(2009/06) June 2009 MTBs

sometime I see got ppl gather there, maybe we gather there and see if we can move out to the open area, I believe there is some sheltered area right?

no not yet, hb want to send next year, but I trying to convince hb to send her in june. how abt your boy? sorry cant remember his name.

let's just pray for good wether tomolo morn. think many dont com in to check if we have plan b that is away frm SBG , majority wont know..
hope tomolo good weather along the way walk in can look ard any big shelter that we can adjourn if weather changes later.
no change..see u & nesher tml ya..

my no nine three eight six three eight double three if those mummies cant find the place.
Dear Mommies,
My baby is still not fully recovered. So let me just take us out from the list so that u guys can know how much food to bring/prepare.

I am supposed to bring Green Tea Packet Drinks, and have already bought them and put them in the fridge yesterday.

Annie has very kindly agreed to collect from me and bring them to you guys tomorrow! Thanks Very Much Annie!


Meeting point: ECO gardens

1. kikismom+ bb Kaley + Kieren (Soon kueh)
2. fifi&cash + bb Kirsten + HB + Helper (pandan cake)
3. Annie + bb Nesher + HB (60 Mini Fruit Tartlets)
4. Innocentwar + bb Kaiqi + HB (TBC) (sandwich)
5. ecmom + bbCayden + Elisha + mum + helper(potato salad + tomato appetizer)
6. bbPotato + bb Arik + Kendrick + HB (Fishballs)
7. superbee + bb Danelle + Adelle + HB + helper (watermelon)
8. createjoy + bb Jayden + HB (marble cake) cfm unless super big rain wn leave home
9. rosel + bb + HB (TBC)- (1 carton of chrysanthemum tea)
10. jling + bb jack + helper ( 1 carton sugar cane packet drinks and ice)
11. bbaugustine+ bb Augustine+ helper (fried noodles)
12. 11_beans + bb Javen + HB + helper (chicken nuggets )
13. kikeeko (fang) + bb siew yin + HB (toddler JJ fruit salad)
14. dovey + bb Kaelyn + HB (otak)
15. maryG + bb Trey + HB (chicken franks)
16. bluedream + bb ashton + HB (agar agar)
17. bbMarilyn + bb + son Marcus + HB (nuggets)
18. toffeecat + bb rouxuan + HB (chocolates)
New Mom- u welcome.. hope abigail recovering soon
c u tonite


Meeting point: ECO gardens

1. kikismom+ bb Kaley + Kieren (Soon kueh)
2. fifi&cash + bb Kirsten + HB + Helper (pandan cake)
3. Annie + bb Nesher + HB (60 Mini Fruit Tartlets)
4. Innocentwar + bb Kaiqi + HB (TBC) (sandwich)
5. ecmom + bbCayden + Elisha + mum + helper(potato salad + tomato appetizer)
6. bbPotato + bb Arik + Kendrick + HB (Fishballs)
7. superbee + bb Danelle + Adelle + HB + helper (watermelon)
8. createjoy + bb Jayden + HB (marble cake) cfm unless super big rain wn leave home
9. rosel + bb + HB (TBC)- (1 carton of chrysanthemum tea)
10. jling + bb jack + helper ( 1 carton sugar cane packet drinks and ice)
11. bbaugustine+ bb Augustine+ helper (fried noodles)
12. 11_beans + bb Javen + HB + helper (chicken nuggets )
13. kikeeko (fang) + bb siew yin + HB (toddler JJ fruit salad)
14. dovey + bb Kaelyn + HB (otak)
15. maryG + bb Trey + HB (chicken franks)
16. bluedream + bb ashton + HB (agar agar)
17. bbMarilyn + bb + son Marcus + HB (nuggets)
18. toffeecat + bb rouxuan + HB (chocolates)

