(2009/06) June 2009 MTBs

maybe too much pumpkin?? in terms of the variety of food, u may want to stick to the same thing for 3 days 3 meals before going on to the next? can also mix 2 types of puree together. for eg broccoli mixed with sweet potato to make it more palatable for little taste buds??

u may not want to stop for too long as i read that once they hit 3 mths, the iron stored in them will start to deplete and need to get from solids. also its the best time to intro a variety of food to minimise the possibility of them becoming fussy eaters later on.

i think the famous one is her first book:secrets of the baby whisperer.

i have read the book but personally prefer gina ford's. contented little baby handbook.

anyone read the book, "Feed Your Child Right"? my friend told me it's written for asian parents and supposed to b good...
jamie- they worked as bouncer so always mixed wif fierce ppl.. for adult we can endure but for a baby it not a healthy environment & when they fight, yr door be banged so must stay away
Jamie- 2 gals staying down ther be unsafe unless it is a couple. ther got a lifting weight machine in the living room for the men to train. my hubby used to carry wt but now he said no time to train all fats..kekekekeke so might lose out to them
annie, oic.. yea i gt ur email too.. hmm actually my sil n the gf both nightlife too. seen many of these types and used to it as well.. haha! bt still, i tink my hb will KILL me if i gif them this kind of lobang! lol!!
Jamie- kekekekeke so can join them lah
as they sleep in the daytime so no fighting hahahahaha
just tried giving donut peach to jayden, wow he love it man, cry for more.. started giving him gerber puff but he still dont know how to tk
wow biang annie hdb just got new bto cck already 300+ application wn 188 flat , 1st day sme more.. i dont think i will b able to get new hse in the next 5 yrs.. envy ur flat coming soon already just w/ it for the time being
createjoy- u can try apply for it ..don wait anymore as the prices keep going up...

i thinking if get my new flat then rent out two room earn income so don have to work
createjoy- i even worry if the house so expensive i was thinking get a house using my name & nesher name to get a flat in future or else wait he got a hard time paying the loan. then hubby name be stated jus him alone.
createjoy- las time i also apply for punggol another area & when i saw got another place i tot can apply but they don allow it which i complain wat if the other side balloting i don get it they said then wait for another one.. dame stupid meh as in fact i been applying frm 2005-2007 wif my ex but didnt get it & my hubby also take 3 or 4 times then get it
createjoy- i mean in future.. so wait till we got our punggol then stay for 5 yrs then sell & apply new flat our las 2nd time then get the profit buy a condo for nesher loh if cannot hahahhahaa
packing up going to pick nesher hopefully today the other tenants didnt lock the main door as yesterday waited half an hour outside & auntie call & scold the man upside down
hey annie, my ger is a big one too. the last we weighed her, she was 8.3kg, >90th percentile. carrying her is really v tiring. even hubby oso complain armache. wats more, shes still wakin up for 2 nite feeds.
Papaya - yeah I hv the first one mentioned... i think the 2nd one is probably if your baby has sleep issues?

Hmm actually I have the one FirstM mentioned too... but haven't got down to reading..wahhahahha

FirstMum- yeah I kn tt 6mth bf baby has need for iron so need to take solids.. that's why I am now supplementing him with at least 1 FM feed in the day and also for his last feed. Hope it will tide through until he is back on solids?
Jamie - hahaha at least Hailey is ok with Jar Food... hmmm...

Noah has not got to the stage of keeping food in his mouth and not swallowing yet... I was afraid of that so stopped giving solids for the moment... will prob reintro at the end of the week ba... hope whatever put him off will be erased from his memory...
rosel, aug still wakes up for 2 nite feeds as well. I think he has gotten so used to latching at nite that it will be prob be difficult for him to sleep thru.

Now Aug has two bottom teeth growing so sometimes he bites... can be rather painful. Any mum experiencing that when you latch? what do you do?
hi mummies,
have not logged in for some time and really can't catch up with the posts.

bbaug, if bb didn't poo for 1-2 days, it's still normal. It happen ocassionally to Dylan but he will always start pooing again normally after that.

sweethalo, dylan did get to the stage where he cried like nobody business when trying out solids. It just happened suddenly for no reason cos he has always like his food. But he passed the stage within a week or two. I didn't stop solids for him then. I just give him lesser and do things to distract him and encourage him to eat. If I rem correctly, it usually took me about 5-10mins to get pass that stage of crying before he starts lapping up the food again... which by then the food had turn a bit cold. Sigh. Some stupid things I did including applauding when he took a tiny mouth.. even when he was whimpering and crying, carried him to the sink and wash his hands (which had become dirty becos he was swiping at the spoon and THIS IS SUPER EFFECTIVE for him. Seems like the water from the tap erase the memory of the non-stop crying), pretending to eat his food, change a different env like moving his high chair near the window etc. He had since stopped that crying for like 2-3 weeks now. In fact, he loves his food n will patter along in his walker when he sees me taking the munckin food grinder to prepare some snacks for him and the cries are now for NOT ENUF FOOD! He nows takes sufficient amt to last him 3-4 hrs so I never give him any milk after solids at all. It's usually his milk cravings that lead him to crying.. not hunger. Hope Noah gets past that stage soon!
hi all, just a small side track, any idea if iphone can support dual sim card??

bbaugustine, i smack his backside and say no! sternly and raise my finger at him.. he gets the idea quickly..
amk_gal: hey, his backside so protected w diaper, can feel the pain meh?

