(2009/05) May 2009 MTBs

so gd.. ur kids realli seem easi to mind.. mine v hard to get him to sleep...

re jing feng san
ya my boy cant say like, but dun reject either. pearl powder he doesnt like wan to vomit out if i wanna feed him. strange lo coz both of them got the v strong chinese medicine smell

re hubby takin care bb
adv, so funny ur hubby ask for SOP haha. mine oso not hands on type.. need to ask then do. until sometime i dun ask liao. do mysef faster n more efficient haha
Hi bean,
my gal sleeps thru the nite in the cot provided by the hotel. She did it once in oct and once last week. On dAy one of our recent trip, the hotel ran out of cot n they gave us a make shift bed with lots pillows to make a cot. My gal was ok too.

As for bathing, one person will hold on to her while the other one bAthes for her in the bath tub. She was better for this trip n even allow us to wash her hair like thAt of Adult. The previous trip, she screamed n yell!
tiny m,
thanks! will go over the wkend.

maybe can start practising at home? sometimes when hubby at home, either of us will carry bb & shower together, then pass over to the one outside to dry & wear clothes/diapers for bb.
after a few times, will feel quite easy & relaxed. initially, jodie din like the water coming down on her head, then she got used to it. so now ok

Thanks for the info
May be I'll try to splash water on head while he's in the tub as a start and see how he response, will try it out this weekend

Thanks for the info! :)

U mean Yuan2 spit out the phelgm this morn or she swallow it back?

Normally when I feed my boy chinese medicine, I will pour the powder onto spoon and mix it with little bit of water and let him take, then follow by water itself. Yu Ren Seng staff did mention Tiny_M method, use finger and put on bb tongue, they said is best to feed it this way. But my boy will scream & yell if I try this method.

btw, can feed potato, sweet potato puree even when bb had lotsa of phelgm? How abt pumpkin? TIA!
tiny_m, haha, smart that ur girl knows that u r not singing kids' song :p oh, notice from ur FB pic that she is not in car seat??

porky, yuan2 juz started splashing water -- demure kind :p when she splashes harder, will bath her in our sunken bath tub... now i still bath her with bb bathtub on top of table...

may_mum, yah lor, so leh cheh to write SOP... so i do myself
but sometimes, really need to get them to do things -- so that we mummies r not too tired and they get to bond with bb... also, i wanna prep hubby -- in case i need to go on biz trip...

pastries, yuan2 cough out the phelgm -- she was in the car seat while i was abt to carry her out... when i wipe her with hanky, saw the sticky phelgm...

i hv been feeding yuan2 pumpkin with potato puree for the past 2 days... i only know chicken n orange will induce more phlegm...

Bathe baby in sink:-
I washed his hair, face, butt by carryingn him first, after those done then I put him into sink filled up with lukewarm water.
May Mum
My kid is definitely not the easiest ones, but they are just used to what we routinely do to them..

Girl – once I was preg with #2, I trained her to sleep by herself, no more patting, rocking, carrying etc…
Boy – never once I want to rock him to sleep, coz I rocked my girl when she was young, and it took me sometimes 2 hours to put her to sleep

Moral of the story; I learnt my lesson from my #1 experience, so now I am using the method which will make my life much easier
rc cola..wat's ur treatment for the #2. if you dont rock, then how he fall sleep?

my boy is my first one..i also rock. i dont think its correct, but coz its my first one i dont know any better. unless he is dead tired if not i need to rock him to sleep lor.
Mine is latch on at nite, he will drink to his fullest and just let go off my nipples, and then he will turn away and sleep.
After that I moved him into the cot, tho he knows I move him (coz his eyes will open to see what’s happening), once inside cot, he will just continue to sleep.

Yes, during my #1, I also rocked, that’s why I didn’t want to cultivate that habit to my #2.
Hello mummies
Want to ask what do i have to take note if baby hit his head?

First time was he was sitting unsupportted and his ball roll to one side so thinking he can sit properly already, i went to take his ball and he just fell to his side and his head hit the sharp edge of the cabinet, after that he was ok, drink and sleep well

Two days later I wanted to carry him out of his cot and me being sick and no strength, dropped him and his back of his head hit the cot railing. After that his milk intake drop drastically, talking at most 400ml, today, second day since the second knock, so far only drink 200ml but vomit alot. Should i bring him to PD tmr?
wow, Yuan2 so clever can cough out the phelgm, so good! So pumpkin & potato is ok for phelgm, thanks!