Green Tea Drinks frm NewMom
My baby was coughing and phlegmy since last Tue. I dont know what we were thinking and didnt bring her to the doc until Friday. But then, fever already developed!
Fever was gone on Sunday. Tue and Wed - mucus discharge came from nose so we were happy .. at least the phlegm was coming out.
Until now, can still feel got phlegm in the chest and coughing at times.
Didnt manage to see doc today. Doc will only be available tomorrow morning, so we'll see what the doc says.
If doc thinks ok to bring her out, we will drop by for abit to see u all ...
New Mom,

my fren was telling me that e Huo Ning from EYS is very gd for kids with phlegm, one small bottle abt 60+ for 2-3x usage only, not sure is it suitable for infants.
hi jling, i will b bringing my small cooler box tmrw... we arrange tmrw on collection of HT stuffs, ok? tks for your help...
11 beans!
Wah! U are one very brave mummy! Hahah who knows your baby may be one of the healthiest amongst us! Since he is so exposed to all kinds of food so fast! ;)
createjoy, oh, u mean the charcoal fire not equivalent to cooking ah? I thought it's cooked liao, oops :p

kikismom, ooh, I didn't guide her hand just now, but I did pick it up with my own fingers using very slow and exaggerated movements and bring to my mouth to eat, then do again, bring to her mouth to eat. She kept watching me closely, so I was hoping she'll monkey see monkey do haha. Next time I guide her hand.

annie, naan is sort of like an indian bread, eat with Indian food. Looks something like prata, but doesn't feel as oily...

ecmom, cucumber I give her in slices to let her hold and "chew". It's hard enough that it won't break easily and cause her to choke. She will bite/suck all over until the centre part with the soft seeds come out and she will eat it. For chicken, I steam chicken breast, then shred/mash. I didn't puree it, cos I want her to start exploring rougher texture. I mix it with rice cereal + carrot, spinach or sweet potato. I haven't started on beef, but will probably buy mince beef and see how haha... My mother said something about smashing the raw mince beef in water first before cooking, then it'll won't clump up into big lumps when cooked... not sure how it works, so will ask her to show me.

u dont mind me asking, but our bbs can swallow chicken shreads now? Even after mashing, its quite fibre-ish to swallow on rite? I am just so cautious, that i dun know if i am doing things correctly.

And bread too? whow!!!!! u r very belly good man!

I always tot our bbs wif either 2 teeth or no teeth still got to take soft pureed food all along. I was even thinking of blending the porridge! Thanks for letting me know!
hey mummies,
can i join in the party tomorrow.. pls let me know asap.. only me, helper and amelia going.. and i can either buy curry puffs (hopefully from the famous amk tiptop if they are ready; if not from old chang kee) or packet drinks (look enough to me).. feedback pls..

mmm.. seems like a lot of things to post and update at my end.. will do it shortly
Ah Ching - heheh thanks!

bbmarilyn -
actually now that he is on cereal again i think i will not intro back other foods so fast anymore... dun want to shock him again. Previously, he took avocado, pumpkin pretty well then I think it was the sweet potatoes that did it for him... he just snapped and refused anymore semi-solids... Really can't blend sweet potatoes cos they just get reformed into a sticky disgusting ball again! whahahah

I was anxious because I was worried he wasn't getting enough iron since he is on BM. So while he rejected his cereals, I sneaked in FM for 2 feeds or so but then he suddenly did a vomitting stunt on me that made me so worried... didnt know what was wrong... and still don't know. It doesn't seem to be a milk allergy since we have reintroduced Nan HA2 to him without any issues.

Admire your relaxed manner... I am doing that too now... :p one day at a time

Ahnet -
Thanks! yeah no wipe and messy is the way to go...ahhaha

Createjoy - thanks!

11beans - very adventurous! heheh but i think Ice Cream is not so good to give now?
Congrats abt the tooth tho...kekeke

TubbyM - hehehe.. thanks thanks
I wished he saw Skyla eat! wahahha ... yeah mess mess mess... now his rompers all hv cereal and I still leave it that way till bath time...wahahha terok! Floor mat also kena.. toys also kena cereal.. hv to wipe. I really donno y they are so particular abt being wiped up... as if it's rude to do so or something... aiyo...

Poor Skyla, I think you must really have been so shocked and frightened... I wld hv screamed too..
really admire your calmness in handling the choking incident... haiyo dono wht i wld hv done!

Re: Ikan Bilis powder, I think my mum cooked it in the porridge but I think it shld be fine scattered on cereal? Not Sure... but maybe can toast it first if really scared?

FirstMum - thanks! erhh.. actually he isn't exactly happily gobbling down his food la... must still entertain... kekek.. but this afternoon he was quite amused and screamed at me to be faster with feeding him the cereal... Now I am wondering if indeed it was the temp that I had prepared his cereal at? Maybe it wasn't warm enuf since i was using ebm then and now I just use hot water from the thermos to make his cereal. Yeah, Cassey also said Nestle Brown Rice was sweeter and Noah may take it... Thanks to her suggestion, it worked. I had resisted giving Nestle because of some of the mums feedback here that their babes didn't like Nestle compared to HT/ Bellamy's!

