(2009/06) June 2009 MTBs


Feeding Time

We feed baby on highchair and place highchair next to dinning table. We also show her we are 'eating' as well. Like we'll prepare some snacks for ourselves and take a bite to show her that she is not the only person eating! So she wont feel pressurised. And plus, next time when she grows up, she should sit with us and eat together.

Sometimes she gets bored or fidgitty and we'll sing to her or talk to her. She likes the 'plastic' sound, so when all else fail, we'll use that to distract her but we try not to do it too often.

We'll give a slightly tight and hard squeeze on her hand if/when she does not put her hands by the side of the highchair, and at the same time when we squeeze the hand, we'll tell her to put her hand by the side. Something like that. Needs a lot of patience to do it ...

If we are outside, and no highchair, we feed her in our arms. But as far as possible we feed on highchair so that she can make the association.

new mom, i stay at jw, near boon lay sec side. collection pt wither my plc or jur pt. all dinner jars nt available till 22nd jan! =)
i'm quite free too.. haha i'm still working from home so sometimes i like to rush all the work within 1, 2 days then leave half a day free for myself then chiong again..but sometimes have to work till 10pm plus...give and take

any upcoming gathering?

Jack has outgrown his mini swimming pool at home.. decide to bring him to normal swimming pool already..any recommendation for baby swimwear and float? Do i need to let him wear the diapers meant for swimming?

Regarding the jar food, i don't think rosel and i ordered any dinner jars so i just collect ours from you on 21st jan?
jiling- i also waiting for babies gathering since i be free on weekends

brought nesher twice at jurong safra pool & be bringing him tis comin weekend

i did post a pic & if u wan to get the float nesher is using, can help u buy it as i working in IMM
Ok thanks Jamie. I can go collect from u. I would like to order. Thanks so much.

Barley Cereal X 2
Oatmeal Cereal X 2
Mixed Grain Cereal X 2
Brown Rice Cereal X 2

deer deer,
my Marilyn has little hair since birth, just like his elder brother when he was a baby, but it grows longer and faster somehow when he reaches 1 year old+... so we are not so worried. you may try olive oil if u wanna your baby's hair to grow nicer.

Finally, Marilyn has started on solids for 3 weeks, and she loves her organic rice cereal which I got from Great World City. And using the Philips steamer/blender (I just adore this machine..hahaha), we have tried potato puree, carrots, pumpkin, brocoli puree.. she luves the texture and taste so far... enjoying each meal and it tickles us whenever she opens her mouth wide and big and said "ahhhhhh"....LOL

btw, not sure if she understood or just by coincidence, but Marilyn started to say "ma-ma-ma" and "ba-ba-ba-ba" over the last weekend...it was thrilling to hear those repeated phrases ....and when it is meal-time, it is now replaced by "mum-mum-mum-mum"... LOL
i also want to join for the next gathering... have never attended any so far...

my baby also has v little hair, partly also cos we shaved her hair when she was 1 month old, now she still looks botak... and still mistaken for a boy...

bbmarilyn, so exciting!! your bb has started calling you mama and baba... can't wait for mine to call me!!tks for the info on pumpkin...

can i check, when we intro new food, always apply the 3 days rule, rite? does it mean feed baby same food for 3 days or feed bb on day 1, then only intro new food on the 4th day? i've been giving my baby punpkin puree for 3 consecutive days liao...
maryg, ok! by tmr noon latest ok! i wanna catch the sales lady before end of work day tmr! =)

bbmarilyn: wow.. so envious tt feeding solids has been so ez for u!! hahah!! btw, olive oil for nice hair, hw to add in? they can tk olive oil nw??
yes, give same food for 3 days, then intro new food on the 4th day.. this is mostly to check for any allergic reactions.

olive oil was applied sparingly on the hair, not everyday though... for my elder son, we used to apply organic olive oil when he was 1 year old and did see some results. As for Marilyn, most likely, we will have to apply soon as she has very little hair, and if not she was wearing dress or in pink outfits, pple will mistake her for a boy...LOL!!

SOlids intro,
Jamie, don't be disheartened.. it was 2nd and 3rd try for us before she likes potato puree and carrot puree... As for brocoli puree, she instantly accepts on the 1st try. U wanna try and catch a good timing when she's more receptive and in cheery mood to intro the food again... don't worry, it is a matter of time before she is ready for new food. JIA YOU!!