Pls bring yr bb to the PD immediately, my PD also said vomit must bring see doc immediately.
must bring baby to PD if vomit when fell down or in general?

rc cola,
I agree with u. My first maid used to rock/swing baby for 2 hrs. Had a tough time get rid of that habit. Lucky she was new born that time.
Now if give bath and drink milk, she flip one side and sleep. but sometimes makes miserable wont sleep n fusses then last resort I use cradle to put her to sleep.

I wonder if go traveling how I will manage.

I hope ur baby recovered. didnt read ur post prop. yes no need to wipe medicine but yes need to clean white dis.
My baby had diahhorea for 7weeks and she got thrush in her mouth that time and her anal very big area red rash (lucky not infection) but touch she wud cry. I just apply jorubi aloe vera gel. she feels good. and I use cloth diaper first 3 months thou more than 10+ times poop. even now when go out use baby wipe. I apply aloe vera gel and leave her bottom free w/o diaper when come home.
rc_cola: Wow.. u so fast bathe ur boy at the shower? My mum kept saying wait till she sits more steadily then let her bathe in the shower. Now she'll sit in the bathtub to bathe but not very steady yet, need to hold on to the sides.
I wanted to take a pic of my girl bathing in the sink but she slipped and very scared so no chance to take pic. She a bit scared of the tap (dunno why suddenly her "bathtub" got running water) and she's too fat for the sink. Haha..

porky: my girl splashes water and want to snatch the washcloth all the time! So KPO one..

bean: My girl ate and slept as per normal. We didn't let her sleep in the playpen provided cos we scared if we put her in the playpen she'll wake up so she slept on the bed with us. I think if u continue with baby's routine should be quite easy.

adv_sports: Yah, my girl didnt take car seat. she hates her car seat and will scream if we "tie" her down. so to make it easier for us, we removed her car seat and let her sleep in the middle when she naps. i also dunno how she knows i'm not singing children's song. she'll be quiet when i sing children's song and will fuss when i sing pop song. -_-" ur hubby so funny, want u to write SOP. my hb gone case de, must san cui si qing then he'll move his butt.
My gal is feeling better now. Today totally no poo.. haiz.. hopefully she pooed tomorrow. Funny thing that shes drinking more thna previously. Could it be growth spurt?

Wonder how long do I need to put her on lactose intolerance milk?? Hoping I can switch her back to enfapro soon.

I am also the one who rock bb to sleep. Is it too late to introduce cry it out to my gal now??
re: sleeping
My girl used to be patted to sleep. I will put her on her playpen and then pat her on her butt till she sleeps. Ever since she could stand up in her playpen and I had to lower down the mattress to the lowest level, I cannot pat her to sleep any more because its too low and I dont want to hurt my back. Hence, I try to train her to sleep by herself. I will normally sing her a song, dim the lights, kiss her goodnight and walk away. Initial 2 nights, she cried cuz not used to it. 3rd night she managed to sleep by herself. So now every night, she will go through that same routine. After I walk out of the room, I will occasionally peep at her to check. Soemtimes she takes one hour to fall asleep, but I guess its okie as long as she falls asleep by herself.
Thansks RC and Porky for the advice. Ya, we are now using warm water to wash her bum. Will take note when washing her bottom.. esp the vaginal area.

SGPV: I dun noe if PD prescribe any steroid cream though. U know the name?

bean: how old is your gal when you try that? Im thinkig of doing similar method too but i think i worry too much. Scared she cry too hard then in the end give in and ended up giving her wrong msg. My gal now can turn over on tummy but doesnt know how to turn back. She doesn;t know how to sleep on tummy also..
If i try the same method as yours.. wonder if she will be able to sleep on tummy instead?? Or do u thikn i need to go in occasionally to turn her back on her back.

Do you go in and talk to her after you step out or you just walk away and wait till she cried herself to sleep?
My girl was 6.5 mths when I did that. Of course, I don;t let her cry herself to sleep... Initially, she will cry.. then I will go and carry her and after a while, put her back to bed again, but don't pat her and walk away. I had to do this a few times.
I put my girl in a sitting position, she will crawling around and play abt for a while.. then she tired liao, she will lie down herself, and laze for a while.. then slowly slowly she will close her eyes.. becuz I put her in the sitting position, she will always end up sleeping in a werid position, then I will wait for her to sleep more soundly first, before I adjust her to sleep on her back with her head on her pillow.
ya better bring baby to doc..dun worry too much n dun self blame ok..

u r rite.. reali need to train hubby oso coz now i wan go places oso hard haha.

re sleeping
true, if i hav #2 i will wan to avoid rockin as far as possible so tiring. But recently he change pattern. no more rockin..muz play with his handkerchief or my fingers b4 sleep. not a best way (coz still need me around) but at least better than rocking..
I am not too sure in general, but when bb is feeling unwell, vomit is a sign to go see doc immediately. My PD always said that..

