(2009/06) June 2009 MTBs

Cassey! Wow you ever very careful! Thanks for correcting! Maybe I just buy a tub to standby. Anyway those I dun like can pass to the nanny...

Tomorrow going to put my boy w the nanny! And she demanded pay on the first day. Is that normal? She's also asking for a copy of my boy's birth cert, does anyone encounter that before?

<font color="cc0099"> Wrt hubbies: Adding my 2cents worth too... I agree with caramelle.

I literally had to sit on my hands to kp from interfering with baths n ended up just leaving the room b4 hubby drove me nuts with his methodology or I drove him nuts with my unwanted advice. But that's paid off now.

Justus is super fantastic with Kyle. He now bathes Kyle every night.
I love watching dad's bathtime antics. Kyle loves his bathtimes with daddy too.

Perhaps sometimes, we mummies find it hard to let go. Our men might not do it our way, but who's to say their way is lousy? Mostly, they won't harm the child n babies are often heaps more resilient than we imagine!

Read a saying once:
if you're fortunate enough to have your man help with the washing, don't try to tell him how to do it.
Either just leave him to it n be thankful, or else do it yourself.
artist, i have been to medela service centre and they insist that i need to give them a waranty card even if its expired.... they said they have import and local version.... so they will charge the import one higher service cost.... I feel very sian to use the pigeon one.... need to change the battery when i pump half way.... sigh.... I want my medela back.....
It's quite cheap compare to buy in singapore but too bad... i'm now very poor and doesn't have extra budget to buy a new one.... Even it is not worth it i think i will still repair first ba.... It will be very appreciate if anyone can give me your name if you've send in medela swing warranty card before even if it expired.... Thank you very much....
Re Dads: I do get my hubby to help out - he does her bathing, changes her diapers and all that. And he's way better at burping her than me. I'm even getting a ring sling just so he can carry her using the Bjorn we got. (Plus he helps out with things like laundry, etc, etc...)

Just that sometimes I feel cheated because he can dish out excuses to "escape" from taking care of Eva and tries to take the easy way out while I just can't. Often, it ends up with me getting very little sleep and easily annoyed (when I'm tired) while he is all fully rested.

Re mobiles &amp; gym: I just got a FP wind-up mobile that was at 50% today from Toys R Us. Eva found it interesting but after a while, started fussing - I guess it's because we officially moved into our new place today and I had to get her settled into her new room and all.

Re monitors: Whichever monitors are you guys using? Am thinking of getting one but am on a super tight budget. T.T
Mei, i think that's a common thing with husbands.. not as detailed as us women. my husband also, do things in slip-shod manner. if i want his help, then i must close both eyes and accept the standard. best is dun see... can't get angry with what you dunno.. if cannot compromise standard, then i'll do it myself... i also feel the same way as u, drained, while husband is well rested. Hope things will improve when I return to work and baby goes to nanny in the day. I guess as long as I continue to breastfeed i'll be gettin up in the night and spending more time on feeding hence more tired..
Halo Mummy

Is your baby starting on cereals?

I am doing a BP on Korea's Eco-Friendly Detergents / Cleanser (incuding Fruit and Vege Wash which can use to wash baby bottles) and ZEN Cereals/Porridge.

BP ends tomorrow, 1 Sep 09. FREE DELIVERY to some location.

See link here:

I am giving my 6mth old baby cereals once a day already and starting the ZEN Powder, 30 Grains for now.

You can see more details from here:


PM me if you need more information.
raudha, i got a guardian binder, lightly used. m size u can go guardian try, if u keen to buy do PM me sell u less than 40% of the price off rack...

I recalled reading tat ur baby might have colic when he/she cries at a specific time (esp. in the evening) everyday for at least 3 weeks. Even then, ur baby might not have colic coz their cries are different from normal cries of hunger. n yes, babies have different sound of cries and other signs depending on whether they are hungry, tired, over-simulated etc. If any mummies interested, can try reading books like "The secret language of babies" or "What is my baby thinking?". Will help u understand ur baby better and manage ur baby better. I'm quite lucky coz Aisha is such a good girl. She hardly cries n even suffers bullying from her sis. LOL.. She can fall asleep on her own sometimes esp if she turn to her side.

