(2009/06) June 2009 MTBs

yeah i also think yours probably like mine and Shelisa, GBS infection (strep B), since you mentioned need to haf jab before labour, this is to prevent the infection to be passed to the bb. also on antibiotics for a week. but dun worry, it's quite common amongst preggies.

cool, ur bb's weight is great!

yeah i also agree dat bb kicks very hard these days and it's painful!!!

thks annie & tubbym for advise. i too thought shdnt be loss leh cos it's so long term commitment sure shd earn well mah. but the way i analyze seems to be so. i bought thru standard chartered, stupid of me sigh...
ya, no choice lor! I am already quite fedup with GD, cos very difficult to find food nowadays, ubless I cook my own. But where got time everyday cook? Now I am cooking pasta for tmr's lunch. That day got craving also got to bake my own muffins. Very tiring. Luckily my blood sugar control quite well. If not got to jab, worst!

The kicks now very painful hor? Wah, very different from b4. Last time he nugde nudge only, now is kick! Wa piang! My nephew kicked alot in my sis tummy, now he is super hyper and active! I very scared man!

no smell, abit itch. But can only through swab then know. Your doc will order for one when you are in 31-32 weeks. So you can ask your doc.
yeah lor, recently, my boy's movements also very big... at times it will be those sudden pains when he moved! and den i will scream one.

cant imagine the delivery process when now i alrdy cannot tahan le. cham

wah u dun scare me leh, skali super hyper i faint sia

remb to take the antibiotics and finish the course. den will be ok liao. as for GD, at least you are controlling it very well now right? so no worries.
I am controlling buying now. I read from other threads that bb grow out of their clothings super fast and I am afraid I don't have that many occasions for him to wear leh! The recent buys are braun thermometer and medela assessories. All from spree. I must control already! Today go parentcraft centre also spent almost 70 bucks on bathing thermometer and fennel wraps! I think my money flows away like water now!

The pain for labour think very very much different! I think the pain is definitely much much more! I have 2 kinds of colleagues. One side told me just opt for epi, don't need to think. Another side said try natural, get a feel of real labour! You leh? I haven't decide, dunno I can tahan or not!
haha, i was thinking of buying the cloth books though. not gg to buy any more clothes liao.

wah u even bot bathing thermometer sia. wat's fennel wrap for?

for me, my gynae is rather anti epidural one. he prefers me to take the gas and the jab only.. i also dunno. im scared of the epidural jab and im also scared of the feeling of without it.
so i also dunno how.
my colleague shared with me that the day u look down when u stand straight and can see your feet.. that's the day baby's gonna come out...
TubbyMummy: I also siah by the Friven & Co pamplet! Wanna buy the fruit fork... haha, maybe they have baby cot bedsheet as well? Haven't got the mattress yet, was telling hubby kiddy palace so near, can even buy when the baby comes home :p

LFB: with GD, your baby could be bigger size leh, so might outgrown the clothing even faster! Better stop buying NB clothing

I'm opting for natural birth, just had a talked with my colleague, his wife gave birth to 2 girls, both natural, some more her first baby was in breech position!
dolly, YES! I also want the fruit forks! I want fruit forks, cheese knife set, pedal bin, salt & pepper mill, and the cocktail shaker as present to my friend. Haiyoh, dunno what other goodies they have! CRY!! I can't go shopping!
Bing, i check thru the website, my policy same as the pruflexi cash, the guaranteed amount is less that the amount we pay leh just that they add the non-guaranteed then bcome more than the sum we paid. is all insurance like that, i haven have anyone around me who's old enough to have pass thru maturity of policy...

i already 34wk leh my gynae didnt do the strep B test for me leh. it's not very common is it. huh dolly ur colleague's wife breech doc stil willing to deliver naturally ah? dont think my gynae allow.. sure ask me c sect.

haha tubbym, u really can shop alot leh! if i shop like you my hb sure kill me... sigh, that's y i thinking of going back towork and not b SAHM bt hb ask me to SAHM for at least 6mth to a yr. if only i can do some simple work at home, get $400-500 i'll be satisfied but now no income felt very deprived and worry about $. so envy u gals.. if only i wasn't so stressed i wouldnt have quit my job now seem like a bad but a choiceless decision... sigh...
wah u all talk abt friven pamplet until like so siah-able..

scan and email leh.. hehehe..

createjoy - cheerup la... don't make urself glum... am sure the work stress wad bad.. so don't think back abt that
createjoy, I can't shop lah, only feel super tempted nia... Don't regret your decision to leave your job, cos if it was very stressful, that is in no way good for you and your baby. You can always return to work maybe when baby is 6mths old or something. The loss of income is not nice (I also want my own income...), but you won't notice it soon when baby comes along, and you'll be too busy anyway!
Cheer up!