How long will yr girl cry when u started this method initially? My boy used to sleep in his playpen, then when 3+ mth, he like to flip to his tummy & sleep, I was worried and let him sleep on our bed instead. Now we try to let him sleep in his playpen.

We also lowered the playpen to lowest level, cannot pat pat him anymore, very strain on the back. What we did is let him sleep on our bed, then shift him to playpen. 1st night he cry when woke up middle of the night, 2nd night was ok.

Then recently he is sick, so I shift him back to sleep with us again...

For us, we are v lucky. My bb sleep pattern is like his dad, he will play & play then when tired, he will fall asleep immediately! we always let him play on his own, pat pat abit and he will sleep liao. But he getting addicted to pacifier though..
my girl cried a while only lah.. I didn't time it. But after she cries she will roll and flip about in her playpen, and then tired liao then sleep in a werid position lor.. haha
She has not co-slept with us before, all the while since birth she is in her playpen. We are afraid that we will crash her if she co-sleeps with us. Don't know how you mummies and daddies manage to do it so well! hee
good morning, mummies

rc, i m learning my lesson now -- will be better when/if #2 comes along

jling, hope ur bb is fine -- not easy to take care of bb when u r sick...

ilovesashimi, good to her that ur bb is better

pastries, when yuan2 starts coughing, i will bring her to upright position so that she can cough out the phelgm.. this morning, she did it again -- along with some milk... hope the phelgm will expel out and she will get better! she slept better last nite -- only wake up 1-2 times due to slight cough

tiny_m, if ur girl dun take car seat, then u/hubby cannot drive out alone? we trained yuan2 to seat in car seat since she was 1mth old -- coz i hv to drive to work alone... initially was quite daunting when she cried while I was driving... now, she knows wat to expect when she sees the car

may_mum & tiny_m, must train hubby -- else v tiring on us... too much of a hassle to write SOP, i show hubby what to do daily -- wipe down yuan2, last milk feed, things to get ready for IFC, sterilise bottles, wash bb clothes, clean bb toys after she sleeps... now he will auto do help to do these things

bean, u r gd with training ur girl

we r firm on not co-sleeping with bb and she has been sleeping in her cot since new born... yet to try letting her sleep elsewhere -- may be an issue when we travel... told hubby we need to book a hotel room here and try out bb bath n sleep

Your method to train your girl to sleep on her own is correct as I read it somewhere on how to train bb to sleep. I'll be training Isaac with this method when I have my own place end of this month! It's really important to start young before he could stand on his own.
hi mummies,

how to get rid of the mosquitoes beside using baygone? my gal kana bitten a few times this week liao. i worry too much baygone, not good for her.
twinkle_sp - i use those mosquito patches instead. it is like a sticker. i stick on the cot not on the baby.
i also have those electric insect killer. it will attract the flying insects and electricute them.
Your method is good, maybe other mummies can try that out

Eh, did u check with PD is there any consequence if our bb stand/cruise too early, hm.. my FIL suddenly commented that “dun let him stand/ dun let him cruise, next time his legs will be O or X shaped coz he is too young to do that..” now I am starting to get worry.. should I? I shall not be seeing PD til Jan or Feb for the jab.. hm.. just wondering..

U are rite, must train before the bb is too active, or else kept standing, sitting, rolling, flipping on be!

Oh.. must fill up the sink first instead of baby sitting inside with the tap running, coz u wont know if suddenly the water comes out to be very hot, then how..
Ya, dun take chance to take pict during showering time, u risk the baby falling down.. unless u bathe her, and sb else takes pict it is different story.

