(2009/06) June 2009 MTBs

stylish & raudha: Yesterday, she did the same thing except this time, she didn't cry a lot, just her usual fussing. She was also having a tough time burping plus she wanted to feed every two to one hour - like how it was in the evenings/nights in France. I suspect she could be suffering from jetlag since early mornings here is at night/evening in France.

I was okay with the whole thing but my HB...he was ultra annoyed and even wanted to leave Eva in the crib to cry it out - which I think is awful at this stage of her life. Instead of him helping me to tend to her every two hours - taking shifts - I ended up doing four hours on my end. Got so pissed at him and all.

Hey, anyone saw any bargains on crib mobiles and mobile gyms? Am planning to get one for Eva but am not too sure if it'd be good for her at this age or if I should wait.

Hi dolly,

thanks! Appreciate you remembering to help me check the FP gym. Raining now, wanted to go over to Taka to get it this morning, but it's raining. Sigh!
Jarius' appetite also decreased these few days leh... dunno why too, these few days he suckle for less than 5mins nia...worse thing is since friday, he's been refusing bottle feeds!!!

also dunno why like dat leh... will ask PD on monday when i bring Jarius for his pneummoccocal jab... maybe take the rotavirus too!

btw, hw u all knw if bb has oral thrush? gylcerin is the green small bottle one is it? bot from those medicated shops one right?

hello mei, Eva is such a sweet name! heehee...
LFB: No prob, I was at level 3 cos the baby fair too crowded! I planned to go again next week too, when I put my boy w the nanny. Can buy more stuff and then send for delivery
Some of the basic stuff like the washing detergent ($6.9) is cheaper than NTUC by $2!

TubbyMummy: Ziplock freezer bag is having sale @NTUC (went to the hougang branch), the small one is $2.7 (fr $3.05) and the big one is $3.6 (was $4.09) time to stock up! Just gotten a few boxes to use w the mumsfairy milk tray.
Can't believe I missed some messages. :p

Sweethalo: I was in Neuchatel for the past 1.5 years.

Ahnestan: Thanks thanks - it was HB's choice.
oral thrush are white spots on the tongue, inner cheeks and inner lips. My boi got it last week. I got glycerine from medical hall. After some application, they are still some left. If by this week still there, will bring to PD and check.

I went Taka fair just now. Wanted to get the FP rainforest gym but the price is $139.90. Eventually, I got another one. Cos I afriad my boi may grow tired. Hee hee. Not crowded this afternoon, must be the rain.
Hey mummies... have not been logging in the forum for very long leh.. have missed out so much info.

Mummies pls add me in too! Name: shannon tay Email: [email protected]

Fifi, believe u have uploaded the gathering at compass pt, add me so i can tag over.
hey dolly! managed to get rotavirus vaccine for my boy at 91.50! some promotion from healthway medical with ocbc baby bonus card holders. =) he looked like the vaccine taste yummy. haha

anyway ladies, any idea how milk collected in breast shell may be stored? can pour new collected milk into ebm stored in fridge (not frozen)?
LFB: Oh you mean the rainforest one! I saw that too! But didn't check the price. :p

TubbyMummy: Yeah! Time to stock up! Notice from the mumsfairy tray cover, it's written "Do not store more than 2 weeks worth of breast milk in one bag." Think we can put more milk stick and mix them up. Then can save some more bags!

Also thinking if there's lock&lock for freezer then maybe instead of putting it in zip lock, can put in lock&lock box. Or put in small zip lock first, then store them in bigger lock&lock box.
amk_gal: Good for you! My PD was recommended by my gynae, and also used by my cousin, so not planning to change leh... Wonder if they have some promo there also
the glycerine, you can try the 3 rifle brand one. it be used for prevention of thrush or for mouth cleansing.

LFB, hehe.. think most likely your PD will prescribe daktarin oral gel for the oral thrush. my Kris got it and he was given this. this gel was actually available off the shelf at pharmacy, but the usage instruction mentioned only for 6 mths old & above bbs to use.....

Mei, guys always tot crying bbs are to be left alone to cry out loud... never mind, we gals are better and therefore we are called MOTHERS! hehe
so is it safe for baby to use Daktarin oral gel? My boi is only 9 weeks plus. Can use?

anyone of your bb is eating lesser than usual? My boi so far only took 470ml from 8am till now, and his last feed was 3pm, 110ml! Just woke up for milk but I wonder how much he can drink now. Previously he took alot and I was worried. Now he took lesser and I am worried! Sigh!

Anyone starting or started work already? I know I shouldn't say this but I am dying to get back to work! Anyone like me? I am totally bored at home!
artist & raudha: Yeahla, I keep telling him that she just wants someone to hold and comfort her coz it's like a form of frustration. Aii...wanna cekik my HB sometimes!