When Marilyn didn't accept and take the potato puree for the 1st time, I literally ate the puree in front of her...hahahaa... and make lots of "YUMMY yum yum" sound, and enjoying the food. She saw and giggled.

The 2nd time, when I tried giving her potato puree again, she took a few spoonful, this time it is an improvement, but she stopped after the 5th spoonful.. I didn't force-feed her and just laugh it off, infront of her. And she also giggled 2gether with me..

And on the 3rd day, she was taking the whole bowl of potato puree...hehheheee...so far, i tried intro a new food in the morning only. The afternoon meal is the rice cereal.
thanks but i have a neck float, i'm looking toward those that is at the chest level or waist level... is there any?
ok lor i start the ball rolling if u all dont mind. hoho sorry annie i pick wkday :p less crowd n hb not in.

choice 1 IMM/jur pt - swenson lunch 11-2pm 1 for 1
choice 2 bugis illuma - manhattan fish market 30% off (abit like fish & co) 11-6 can go walk walk after that. more shopping.

date 26 jan tuesday.
createjoy, i'm keen to join too! hope i'm welcomed. i'm a SAHM stayin in AMK. both venues r kinda far for me but i really wanna go....
glad you mentioned bumbo seat. i was thinking of getting one but not sure how useful. How long do you sit baby in it each time? Is it useful for feeding? Does the baby feel constrained in it? I think they can't move their legs much unlike bouncer.

the Philips blender/steamer is it the Avent one?
yeah, it is the Avent one, bought at Orchard Isetan sale recently.. my hubby was working in Philips but has been out-of-stock for quite sometime, and i didn't want to wait.

It is handy and easy to clean too.
<font color="3D6EB3"><font color="2B4D7D">@newmum0109</font>
i'm oso using bumbo chair. baby sits in it throughout her feeding session appx 15 mins? i dun tink my ger is uncomfortable in it, only frustrated tat she cant move. she first sat in in the bumbo chair when she was able to hold her head steady (ard 3+mths old?). the limiting factor is the size of the thighs. suggest u bring baby along when u buy so tt u can try out (size). naturally they will nt wan to stay in it but u gotta keep tryin n they'll gradually get used to it. my ger watches tv (for short periods) while sitting in it too. juz to share, when they can walk, the bumbo chair will nt b able to hold em in cos they can climb out of it.</font>
thanks rosel,
my baby still can fit in the bumbo with some space (maybe she's small). maybe can only use till 9mths? she looked shocked when we put her in it to try. didn't try to move but guess when she does, she'll be frustrated.
your feeding session is 15 mins only? mine is at least half hour.
jiling- oic.. did saw for the arms &amp; lifejacket for babies at KKH mall .. other than tat don have:p

createjoy- aiyah y weekday:-( kekekekeke then i wait for gathering on weekends LOL

newmum0109/rosel- so nice yr babies can fit in the bumbo ..mine having meaty legs so very tight for him LOL put him in to try &amp; very hard to pull him out kekekekekeke
thanks, will keep a look out

unless some mummies don't mind meeting in yishun, northpoint shopping centre, have both swensens and Manhattan fish market restaurants. There also have baby spa outlet, can bring your baby for swimming.. can also shop abit after lunch...keke
rosel, createjoy, my PD seemed to be saying 500ml is enough, no need for more. think regardless of weight. but i guess we should just follow our baby's needs
i think it'll keep to at least 700ml a day. during the checkup the PD just checks for diaper rash, taps her stomach and makes some ticks on the healthbook. and ask us if we have any concerns. for some, like redness on her neck, he'll just precribe some cream. others, he'll say it's normal. like her shaking her head or nodding her head really vigorously, really worried that she'll bang the wall or the railing. and her breathing being very loud sometimes.

Annie, think my gal takes after her dad cos he's quite tall and has chunky thighs too :p but really hope that her thigh will slim down later. my gal is still refusing water. we tried to give dilute pear juice and give it to her, she only took it the first time. and rejected the subsequent times. really dunno how to make her take the water.