Noah suddenly got more steady with sitting about 2 weeks ago. So he kinda hates being restrained in his rocker... maybe that's what he was trying to tell me abt feeding place too? i dono... this fella very fussy abt how and when things are done and it takes this silly mother ages to figure out what to do or what he wants.

Today, I fed him in his rocker right after his nap ... it was fine too... wahhhaha.. so it's either the cereal, the temp of the food, the silly mummy's anxiety,the rocker, the bib or reaching a milestone like sitting up? I don't know... whatever works now.. i do...kakakakka

Noah can't really crawl yet but he is able to move forward... think it's a belly shuffle ..hahaha... he is on his belly and he uses his hands to push himself forward...is that counted? ROFL!

NewMum -
Thanks! Yeah am glad things are looking better on the solids dept...hahaha.. Hope bb Abigail is better! Take care.
today went to see doc for myself and my bb at kk.. btw, i had been having blackouts recently.. some medical condition abt blood not returning to heart fast enough esp when demand for blood vol increase during pregnancy..

i've been diagnosed with post natal depression.. i still don't think i am depressed depressed.. more of the stress and anxiety over new baby, amelia, house reno, maid not coping well etc.. but the kk psychiatrist think otherwise.. so i am now on 3 wks of hospitalisation leave.. and doctor's order is go and have fun, do what i used to do, and talk to mummies with babies.. i was like huh.. i rather stay at home and rest.. but no no.. i need to make deliberate attempts to enjoy life.. where got time..

and thanks all for the advice on diarrhoea.. amelia is now completely healed.. she went for skin prick test today.. heartache.. 12 needles pricking her.. and i can see she is uncomfortable but she didn't cry.. there was a boy around 8 yrs old who took the test after her and cried so loud.. i was like thinking if he went before her, i would hv chicken out.. it looks so painful

and test results was no allergy to the tested food (e.g cow milk, egg white, egg yolk, shellfish etc)... thank god.. but it was so ex.. 133 bucks.. i hope can claim from insurance

i guess not O+ kids will hv allergy, i didnt bother to check with doc today.. more relieved that she pass the test

and so many of u discussing abt bday party, my new baby is also jun baby.. so most prob we will do away with a big one for amelia cos i maybe in delivery suite.. who knows.. and now i still dont know whether i want new baby to be born on 9jun (same as amelia) or another date (maybe 10jun2010)

just started oatmeal hb last few days, my gal loves it.. think it is a good buy.. i hope the seller can help me order in time..

thanks.. i also saw a few doc re my bb eczema.. some said could be allergy to cow milk etc.. so we went for skin prick test to find out for sure.. but it is negative.. so maybe u want to schedule for just skin prick test for cow milk allergy.. that will be only 3 pricks (2 control groups)

wow really envy u still have energy to go facial.. i used to go every 3 wks.. now i already 8 mths never do already.. and now i have to listen to doc to do facial.. haha
Fatmom -
oops.. just saw your post!

Hey, think it's good advice to go out more and enjoy yourself... I guess once your MS is gone it will be easier. Are you in 2nd trimester oredi? If yes, go out! Really... meet friends... it will be good.

Take care ya?
not following LA thread anymore. this thread more relevant now

By the way, you fair with mid length hair? Saw a lady carry backpack and babydoll top. Was that u?
I checked out the prices at NTUC and got the Huggies pull-ups....
Anyway what's the diff between mamy poko pull-up blue packet and yellow packet (other than the price)?

