may I seek advice on what to do or monitor next? thanks
Hi Annticipating
Pls monitor her fever. Pls sponge her for 5-10mins then break for about 20mins then continue again until her fever goes down. You need to break so that she will not catch a cold. Sponge her neck, armpits, face and groin area. Feed her the paracetemol every 4-6hrs as directed by the doctor.

If she does not want to drink anything, maybe you want to feed her with a syringe? Cos' you need to keep her hydrated. Do dress her in light clothing as well. Hope she get well soon!
thanks BS S! Just now, she had a nap and the fever has kind of subsided. She doesn't like to have the ear thermometer.
She also took her porridge well just now, as usual. Fed her water using spoon. Thanks again!
rosel, yes im a SAHM and ever since staying home i've got hand ezcema! Doc says i do too much washing and skin irritated with the detergent. Now even bathing i have to use gloves at least till the cracks heals.

dolly & rosel & poohcsl, thks ill go get calcium and fish oil pills then. I think i shld start supplementing else get Osteoporosis later. My menses also just came last week felt weak all over. BF mummies your menses all came already?

rosel & BS S, im only using the pull-up pants when we go out now coz i feel can hold poo poo better less leakage. I started to raise my voice when Claire tries to turn and crawl during nappy change but it will only stop her for at most 5 secs!
HI Annticipating, you may want to monitor cos' sometimes the fever is like roller coaster one... up & down.

Hi Audrey, I am reading this book on training bb and they mentioned that sometimes if raising the voice dun work, we'll need to beat them. But better not to use hands lah.. maybe something else. lol... it's a pretty good book which I wished I had read when I first had my #1. Have you tried NTUC pull-ups?
rosel : sophie loves babytv as well.her fav shows are yoyo the magician and that baby who likes to play with the toys from his cot mobile.hahahah.she'll stop whatever she is doing to watch these programs.
Hey, anyone ordering the alcohol wipes from kidzkidz, posted earlier? If no, I will order from her directly. If yes, thought we can consolidate June thread orders first...
<font color="3D6EB3"><font color="2B4D7D">@Audrey</font>
same same here though mine hasnt exaggerated to be like yr condition. im gettin cracks on my fingers fr washing clothes n dishes. nowadays i try to space out and nt contact wif detergent everyday.

<font color="2B4D7D">@annticipating</font>
glad to noe tt yr ger's food n water intake is as usual. hope she recovers fully fr her fever soon!

<font color="2B4D7D">@rojakz</font>
can share the title of the book?

by using an object instead of our hands to beat them, we can 'shift the blame' to the object instead? haha!

<font color="2B4D7D">@tinybubu</font>
my ger loves the baby and the cot mobile too! i tink its the real baby chuckle tt attracts em. she oso likes bouncy balls and draco. there's oso tis clip where there's many colored pinballs which forms a picture. she's owaz engrossed when these programs show. i can tell tt louie's world bores her. haha!</font>
yea it could be a million and one thing, and dont we wish we had telepathic powers to read their minds. but both of the time, cae's cues are fairly easy to read. its either hungry, need for diaper change, tiredness or just wants to be carried. he hates to be left alone, and loves watching his sister.

how do you entertain Noah for the whole day. cae has a few pathetic toys but i bet he must be so pissed with them already. otherwise we just plonk him in the bouncer and let him watch us. he doesnt really like the tv, but he does enjoy being read to. its great that noah can sit up now, its alot easier this way and they can watch the world go up UPRIGHT.

feeding is indeed quite nerve-wrecking. you get ssooo afraid they might refuse the food. n u feel so gd when they gobble it all up. its hard to not to feel that your worth is measured by their appetite haha.

skyla is such an impressive lil girl! shes tried so many foods and she can finger feed herself! im awed, to say the least.

it must be stressful to be pregnant and have another little one to care for at home. and i can totally empathise with the helper being incompetent. sometimes having a helper may ADD to our problems. i think surviving with a helper takes a lot of effort and EQ. its not easy at all. hope she'll improve with time so that you can get more rest. take care.
ya lor i wonder what to do w/ my rocker now.. i got 2 at home haha no space to keep for #2 . but too pity to sell away.

4 feb gathering 4pm
manhattan fish mkt ( 1 for 1 lobster meal leh $28.80 n lucky draw! got facebook? check out mfm promo there, we can have their mudpie or also can proceed to bakerzin after that so bb also can see new environment keep them entertain looking ard heehee)

1) jling - bakerzin
2) doveyc - bakerzin
3) bbmarilyn
4) createjoy - manhattan fish mkt
5) rosel - manhattan fish mkt
6) bluedream
7) bbaugustine - bakerzin
8) ecmom
9) fat mom
4 feb gathering 4pm
manhattan fish mkt ( 1 for 1 lobster meal leh $28.80 n lucky draw! got facebook? check out mfm promo there, we can have their mudpie or also can proceed to bakerzin after that so bb also can see new environment keep them entertain looking ard heehee)