MaryG, haha it's very tiring to carry her. so i try to just carry her for a while and then sit down with her. can feel the strain on the back. so more, she really likes to be carried. now we try to distract her with toys so we don't have to carry her. i also saw my mil giving her a toy while we were preparing to feed her. i just took it away and told her it'll become a bad habit. but not sure whether she does it during the daytime. guess next time when they eat with us, we can still train them no playing while eating. btw, any idea when should we let them eat by themselves?

tinybubu, sophie is very cute! approaching ur third trimester already? have more rest
toffeecat- babysitter once mention some babies refuse water.. they add abit of can drink mix wif water then slowly diluted it till the baby drink. mine started taking water in one go again
las week he seem to reject water but slowly we give him water while he was watching tv or playing his toys.
i know it a bad habits to eat while watching TV but that the only things tat can distract him &amp; we only let him watch DVD sesame streets for beginners(educational programme).
bbmarilyn - Re solids feeding, You are one very very patient mummy!

I LOVE my philips blender too!
But just the other day on Sunday, we had to be out whole day, so we tried to mash bananas with a fork (First Time). And we were glad baby was receptive ... cos i use the blender for EVERYTHING! I think one of the mommies (tubbymummy?)did mention she does not want her baby to be too used to everythign too smooth .. i see the point now ..

Jamie - how much and how do i pay you?

Annie – re ear tag removal, i think it’s good that you wait till Nesher is older better .. and safer..
You seem to be bringing him to the pool every now and again .. you training him to become the country’s youngest national swimmer? Hhahah ..

Tinybubu – Congrats again! Wow that’s good! Now you have one of each gender!
Newmom- LOL no lah but swimming is my hobby &amp; it not so costly then going shopping

will put him in swimmming lesson when he is 3 yrs old so he got bronze, silver &amp; gold cert like me

then he &amp; i can learn diving together... long time i go diving
<font color="3D6EB3"><font color="2B4D7D">@newmum0109</font>
the duration of the feeding session is really dependent on wat she eats. If its HT cereal + 1 oz fruit puree, 15 mins is more than enuff. if i feed her porridge, she'll take ard half an hr. i tink prob cos the latter is more textured so more time needed to chew?.

<font color="2B4D7D">@annie</font>
talk abt meaty legs! when i lift my ger up fr bumbo chair, sometimes the seat comes up together wif her too. haha!

<font color="2B4D7D">@jling</font>
northpoint sounds gd! nt forgettin there's kiddy palace there too, though nt v big la.

<font color="2B4D7D">@toffeecat</font>
wat do u use to feed water - sippy cup, bottle or? suggest u may wanna try spoon feeding. it wrks for my ger. i tink when drank in small quantity, it (the taste of unfamiliar plain water) wasnt too overwhelming for them. once they r used then switch to other feeding devices. juz a suggestion.</font>
tv during eating
ya agree it's a bad habit. my hb tk 1hr to finish his dinner wn he watch tv, he says it's enjoyment, eat slowly digest...crap...

but i guess haha soon jayden will do that cos every wkend his cousin does that, daddy every do that only i seldom. at the moment itry to feed him w/ no toy n tov till he impatient then i will tk a toy w/ music , it really work like miracle. he will stop his wailing n listen to the music try to reach for the toy haha
when is the gathering at northpoint? i stay in sembawang, may b able to join... if it's weekday, i can join on 25th jan, other days cannot liao...
Hi mummies anyone interested to join us for a picnic this cuming sat, pls add on


Meeting point: ECO gardens

Since its gg to b potluck, we nid to indicate wad we are bringing....

1. Lovelytulip + bb Dwayne + HB
2. kikismom+ bb kaley + kieren
3. blurmom + bb Daylon
4. fifi&amp;cash + bb Kirsten + HB + Helper(TBC)
rosel- tats y god wan me to save money don buy bumbo chair for him
tat day i went jur pt &amp; ther got this mickey mouse shop &amp; selling a pooh bear seat which can be carry &amp; fold like a pinic chair. i put nesher on it &amp; he sit so comfortable in it then the salesgal carry him ard the shop &amp; said my son dame daring not afraid of stranger &amp; he like pulling ppl hair LOL


Meeting point: ECO gardens

Since its gg to b potluck, we nid to indicate wad we are bringing....