LFB: I'm dying to run my shop again (or at least get active again instead of stay at home and jaga baby 100% of the time)...except that my shop stock is on its way by boat. :p

Mummies: Do you wait till baby is older to get toys like those play gyms or do you get them now?
not sure u want to try or not. my boi took it at abt 9 weeks too. getting PD check will be better. else can u give your pd a call n check?

re work
going to start work in 2nd week of sep... very fast. now feeling confused cuz cant laze at hm liao n gotta send my elder son to childcare... but stay at home facing mil long hrs is very sien. haha

mei, wat u selling in ur shop?

i only got my bb a FP swing... then toys slowly buy...
thanks. Will monitor!

I have never not work for so long! It's torturing me. I think I am too much a workaholic! I can only start work second week of Oct. Still a long way to go! My only consolation is I get to go work here and there in Sept.
Artist: Handdyed yarns and fibres for spinning. Me am a knitting, spinning and crocheting freak. :p

Ah...so far, I just got a bouncer for Eva. Am planning on a crib mobile. Was thinking I put a hold on the toys first coz maybe people will give and etc. :/
Hihi Mommies, need your advices..
My girl is behaving abnormally these days... getting tired easily..(crying and fussy coz wants to sleep)almost every other hour and drinks only 60ml each time..used to drink at least 100ml...any idea if this is the so-called Growth spurts? Currently i am trying to feed 130ml at least for each feed. No matter how many ml, I only managed to squeeze in 6 feeds in 24hour..issit too litte?
mei... oh.... tat is something i dunno how to do... hehe...

vogue mommy... a lot bbs behaving like this if you were to read earlier postings... my son also like that earlier. he would fuzz and cry whenever i wan to bottle feed him. at times he rather sleep and would hibernate for 6 hrs. ended up i have to lure him to take milk or try different positioning such as standing up and rock to give him milk. he is also on and off like this now... very perturbed
mommies...i hev sth 2 ask all of u...hev u gotten bek ur pre pregnancy weight?my boy is 12weeks old. my face, arms n legs hev gone down..but my tummy is still quite big...veri sad.stress man!
artist: Didn't look at the bottle cleanser at the baby fair. You mean the brush? There's a section selling Pigeon accessories, thinking of buying the hair scissors + comb set and the nail scissors

LFB: I'm starting mid of next month. Now starting to prepare myself liao. Thot you taking a year off? Or is it alternative work arrangement?

Mei: My boy already started w the play gym, he will look at it, and sometimes touches it, dunno intentionally or not lah. Most of the toys are hand me down or gifts

Raudha: After the initial drop in the first 2 weeks, my weight only drop 1 kg for the past 2 months! Still got many kg to lose!
pigeon cleanser is 2 for $18 if i remember correctly. i know i didn't buy coz the price not much diff from kiddy palace.

u shd get toys to simulate ur baby's sight,hearing n touch. simple ones will do.
artist: Yeah, thinking of getting the mobile coz I noticed that she has started playing a little with the toys that came with the bouncer - nothing unusual, just staring and trying to grab it.

Raudha: The last I checked, I was 3 kg away from my pre-pregnancy weight (that was a week ago) but because I had to go through an emergency c-sec, I can't exactly work on my tummy, so still quite "flabby" there.

styliciously: *nods* Was thinking of doing my own flash cards and mobile initially. See how it goes dulu.

Ladies: Tell you - this morning, got so geram with my HB. Told him many times already not to put Eva down right after a feed even though she has burped because she sometimes will end up spitting lots of milk, especially in the mornings when she's all active and awake. He pulak go and do just that coz he wanted to go to the toilet instead of giving her to me.

She ended up jostling and doing her usual kungfu thing in the crib so much so that when I picked her up, she proceeded to spit all over me. =.=

So geram because 1) never listen to me, 2) ingat can just dump her and do whatever he likes whenever he likes (as if it's that easy for me to go to the toilet in the mornings)...

Dunno what's wrong with men sometimes. Grrrrr.
Mei: Sometimes I had the urge to go toilet halfway thru breastfeeding. Now I learnt to go toilet first before breastfeed
Maybe your hubby already learnt to go toilet before carrying her for burping? Or next time remind him to go toilet during the feeding so when he burp her he can hold her longer?

have to settle some work b4 I go for my NPL. Will start next yr. MIL will come over and stay while I go work. No choice!
Hi mummies,
Calling for help!
Do you have any good confinement nanny to recommend? My nanny has been with me for 2 months and shes going back this saturday. However, i would like to continue having someone to take care of my baby for another 1-2 months (Sept-Oct). I'm looking for someone who is good with managing high maintenance babies (feed every 2 hours and needs to be coaxed to sleep, and recently, having problem poo-pooing). Nanny should be hygienic and with a friendly/smilely disposition.
Since everyone here would have just completed their confinement recently, i would very much appreciate if you can recommend any good nannies to me. Pls PM me.
Thanks heaps in advance. :)
hallo all mummys..... long time never log in to this website already.....
Just bought my pigeon breast pump from taka baby fair yesterday..... just wondering anybody is using this breast pump?
dolly, i wanted to buy the bottle wash not brush. hehe. find the avent brush better n more durable. i have the pigeon comb set. the brush is very soft! i like it... ;p
any avent items on sale there?

styliciously, thanks for the info. kiddy palace has the wash ard the same price? hope it is not nett price else no further disc.