RE: solids
I'm one of the bad mummy, give my boy anything i eat. incl curry puff, macdonald, biscuits, bread.
But I will chew it first.. baby loves my saliva ha ha
took a break to bath my bb..

i in 18 wks already.. half way thr pregnancy already.. so ms should hv long gone.. but then still like that lor.. now really trying my best to be happy.. easier say than done.. but at least i can tell my hubby i am having depression, he has to give way.. haha

great to hear that noah is back to solids.. i am also progressing slowly cos she always have diarrhoea.. now only tried cereal.. fruit/veg pureed she hates it.. well will be starting porridge next week (since i am going to be sahm for the next 3 wks tho doc wants me to relax and not be a primary caregiver)

re drinking milk, we fed her only when she is asleep.. been doing so when she was 3-4 mths.. so always time the driving around her milk time so she can sleep in the car.. otherwise when reach destination, she sure wont drink

kk doc says anykind of porridge also can.. veg one, pork one, or fish one..

ok.. will go thr the archives later.. gtg for dinner.. also another doc order.. to plan deliberately for meal even though i have no appetite
fat mom,
ya mk urself happy! if tired just snake at home rest. 1 yr 2 bb is very siong so u really must tk care and try to relax. i can imagine hw tiring n how much things u have in mind but it can be very taxing . now u nt feeling well all the more must mk urself go slow ya.

oh if u can come pls come! although i'm not the organiser but i'm sure noone will say no to u! come n have fun!
oh thanks createjoy for the welcome.. i should be going tmrw.. but most prob be late cos my bb normally wakes up at 9plus and she needs to take cereal and bath before going out

looks like most moms will be enjoying their fri nights now..

see u all tmrw.. goodnight..

Meeting point: ECO gardens

1. kikismom+ bb Kaley + Kieren (Soon kueh)
2. fifi&cash + bb Kirsten + HB + Helper (pandan cake)
3. Annie + bb Nesher + HB (60 Mini Fruit Tartlets)
4. Innocentwar + bb Kaiqi + HB (TBC) (sandwich)
5. ecmom + bbCayden + Elisha + mum + helper(potato salad + tomato appetizer)
6. bbPotato + bb Arik + Kendrick + HB (Fishballs)
7. superbee + bb Danelle + Adelle + HB + helper (watermelon)
8. createjoy + bb Jayden + HB (marble cake) cfm unless super big rain wn leave home
9. rosel + bb + HB (TBC)- (1 carton of chrysanthemum tea)
10. jling + bb jack + helper ( 1 carton sugar cane packet drinks and ice)
11. bbaugustine+ bb Augustine+ helper (fried noodles)
12. 11_beans + bb Javen + HB + helper (chicken nuggets )
13. kikeeko (fang) + bb siew yin + HB (toddler JJ fruit salad)
14. dovey + bb Kaelyn + HB (otak)
15. maryG + bb Trey + HB (chicken franks)
16. bluedream + bb ashton + HB (agar agar)
17. bbMarilyn + bb + son Marcus + HB (nuggets)
18. toffeecat + bb rouxuan + HB (chocolates)
19. fatmom + bb Amelia + Helper (Curry puff)

Green Tea Drinks from Newmom
u got coolerbox huh!! then i dont brg pail if not taxi uncle tot i wanna help him wash car haha...

goodnite mummies.see u all tomolo...
Hi fatmom! Oh dear, pls pls take the doc's advice ok? Relax, take some time out for yourself, enjoy life a bit. We forget how to enjoy life the moment bb comes along... always so stressed, so tired, lack of sleep. You must have been all drained out from Amelia's frequent diarrhoea etc. But now that you know for sure she's not allergic to stuff like cow's milk, at least you'll feel more confident about feeding her. Your 3wks HL, must go facial, mani/pedi, spa, shopping, take walks in the park etc, ya?
If wanna save money, then do diy beauty treatments for yourself lah! Hehe... and window shopping also can.

And no lor, not enjoying fri night out, since bb came along, my fri night drinks have become a thing of the past! Haha... Oh, about the HB oatmeal, it's nice ah? Tsk, I only ordered 1 tin, cos din dare to order more in case not nice. Sigh...

Annie, bb's 7.5mths now, born on the 3rd

poko1, ya, I know what you mean, chicken is quite fibrous. My aunt told me that polyclinic taught her to rake a fork crosswise on a piece of chicken, so that the "shreds" won't come out in long strands, but short short ones. I try to make it as fine as my hands will allow me, without using blender.