Haha.. sure when #2 comes, u will know what to do, it’s always the case, we tend to over spoil our #1, but again, baby is to be spoilt wat hahaha.. it is not as if they are adult, if they can do what adult/big kids can do, they are not called babies anymore..
i also did try training my boy to fall asleep by himself..but he cries n cries so bad..i also go to him to pacify him for a while, after i leave he will cry n cry again. maybe my patience is low, but what's the limit. until they are tired from crying?

other time if he will just move ard in the play pen, if we let him be, it could be for 1 hour before he start his crying.

if rock n pat, half hour will settle him to bed liao..so have been taking the easy way out.

i co sleep with my boy coz i also cant afford to pat at the cot, will break by back. so sometimes, while patting on my bed, both me n baby will fall asleep.

if i am stil awake , then will trf to cot.

been co sleeping with baby since 2-3months old liao..never squash baby before...
parents' instinct..
Hi mummies

I have a tin of 400g Mamil 2 with $5voucher expiring 31Dec09 to exchange for a tin of Similac 2 400g (new version) or Tollyjoy baby wipes. Collection at cityhall mrt/suntec city or marina sq lunch time or 6.30pm from my sis.
Interested can PM me.
hi mummies!

back to Beijing last sat after a 3 wks break at spore! miss home now....

mummies who still breastfeeding:
how long u intend to continue BF? i plan to BF exclusively for bb's 1st year, then on partial BM till he 1.5 yr old.. but heard stories that bb reject formula milk when we intro to them at later stage, what's ur view on this?

i have sent u message on the Julia Gabriel thing. Have u received it? Btw, KL JG will have preview on early Jan for their Playnest programme.. not sure will u be at KL then, u might like to have check it out!

re bb sleeping:
both my #1 & #2 sleep on their own, #1 has been sleeping in his own room since his 18th month, my lil boy still sleep in our room.. maybe coz my boys are very active and move non-stop when they are awake, so when i just put them down on their bed and sing 2 songs.. they KO liao.. :p

re milk feed:
may i know how many times of milk feed ur bb taking now ever since they started solid?
Re; co-sleep
I dun like the idea of co-sleep too, coz it means I cant move freely.. and I dun want bb to be dependent on co-sleeping with me..
But then my girl co-sleeps with us, coz in the spare room, there is only 1 cot, I intend to move another cot to the spare room so that #1 can sleep with #2 in that room next time.

I intend to Bf as long as possible tis round and hopefully with latch on, so this makes my life even easier hahaa (gosh I sound like a lazy woman). Actually after 1 they can drink fresh milk already, so u dun really need to prepare formula or whatsoever..
twinkle_sp - the electric insect killer can be found in those "Home-fix" shops.
i can't remember the brands for both. sorry.

Wouldn't Yuan2 swallow the phelgm back in?

My boy's phelgm has reduced qte a fair bit over past few days. When he cough, the phelgm is inside his mouth but I do not dare to insert finger to clear for him. My MIL did it once, she said lotsa of phelgm! I am not at home to witness it.

Bean, will try yr method when my boy recover. Now, he has phelgm, don't want to let him cry too much. Will use our existing method, it is working well also.

re: co-sleep
Agreed, it is not good. I can't even use my bolster and have to sleep till end of the bed, can't move freely also. Cannot use comforter or blanket.. That is why now decided to move him back to his playpen.
i also intend to bf as long as possible, prob till ss dry up or whn jodie reject bm.

re: co-slp
jodie is still co-slping wif us, partly bcos she still wake up at nite n also to latch. co-slp is easier for me. so far, no crushing incidents, i stopped turning in bed after jodie came hm wif us. i guess its parents instincts bah.
ilovesashimi: my bb got diarrhoe since nov 25, on and off.. today LS 4 times already. i didnt change his FM since isomil makes him poo more. do u still feed yr bb solids or totally on lactose intolerance milk only?
RE: Healthy times loots
Mummies, your loots r here!! I have already packed them and please sms me to arrange timing ok? Try to collect them by this week coz i'm clearing my house for xmas decoration on sunday nite. appreciate if you can collect yr loots soonest possible. avoid collection after 830pm coz 9pm is my girls' zzz time..
Afternoon mummies

This morning brought Jack to PD and thank god nothing from the knock, no bumps, no pain, everything is alright just that he is experiencing milk strike again. He takes his solid well but just refuse to drink milk. Is he rejecting mummy's milk cos no taste? Anyway this lil boy is so cheeky, usually he don't smile to strangers but he keep smiling to pretty PD.

Thank you all for the advices and concerns. =)
Hi all...Been so long since I last posted- been down with bad flu. My boys are trying to stand each time we carry them. They have not even started to crawl and they want to stand. My older twin seems to be teething and is getting fussy at night- is that normal?

I'm still breastfeeding both of them...very tiring but seeing how they have grown makes it all worthwhile..

Hi mummies, anyone brought your son to circumcise? Can share your experience on the procedure and the after care? I have to bring my boy to do that tomorrow for medical reasons so I want to be prepared.

Thanks in advance
