(2009/06) June 2009 MTBs

hey girls, yea lk jling said, im ordering HT stuff. u can pm or email me at [email protected]. =) i tink can hit $250 to gt 15% discount la. haha! jling is meeting me on 21st so u can also collect frm her or if convenient, u can collect frm me. i stay at jw, near jp. =) let me knw okie!

I'm staying in the north too... sembawang..hmm its better to order from Jamie_nov cos she is consolidating the orders, i can help to collect the loots.

how much more to hit 250?
I have emailed jamie.

jling, will need yr help to collect fr jamie. thanks in advance.
jling and jamie, Thanks for the offer! Haven't started on the HT stuff which I've just collected though.

Starting work for the year today! Hopefully my boy dun cry for attention so ofter tonight
Wah, finally got internet connection again! My internet and digital phone line kaput on me since Sunday. Felt so deprived haha.

creamer, I mix the cereal to be quite thick. The watery kind looks quite pointless haha, so I've never given her watery smooth cereal before. It was always quite textured right from the start.

Firstmum, skyla still not on schedule. Tonight had bedtime bottle at 11.45pm. Still got 3hrs+ to go before getting back to 8.30pm. Hopefully can accomplish in 1wk *cross fingers* It's turning my day upside down.

createjoy, agree the HT cereal like so thin. I'm using the barley one now, I have to use double the amount compared to the previous cereal I used (Only Organics Baby Rice cereal). So I went and buy another box of the Only Organic one to use to bulk up the HT one. Like so stupid right? Btw, I think the dawson area very nice, i like

bbaug, think Skyla hasn't pooped for 3-4 days already... I get scared just waiting for her next bomb. The last one stank to high heavens! But thankfully it wasn't hard. Phew.

Mummies, when u all say 5tbsp is one serving of cereal, do you really mean TABLESPOON as defined in cooking/baking terms? Or are you referring to those spoons that we eat rice with (which technically speaking is called dessertspoon)? Cos if you're talking about the real big tablespoon, isn't that A LOT of cereal?? Skyla eats no where near that much... Her one feed is only around 5 teaspoons of cereal mixed w 2 cubes of puree or 1/4 avocado (or the equivalent in other types of mash). She eats this twice a day. Am I feeding too little? Oops... The total amount after mixing everything is about half her Nuby baby bowl, so I thought it looked enough, cos can't imagine her stomach being that big now to contain more...
speaking of the definition of tbsp, im using the plastic soup spoon to measure. I give 5 heaped spoons for barley / 4 heaped spoons of brown rice. I feel that the barley is thinner/lesser than brown rice in the same qty. If I only give cereal, 1 serving is nt enuff. My girl cleans up the bowl in 5 mins and wants more! So I usually latch her after cereal feed. Otherwise, its cereal wif veg & fruit then no need milk feed. Tis afternoon, she had 1 oz apple puree and half an avocado wif brown rice cereal.
Hi rosel, still up at crazy hours?
I don't know which tablespoon it's supposed to be... The HT barley cereal is very thin right?? Have not tried the rest. I think my cubes are 1oz only. Doesn't look like 2oz... Ok, the more I describe, the lesser her food sounds! She wipes out her bowl in around 2-3min, but doesn't fuss for more. On 1 or 2 occasions, she turned her head away after only half the cereal, so I take that as a sign as her not wanting anymore and I won't force feed her. Maybe she's not fussing for more because I don't give it to her as a main meal, she gets cereal between 2 latch sessions. I latch her 4x a day now, so she gets cereal after latch no. 2 and no. 4. Then finished off with 7oz bottle for bedtime.
Hello mummies-

after seein the post yr babies feeding table, now i worry i overfeed nesher.