I read somewhere that babies don't use their teeth to bite, so whether they have 0 or 2 or 4 teeth in front, it doesn't make a difference. See, even we adults use our molars to bite, not the front teeth. For babies, their molars will grow only around 12-18mths. But before this, we are already supposed to intro coarser foods to them. This teaches them to use their gums to mash up the food in their mouth. Imagine, if bb only grows molars at 18mths, can't be we keep giving super fine puree all the way until then right?
Also, when they develop their pincer grasp, they'll be eating finger foods like puffs, or scrambled egg yolk, or biscuits crumbled into tiny pieces, no longer just puree. Anyway, this was the info I read, and I thought it made a lot of sense. Obviously we need to practise some common sense too lah, like if the porridge you cook is indeed very lumpy/hard, no harm giving it a couple of zaps in the blender. For the chicken, I observe Skyla eating it, and it appears that she doesn't have much problems with it. She looked confused by the texture in the beginning, but looks like she's slowly getting used to it. I see her trying to use her tongue to mash it against the roof of her mouth. When I intro the pasta stars, I plan to boil them till they're super soft of course. Hope she'll like them...

Thanks so much for the advice. And yes, it makes alot of sense!! I cant be mashing up their food till they reach toddlerhood.

I will start wif porridge in the coming few weeks. I will prob start on fish and chicken and I am hoping my twins will like them too!!!! I have to find a good blender and grinder for now. Happy weekend!!!!
<font color="3D6EB3">wat a bright and cheery morning!! i'm so looking fwd to the SBG outing later. first time my ger mtg so many babies! hehe..

<font color="2B4D7D">@Annticipating</font>
i try to let my ger learn to hold her mag mag cup herself. similarly, she dun like it if we try n help her to raise the cup or correct the way she's holdin it cos she's actually tryin to bite the teat n nt to drink. if she really wans to drink water, she'll let us hold up the cup for her. by the way, i'm oredi using the sippy teat.

<font color="2B4D7D">@ah ching</font>
my ger has been using pull up pants (sz L) for quite a while (maybe a mth or so?) cos i was so frustrated tryin to get the diaper on her when she keeps turning here n there.. anyway, i went for the cheaper alternative - Mamy Poko Value Pants. cheaper than the cartoon print relative but quality so-so nia..

<font color="2B4D7D">@poohcsl</font>
my ger oso haven sprout tooth though she seem to be in teething discomfort since she was 4+mths old. her gums r swollen n can c some cracklines in the gum oredi. u mean nt enuff calcium tts y tooth dun come out? u r scaring me...

<font color="2B4D7D">@11beans</font>
my cousin told me nt to give bb adult food else they'll become fussy eaters. tats y i dare nt let bb try too many things (but occasionally i still do la). my ger oso tasted ice cream n she liked it! tats bad news i guess.

<font color="2B4D7D">@TubbyMummy</font>
it muz hv been really scary to c skyla 'choke'. fortunately everything was fine. i wld be in a loss if it happened to me.

im in the same situation. tried to encourage my baby to pick up the gerber puffs but she gt frustrated cos the puffs stick to her hand. end up she will use her mouth to pick up the puff instead. haha! i will continue to let her try.

<font color="2B4D7D">@poko1</font>
i do give my baby chicken shreds too, from my food. i tink so long it doesnt cause them to choke, shld be fine.

<font color="2B4D7D">Question</font>
does yr baby wake up to look for u in the nite? mine's been waking up every half an hr then cry n cry if she dun c me and then wans to latch for comfort. v tiring.. sigh~</font>
<font size="+1"><font color="ff0000">Looking for moms to share in this discount for alcohol &amp; antiseptic sanitising wipes</font></font>

<font color="0077aa">Sorry to intrude. I'm an Apr 09 mommy. Looking for others to join me in getting the following discounted items - subject to MOQ (details below). To order, pls add to the list below or PM me. Btw, here r e collection modes I kan offer:
1) My plc in Clementi - day or nite thru pre-arrangement
2) Meet-ups between 12.30pm to 1.00pm @ the following locations: Chinatown (OG), Raffles Plc MRT, Paya Lebar MRT. These are to b arranged once I've collected e items.
3) Or let me noe if u kan care of someone in Apr or Jun 09 thread who's ordering.</font>

<font size="+1"><font color="aa00aa">1) Alcohol Wipes -- For sanitising diaper-trays, high-chairs, table-tops, toys, etc. For spring-cleaning. Must-have @ home or on the go...</font></font>

<font size="+1"><font color="aa00aa">2)Antiseptic Wipes -- For cleaning wounds, bad mozzies bites. For cleaning hands before eating, before touching infant, or after sports, touching pets, etc. Also a must-have @ home or on the go...</font></font>