Caramelle, so lucky to have a hubby like dat. I was just fedup n moody the other day coz my hubby didn't help me mop the yucky floors. Only help me clean the dusty fans. So just now i sweep n mop the whole house.. Plus even went grocery shopping. I abused Asiha's stroller, managed to bring home 10kg of rice on it with Aisha inside. but from the start, i told my hubby tat he need to take care of Ayuni while I tend to Aisha. So in the mornings he will send Ayuni to daycare b4 going work. Most nights, he will change Ayuni's clothes n diapers n make her milk, read her bedtime story, then put her to sleep. If Aisha is asleep, i'll do all that sometimes. so my hubby is not tat bad.. hehe.. plus now he's attending night classes on 2 weekday nights. I know of there are some hubbies who dunt lift a finger to do any chores or take care of their child just becoz there's a maid to do all that. Singaporeans are very depended on maids.. what's the point of buying a stroller if u are pushing an empty stoller while ur maid is carrying ur sleepy child? I dont get it. LOL.

fasting mth is a good time to lose weight!
dolly:thanx...ya, aft d 1st month..my weight lost is slow.

mei-i oso emergency c-section. n my arms n legs hev gone down. but my tummy stil flabby n hev a pouch.

artist n vogue mummy: i tie my tummy during 1st month oni...dan i stop coz my tummy area feel warm wen i use d binder.but im stil breastfeeding. but my tummy stil quite big. stress!

bbjun-i tink i shd exercise 2...juz busy n difficult get away n exercise.but i muz.wil brisk walk while pushing bb in stroller.

cris38-u r so lucky! i put on 20kg during my pregnancy. n iv lost abt 12kg oni...my tummy stil der. n i definitely cannot wear my old jeans.haha!

createjoy-thanx 4 d offer. but i do hev a binder. juz dat i lazy..stop usin it aft 1st month. tink il start 2 use it again n oso start exercising.

Morning ladies!

Anybody can advise on the brands of playgym?

Is it a must to get the baby walker and when can we start to use them?
tink the taka fair ended yday.

i also hv a tummy la, like loose pc of extra meat but i can wear my old bottoms. tink my hips din expand much.
Blurmom: Baby walker is a good way to restrict our baby movement.... hahaha

Sweethalo: cleaning muucs: just bought the pigeon Nose Cleaner, it's really good, can suck out the mucus even when it's deep inside! $4.9 @Kiddy Palace, still can get 10% member discount
Re tummy &amp; hips: Eh, at least some of you can wear your old bottoms. I can't coz my hips expanded by at least 1.5 inches. =.= So now wearing shorts and tops or dresses.
Mei: Yeah, I use a wet cloth to clean my baby's tongue and "teeth" during bathing. Using the bathing water first thing before dipping baby in. Have been doing that since his birth.
hi all so long nv log on le..been busy cuz now trying to get my license..2kids le wanna bring go out so mafan..gonna start work on monday abit sian..any mummy here starting work soon also or already started?

btw can check with u all if go back to work den company fired u or retrence u can? cuz my hr was telling me they currently dont have a site for me yet(im working in building management line) so no site means no work..so scare later thy fired me den y nd bonus also no more..
Dolly - yeah am using nose aspirator to suck out the mucus but Noah gets blocked nose so often, tt i am doing it daily and worried abt abrasion leh... plus he screams at the top of his lungs each time I am doing it, so it's really nerve wreckig and heartbreaking... like macham hurting him or something... sian...

First Mum- Noah can still use S size Pampers, in fact it's still quite big for him... I am still currently using my last pack of Pampers Swaddlers (which seems smaller) then will go to the Pampers S sz.

Re: Hubbies

TOTALLY agree with Caramelle and Cassey! Sometimes our men just need our praises to be motivated after all they thrive on female adoration remember? hehehe

For eg, My Avent IQ Steriliser broke down and we sent it into Philips for repair which was supposedly to take a week. After waiting and an irritating week of boiling stuff in a pot, hb called Avent only to get a response tt they are Out of stk for the spare part to fix it.

He insisted on getting a new one and quite strongly protested (i suspect)to waiting til end Sept for their spares to arrive to fix the steriliser. They relented and asked to go down on Sat morning to get a new one. When he went down, they wanted to give us a cheaper model!!! SO he again protested...and finally got a BN IQ24 Steriliser from them. They had tried all means to delay and replace with lower end models.

I used to have to do such stuff when it comes to negotiating etc etc....hehhe... never knew he had it in him to do tt too... so I was pleasantly pleased and gave him a big bravo helping get us the equipment and making life easier and less frustrating again.

