(2009/06) June 2009 MTBs

hehehe... notti First Mum! hehehe...

Me lazy to on msn leh... sometimes hang one... so sick of it.

Not sure if going to Robinsons Sale or not... this one how come nvr give us $5 coupons ah?? hmmz.. Anyone made their way to the RObinsons expo sale? Ahnet, got nothing there right??

sweethalo, yeah expo robinsons like nth much... thk also old stocks...

tmr sale no $5 off cos it's nt at expo mah. haha. but dunno whether to go or not leh. robinsons keep having sale until i sian liao...
<font color="0077aa">Blurmom, I won't be venting them here. But no doubt you'll be clued in shortly.
At first smiled, thought you so sweet, bought tubs of Yami and offer them to me. Then realised you're EVIL!</font>
Cassey, I am sweet and also evil... Muahaha... Yucks! I so beh hiao bye.. Brag myself sweet.. PUI! hahaha....

Take it easy dear
Sterile cotton balls:
Does this mean each cotton ball is individually packed? Cos I've only seen like 100balls in one big pack. That kind, even if sterile before opening, once open, the rest also not sterile anymore...
<font color="aa00aa">It has come to my attention that some others agree on the following point(s), so the next few things need to be said.

<font size="+1">*Central Gathering Clarification/Disclaimer:</font> (Warning: This is not going to be pleasant for some)

I am planning this gathering for those of us June MTBs who have come to know one other so well here.
There's nothing in it for me. It's my desire tt some of you (us?) form lasting friendships that endure throughout motherhood.
The sole purpose of the gathering is to allow us a chance to finally MEET our cyber friends in person.
It is NOT for MTBs who meet up in private to catch up if you have not been engaging with the rest of us in thread "conversations".

As such, I MUST stress once again that -
<font size="+1"><font color="ff0000">ONLY those <u>currently / recently</u> active on this thread are invited</font></font>

Silent readers, my apologies, but pls note that this invitation is not open to you. *Sue, I'm not referring to u*
You are a silent reader if you read about the rest of us, but you do not post or share anything about yourself.

Silent Readers who have sent me positive 'RSVP's,
Will you pls make an effort to introduce yourself and get to know us in the next few weeks?

<u>If you cannot be bothered to do so, I must ask you to kindly PM me to withdraw your RSVP please.</u>

I thank you in advance for your understanding.
wah tubbym,
no la, sterile cotton balls are NOT indiv-wrapped. i dont think once u rip open, the rest are not sterile anymore. i think its more like "made from sterile cotton"??? is there such a thing??
Ahnet- will definitely share any BPs that i think MTBs here might be interested...ehehhe...

FirstMum- erh i think TubbyM has a pt leh.. lidat once open also not sterile leh???

Caramelle- forgot to reply you earlier. If the country u are going to is an island that is free of rabies- then no need to quarantine when coming back... unfortunately NYC not considered island so i had to put fat furkid in quarantine here for a mth
sweethalo, go leh.... so many ppl going, must join in the fun! hehe... Eh, furkid in quarantine when he came here, did he lose lots weight? can't be nice...

FirstMum, erm, I don't know if there's such a thing as sterile cotton?? Hehehe...
<font color="0077aa">ahnetsan, sorry for that. I'm not trying to be rude. But just need to put a firm foot down. It'd be great if ppl could be a bit more considerate even as I try to get things organised. The PMs I get sometimes!

>> Some 'members' we don't even know ever existed. Then suddenly I get a PM. They want to come. And on the day, they know all about us but no one actually knows who these ppl are. Some of us can't help but wonder why they came, since they haven't bothered befriending any of us here on the thread beforehand. This gathering is not organised with such people in mind.

>> I've tried to be polite. In all the gathering invitation posts, I state repeatedly that this gathering is open to all MTBs <u>active</u> on the thread. From PMs I've received, some either don't quite understand this or are choosing to ignore it. *OK, OK, I'm ranting... better stop*

sweethalo, no worries. Your name is definitely down on the list of invited ppl.
Quite a few ppl still pending RSVP cos there are about 35 on my list... only about half have responded to date.</font>
My colleage gift me a Cadi Clinical Ear and Forehead Thermometer bought @Guardian. He says it's not so intrusive to babies as it can measure temperature by sliding it across your forehead. It can be use for ear too!
<font color="0077aa">dolly, deposit her at a nice restaurant and come see us! hahaha....

ahnetsan, sorry ah. It just gets really annoying. Every gathering it happens.
This is a bigger scale one - prob the last one I'll be organising anwyay.
I don't want to just close one eye anymore. I'm not angry angry. Just the teacher side of me coming thru.</font>
me here again, not sure did your discussed/buy stroller and breast pump.

just want to share, I went to taka fair found the below quite worth buying:
1. madela PIS pump. get lots of feedback from other mummy friend, this pump is good and fast. taka fair is selling S$699 with bundle of other things. need to sell away my avent single pump before invest on this. wahahaha
2. Combi strolley model TJL250 or TJC300, good light weight.
Hi mummies!!