sweethalo, mask lady still hasn't replied, and she also hasn't posted on her thread since late afternoon. I'm gonna SMS her now.
aiyah sweethalo, my hb also say worry i'll get post natal depressions last time after 2 miscg & b4 this preg reach 4mth i was very tense and upset most of th time, even saw psychiatrist few time. it's until my boy settled down i felt more secured and happy. i cant help worrying for future. i'm just an office girl and stayed faithfully in my prev company 5yr then reach 2+k pay now economy so bad after delivering where to fd another job with such pay. moreover hb got paycut now is dipping into saving.

i'm seeing $ so big these days, trying to scrimp till i feeling rather unhappy. last night i was brooding over the prucash policy till i can't slp. i cant afford another wrg decision.. i lost 17k cpf investment undr prudential which mk it difficult for me to buy hse, i been feeling rather frustrated these days. many things spoilt, starhub raising price, cant choose MT A mst tk MT E so ex. sigh i can't help thinking about dollars & cents...
dun feel sad, I know how you feel, I feel lost and wanna go back to work force after two mth being SAHM, the lost of income play a very big part really dun use to it. but after seeing my girl more sticky to me (usually she dun want me if hb and my mum around) I feel happy and glad I made the decision.

so you will take care your baby yourself?
HappySAHM, not sure what Ade has this time... still waiting for her to post up the thread.

Ahnet- u wan to go on weekday ah?

createjoy- Try not to feel like that now... cos can easily slip into depression. Am sure your hb will take good care of you and bb so look on bright side first.
createjoy: The gynae who did the breech birth natually is John Tee at KKH, when the staff found out that the baby is breeched, they informed the gynae immediately and push her into operation ward. But the gynae told them dun do anything yet as the baby is not big size (2+kg) and might be able to birth naturally. My colleague was so pleased with him that for his second gal, he go straight to that gynae at KKH without knowing that this way will cost them more ;)

My hubby also bought PruCash from his agent friend, and lose money as well. Now this friend quit, he's transfer this back to our existing agent. He says it's just a forced saving plan, can't do much anyway.

Hope you feel better after letting out in this forum, although money is an issue, there's always ways to save. I'm still working so do not have those feeling. Just don't keep to yourself ok?

I do tried to get as much second hand things as possible, like cot bed, car seat, clothings, even my maternity clothes. Have been telling my colleague I welcome any 2nd hand things as well.
createjoy- my hubby jus rch home frm his advance dipolma class..he said he will reply u tomorrow to explain to u.. pls dont feel sad...
Sweethalo, dat time u bought the disposable underpads from isetan is it those water proof type? Are we suppose to place the underpad on our bedsheet to prevent water bag burst huh?
Sweethalo: Couldn't upload the friven pamplets yet, it is either too huge in dimension or too big in size after printing to PDF leh! Still trying...

TubbyMummy: Do you need anything if I am really going? We are planning to watch Wolverine at Suntec on Sat then go friven walk walk after that. Just that sometimes when you are really there, you might not find the goods so attractive afterall
creamer - I bought it in case of leakage fr my sanitary napkins after birth. I think it's exactly like a sanitary napkin except flat and oblong in shape.

I am not sure if waterbag burst will help or not... dono how big is the gush of water...ehhehee

If u need waterproof pad, either get the LuckyBaby waterproof sheet cover or can get a full waterproof comforter...

dolly- wahhahahha... u really convert to PDF for me.. if cannot nvm... thanks leh...
hi mummies,
sorry to interrupt..

I have the following for sale or exchange with Huggies Barcode:

1 x 700g Similac Mum Voucher (for $5 OFF), Expiry 30th June 2009 -- Valid at Cold Storage, Shop n Save & Guardian.
*Selling at $2 including postage*

1 x 900g Similac Follow-On Formula Voucher(for $3 OFF), Expiry 30th June 2009 -- Valid at Cold Storage, Shop n Save & Guardian.
*Selling at $1 including postage*

1 x Enfapro A+ Voucher (for $5 OFF), Expiry 1st July 2009 -- Valid at Cold Storage, Giant, Shop n Save, Guardian & Market Place outlets.
*Selling at $3 including postage*

1 tin of 400g Enfapro A+, Expiry Aug 2010
*Selling at $12, self-pick up*

Pls PM or email me [email protected]
Hi all,
super heavy rain! Made me call cab to go to work! Just had my nice nice cereal! Yummy!