morning at 6am 210ml milk
10am- auntie gave him 2 bowl of porridge & plain water
2pm- 210ml of milk
4pm 210ml of milk
7pm 210ml of milk
8+pm 150ml of fruit juice
his intake daily of plain water is more than 150ml

voguemum- tats not ezcema, don worry.. jus make sure after feeding yr baby solid, wipe the mouth area clean & dry then it will go off... nesher will get it sometimes but if i clean & wipe dry for him, the rashes will go off.
my aunt came visiting me last evening at 6pm!! jus when im abt to leave office!!! faintz!!!!!
toffeecat's girl is 10kg bb, mayb now already 11 so shd b eating more ba.. haha u so lucky aunt cm wn knock off..

wow seem like u feeding alot haha. no wonder bb tend to lose weight aft weaning , nesher doesnt n u still complain want him lose weight, how to lose like that LOL.. ur 2 bowl of porridge is how big bowl?

i notice jayden seems to lose weight haha his diaper getting lose at the weight area but strange the thigh area getting tight got marking look painful..wonder if i shd change diaper size... he been popping pacifier into his mouth these days wn i'm not watching wonder if his gum itch or he just wanna suck..

he still hate tummy time think will tk a long time to start crawl.. like to sit... LOL
createjoy- u saw heinz bottle for the puree it about 1 & 1/2 of the glass bottle for the size of one bowl. i remember feed in demand but he eat non stop
annie: my boy also dun like to sit, loves to jump n stand. nesher has good appetite, yeah. does he sleep thru the nite?

i have similac 2 (400g, exp 06/11) for exchange to Mamil.
Annie, dont' worry la. Just feed according to demand and of cos, just moderate a little when necessary. My boy eats the following:

morning at 7am 210ml milk
1030am- Nanny ffed 1 bowl (6tbsp) of cereal. On weekends, he gets additional puree added by me.
130pm- 210ml of milk
5pm - One bowl of brown rice porridge/cereal with threadfin. Weekend - porridge with veg n threadfin.
730pm - 210ml of milk
1130pm - 180ml of milk

He gets additional snacks on weekends like pumpkin, potato, sweet potato, avocado puree etc. Usually a small serving ard 330pm.
He hates water. At most drink about 80ml a day.
I am not sure if he really need the last feed of milk but if I don't, I think he is drinking too little milk.

I think he weighs close to 10kg now. I will try to weigh him with my scale this sat when he turns 7months.
i use the friso milk scoop which is 4.3g. HT i feed 8 scoop + veg puree (1 chinese tbsp) + the remaining milk. if nestle 5 scoop.

ya lor i hate to feed thin cereal he will drool out. so i also feed qt thick right frm the start frm recently i have been thinking the instruction was 200ml to 5 scoop milk for nestle but i only feed 160ml & out of it i mix 40ml milk then the remaining drk. does that mk him constipate??!!

the worse thing is the nestle brown rice cereal is with milk n i only realised after few feed. bcos brown more heaty i follow instruction, mix 150ml water into btl from there i pour out the amt i wan to mix w/ veg or fruit. sigh i think i read someone posted that it has milk b4 but i forgotten wn i buy. sigh bobian my ntuc here is super small v v limited choices of cereal.
annie, toffeecat: i recover liao. thks for your concern. glad to recover so fast. really dislike putting on a mask. so uncomfortable.

toffeecat: i dun think i will be able to brainwash him. hopefully after staying on our own for some years he will change his mind on moving back.

re: rash around mouth
the rash seems to be getting better already. think the skin has slowly got used to coming contact with food ba. but i'm still practising wiping his mouth with damp cloth after meals & also in between meals. has been trying cetaphil to wash his face recently and also applying california bb calendula cream on the rash. so now i dun really now which is working.

re: breastmilk going dry

i'm actually happy that it is going dry cos i plan to wean him off my breast soon. he has been biting & pulling my nipples... pain lo.. cant imagine when he grow teeth.. also he has got the habit of latching either for soothing/fun. my mom says like opium addict. hahaha! his is breast addict. if he sleeps with me, he nvr feels to wake up in the nite just to latch. will get angry if i try to use a dummy. but if he sleeps with my mil, he can sleep thru the nite w/o waking up.

