(2009/06) June 2009 MTBs

ahnetsan- the trouble is he refuse milk totally after 50ml now..must think of a way to make him very very hungry then he finish his milk

bbpotato- i tot the milk can only last for an hour? milk powder really expensive leh.. luckily i found the shop sell friso2 for $26 per 900g
located at nesher's nanny house downstair.

since bb time, he already like dat, so there's no way to force him, juz we juz go with his timing. if too long, we'll juz throw away e BM. somemore he like his milk warm, cold liao, muz make it warm again. so troublesome.
mummies that are coming to my humble abode next tuesday, APOLOGIES but i have to postpone our chit-chat gathering as I hv been notified this morning to attend a meeting on behalf of my boss at Spring Singapore (10a.m. to 4p.m.)... sumi-masen!! am feeling bad... sob..

bbmarilyn's place at bishan, 26th Jan,
1) jling
2) doveyc
3) bbmarilyn
4) createjoy
5) rosel
6) bluedream
7) bbaugustine
8) ecmom
bbpotato- nesher normally will finish up his milk but after started solid he will leave 50ml & i got to throw away..wasted meh..ask hubby to finish up for him he said must scssiors paper stone as he don like to drink baby milk so take turn lah. (but i will pretend i sick then he got to finish up LOL)
mine also have the same problem! usually around 50ml too. he will push away the bottle if try giving him again or not he will throw his head backward. want to da-pi-gu...
beemom- huh so many babies stopped at 50ml... (headache)

going to pick nesher soon hope he don boooo so malu..i so stinky wif his saliva all over me
Hehe all junebaby the same ah.. Lol
Saturday see them all push bottles hahaaa

Annie sometimes if rattle dun work we also one hand hold bottle to his mouth, one have hold his hand with bottle cap or rattle and kock kock kock the milk bottle, he will drink also.

Ya la, sometimes work sometimes dun work.. Lol
annie ,
jayden also ah boo ah boo till recently he stopped after we smack his lip hahaha. i guess he got the msg so he stopped. at first we thought he was cute, then too often scare become habit n not nice to others esp CNY coming haha..

wow ur hb so gd boy! last time i jokingly beg hb to drk my BM when i on antibiotic cannt feed jayden he die die say no way so i drk it myself haha.. FM no need think, he always say it smells... which is true lah i also cant std the strong smell.
Too bad I can't join on 4 feb so near me

I got closing so no way to apply leave.. Next mom tues and fri I on leave though

shiok shiok
Vicky, I am keen but is it on a weekend because i can only bring baby for swim classes on weekends.And how much is it? Can you share more details thru email? You dont accept PM so cant send email to you. You can email me at [email protected]

Like poohcsl, I enquired with Marsden and most of their classes are full! Cant believe it...

Maybe the reason why the babies are drinking less milk is that they are already full on solids? If you want them to drink more milk, maybe cut back on the amt of solids???

Blowing raspberries is a developmental milestone so might not be a good idea to prevent them from doing that???
BBaugustine, poohcsl and kikismom,

Please let me know if you are keen on the swimming class. We can do a one time trial to see if you are keen.
<font color="119911">paging mummies for grp pic session pls reply email... flooded already...</font>

<font color="0000ff">bontanical garden gathering</font>
i got an extra mat that i can use n throw, i'll brg that for putting the food ok ? anyone has cooler box ? if really dont have i brg pail u all dont laugh Obi hor...
ya that's qt true, mayb they already full. bb are very smart one. last time i change teat size too fast jayden cant cope he also boooo sometime back he bored also boooo LOL..
very weird lor, starting i use training cup he dont like porridge he will suck the training cup then slowly start to eat. now he ok with porridge refuse to suck training cup use it to play unless i put on nipple teats..

I'm keen. You can pm me the details..

my bb started milk strike since 3mths++... same thing stopped drinking ard 2oz... got to wait for him to zz first before 'stuffing' him the rest of the milk... so when he hit his 4th mth, i started adding rice cereals to his milk.. and when he hit 6th mth, been giving him porridge with veg puree... so far, he had been taking it quite well... last 3 days milk intake increase again... hengz, else got to dump my frozen bm!!

bb likes to blow raspberries too.. mum says ttz a signal for rainy day!!
oh I also heard from grandma-in-law that if boy-boy ah-boo, there will be strong winds; if girl-girl ah-boo, there will be rain. (or is it vice-versa)

so when my girl ah-boo with her cousin, there will be wind and rain!
morning mummies

createjoy- u smack his lip, did he cry? i dare not smack nesher as he already so poor thing.. me hardly spend time wif him.. the moment rch the room ..get ready his shower then feed him then pat him to sleep. &amp; while preparing his bath &amp; food he can only entertain himself watching his programme. felt bad he been having nitemares. i must take a leave to bring him go shopping on wkday. me older than hubby 3mths so most of the time i make decision. LOL

i did heard b4 when they boo mean going to rain but he been doing non stop... very hard to correct him. now i try to ignore him &amp; see whether he stop or not
Ah Ching

for what i know, we can start using pull up diapers when they can stand steadily by their own. Which is usually around 1yo but all depends on individual baby milestone...
HI All

So sorry will not be able to attend this Sat for the SBG gathering... Apologies and hope everyone has a great time!