Ahnetsan, the bath themometer is for the room and water baby bathe in. Apparently there is this certain temp(think 38) that is the best. Can also double as room themometer. $40! So ex, but no choice! My finger not natural themometer, better spent money! I was reading some old Motherhood etc mags(as far as 1997!)yesterday. The strange thing is except for fashion(had a good laugh at all the corny styles and poses)the rest of info still applicable leh. Even for birthing choices! Think I will go for Epi eventually!

Dolly, ya lor, that's why I am watching my diet like nobody's business! Thank goodness I am not that tham giak! If not I sure super miserable! God is always good, let me enjoy cooking. So when I crave something, I will google for healthy version and cook the food. But only when I am super free or on weekends! Now I stop all buying for clothes. Must focus on bb arriving and also handing over work!
I'm a SAHM at the moment... still got about 1 mth before I deliver. Company in bad shape so retrenched me. Anyway, I took it as an opportunity to spend more time resting and take care of my boy until my girl is out.

Didn't sleep well today due to the heat so my back is aching and tummy feels funny, I'm afraid of drinking milk so early in the morning, havent ate a single thing yet.

Still thinking what brand of wipes and shampoo to use on my girl. JnJ head to toe seems dry, pureen too. I wonder where got sell kodomo head to toe any feedback?

Annie: I recieve your number, will reply with mine shortly...

Lazy morning for me... I might go back sleep soon since my boy's at childcare... zzzzzz
I'm July MTB. So bad, retrenched u at this time. Did they compensate you? 4 mths maternity leave + other benefits?
My company also not doing good. I am not sure to take 16 weeks maternity leave or 12 weeks first. If they retrench me after i return from my 12 weeks maternity leave, what will happen to my last 4 weeks of maternity leave? Do you know? Can I write to my HR and ask?

Junebabyboi09- tis is my 1st baby too but i will gather information & don like to do things las min..
have to take very good care of him as he my hubby pride...
wondering have my boy rch 2kg....

qi7- so nice u be going to sleep .. my side heavy rain & i took cab to work 2day ..
tummy don feel good guess cos i had 2 roti prata for breakfast
morning all!

u'll plan to take 16wk at once??? yesterday my HR juz give mi to fill up a form to claim govt for paid maternity fm govt...i plan to take 16wk at once + 3 wk of AL...so my HR jokingly say mayb by then no nid to come back le!

do any of yr co hv tempt staff to cover yr job when u'll go ML?? mine is split among my colik lo! last time hv tempt staff wan now whoever go ML dept staff hv to cover up....2 yrs back even not same dept we hv to cover up then she resign immy aft ML then we hv to continue to cover her job till now cos nv employ any new stafft to take over de!
jam75- my asst mgr said wait till i come back & do my filing as not goin to employ temp staff & for other documents the sales coordinator must do their own customer ..
& my AM wil sort & file & mail those urgent doc..
Any mummy keen in getting Avent Duo breast pump. My set still under warranty till Sept 09. Can 1-1 exchage the motor to new 1 if you buy before the warranty expiry.My set is still working very well. So do PM me for details if keen.
Hi Angeline: Thanks for the link, are you a June MTB as well?

Happy_SAHM: Sent to you liao, so you wanna be SIAH huh!
dun feel sad... me also SAHM for now... now also stressed over $ issues, if only i din quit last yr, at least with 2 incomes, it's so much more relaxed and enjoyable. but think on the bright side, you get to bond with ur bb for 6mths to 1yr! dat's precious and no $ can ever buy dat joy. we can jus hope dat the economy gets better by the time bb is 6mths or 1yr, so we can find job easily.
cheer up ok.

im fine with either wkday or wkend. sat morning i should be ok, maybe i can even drag my hb to go see see look look. hahaha. i tot lovelytulips might wanna go on wkday? and i've yet to get the desitin from u.
Yup... i got retrenchment package... no worries.

My only worry is after the monies is finished spending I have to look for job by then,target is 4 mths after I deliver. I have to look for job anyhow, otherwise govt not going to give me my $300 off childcare fees...
Createjoy,don't feel sad.. me in your group too.. Now go out buy things also need to think twice except buy for bb will directly buy.. Of course if we all still full time working now then will financial will be more stable.. but before we decided to resign from the company,we already think carefully liao.. so be happy,we don't have much extra $$ for saving but we will have precious moment with our BB.. ;D
on mc again today due to backache..just discuss with my hr next week start will take 5days no pay leaves den follow by maternity leaves..