Mine no teeth yet, but sometimes will play by biting and pulling when he latch... but luckily it's not that painful yet... haha, looks like pulling rubber like that. But yeah, now I start to tell him firmly no and say no more milk for you. Just hope he got the message.
bbjun- hihi Thanks! for sharing your experience with Dylan. yeah, it's really all of a sudden Noah just hated his solids... I was so disappointed... hmm maybe I will try again tmr with a few teaspoons of cereal and see how it goes.

At one pt, I was giving Noah 5tbsp of cereal mixed with BM. I didnt bottle him after that feed. Only latched him when he was next hungry... which he never seemed quite hungry... so that's why i was worried abt milk intake. Maybe it's really cos I started to btl him milk for the feed 3hrs before his solids feed.
sweethalo, dun tink u shld b too worried abt milk intake cos u mix cereal wif BM so Noah is takin in milk afterall.

bbaug, agree tt its prob a habit. i wanna stop givin nite feeds leh but my ger will juz cry n cry if i dun latch. my ger hasn't teethed yet but the pearlies r oredi pretty obvious & gums r swollen. in fact, shes been v cranky for the past few weeks, waking up almost hourly @ nite. i guess it cld b due to teething discomfort. i tried dentinox but the effect is nt lasting hence it doesnt help much. she bites me too but i will withdraw and tell her sternly nt to do it again. if she repeats, i will stop the feedin. tis kinda wrks for me for i'm gettin lesser bites.

juz to share wif mummies whose babies arent really interested in solids. for my ger, even b4 she started solids, she would watch us eat. when she was ard 5 mths, she would drool (literally!) when we eat. when we intro solids (finally!) when she turned 6 mths, she took to it like bees to honey. her appetite has been good n i've been tryin out different food. so far, except for nestle cereal, she has been receptive towards everything i give her incl HT cereals, plain porridge, sweet potato, carrot, apple, pear, banana, avocado, spinach. she din take apple & pear well @ first. i tink its cos they were stronger tasting, compared to the other food. so mummies, try to arouse yr baby's interest in solids first. u cld hv them sit n watch u eat n educate them as u eat. HTH.
rosel- i tot gals be smaller size..:p nesher stopped nite feeding since he was 4mth+. but he is a big eater in the daytime & nanny said he grow taller & darker now.
hopefully tis fri KKH he wont be overwt..kekekekekeke
just weighed my girl... she's 8.3kg now!
stopped night feeding when she was 2 mths old... but now shes waking up about 1 to 2 times every night. i think it was after i introduced cereal to her. maybe milk is not too filling for her now.

time to wean her off her night feed again, before i get so exhausted!
papaya - share share hw u wean leh.

annie - by rite gers shld b smaller size but mine is nt leh. im quite big sized too. maybe she takes after me. :p one way to weigh yr boy @ hm is (but need a digital weighing scale la): u weigh yrself first, then weigh carrying yr boy. the difference is his wt lor.
rosel- hubby & i r not the big sizes type but nesher is tall so balance his weight but he getting heavier.... & he cant sit still like to jump.. thks to his jumperoo really train up his leg muscles
u hv a newcomer to tis thread --> me.

i had difficulty catching up wif the posts then cos they were simply moving too fast!
anyone still wants HT stuff? Jamie_nov is ordering and i will be going to her place on 21st Jan to collect.I can help to collect if any mummies wants to order.
Happy New Year! been sick the past 2 weeks. a bit upset to throw away 2 days of milk cos i took medication for fever, inflamation and running nose, even though the med is safe for breastfeeding. and more than sad not to be able to carry rouxuan for that 2 days and hear her crying and crying. sucks to be sick...

MaryG, empathise with u. hope u get well soon. and that we can be neighbours by 3rd quarter :p can try to psycho hb not to move back after 5 years?

sweethalo, sometimes rouxuan will also start crying and spitting out the cereals that she usually likes. then we'll open our mouths wide and say "UM" and she'll start laughing and still cry at the same time. and when her mouth is open, we'll put the spoon into her mouth. not sure whether this is a good way or not but she finishes her food.

still haven't really fix the meal schedule for her cos i worry abt giving too little milk. current schedule:
7am milk 150ml
10am milk 150ml
1pm cereals 4 tablespoons with 40ml milk
2.30pm milk 150ml
5.30pm milk 150ml
8pm cereals 4 tablespoons with 40ml milk
or 2 tablespoon puree
9pm milk 150ml
also half the time wakes up in the middle of the nite for 2 feeds.

is the serving for HT cereals 6-7 tablespoons? i tot i remember it's 4? cos i threw away the box. then we r feeding her way too little. better increase!!

previously i made sure that she is well fed before she goes to bed. ie, even though she had her milk at 7.30, and bedtime is 9pm, i will still make sure she has her milk at 9pm before going to bed. for a number of months, she managed to sleep through.

however lately, even though she is well fed before bedtime, she still wakes up at night! i am planning to reduce the amount of milk i give her, as some mummies have suggested.

hope it'll work =)
wah the milk intake where got little sia? 750ml of milk le leh... like this still little? u stil got give puree and cereals leh... ur whole day intake is my boy's 2 day intake lor. wahahaha
jling, i'm interested in the HT cereal. whr to collect fr u? i'm stayin in the north..

toffeecat, 5 tbsps of HT brown rice / barley cereal = 1 serving

papaya, y reduce milk intake leh? shldnt it b increase to curb her hunger for nite feeds??
Any mummies know how the cause or cure of ezcema? My gal has red rashes around mouth area after ceral.. hope its not food allergy..


vogue mommy, r the rashes only ard mouth area? it cld be tt the mouth area was nt properly cleaned. shld use a wet cloth/water to wipe mouth after cereal. if u dun feel safe abt it, then bring her to a doc.