Hi Ahnet!
My bb is 7.5 mths old. also June baby ar.
I was at Suntec nursing rm that day.. saw someone dunno whether it's u?

Hi Blurmom,
The mamy poko advertisement show that can use when baby crawl.
My bb always fidget when i put on his diaper so thot can start now altho he cant crawl yet. ha ha
ah ching,

was thinking of using pull up diapers only when i start toilet training bb... faster to pull down when he needs to pee... they are much more ex than the normal ones rite? to start using now quite siong lo..
ECMom- I love the photography of your studio shots of Cayden! So nice!

toffeecat - yeah my mum also sings to Noah and does baby talk to him to get him to finish his solids that time before I decided to stop him for awhile. Recently, after the vomitting incident, I retried again 3 days ago.

This time tried Nestle Brown Rice Cereal at the recommendation of Cassey. Noah took afew spoons and was quite happy. After that he wanted a latching session so I gave in to him. Then I let him play with his toys and as he played I continued feeding him and he took them with no crying...

2nd day also worked well... I let him play with the spoon which he seemed to want absolute possession of and I was previously too afraid to pass him because I was afraid he would poke his throat with it...hahaha TubbyM told me he wont be that stupid... Since giving him the spoon, he was sort of satisfied and now doesn't fight for the spoon anymore and it's become easier to feed him.

Just fed him again and he finished everything without fuss. I'm only doing one meal for now and keeping my fingers crossed!

Also, doing it informally seems to help ie. sans bib, sans being strapped up in rocker.. just plain letting him sit and play and feeding and of course entertaining him with wierd sounds..ahhaha... just now I did a crazy rendition of TI TI DA DA TI TI DA DA DA...dun ask me wht on earth is that but he was so happy and finished up the Nestle brown rice cereal...akkakkaak

Want to thank everyone here that's been helping me figure out what to do with Noah's rejection of cereal and also encouraging and sharing with me all your various methods to get baby to eat. I hope things will get better from now.

Actually, after being more relaxed instead of anxious over the problem, it's been much better for me. Thanks to BlurMom and LovelyTulips who have been telling me to relax and not fret! hehehe...
Ah Ching - I heard from another mummy from Church that can use Pullups anytime as long as your bb can fit... she also got irritated with her baby turning and fidgetting everywhere so she switched to pullups but so far I've not seen Pampers Pullups in any sz smaller than L although this mummy told me they do have it in small sizes.
I am soooo happy for you!! it's definitely a great achievement for you and also an exciting episode for Noah!!

it is true that babies are smart and can instinctly sense if the surroundings are tense or relaxed.. they will then react accordingly. Guess you have been relaxed and Noah can feel it too... very happy for you!

things will get better over time. JIA YOU!!
bbmarilyn - hehehe.. thanks! yeah I guess it has helped
I am really glad that he has actually started taking his cereal again and this time I am G-o-i-n-g S-L-O-W with him... hehehe

O yes! before I forget, I also let him play with the washcloth and don't wipe him immediately when there's a mess... so I guess it doesn't spoil his mood too...whahahhaha

One of those days when I really didn't know what to do abt feeding Noah. My friend told me that cereals and whatever I've been feeding is too Westernised and I should stick to a more Asian weaning diet... I was quite desperate then so got my mum to cook some porridge. She did and added the ikan bilis powder from Shelisa... unfortunately by the time the porridge was ready the timing was off cos Noah was getting tired and cranky.. so didn't really managed to give that to him at all.. hahhaa
me happy for you too cos my boy also has erratic eating behaviour.
my boy is more than 9kg and is wearing L size diapers.

i did a calculation, pull ups are abt 20 cents more per piece. if use only day time then 60 cents more a day, $18 more a month.

actually i tried drypantz sample. the disadvantage is pull ups very thick and tight. when i remove bb got red lines and sweaty
yeah, i agree-- take one step at a time, and there's lots of opportunity and time to try out the wide variety of new food for our babies..

Guess for their age, it is mainly milk as the main nutrition; and the intro of semi-solids for taste and texture first, rather than for nutrition...I must say Noah is picking up new food pretty fast, considering that it was a "rockY' journey in the beginning..

Comparing with my elder son when we introduce semi-solids to him, Noah is a much better boy to adapt and accept the food again... well done! It took us a couple of months to try again and again before he loves his porridge...hahahhaa...and by then,he was already 10-mths old...LOL!!

now for marilyn, we are taking it slow and in our stride.. can't rush as every babies are different. On some days when she is fussy and refuse to try the new food, I just laugh it off and eat her pureed food in front of her...GREEDY MUMMY!! hahahaa....
hi sorry to interrupt here..I have the following brand new fm and organic cereal for sale as my bb stops taking them:

1. Enfapro A+ stage 2 400g
Expiry date:26 Dec 2010
Selling at $10

2. Friso Gold 2 900g
Expiry date:28 July 2010
Selling at $16

3. Earth Best Organic Whole Grain Oatmeal Cereal
Expiry date:22 July 2010
Selling at $6

All are brand new(i.e unopened). Self collect at Whampoa Drive.
Interested pls email me at [email protected]

Hi everyone...i've not actively communicated here though i have been a silent reader every other day.

