(2009/05) May 2009 MTBs

SK and yuki,

actually no need to find anyone to share.. u can mix diff sizes.. eg. 1 pack of NB, 2 pack of S and 1 pack of M... just call the HOTline and order instead of thru webbie.. i got 2 NB and 2 S sizes..

Porky got 5 packs of Huggies Ultra NB but I got 3 pks only and left 1 more pkt to go only.

Dunno nepia cutting is small like huggies ultra not. I realised Pampers NB is bigger in cutting compared to Huggies and no wonder TMC uses Pampers NB cos can cater for bigger babies too.

Yuki, you wanna order NB or S size? Cos I go CCK clinic in mid June for my follow up so if it's S size so maybe can collect or pass to you.

i ordered 5pkt Huggies Ultra NB as well now finish ready, so thinking whether should i go ntuc n buy Huggies Ultra NB .. nepia i confirm will get s size..
Shers > OIC....can you provide info in their cutting? Bigger than Huggies Ultra and what abt Pampers?
yuki, i wanna order nepia S size also...now i using last pack of huggies NB liao...will change to S size soon...but hor, now i got 2 pack Fitti Premium S size, 1 pack Pampers S size, 5 pack Huggies Dry comfort S size...i think too much already leh...btw, we stay so far, how to share wor ?
haha u noe that day ur hb came to collect the bag i was feeding baby so cannot open the door.

den my younger bro went to open but he cannot speak chinese properly so ur hb ask him how much is the bag in chinese den he stand there look like idiot. he thinking how to say 41.25 in chinese hahaa.

glad u like the bag!!!
audrey, hahaha...so funny...ya my hb speaks chinese only...i like, is big enough to bring to work and to my BB infant care..

wah wah wah u got so much s size diapers.. maybe u get nepia m size instead? hmm think i will get the nepia 2 s size and 2 m size lor like what sher say.. i still got 2 s size huggies still..
Yippie...finally there is some bloody show liaoz.. Maybe baby is willing to come out naturally instead of being induced...yeah...Wish me best of luck!!
Hello mummies...
It's been so long since I pop in. My confinement has been an eventful one luckily now all is over. Hope everyone is coping well and enjoying the lil one.
Btw, we talked abt the highlander brown rice tea some time back right...anyone knows if this is safe to take during bf?
just reading thru mummies.. FYI nepia's cutting is big and my 15 month toddler at 10.4kg is still using nepia M and is still big...huggies ultra small cutting
poohwei, here's wishing u a smooth delivery!

re: nipple confusion
last nite, we intro bottle feed to our bb... happy that she was able to drink well... however, nitemare began when i try to latch on -- she forgot how to suckle, become frustrated n cried loudly! it took many attempts to get her to latch on correctly... juz now, on the other B, again she took ages to latch on correctly... any mummies hv experience on overcoming nipple confusion?
Poohwei, all the best! It still May

Adv sports, my girl was introduced to bottle after a week cos it was too tiring having to latch her in the middle of the night (CL came so many times knocking on my door throughout the night). So far so good, no nipple confusion but last evening, when I tried to latch her, she suckled for about 10 minutes only (unusual cos it was her feeding time. Normally, 20 min) and then started rejected my breasta, wailed loudly... I was very very upset and disappointed by her reactions and wondered if she has nipple confusion or it was just that she was tired, wanted to sleep or she was already full from that 10 min suckling...

Taurus, I am using YLS catering for my baby's full month this Sunday and can only give feedback later. btw, was told that their portion is small and that there is not enough food. Rang the person in charge and gave her the feedback. What I gathered from her is that some paid less for 7 or 8 courses buffet and did not order for exact no. of guests so that's why not enough. When she saw my order of 10 dishes, she said it should be enough. Only no buffer for pork and drinks. In order to ensure sufficient food, my hb and I decided to order for exact no. of guests.