Although, he seldom has time to do stuff for the bb, especially since I am doing 100% latching now,he changes his diapers whenever he has the chance and always helps me to wash my breast pump equipment in the night. He gets a full nite's rest so tt he can have full concentration at work and ya sometimes i get envious abt the rest tt i m not getting but guess that's something we hv to content with somehow.
Mei, BlurMom &amp; Ahnet-

Playmat - am using the one by Bright Starts... apparently it is very good.. but so far, Noah lies there and gets entertained for like 15min before he starts getting fussy... then again, he has a very short attention span and always gets bored very quickly.

The Tiny Love Mobile that I am using and I think TubbyM and Caramelle too, is great to entertain and distract Noah for when I am done nursing first feed and need to go to the toilet as well as washup...

heheh but like TubbyM's Skyla, Noah hardly falls asleep due to the mobile... he gets tired of it after maybe half hour or so, sometimes sooner...and I have to pick him up or else I will go deaf...hehheh....so far only managed once tt he was going to fall asleep and started to fuss, i switched off the mobile and he fell into deep sleep... how i wish tt happens everytime!!
I never clean my son's mouth.... His mouth is quite clean actually.... I'm thinking of next time when he is bigger then clean his mouth.... now he so fragile, not dare to clean....
Split, i am going back to work next week... very fast... so sien...

have you taken full Maternity leave? if no, then prob can write to Union/MOM for assistance if your co were to dismiss you... perhaps you would like to see the MOM website on ML benefits?

re: Avent sealing discs
saw some postings on where to get avent sealing discs and there was reply that they are available at philips at Toa Payoh.

yesterday happened to see the discs available at Kiddy Palace...

actually good to clean bb's mouth frequently as milk residue can encourage the growth of oral thrush... but touch wood. better dun grow. heheh...
after I recover from my flu, grown to be a slient reader...

Nothing much to update, just that my girl loves to cry while I pump away and she can say: ang gugu!

i hv 2, my elder boy is 3, so ezier to manage, furthermore, my aunt help out as well.

Daytime, i will spend more time with e elder 1
Hi mummimes,

Pls excuse this interruption. I've the following items to sell, if interested, pls PM me. Thanks!

- Friso gold 1 (0-6 months) 900g, expiry 28 May 2010. Selling at $20 only (usual retail at NTUC is $29.90)

- Safety First Car Seat Mirror: to be attached to back seat so that you can view baby in your rear mirror. Selling at $10 only (retail price approx $16).

Self collection at Boon Lay or Harbourfront (Sundays only)

my elder girl is 5yrs already so she is pretty independent, just need someone to sleep with her at night, so that's my hb job altho i will feel guilty everytime i putting bb to sleep and she wants me to sleep with her

i am told that crunches will tone up tummy.. but i dun tink i so disciplined to do it la hehe
you from apr 08 thread? i have 2kids. my elder one is only 18mths now. extremely tough but just biting my teeth across each day. but luckily, my helper is coming in tmr so hopefully things could get better. my hb is running my fil business, so he could help me out most of times now since the boss is my fil. but when the helper comes in tmr, he needs to return work fully in the daytime. so is all me and the helper and the 2 kids.

i tried sending my elder one to cc, however she was quite put off by it and even kenna bronchitis. now finally recovered, so im still hesitant if i should put her in again. else i would just send her for enrichment classes like little neuro tree as i could sit in with her so she wont feel i had abandoned her. she is still coping with sibling rivarly and i think i most likely would delay her enrollment because i dont want to stress her out.

i try to spend more time with my elder one, however sometimes it could really gets tough when im feeding the brother and she wants my attention badly.

so how do you cope ?
Dolly, I am uing Desitin Creamy too.. I think it is not hard to clean off at all, much better than Desitin Original! ... like what cassy had said, the cream melts away before each diaper change.. and ever since using, my boy hasnt gotten any rashes at all. For those cream that gets stuck in the skin creases, i just use a wet wipe to wipe it off before bathing him..

Dolly, I rem u are using a PIS.. and now getting a freestyle??? heh ...

Cassy, rem we were talking abt nursing ponchos? I chanced upon this one:

I am tempted to buy.. cos I havent seen any nursing tops which i like... and this means that I still cant really nurse in public. Last weekend was eating at modestos.. when my boy suddenly cries for milk..! and my poor hubby has to eat alone for half an hr in the restaurant while mummy and baby zoom to nursing room!
Mummies, need your help. I'd like to get some thin onesies for my little one as the ones I bought in Europe (although cotton) are quite thick. I went to Giant but most are two-piece.