Can i ask u if most of yr bbs are still on cereal or r they already on porridge? My twins are still on cereal and was thinking to intro them to porridge next mth. My son is not keen on cereal somehow, but i wld still like him to have a semi solid besides milk, thus the idea of porridge.

Also, if u have been giving porridge, do u use fish (mashed up b4 feeding) or wif pureed veg?

Also, what fruits have u given yr bbs? I have given the juice squeezed out of water melons, pear by the jar, bananas. Wld like more ideas. I juz want them to get used to diff taste.

I heard so much of introducing the greens first (peas, spinich...), then the orange (pumpkin, carrots,). This to be done so bbs will get to taste the tastless (apparently greens) first, before liking the sweeter vegs. Does anyone do that too?
Ah Ching,

I dun like drypers... even the normal ones can cause the thigh area to be red... maybe other brands would be better?

think my son used more than 3 pampers during daytime... he like to poo in new dry pampers!! too ex for me to start so soon!!

re: solids
so far my son had been veri receptive to solids... when he hit 6th mth, i gave him green puree, abt a week later plain porridge... and now itz always 1 sweet veg (eg sweet potato or pumpkin) + 1 green (eg spinach, broccoli) puree with porridge... gog to introduce ikan bilis powder and tofu over the weekend.. so far, he had tried sweet potato, pumpkin, butternut pumpkin, spinach, broccoli, zuchini, potato, red capsicum, carrot, apple, honeydew, sweet peas...

only gog to start meat when he hit 8th month and probably fish when he hit 10mth.. heard tt fish might cause allergy.. so gog to start later...

btw, like to check if your bb has grown teeth? my boy had been drooling since 4th mths... but till now no sign of his teeth yet... seems like his gums veri itchy... anything tt reaches his hands go into his mouth!!
Whoa, thats alot of stuff yr son has tried!!!! Can i ask u if u blend the apples, honeydew, or juz give the juice? And how do u go abt wif zuchini n capsicum? I am impressed wif what u havw given!

Also, do u have any idea how much ikan bilis we got to put in? I bot it frm here, but yet to use.
<font color="0000ff">re solids

hmm looks like everyone start bb on very healthy and plain stuff?

i give javen what i eat leh.. cos he looks so interested..
so he tried less traditional stuff..
so far, brocoli, carrots, avocado, spinach and all those from my soup like radish, winter melon, lotus root, celery, potato, old cucumber, watercress...

i even gave him seaweed hmmm bad mummy hahaa

fruits i regularly give banana with papaya puree cos he loves it and helps him shit..
other days he loves apples and pear..

and he hates fish hmmm

looks like i anyhow feed huh</font>

all he quite like leh esp celery..

I use the avent steamer cum blender... will steam the fruits first, pour out the excess water then blend... I had tried to feed my son the water but he dun like it.. even though it has a sweet taste... all my fruits and veg will steam first then blend... noticed tt he like the food to have some texture... he dun like it when itz too watery or too fine...

I peel the skin for the zucchini then steam n blend.. for capsicum, i steam, peel the skin then blend... when the porridge is ready to serve, i will stir in the veg puree... btw, i will usually prepare the veg puree first... the excess water from steaming the veg will be used to cook the porridge...

hvnt tried the ikan bilis yet leh... gog to try this weekend... probably will juz put a teaspoon and see his reaction first... i use a slow cooker to cook the porridge... usually add 3/4 of a tablespoon.. wif puree, it will come up to about 3/4 of the pigeon bowl... so far, he managed to finish his food...
mine had always been interested in the food we ate... but dare not give him cos there are seasonings in there...

oh yes, he absolutely hate avocado!! wasted my $$... got him organic one some more!!! tried 2 times oredi... 2nd time i added sweet potato puree to make it sweeter... but still give me tt yucky look!!

11_beans, how do you give him celery? steam and blend as well? btw, i think some of the veg you mentioned are a bit 'cooling'... like radish, winter melon, old cucumber... probably shd not give too often...

wow congrats on the new tooth!! me looking forward to mikhail's.. everyday check oso dun hv.. haiz... wonder if itz cos my calcium intake not enuf...

My twins both have 2 teeth each, at the lower gums. They often put their fingers in rather than the teethers we got them. When i remember (always 4get), i put dentinox on their gums.

11beans, wa - u also very adventurous in feeding your son. I think i am the most consevative one, only trying carrots, jap pumpkin, peas, bananas and jar pears. I haven even tot of stuff like capsicums, lotus root!

Pardon me asking....U give yr babe table food, i tot they cant consume food that has salt and seasoning till after 1 yrs? My bbs look at what i eat too, but i did not offer yet, rather silly mummy juz tease them wif it, but not giving at the end. ke ke

So, u just mash those lotus root, radish, etc and give him??? I really must learn from all of u, else my poor bbs will be the last to try all these stuff.
