(2009/05) May 2009 MTBs

Hi feb_mum,

I understand what you mean by Energiser Bunny. My gal is also like your gal. But she is 13mth old only. She is no now trying to do gynastic stunts on the mattress. When we try to beat her for being mischievious, she will purposely act more mischieviously! Arh....

ya normally will delivery earlier than edd but depend lah... my #1 @39wk... and this time Dr wong said shld be earlier abt 2wks... hmmm so is abt end of apr loh...

that's y she prefers we choose TMC so she can rush to wad immediately... but dun worry, her appointment oredi start packed in last few yrs so i think she quite well in arrangement...

just heard a bad news from one of my frens last nite. she had a missed miscarriage..so sad
she is supposed to be a May 09 bb like us but when she went to see her gynae when she was 6 weeks, the heartbeat was quite low so dr say it is a 50-50 chance of survival cos could be the heart just started beating or going to stop soon. She went back for her check-up when she was 8 weeks then realised bb had stopped growing at 6 weeks plus so she had to do a D&C to remove the bb. so sad rite? i didn't know that the heartbeat can just stop like that...
good morning mummies.

piggy cow, so sorry to hear tat. it's a bad news for her. hopefully she gets over it soon. not ez but it's all fated. i had a similar case two years bad. it was terrible. asked her to take care. her luv ones will always stand by her.

miscarriage is very common in the 1st trimenster. it could due to profuse bleeding which was my case and then bb heart beat became very weak then gone ....
Hi Vera,
Rest as much as you could ... your case were similar to mine then but my baby was unfortunate. I lost it within 12hours. haiz.
Good morning, MTBs.

Piggy, its sad news regarding your friend.

Hi Vera, thank god everything turn out well for you. Rest well and take care.
thanks Noi & Baby_May.

Just that i didn't expect such things can happen..no bleeding for her and she still experience pregnancy symptoms..life is really so vulnerable..
morning mummies! so many postings, i have a hard time catching up!

Welcome and congrats to the new MTBs!

Re: Pre-natal yoga
915, i'm interested in the club street yoga. I'm ok with wed evenings so can go directly after work. it'll be one hr? what's the studio's name?

Re: Pumps
i'm interested in getting one too! Ermm.. probably the one that most of you say is better. the medela PIS advanced? I'll just go with the majority since this is #1 and am so clueless about BF-ing...

vera: take care and rest more these days!

piggy_cow: so sad to hear that happened to your friend! hope that all of us and BBs will stay safe till delivery date!
Piggy - my hubby's buddy also like dat, they expecting 1st child then abt 6 or 8 wks e bb 'stop' growing (meaning no heartbeat) but recently they became proud parent of a bb boy..

but they became very pantang after e 1st miscarriage (during e 1st, they told everyone even b4 1st trimester over) then e next one... they dun even tell my hubby (hubby heard from others who saw her when she around 5mths plus) n all wedding, 1st mth or any celebration she dun even attend.... cos heard from a colleague dat some 'developing bb' r very sensitivity can't 'attend' celebration of any sort... not sure true or not
Morning mummies,

Piggy what a sad new you share with us early in the morning today..
Ya life is all fated, if it is yours it will always be yours, ask your fren to be optimised k.. life must go on no matter how tough it is and she will get over it soon.

I have a fren who has been trying for years for a kid, i remember during 2008 CNY when I met her, she told me she is 2 months preg, and look rosy and of course very happy. Then after a month, I gave her a call again, innocently asked her hubby if her tummy is big already, he told me baby was lost yesterday (the day before i called), i was blanked coz realised i had said wrong things.
After that she told me, it was all sudden and she found out during her check up that baby has got no heartbeat already, and it has shrunk to 1 cm (she was about 12 wks during check up, by tt time i think bb should be about 4-6 cm at least if it is still actively surviving).. so probably baby has died for few weeks inside her.. she has to do D&C to remove it as well. i pity both of them (hub and wife) coz i know they have been trying hard for a kid