Someone needs the formula to calculate amount of milk baby requires? Can use this as a rough measure:

(150 X weight of baby) / no. of feeds a day

Huggies newborn looks a little too tight for my girl now. Got to change to S size.
Used Nepia before and I must say the cutting is definitely bigger and broader. Good diaper though. Worth buying.
Yuki, I live in CCK too. U wanna order nepia? Let me know k?
re- nipple confusion- pls dun scare me.... bb girl has been using the bottle ever since i went for the op.. n doc just told me tt i gotta continue with my painkillers for anor week.. (which also means no bm again) sigh.... really wonder if she'll know how to latch on or not...
re: diapers
am using up foc samples of fitti/huggies/drypers, find dat S size not much bigger than NB size.
had tried pampers S size before, quite a good size to use, not too tight.
haven't open my nepia S, but guess it shld be bigger, cos nepia NB is jus nice for my gal, compared to other brand S size.

re: nipple confusion
so far my gal doing ok. been latching her in the day & giving fm bottle feed in the nite. so far, she can adapt to both. only 1st 1 or 2 days of trying to latch her need more patience.

good luck! hope u hv a natural delivery!
Haiz...got show plus contractions..but still at home cos the contractions are not getting more frequent and intense leh. Called the gynae and they asked me to go labour ward if my show is getting worst as i m overdue already. They are afraid its my placenta which is giving way.

I need more intense CONTRACTIONS!!!
Good morning mummies...

My boy got flakes or peeling from his scalp leh.. is this the cradle cap? can just apply J&J oil n comb them off rite? Is this common?
poohwei, tahan a bit more!

re: nipple confusion
grace, some bb r smart n will reject nipple coz it requires more hardwork to drink milk than bottle... be patient!

ju, gd that ur bb can adapt well

adrienne, dun worry, this can be correct...

phew, breathe a sign of relief! found a solution to nipple confusion from the web -- use finger to let bb suck before latching
it works 2 feeds so far!
SK - i'm letting go my MIM sling for $20. tink retail price for sling inclusive of cd is $45. pm me if you are interested. :)

re diapers - i've used nb fitti, dryers, huggies and nepia so far. happiest with nepia. very soft material. huggies' cutting is too small, not gd for chubby bb. fitti is value for money. dryers is no good. though i used dryers for my #1, somehow find the material for nb size too 'plasticy' for my liking. tink dryers' bigger sizes are better.

poohwei - any action?
Taurus - I tried YLS for my bb's full month last Sunday, the kong ba pau, butter prawn and curry chicken are good, all finished. Portion seems ok to me. The bee hoon and sweet and sour fish not nice.
Hi mummies,

Sorry to interrupt. I'm selling of my Baby Bjorn Synergy Carrier in black. Bought it from Mothers Work Baby @ $299. Used less than 10 times as I don't bring my son out alone all that much. It's condition is still as good as new. Willing to let go @ $180. Please PM me with your interest. Cheers
I'm having problem getting the right size of diapers for my younger twin boy..all seem to be too big for him.. anyone with recommendations? The most 'fitting' ones are huggies newborn...the rest are too big for the boy and he often leaks..haha..
hi oki poki, would need your kind help to update the table

Name of baby - Bridgette
Given EDD - 15 May
Actual EDD - 16 May
Week at delivery - 40 weeks
Birth method - C-sec
Weight - 3.2kg

Have been really busy with BF/ learning different crying cues of the bb , learning how to establish a proper latch for both baby and myself. First week was really hard as baby is a big eater but am glad i persevere on and milk came in on the 5/6th day but i still get sore nipplr on the right side as she doesnt seem to latch on properly for the right side. very strange.

Congratulations to all the mummies who have given birth! i missed out sending out a few congrats after i have delivered.

adv sports,

the nurse told me to let baby latch on for abt 3 min to stop the hiccups and it works quite well for my bb
my baby has hiccups abt 3 times a day (exactly like when she was in my tummy)