1. Lovelytulip + bb Dwayne + HB
2. kikismom+ bb kaley + kieren
3. blurmom + bb Daylon
4. fifi&amp;cash + bb Kirsten + HB + Helper(TBC)
5. Annie + bb Nesher Matthias Oh + HB (hubby will let me know tonite going or not)

by the way where is ECO gardens?
I got the philips avent blender/steamer for S$159, there was a 20% off.

Feeding time
It took ard 20 mins for Marilyn to finish abt 4 tablespoon of her puree. So far, I have not mixed the puree with her organic cereal yet. Just introducing one new food at a time. She will take her cereal in the afternoon. Sometimes, after her puree, an hour or so, she may cry for her milk.

I am staying in Bishan, don't mind gatherings in the north too...LOL.

Gathering in botanical gardens,
Kikismom- Got to bring my elder son for his takwaendo lessons, so got to give the gathering a miss.
takwaendo? cool @ where? thinking to let my son learn too..btw how old is ur son?

It's near the children jacob gardens..I will post the map later..
gathering - eco garden
think i cannot join, got to work

paging for createjoy
haha so the gathering is at where? northpoint? bugis? or jur point? 25th or 26th?
Createjoy: the jan 26 gathering still on?

Bbmarilyn, u are really patient!! Hailey is usually ok with solids. Recently she start to reject n fuss furing feeding time and I realised it's cuz she's teething..

Maryg, do email me ur orders quick! Thx!

New mom, later I on lap top I email u the $ to tfr me. I'm using my phone nw la.. =)
It is at Turf City, and the school is J.H. Kim Takwaendo.. they have branches in Bugis, Katong too. Marcus is now 8 years old, he joined this sport when he was 4 years old and now he is preparing for his Black belt.. going for grading soon, so have to go for additional lessons as the techniques are now more complex, including sparring. He enjoys it so far, especially sparring...the only time for him to be "rough play".. LOL!
Picnic sounds fun but i can't go cos it is my elder gal birthday party so will b busy on that day and can't run both places on same day.

any other dates for the gathering? i cant take leave on 26th jan cos on course from 25th to 28th jan... other dates i m ok! got 8 days of leave to clear by mar!!
kikismom- thks looking forwards to see so many june babies

createjoy- u went missing ah LOL everybody waiting for yr gathering kekekekee
oh i see, that explains why Hailey is fussing and rejecting her solids.. hang on there! it will pass..At the moment, guess u have to accomodate and feed whatever she prefers...

my elder son was more fussy when he was a toddler and that trains up my patience ...LOL! HE IS STILL VERY FUSSY WITH FOOD though!! arrgggg!!
need to collect my baby's passport this sat morning, let me check with hubby whether can we make it or not... how long will u guys b there?
Annie, what kind of can drink do u use? We tot that she will like fruit juice cos it's sweet but seems like it doesn't work. maybe the juice turn sour after opening. so good that nesher likes his water.

rosel, we initially fed her with spoon. but she will spit out after 2-3 spoons. and she will continue to make the "ppppttt" with her tongue sticking out and spit all over the place! then we tried using the avent via cup but she took that as a teether and bite it on the side of her mouth. then we tried feeding using the bottle but she only drink less than 10ml. now she only poos once every 2 days. guess i'll go find something sweeter to dilute.

map of botanical gardens. Not sure where is eco gardens. the jacob gardens is on the right side of the map.
toffeecat- i didnt use can drink as nesher start drinking plain water since very very very baby time Kekekekekeke.. babysitter mention they use those can of barley/ winter melon tea etc drink mix wif plain water to feed the baby. As for my son as long can eat or drink he take it very fast.
<font color="0000ff">Hi Jamie,

Can add my order? not in time then nevermind hehe

Barley Cereal X 2
Oatmeal Cereal X 1
Mixed Grain Cereal X 1
Brown Rice Cereal X 1

<font color="0000ff">oops sorry should be

Hi Jamie,

Can add my order? not in time then nevermind hehe

Barley Cereal X 1
Oatmeal Cereal X 1
Mixed Grain Cereal X 1
Brown Rice Cereal X 1