1) jling - bakerzin / MFM
2) doveyc - bakerzin
3) bbmarilyn
4) createjoy - manhattan fish mkt
5) rosel - manhattan fish mkt
6) bluedream
7) bbaugustine - bakerzin
8) ecmom
9) fat mom

i anything but i have to go off at 5.30pm so most likely i not eating
4 feb gathering 4pm
manhattan fish mkt ( 1 for 1 lobster meal leh $28.80 n lucky draw! got facebook? check out mfm promo there, we can have their mudpie or also can proceed to bakerzin after that so bb also can see new environment keep them entertain looking ard heehee)

1) jling - bakerzin / MFM
2) doveyc - bakerzin
3) bbmarilyn
4) createjoy - manhattan fish mkt
5) rosel - manhattan fish mkt
6) bluedream - no pref
7) bbaugustine - bakerzin
8) ecmom
9) fat mom
hee hee.. so paiseh... long time no post liao... currently a temporary SAHM... so can join in the gathering...

4 feb gathering 4pm
manhattan fish mkt ( 1 for 1 lobster meal leh $28.80 n lucky draw! got facebook? check out mfm promo there, we can have their mudpie or also can proceed to bakerzin after that so bb also can see new environment keep them entertain looking ard heehee)

1) jling - bakerzin / MFM
2) doveyc - bakerzin
3) bbmarilyn
4) createjoy - manhattan fish mkt
5) rosel - manhattan fish mkt
6) bluedream - no pref
7) bbaugustine - bakerzin
8) ecmom
9) fat mom
10) innocentwar - no pref
hi ladies

wa i very very long never log on le.. ever since i began my new work i have no time to log on.. everyday work, feed baby, make him sleep, wash bottles then go to sleep.. busy with housework too!

my bb has sprouted his first 2 bottom teeth!! only 7.5 months.. can sit on his own quite well, crawl quickly, can pull to standing too.. taking solids rather slowly still cos i no time to let him try. just let him try vegetables on sunday and he seems to like it. =)

aiya logged on and saw that i missed the botanical gardens gathering!!! hope to join the next one. which manhattan fish mkt??
hope your girl is well oredi...

I'm keen to order the alcohol wipes as well...

I'm still bf... no menses yet... keeping fingers crossed... hope it wont come so soon... me still enjoying days without menses!!!

find tt my hands are drier now even though i dun really do alot of housework... not sure if itz cos wif bb ard been washing my hands more frequently

ya... find it difficult to log on... ttz why only joined the thread recently..
congrats on your bb's new teeth... me still waiting for mine to sprout...

added ikan bilis powder to bb's porridge over the weekend.. but he dun seem to like it... his daddy says cld be cos itz a bit fishy... i tot the porridge smelled and tasted really quite good... haiz...
the gathering on 4th is at northpt, venue to b cfm, if u free to join us , do add ur name n indicate ur preference

i think ur boy nt used to it ba.. try more times just add 1/4 or 1/2 tsp to porridge w/ veg or meat as usual. plain porridge w/ ikan bilis only may not b nt as nice.
dear mummies...

I have MIA for quite some time and have no idea to where to start catching up. Hope everyone and their bubs are doing great.

Have been super busy with work, down with a bad flu for the whole of last week (and still coughing right now, sigh) and tomorrow is my LAST DAY! Yippee!!! I think this may be the last post I am typing from my kok kok work laptop cos I have to really cheong to finish all my handover and work today! Really hope to be able to log in more often thereafter, even though my to do list for the next 3plus week of break before I start on my new job is increasing by the day. Have so much things to get ready for CNY and lotsa child-proofing things to do ard the hse bf I return to work. Not to mention, catching up with frens and squeezing in some pampering sessions and more time for my boy.

Thanks to bbaug for keeping me updated on the activities you all have lately. Unfortunately, I have been too busy and sick to join in. Trust that you all have great fun! Just notice there's a gathering on the 4th. Wish I have seen this earlier. Let me see if I can reschedule some of my appts to join in this one.

heh just checked my schedule! got chance got chance.. just to confirm, it's a thursday right???

4 feb gathering 4pm
manhattan fish mkt ( 1 for 1 lobster meal leh $28.80 n lucky draw! got facebook? check out mfm promo there, we can have their mudpie or also can proceed to bakerzin after that so bb also can see new environment keep them entertain looking ard heehee)

1) jling - bakerzin / MFM
2) doveyc - bakerzin
3) bbmarilyn
4) createjoy - manhattan fish mkt
5) rosel - manhattan fish mkt
6) bluedream - no pref
7) bbaugustine - bakerzin
8) ecmom
9) fat mom
10) innocentwar - no pref
11) amk_gal - no pref
wow, u intro so much food already! which brand of yoghurt did u let skyla try?

do take care n relax n pamper yourself if u can.

jamus sprouting his 2nd bottom tooth.
he has alot of rashes on his forehead though. i guess is heat rash. mummies, any advice on the rashes?
hello mommies..

busy reading my 15yrs old niece's blog &amp; i be meeting her tis thurs.. she thinking of running away frm home frm tat monster ..
be bringing nesher to jur pt tis thurs to let her play wif him as she have not seen us for almost 4mths already.