Cassey : I'm not engaged yet but this Saturday I'm flying off to brunei to meet my man and will fly back on Mon morning.He's there on an extended business trip.He keeps forcing me to come there even though i told him i will miss antenatal class and i'm close to 30 weeks.

So fingers crossed.This weekend will be the weekend i get engaged.Yay!!!
dolly, u knw hw much the thermometer is? i heard from my fren dat the thermometer which can scan forehead one is the more advanced one.
<font color="0077aa">bubu~, Hmm...! I've got elephant memory huh?!
I won't count your chickens before they hatched... but enjoy your trip!</font>
ahnetsan : Thanks!!!!! I'm excited too!!!

I'm wanting to pack something nice to wear for the weekend but everything i put on makes me look like one of the penguins from Madagascar!!!
Cassey : elephant memory!!!!cant believe you remembered.

Thermometer : if we buy our thermometers from overseas, the warranty doesnt apply here right?i'm just afraid i might be really suay and get a defective thermometer!!!
<font color="0077aa">bubu~, I've been watching lots on youtube... so engrossing...!
I'm sure you won't faint - cos you won't be looking.
Your man might!

You very funny neh. If you really get a defective one, you can go "buy 4D".
tinybubu, also crossing fingers for you!
It'll be great if he does pop the question! But if he doesn't... well, take it as a nice weekend getaway to spend some quality time together anyway. You still have 2 days to run off to buy a nice dress or teddy or something! Do they do pregnant teddies...?? If all else fails, make sure hair and makeup look nice can already hehe.
tubbymummy : thank you! so nice of all of you!yeah i need to dress up.but the thought of wearing my glasses and hair up in a bun and comfy sweats seems so appealing......

cassey : you girls are really brave.l'm starting to freak out about the labour pains and actual delivery...
HappySAHM - can try to sell in the other MTB threads, esp those later MTB months... hehehe...

TubbyM- quarantine was bad...my baby had no fleas came back with fleas!!! but at least he learnt one thing there... he learnt how to MEOW!! hahah.. before he nvr MEOW-ed only did a cute quack quack sound...haha

He quite funny, whenever i came to visit.. he wld kn before i entered the room where his cage was in...and do u kn what! he will act tough very garang lidat... and hiss at the cats next to him... like saying.. eh My Mummy here liao.. hng! hahaha
tiny bubu, i alrdy freak out abt the labour pains and delivery long long ago le.. haha... im very coward and tolerance for pain is super low... dun dare to watch those videos...dun wan to add additional fear...
<font color="0077aa">bubu~, I figure it hasn't killed all the women who've gone before me, it won't kill me ba.
But I tell you, now I feel so alone cos was expecting sis to go thru it all and share with me.
Kinda like if with her high pain threshold, she says pain, then I surely want epidural.
They say our pregnancies take after mum, so if she dilates fast, I'd be hopeful...

> Now that she needed emergency C-sec, I feel bit lost. No one to go thru it for me first...</font>
btw, i drank a can of coke this afternoon and all of a sudden,my baby starts her tai-bo in my tummy.it's so scary what caffeine can do to a baby!!!!
<font color="0077aa">sweethalo, a quacking cat?! Whoa, worth a lot leh. I was wondering how long he'd be quarantined for..
What terrible conditions. Did you bring it to their attention?

ahnetsan, I'm scared. That's why I watch so that I will not fear the unknown.
cotton balls: oic... then i better go grab the balls instead.

i tot sterile ones more for cleaning our nipples for breastfeeding??? hmmmmmm

spy from Ade house is back. hahah

First Mum, Ade has the 5 pc carter rompers. go check it out. i think it's cheaper at Ade.

Let me recall what she has:
Sleepsuits - those that are with the booties together (heh... i hope i got it right). Quite a variety
5 pc Carters rompers - there are alot of designs for girls but didnt really go thru it cos i got the boys...
5 pc Carters blankets
those wristlets - those little rattles you put on bb's hands or legs

She has quite alot of girls stuff but i didnt go thru them. She was telling me she has alot of things, but i do not know where to start, so i just looked at what she has for boys.
sweethalo, hahahaha, your kid is so cute!! I'm sure he's a big softy hehe... My kids don't know how to meow either, and I kinda like it like that. The fatter one saw "wow" or "wow wow" or some variation of that. The smaller one says "meh". I think it keeps them cute hehe.
wah Lovelytulips!! u making the suspense lagi worse! *cry* ..... i wana go to ade's i wana i wana i wana go!

yyy she still dont post her stuff!!! arrrghhhHHH!
wahhahah..... sweethalo, u should go her hse and see la...... her hse machiam warzone i think.... she's too busy clearing and packing to post the new stock.

must think of what u want then go buy, else u will really end up buying more.... just like me. hiak