Mei, guys are like tat. they can never multi-task one. once they wanted to do another thing they will stop wat they are doing then. haha so i gave up on my hb already. most of the things i will do. then i will grumble n nag n show my super long face. sometimes he will relactanty help to wash bottles..

perhaps u put your bouncer in a more upright position n ask your hb to put bb there after burping? helps in reflux.

Raudha, u got continue tie your tummy? me put on a lot weight when i stopped ex n ttc for bb. then after tat no ime do ex. haha.. somemore not breastfeeding n my metalbolism low... so very very very hard to lose weight... hehe

i used pigeon breast pump.. but heard many ppl saying this pump not good... u tried it already?
Artist, just used it.... but cannot pump out much milk leh..... sad.... don't know what to do.... Is there any way that can make the suction stronger?
Mei, men r sometimes a bit blur lah... they're not as detailed and patient as us ladies...

can i check, is anyone using baby monitor? which brand is good? thinking of getting one...
hapeverafter, usually u latch on bb? or u got use other pumps? there is only a part where u can turn suction power... but if max already then that is it... i had to use the max one. else like no feeling. i also got difficulty in pumping out milk but i didnt know if pump not good or my breasts not good. haha...

are you still able to go back to taka to change to another brand pump?
don't know leh.... i've already use it one time already.... Medela won't have such problem.... Last time i use medela one.... but my pump spoilt recently.... i dun have the warranty card so the service charges will be SGD80 plus the accessorries SGD25.... like that will be SGD105.... so i think it's not worth it.... must as well as get a new one.... end up..... sigh.... Anybody have warranty card and have send in to medela service centre? can PM me your name so that i can service my pump at SGD40? My pump model is medela swing.... Thank you very much.....
Raudha: try using the abdomen binder..can get cheaper ones from guardian or watsons..i got mine from gynae. it works for me..belly button area gets tucked in rather quickly..( although not 100%) but results is good...
May I know what nappy cream are you all using? Between Destini and Mustela, which on better? I find Mustela very hard to wash off. Was using Pureen and so far OK, easy to wash off.
Raudha, I am just a couple of kilos from my pre-preg weight but tummy still there as well. Intend shed another extra 2 kg on top of that. Hope to go jogging soon!

Dolly, I prefer Mustela. On contrary, I actually dun find it leaving such a heavy residue on the baby's skin like destini creamy - which I spent 2 days of washing his bum to remove!!! Even my mom complains about it. I find mustela better and also last longer on the bum. When I was using Destini, my boi still have ocassional nappy rash. But ever since I used Mustela, he hasn't gotten nappy rash at all. Agree that Pureen is easy to wash off but I stopped using it after I finish the tube from the hospital.
dolly, good idea! Lock&lock can go into the freezer, based on their "brochure" that comes with each new box. I just bought 3 rather big ones. Shall go and measure my freezer drawer and buy one that would fit nicely! Hehe
I shall put into small freezer bags, then date them, then all dump into one big box.

LFB, as long as baby is still peeing and pooing fine, shouldn't worry, they are self regulating. Even us, some days we can eat more, some days we eat less, right?
But of course, if for many days he continue to eat very little only, then better check with PD.

Mei, skyla has been using her Gymini since about 6wks old I think. She didn't quite understand it at that point I think, but I think it's good stimulation for the eyes anyway. She's now enjoying watching the toys and trying to swipe or kick them. She also enjoys her mobile, can watch for half hour in a stretch. Agree with artist to get that mobile now, cos read somewhere that mobile should not be used anymore when your baby is old enough to push or sit up and grab the mobile, cos it may fall off, or something may come off, and injure your baby or cause choking. If you start using now, can get more mileage out of it. One of my friend's baby falls asleep on her own while watching the mobile and listening to the music. Guess it's hypnotic in that way
How I wish Skyla would do that too!
bbjun: Thanks! Mt A didn't give out any diaper cream leh! Someone pass me the Pureen, maybe it was from their hospital then
I just started using Mustela and find it super hard to wash away (guess must use their cleansing lotion)