re: milk intake

my boy milk intake from 150ml drop to 120ml. is it normal? his feeding schedule is now as follows:-

6am: 120ml of milk
9.30am: 120ml of milk
12.30pm: 8 scoops of HT oat/brown rice cereal mixed with milk and also pumpkin/carrot puree
(i didnt follow the instructions on the box. just mix as long as able to dissolve to nice texture) after cereal will give him 1 cube of fruit puree
3.30pm: 120ml of milk
6.30pm: 1 & 1/2 bowl of porridge cooked with spinach, Gnoh fish (duno what its called in english), a pinch of grinded ikan bilis, carrot puree & pumpkin puree. after porridge will give fruit puree.
10.30pm: 120ml of milk
2am: 120ml of milk

how much milk should our bb drink in a day?

re: milk samples
any one know the no. to request for milk sample for mamil gold and nan ha?

re: feeding

how do u feed yr bb? do they sit quietly in their chair for u to feed or feed while they in their walker? do u let them watch cartoon while feeding or use toys to distract them?
MaryG- don be too happy tat day i also happy tat nesher crawl backwards but he go knocked himself on the aircon pipe & fan .. flip & crawl too fast.. also backwards.. y cant he move forwards then can see better
hi mummies, i remember there was a bulk order of california calendula cream? eh...when will the stock arrive?
so sorry i forgot which mummie organize one...paisay.
cos my gal getting some scratches on her face more frequently, so want to use it for her!
i bot bibs and a set of rompers...but hor, i din buy the animal bibs kind... hb say so big, dun wan lah, somemore got a "bin" to catch those 'dropped out' food... den he says quite gross... so i only bot the normal carters ones, but ade says those kind are also waterproof one, got a thin layer of plastic inside the bib...

but sad lor, the red stripe you wanted she say no more stock liao.
i bot bibs and a set of rompers...but hor, i din buy the animal bibs kind... hb say so big, dun wan lah, somemore got a "bin" to catch those 'dropped out' food... den he says quite gross... so i only bot the normal carters ones, but ade says those kind are also waterproof one, got a thin layer of plastic inside the bib...

but sad lor, the red stripe you wanted she say no more stock liao.

wanted to buy more rompers, but hb kept rushing me, say quick lah quick lah... damn he...
can't catch up on all the posts, just wondering
tiny bubu - is sophie sleeping well already?
qi7 - so sorry to hear your news, hope you stay strong.

do you find that the HT brown rice has tiny brown specks?
how do you puree the hard veges like carrot and pumpkin? i'm so slow in introducing new foods, is there any guideline on how fast we must do so?
ahnetsan, createjoy, my gal's 10.5kg and 72cm at 6.5months
PD said i shld only feed her 500ml each day. but i remember seeing on some website that we shld still feed babies 700-900ml a day until they are 9-10mths or is it a year? so a bit hesitant to reduce the milk. some more she is starting to wake up in the middle of the nite, so i

MaryG, for my gal she sits on her high chair. but she gets distracted very fast. likes to swing her hands, or rub her face or put her hands in the mouth. we just try to catch her b4 she does something funny. and make funny faces (exaggerated eating mouth movements) to make her eat. did someone mention that it's better not to let them play during mealtimes? otherwise it'll be a bad habit?

Annie, ur boy takes a lot of water! does he like it? my gal hates it too, like bbjun's dylan. think she only takes 10ml??
annie, I don't think Dylan is as tall as Nesher. He was 67cm at 6mths. Can see he has grown taller since then... but I dunno how much. Not posible to measure him using measuring tape. Squirming all the time.
newmum : thanks for asking.sophie's back to sleeping at 7pm after drinking 4oz.then she wakes up at 6am to drink 4oz,then back to sleep in a few minutes and wakes up for good at 7am each morning.thanks goodness for that.

btw, sophie learnt how to crawl forwards today.hooray.