What's the quality/thickness like for those from Mothercare? Are there any other places where I can get really cheap ones (including those mesh type) (as I'm using them for only at home)?
desitin: i feel that if u apply a thin film, it gets off easily. like what cassey says, if you put like you're putting cement, then it wont come off that easily.

mummy ash, pupsik, mim sell nursing ponchos or covers that are pretty nice. but the bad part is they are quite ex. if u know someone who can sew, can ask them to make one instead?

i think it all depends on each individual man's mindset. i'm very blessed and happy that my hubby can do almost everything. he always say, the only thing he cant do is breastfeed. ha.... but i really agree with Cassey on the saying that "if you're fortunate enough to have your man help with the washing, don't try to tell him how to do it.
Either just leave him to it n be thankful, or else do it yourself."

we women tend to be more scared of this, scared of that. but think of it this way, the father will never try something funny to harm his own kid right?

dwayne now sometimes sticks his tongue out and even makes sounds with his lips like "sucking in his upper lip". any babies like that also?

anyone of your baby eating lesser than usual and also napping lesser? Mine seems to change patterm last 2 days. For his feed, he is taking either 30 or 60ml lesser than usual per feed. He used to drink 120ml every 2-3hrs. Dunno whether to worried. And he is not sleeping well, waking up 1-2hrs later. Is it common?

Mine will do what he thinks he is best at, taking photos, carrying and also telling of stories. My husband wants to do everything. He very much wanted to be involve in this r/s. Even when night feed, though it disturb his sleep very much, he don't complain at all. He will coax bb while I warm up milk. He told me this is a phrase, will pass, so he will try to experience b4 bb grows up. It is very heartwarming when he said that being a father is a lifetime committment and he has no regrets! In fact he is trying to run after no.2! LOL!
bbpotato, chris38, crystal,
thanks for sharing. my elder son is just turning 17 mths n he is in the stage of attention seeking. i have no domestic helper and mil helps me to take care of my 3 mth old Kris. so i am the maid, the employee and the mother.

many-a-time mil will go out to enjoy herself till wee hrs and i am often left to take care of them both myself. if both are well behaved and do not fuss, i am ok. but if both fuss together, i am very fed up and will feel very helpless... sien...

you are from Apr 08 thread too? saw your facebook postings on cheryl's enrolment to CC. glad that she recovered. are you a SAHM?

now worries me is my elder son. sending him to CC tmr. hopes he can adjust himself quickly as i am going back to work next wed.

haha... i couldnt say how i cope. i just pray hard that they dun fuss at the same time. hehe.. there is a mummy who shared that she managed her 2 young kids (14mths apart) by establishing a routine. hmmm... i wonder how should i start tat.

re hubbies,
envy those with helpful hubbies. not that my hubby not good. just tat at times i think he could help but he failed my expectations. ;p

now got several bp on carter's romper set. can get those. cheap and material good. if u wan to spend a bit more, u can buy mothercare or try luvable friends. as for mesh tops, u can get it from your neighbourhood market. (p.s. market might have rompers too...)
he does try his best. I will not make comment or discourage, after all, I do need help. And his fav is carrying his son and read bible story to him. Come weekend, he will take loads of pictures and upload to FB. I am blessed, definitely.

Don't be dispair. Some hubbies aren't that comfortable with babies. They will catch up when baby is slightly older. Then the fun will begin.
Mei, i'm a HUGE fan of mothercare! The material is excellent. not to mention the beautiful designs. If you want to go for value for money, there are packed suits going at discounted price at KKH and Causeway Point if you do not mind the older series..

MummyAsh: Thanks! I just ordered the Desitin as well. Yeah, trying to get the freestyle so that I can leave one in office and yet have another one at home. The PIS is from my cousin, it works well ONLY when I pumped both sides together, so a bit skeptical of buying a single pump, scared no milk comes out

MummyAsh, crystal, 11_beans: Great, so many links for nursing poncho!
I'm using poncho (sew by my aunt) and nursing top at the same time, it's easier to latch w nursing tops. MEV (Mother en vogue) is having nursing tops sale, but the cutting a bit low lah. The nursing poncho at MEV and pupsik is soft soft kind, thinking of getting some w netting on top or harder material at the neck opening so that I can see through. Cos now my nursing top is very soft too, so I can't peep in and got to stuff my head inside to latch my boy properly.

I've breastfeed in places like MRT, lift (going fr one place to another), escalator, sofa at Seahorse furniture shop...etc w both poncho N nursing top... and yeah, at least u dun need to leave the dinning table and can still chit chat w friends while nursing.

vogue_mommy: I got the pupsik pouch at the EXPO fair, think a bit cheaper than getting it from website. But it's a bit tight so harder to wear than a sling (got a hand me down sling) but it's less bulky.