Was thinking of getting more because sending my boy to nanny.
Destini fr spree costs $9 for 1
Mustela fr Taka costs $23 for 2

TubbyMummy: Yeah, think lock&lock sturdier than another ziplock freezer bag! But can the older Lock&Lock put into freezer as well?
halo mummies
back at work today..

i use philips monitor (bought 5yrs ago for my girl), i find it ok, quite clear. now they hv monitor with screen, saw it at taka, so high tech!
dolly, not sure leh, the recent ones i bought was the Zen series or something like that, 3 boxes, each box can fit into the next one, like russian dolls. cold storage was having a promo, the set I got was $10+ I think. Those ones say it's freezer safe. I just checked one of my older boxes, there's a "snowflake" symbol at the bottom of the box, so I guess that represents freezer? Should be ok then. Maybe you go check yours and see if you got the same symbol
<font color="0077aa">re mobile: yah babies outgrow it by 5mths so get one with bright colors like red, black, blue..avoid getting pastel colors cos not stimulating enough.

re gym: im also thinking of getting one that can grow with baby..any recommendations?

just my 2cents worth: often we advise one another that when bb cries non-stop that it's colic..actually this is incorrect because colic occurence in babies is very vey low, only 1%. and colic has no medicinal cure..only things we can do like rock baby, bath, switch on white noise etc..mostly it's unconsolable crying or us not reading baby's cues to meet their needs. Alya sometimes has those afternoons when she cannot be put down, must be carried and has to be over the shoulder..most times it's because she wants to sleep but cannot fall asleep/diaper need to change/wind in tummy so need to burp. just sharing with u what works for me and hope it helps u mummies. and if at night bb cries, say a prayer if you're religious bcos bb can sometimes see things so whatever religion u believe in just say a prayer, afterall this is a gd start for baby to intro religion right?

re hubbies: think my hubby is a dream..he takes care of Alya on weekends, will pat her to sleep bcos he feels it's his moment with her in the whole day. when we eat outside, he turns the stroller towards him so if she fusses, he'll attend to her. some things mummies can do to involve daddies:
- praise him when he does something right and well
- i call the song that he hums her to sleep as His Song (although i came up with it!)
- (this works for me) let him sling and carry baby. i let hubby use sling and i use baby bjorn, and im not possessive over carrying her. he feels very important even if he's carrying her at home especially when she falls asleep in the sling.

basically, give him a role. mummies often think (and could probably be) they're the better parent (at bathing, soothing, feeding etc bb) so daddies take a back seat. as the kid grows, daddies find there is lesser and lesser they can do other than to provide financially. this is how our parents brought us up..but in this day and age, dont think it applies anymore.

it takes time and possibly some letting go to involve daddies, but in the long run, you'll appreciate the much-needed help and it's good for baby-daddy bonding..</font>
i am 0.5kg lighter than my pre-preg weight hehe.. i din put on much for this preg, 12kg and lost 10kg in 2 weeks after delivery.
<font color="cc0099"> Been days since logged on to check thread out. Hvn't done so since Taka gathering, so THANKS FOR ORGANISING, SuperBee!

So happy now Kyle can fall asleep without help in his stroller... n once drowsy, in his bed too
But last abt 3 nights he's been fretting himself awake abt 30min - 1hr after gg to bed n sometimes a dummy isn't enough for him to self-soothe, so end up hvg to nurse n tuck into bed again. Hmm...

dolly , it's Desitin... not Destini!! Haha... I absolutely adore Desitin Creamy, just a teensy bit goes a LONG way as it spreads beautifully. It also vanishes from Kyle's fleshy butt with just a couple of pees or 1 poop. Of course unless you apply it like applying cement!

Mei, Kyle's been using playgym n mobile from abt 5-6wks... or rather, i've been using it on him. it wasn't until abt 3mths that he finally swatted at his gym-mini toys n now he just loves swiping at those danglies
Agree with tubbym~ abt getting more mileage... altho i'll just remove anything heavy or with small parts that can choke once Kyle can sit up.

Thanks to chidori &amp; ling for coming by Kyle's party on Sat!! By God's grace it was a success tho v crowded</font>
<font color="0077aa">re monitors: i bought the angelcare..but now when i think back, maybe should have gotten one with video especially at night when baby stir, just need to chk on camera if bb's okay, no need to walk over to cot. and when im outside, can check if she pull up blanket or not..and next time when she sleeps in her own room, even more convenient.

i saw monitor on BP, the one with camera only $150 but pls read reviews first before buying. taka one selling for $400plus..quite expensive i find but what's the price for peace of mind?

try contacting Medela to repair the pump. last time i also lost the pigeon sterilizer warranty card, we talked to them and they even allow a one to one exchange.

to change at taka... just close one eye and tell them u bot the wrong one... see whether they allow the change.