her dad took the photo and that's my annoying hand shaking the rattle but the shrill voice you hear in the background is our helper.haha.

she's about 7.5mths now so i reckon all the other babies here will be crawling forwards like sophie pretty soon....

arggghhhh,i only have till april before i give birth again.where has the time gone???

i called up julia gabriel the other day to find out if they have a playgroup for babies as i want sophie to start socializing and to spend some one on one time with her before the new baby is born.

they told me they have an eduplay group on every sun and mon @ 9am.10 weeks would set me back by $1100!!!! that's insane!

so we're going to baby breeze on sat afternoon to try out the trial class for positive babies.it's $220 for 8 lessons which is heaps better than julia gabriel.plus i've been put on a waiting list for the trial class at aquaducks suntec...

createjoy, I thought as long as Jayden drinks up the rest of the liquid that is meant for mixing with cereal, should not constipate right? I do like you too, I don't follow the instructions on the packaging, I just use about 30-40ml of milk/water to get the consistency I want. Then try to feed her 50ml of water twice a day. Sometimes she'll completely refuse to drink, and whole day no water intake, that's y she constipate. Other times, I cheat by adding 10ml of juice so that the water has a bit of taste (but not sweet).

MaryG, the ngoh fish is called threadfin
For my girl, no toys or tv when she eats. Just strap her in high chair and take her out when done.

ahnet, I'm opposite, I purposely bought those big bibs! I like the catchment area especially because it catches biscuit crumbs etc well. I don't find them gross hehe, after eating just unbutton and wipe with damp kitchen towel, or run water over and wipe dry. Sometimes if it's quite messy, I run water over and rub some baby dishwashing liquid over it. I prefer wiping bib to cleaning floor!

newmum0109, I don't puree stuff like carrots and pumpkin. I just steam and mash with hand cos I don't want it too smooth.

tinybubu, what's baby breeze about? Coincidentally, I was just wondering about Julia Gabriel charges right before seeing your post!
MaryG - Congrats to your son's 7mth bday!
Wow crawling already .. so fast.

Newmum0109 - hi our 'names' so similar .. hihi
What i did was cut/chopped the carrots and steam them, then put them in the blender.
For Pumpkin, i just sliced them, then steam and put them in blender.
Anyways i think so long not hard for the baby can already.

Tinybubu - so exciting to see your video. I watched it over and over ... waiting for the day my daughter can do the same .. ;)

Our problem now is my daughter's not taking enough milk. She's on solids already, and we only gave her 2 tablespoons of brown rice cereal, and abt 30ml of other foods (eg avocadoes, carrots etc) ...
We'll mix the cereal and other foods with FM (60ml - so abt 30ml to each, sometimes dont need so much). When we offer FM to her after solids, she mostly doesnt really take, or just some.
She has 3 meals of solids, then one last meal with milk - she'll drink like between 50 to 180ml. We are trying to see how we can make her take more.
TubbyM, today is the 2nd day Aug has not pooped after his last poo. Hopefully he poos tmw. So far it has been 1 poop in 2-3 days. The poo that i saw on the 3rd day previously was mushy, smelly and massive. I tried giving him peaches and did all different types of massage to make him poo but doesnt seem to be working. Today i gave prune juice diluted with water so im looking forward to the next poo!!!

Seems like the milk intake for some of the babies here has reached 210ml. My Aug is only taking 120ml but he drinks 2-3 hourly and that is only when he is fed by my mum. I have no idea how much he takes when i latch cos its on demand. For HT rice cereal, I used to give abt 7 tablespoons (the kind that we eat rice with) with 90ml of BM before he got his irregular poo. Seems like a lot compared with what many of the mums are giving=P but Aug can finish it, although he doesnt really like solids that much right from the start. It requires lots of coaxing. Now i only give 5 tablespoons cos i dont want him to be constipated. I think it is stated on the box that 8 tablespoons is the full serving.