<font color="0077aa">Apr 09 moms hv seen me use Freshening brand alcohol wipes (70% Isopropyl Alcohol) 2 disinfect high-chairs &amp; table-tops b4 I put my boy in them. Actuali, I use A LOT of these coz itz veri effective to kill bacteria &amp; mold. I use them to clean new toys, wipe any work surfaces regularly, definitely on diaper-trays 2 b4 I put my bb on them… It also evaporates veri quickly so doesn't leave any residue or scent (unlike Dettol). Tho when u 1st open e wrap there is e alcohol smell (nt e drinking kind hor) BUT it dissipates fast. What I do is kp e kidz as far away as I kan when I'm using these wipes, dan clean oledi walk some distance away &amp; come back agn. Also, if I use it to clean anything dat made of fabric e.g. soft-toy, I leave e toy aside 2 dry for abt 15mins. More details available fr the links I've provided above. Alcohol wipes are also handy for spring-cleaning use 2. I use it 2 wipe any new utensil, wipe off mold on items kept in storage 2 long. Even toilet seats. But CANNOT use on any wooden furniture which is treated i.e. wood varnish kan come off...</font>

<font color="ff0000">JTS, I ever used these alcohol wipes to clean some newly bought teether, toys... I was veri worried when e paint on these items started 2 come off -- is it up 2 standard &amp; safe 4 bb to use? In e end, I nvr gave the toys &amp; teether to my kidz.</font>

<font color="0077aa">Why I'm arranging diz direct discount:
1) I use a lot -- coz e alcohol wipe is a must-have for disinfecting surfaces when I'm out w my kidz
2) Stocks r inconsistent @ pharmacies - I kan run to 3-4 outlets &amp; nt find any!
3) Stocks r nt 'fresh' - usuali I end up buying stocks dat wl expire in 6-8M x. Bt manufacturer says items actuali hv 24M shelf-life. E manufacturer is promising fresh stocks of @ least 20M b4 expiry i.e. wipes won't b dried up

If u r interested to purchase, pls add ur order below. I’ve listed all details abt price &amp; MOQ. Tx!</font>

<font color="119911">Freshening Brand Alcohol Wipes $1.80 (10 individually foil-wrapped pcs per pack) Retail: $2.00. MOQ: 150 packs</font>
1-50 --> Apr 09 mommies
51-75 --> May 09 mommies

<font color="ff6000">Freshening Brand Antisceptic Wipes $2.30 (10 individually foil-wrapped pcs per pack) Retail:$2.55. MOQ: 50 packs</font>
1-18 --> Apr 09 mommies

NB: Above retail prices r the latest @ Guardian.
thanks rosel for your answer, is the mag mag cup by combi? do they sell different teats to replace as they get older?

I'm really wondering when to start her on training mug. can start already is it?

when i try to get my girl to hold her bottle, she will often flail out her hands and even refuse to drink anymore until I hold the bottle myself. hmmph. can't they be independent? hahaha...

to Rosel,
my baby will wake up at around 4-5am for a feed. in addition, sometimes at around 2am.

to baby20_manja
how come? just join in the chat lo.
<font color="3D6EB3"><font color="2B4D7D">@annticipating</font>
yes, mag mag cup is from combi. i bot the set which includes 3 teats - nipple, sippy and straw to cater to the different stages. $19.90 if i rmbr correctly.

<font color="2B4D7D">@baby20_manja</font>
chat here wif us bah!
Hi mummies,

How was the outing today? wanted to join but pai sei...


Re: teeth
me not sure if cos of lack of calcium... i'm not a good milk drinker.. keep forgetting my calcium pills oso... so tot tt might be the reason... today a fren juz told me her son only had his first tooth at 1yr old... so i guess all bb progress differently...

my son always look for me at nite... even ah ma who looks after him in the day, he dun wan... cos only mama has his milk supply!!! my last feed is usually at midnite... he'll usually make noise ard 5++... not sure if he's hungry or only wan to be carried... cos everytime hb will bring son to bed and i'll juz let down my pj for him to suck... and i continue to zzz...

hihi baby20_manja... i'm new to the thread too...

I have the mag mag cup oso... tot ttz from pigeon? my son will turn the cup to bite at the handle or teat... dun wan to drink from the teats leh... duno if itz cos he dun like to drink water...