fatmom- jiayou....althought tat day i really don know which one is u
was late hehehehehe cos nesher poo poo

beemom- tat day nesher got some rashes on his forehead i also tot heat rashes but nanny told me it is food allergy &amp; ask me wat have i been feeding him. she told me monitor &amp; see &amp; tried again &amp; same thing happen stop.

tubbymummy- 7.5mths &amp; u intro adult food ... nanny always told me off now we wait as when they gro older they will have chance to eat..
beemom- then couldnt be leh...
is it alot or wat.. all i know the allergy rashes only be ther for a day then be gone the next day.. as for heat rashes we will try to clean him once he is sweaty. tat day after the gathering hubby drove back &amp; we prepared his shower so he felt better &amp; refresh..

getting ready pack up &amp; going to pick my little baobei
bye mummies have a nice chat
haha now that u mention... hmm pantang??3.50pm lor heehee

my mil used to ask me apply his nappy cream on the folds of his skin where heat rash oftn appear. but i dont put desitin on his folds i put drapolene or california cream. jayden also hace some leh but just 3 spot i think it's ok bah.
poohcsl (and anyone else interested), you want to add your alcohol wipes order to below?

<font color="0000ff"><u>Alcohol wipes</u> (nick, quantity, collection, total $)
1. tubbymummy, 10, Paya Lebar MRT, $18

<u>Antiseptic wipes</u> (nick, quantity, collection, total $)
1. tubbymummy, 3, Paya Lebar MRT, $6.90
2. </font>

beemom, I bought the brand Paul's. It's full fat, no sugar, no fruit/flavours, just plain yogurt

annie, I followed the recommendations on http://www.wholesomebabyfood.com/ and some stuff that I read in the book Baby Led Weaning. Technically all the foods baby can eat are adult food also mah, just that we puree/mash it for them, and make sure it's healthy with no salt &amp; sugar
Hi Rosel, sorry let me check the title and let u know k? But just to let u know, it's a Christian title so you may or may not find it suitable. For me, I just filter out to implement what i need to know...hahaha

Hi Audrey, have you tried the shop, VitaKids at United Square? They may carry it. I work there so I can check for you and let u know... hahaa
hihi! The gathering looks great! Kendrick cough + running nose is getting better, think that Prospan really works

Trying to wean him of some of the night feed, cos he's feeding 10pm, MN, 1am, 4am, 7am...etc he was crying like crazy for the first night (3am to 5pm) Now crying less... But still feed once around 4am. Hope tonight better, I'm getting headache from lack of sleep liao!
Audrey, I bought the HB puffs through a couple of BPs. Can look out for it, prices better than in shops (e.g. 1 canister $6.90).

dolly, good luck, hope you succeed in weaning him off 1 feed
Hang in there!

Alcohol wipes (nick, quantity, collection, total $)
1. tubbymummy, 10, Paya Lebar MRT, $18
2. lovelytulips, 5, c/o tubbym, $9
3. sweethalo, 10, c/o tubbym, $18

Antiseptic wipes (nick, quantity, collection, total $)
1. tubbymummy, 3, Paya Lebar MRT, $6.90
2. lovelytulips, 5, c/o tubbym, $11.50
morning mummies

tubbymummy- oic...
but no more indian naan ah ok kekkekekeke

Dolly- u still giving him BM? the timing is so close no wonder u got not enough sleep..*pat pat* hope kendrick will wean off to 1 feed..
thanks annie n createjoy. is on his forehead, so dare apply those nappy cream.

thanks tubbymummy, will intro to him when reach 8mths :p

audrey, i saw the HB puffs at bt panjang plaza's ntuc y'day. i remember i came across HB stuff at vitakids (paragon outlet), but maybe dun have the puffs.
Thanks createjoy haha blur sotong me

Beemom, i will make a trip down to Jpoint ntuc to look see, i rem seeing the cereal only puffs all Gerber brand.

Have any of you given cheese to your baby?

I found out that Claire likes salty stuffs and solid (as in not mashed up). I cut up some carrots and broccoli and steam then feed her using hands she took quite alot
At least she willingly open her mouth unlike eating porridge and cereal have to force feed haha
audrey, dun think all ntuc carry HB. coz i din see any at the bt timah plaza one. but can try your luck at Jpoint 1st.
HB = happy bellies? if so, then jp ntuc dun hv..

re; broccoli
i also gif every meal previously. no probs with wind. maybe can put ru yi oil and burp them vigoriously aft tt? lol!
1st mum,
brocoli n cabbage easily hav gas lor. depend on bb but i dont give oftn cos he have prob slping wn ever he alot wind.

then put california cream

read somewhere cheese aft 1 yr old leh..but ang moh dont care one i think as long as not those blue cheese but processed cheese shd b ok
hi BS S, rosel &amp; poohcsl
thanks my baby's fever subsided by the next day. we had brought her to the doctor on sunday night.

so tired everyday. haha.. going bonkers :p

Hi ANNticipating, it's like that lah. When the kids are sick, it's the parents who suffer actually. hahaha... when my son was still in childcare, he often get sick, resulting in us taking many urgent leave.

Maybe you want to intro multi-vits to your bb? I'll be intro-ing some to my #2 to build his immunity soon.