Aug is also crawling backwards instead of forward and i was just wondering today that it was really weird haha. So they start to crawl backward before moving forward?
USA Grad Student Research with Singapore Parents - Quick Survey

I am a graduate student at the University of St. Thomas in the United States (Minnesota), currently participating in a study abroad course in Singapore at the National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technical University.

For my doctorate program I am conducting a research study in which I am requesting your assistance. The study is to learn more about couple's relationship as they take on the role of parenthood. Since this website is designed for parents, I thought you and/or someone you knew may be interested in helping me with this project. I am hoping to compare my data from USA parents to Sinagpore parents.

This may or may not apply to you. If you doesn't, please forward this to people you know so it can reach other first-time parents who may want to participate. Thanks for your help!

Do you meet the following criteria? Do you know someone who does?

* Have you had your first (and only) child in the past six months to two years?
* Do you live with the co-parent?
* Is it the first child for both partners?
* Do you want to share information that could help other couples transition into parenthood?

If you answered YES to these questions, and are 18 years of age or older, you are eligible to participate in this parenting research study. This survey is being conducted through an online questionnaire and is estimated to only take 5-10 minutes to complete.

To start the survey, please click the link below or copy and paste it into your Internet browser.

If you have questions about this study, e-mail [email protected] or contact Dr. Kurt Gehlert at the University of St. Thomas Graduate School of Professional Psychology at (651) 962-4656 or the University of St. Thomas Institutional Review Board at (651) 962-5341.

Participation in this survey is completely voluntary. All information will be kept confidential. Thank you for your consideration.

Robyn Maley
sophie's so adorable! like a doll! and i'm inspired to get the playmat

thanks i'll prob steam and mash too. i'm trying to avoid washing blender :p

new mom,
hihi! our names say it all.. we're all new to this ya

no one noticed any brown specks in the HT cereal? now i'm getting worried...
sophie's so cute.. val is also crawling.. and I have the same play mat too!

me! i noticed brown specks sometimes black ones in my HT oatmeal cereal.. thot it's normal..
yes i think the tablespoon definition on the cereal boxes are the huge spoons for baking. the chinese rice spoon i believe is the Teaspoon. and dessert spoon is the small one we use for ice cream. but boxes usu indicate a large serving and ang mo babies may eat more, so we use the chinese metal spoon should be ok

which brings me to my next question. when they say "8 tablespoons", i think it should be 1 meal WITHOUT purees? so if we add puree the cereal should be less. otherwise i think they would be REALLY full.

also, i have also bought "only organics" and 3 spoons can make a big bowl, whereas HT you need about 6 spoons to make the same amt. am i correct to say that we only need feed 3 spoons for only organics and probably 8 spoons for HT for 1 meal????

the question abt "cubes". its refers to normal ice cube trays. so 1 cube should be 1 oz.

is noah back in action?? hope he takes to the food quickly and without much fuss. update us!

haha the video is too cute! now i wana get the mat too!
wow so cute! gosh dont know wn jayden will start crawl.. it took him almost 6mth 3wk to flip ard.. think this boy gonna tk his own sweet time to learn!

haha happy crawling to all the new crawlers!! mami watch out!

i read min they must maintain 500ml milk intake, jayden total milk intk is 710ml now w/ 1 cereal 1 porridge solid. think i will inc to 2 porridge drop another milk aft 9 mth.

yday i brg jayden out, duno is it while i left him 2 metre away in stoller at popular, duno wat he touched , he cut his finger! i got a fright hw come got red dye then realise is blood! not much lah bt he stain his pacifier, romper n stroller pad here n there abit. so heartpain lucky he wasnt crying.. *faintz* this little boy duno wat is pain..

how you prepare the water with milk? will the ants come? your boy refuse to drink too? haha so many questions

wanted to try milk bath for jack this morning but the moment i open the milk bags, i finally understand why my boy decides to reject FBM, afraid ants will come and find him, i decide to do a foot spa and facial wash.. now i think i smell like expired milk