How do you entice your bb to drink water?
Hi mummies,
How you all cope with baby and be so active in this forum? Everytime i wanna go online seems like tons of things to do. When baby sleeps ill quickly bath, eat, express milk, do hse chores never ending list. When baby wakes have to entertain her.

Do you all let your baby watch TV? How often and how long? I let Claire watch baby Eistein if i have to eat or express milk when she is awake. Wat do you usually do with baby? I usually put her on baby mat to play with her toys - cant leave her alone for long she likes me to play together with her. Im also teaching her Glenn Doman math and reading.

Breastfeeding mommies, do you take any supplement and can let me know what? I only took my own processed placenta and occasionally the left over pregancy pills (pink color ones).

Pull-up pants - i tried using for Claire but when she poo poo quite difficult to remove coz when pull down will brush against her legs! Aaarrrgggghhh...She still have very wet poo poo coz dont eat much solid

Claire usually dont wake up at nite for feed, her last feed is usually arnd 9+pm and can last her till next mor arnd 7/8+am. Thats why i worry coz day time she also dont drink alot, dont like solids, at nite also not waking up for feed. PD says she small size baby.

poohcsl, Claire also dont really like water but she will take little after she taken puffs and teething biscuits coz thirsty lio. I use bottle to feed water le coz she dont want to drink from cup always throw on the floor.
<font color="3D6EB3">alamak! i blur oredi.. <font color="2B4D7D">poohcsl</font> is rite-mag mag cup is fr pigeon. sorry for the wrong info, <font color="2B4D7D">ann</font>. i tink i've automatically associated orange color wif combi. haha!

<font color="2B4D7D">@poohcsl</font>
my ger oso dun really like to drink water oso but lately i started givin her gerber puffs n she seem to be drinkin more. like <font color="2B4D7D">audrey</font> says, guess the dryness causes them to be thirsty so they'll more or less drink.

<font color="2B4D7D">@audrey</font>
r u a SAHM like me, w/o a helper? cos i share yr sentiments abt neverending stuff to do but i try my best to log on every day, even for a while cos tis is 1 of my sources to connect wif the 'outside world' n preserve my sanity. i usually log on when my ger's asleep. when the hsewrk piles up, i will allocate a day to finish up as much as possible b4 logging on. tats my style la..

nt sure abt other brands but for the mamy poko value pants, u can tear up the seams to remove it more easily, w/o soiling yr baby's legs.</font>
bbPotato: Bought hou ning from EYS earlier.... he finished the bottle but cough still there, guess might have given him too early. Think should give him when he's already recovering and still got lingering cough

Went for review after the circumcision, and ask that Dr to listen to Kendrick's chest, sound ok, so will just give him either Prospan or rhinathiol (from PD last time) Hopefully he'll be better

Audrey: Still brestfeeding, try to take fish oil if I remember

poohcsl: I started to give Glucolin and he drinks it, but now he has cough so cannot give

fatmom: Thanks for sharing.. sometimes I also feel down and I'm not even pregnant again! Pls do go out and have fun, when I was pregnant, I went out for buffet, pedi, mani....etc Dun neglect yourself
<font color="3D6EB3"><font color="2B4D7D">@audrey</font>
am still breastfeeding too. currently taking fenugreek (cos supply dwindling), calcium pills (leftover fr pregnancy) and GNC fish oil.</font>

i'm a FTWM... me no time to log in too... ttz why my posts always ard this hr... I do let bb watch tv when i need to bathe and he refuse to zz... he enjoys bb can read... other times, I'll try to play wif him instead of letting him watch tv..

I'm breastfeeding too... supply had dropped only pumped 3 times daily but i think still sufficient cos bb's intake had dropped too... think i have abt 2mths supply in deep freezer.. so far nvr take any supplement to increase milk supply... do take fish oil and calcium pills as advise by my gynae to continue during breastfeeding..

is glucolin sweet? when did u start to give? my sis's bb 2mth old and pd say better dun give..

<font color="3D6EB3"><font color="2B4D7D">@audrey</font>
i let my bb watch babytv.. very short clips, entertaining enuff for babies i guess. she has begun to show her likes n dislikes of programs. usually when her fav clips r showin, she'll b v quiet, concentratin on the show but otherwise, she'll keep screamin for my attention n wans me to carry her. i try to balance things la.. nt put her in front of the tv all day long but i tink she does get an hour or 2 of tv time daily...</font>