Do rest well and dun move around.. take care!
all mummies announced to ur colle/boss or relatives abt pregnant oredi??
i havent leh..... my colles/frens/relatives still dunno i pregnant...
icyen, i only told my boss and two closer colleagues. the rest haven't tell yet. one noticed that i'm getting fatter and asked me, i just pretend i never hear her. friends all haven't tell yet. i intend to meet them on my 12th or 13th week and tell them. as for relatives, told my parents and in-laws, but i told them i very pantang dun want too many ppl to know. so far, i only know one of my closer auntie knows (but dunno if she got tell others or not). my hubby's side, he told his buddy and a couple of colleagues to get advices on how to take care of me. all in all, i quite pantang and dun like too many ppl to know, unless necessary.
good morning ladies!

vera, wat a scare! u take good care and rest well!!

piggy_cow, noi, jen, rc_cola, very sad to hear such sad stories!

i m getting paranoid -- yesterday, i ran quite a distance after the bus (my hubby always nagged at me not to run nowadays!) then felt quilty that bb will be hurt
ok ok, tell myself to keep cool & be optimistic -- think of happy things

re: announcement
my n hubby's immediate family knows after our first visit to gynae. a few of my friends know becoz i cannot attend a wedding in japan(my hubby dun wanna me to fly) and i was suppose to be jiemei. plan to announce after 1st trimester -- after gynae confirm bb is growing well...

re: prenatal yoga
915, keep me posted if you are going for sat class
wed class is too rush for me as i work in the west -- unable to reach studio at 6.30pm.
Haha i think most of my colls know about my pregnancy, was quite bloated earlier on hahaha now no constipation liao, so a bit flatter haha

Dr said there is some genetic prob (when her egg is fertilised by the sperm) between her and hubby, so ask her to monitor *dunno wat* for 1 yr until the thing stabilises then they can try for another one. If the *dunno what* is not stabil yet, high chance for her second preg, baby will experience the same thing.
So they are in the middle of monitoring and visiting her gynae quite regularly, not one year yet as of now..

Both of them like my girl a lot, the hubby always carries my girl whenever he pays us a visit
ya, i think she is getting over it slowly...

Re: yoga
There is one yoga class at club street? how come i dunno, club street is nearby my working plc..

hahah i also sometimes running quite a bit for the bus kekeke.. tho my hubby is strongly against it hahaha sometimes i do feel guilty :p but so long as not running furiously, ok lah
lcyen - i only told my parents and 2 of my frens. Haven't told my classmate as well though can see my bulging tummy..i just told them am getting fatter. haha

cola - really very sad when u see such things happening around rite? sigh..
<font face="Comic Sans MS,Tahoma"> Morning all.!
Its really sad to hear those news. Let's stop talking abt it and stay postive and happy.!
FInally ! Im able to upload the scan photos.!

8wks-19.2mm(bb) * 11.5wks-50mm(bb)
Can see the bb's head from the right photos? hehehe
Hehehe, they are so cute! u scanned all haha.. i also have some earlier picts that can see the sac only :p

Yeah, tts y we have to cherish our blessings, some ppl yearn for kids yet it's very difficult for them to conceive..
Wow Xue,
Can see your baby's shape very clearly on the 11.5 weeks photo!
Happy!! Hope I can see mine so clearly as well.

Hope you fren can get some baby luck from holding your baby. Haha, before I got pregnant, my relatives keep asking me to hold ALL babies that i see to gain the "baby luck".
morning ladies

re: prenatal yoga

Bean, i am still thinking but whatever yoga is cheaper than mother &amp; child and furthermore i can take a 20 mins walk to club street from office.
But for mother &amp; child, i have to take mrt change mrt and still walk 20 mins.By the time i reach there i will be so tired liao.

Tiny_M, it's called 'Whatever Yoga'. the website is at http://www.whatever.com.sg. Previously when it was at Keong Saik street i like the setup and the price is the cheapest in town.($180X10 lessons)
Now the price went up, it's $220 X 10 and the teacher is changed. So i think i will go and see if this teacher is better than the ex-teacher.

Adv_sports, most likely i will not go for sat class coz i have to take care of my gal. But u shld go if u can. previously they offer 1st time free trial , but not sure still have or not.

RC_Cola, club street is their new relocation. where are u working? i think we r near!

Vera, i will let u know abt that. Meanwhile rest well 7 take care. Dun move ard too much.
thanks xue for putting up your baby scans! really brightened up the day and i cna't wait for the next visit to see my BB!

cola: sometimes i think it's fated. whatever will come will come. like that mark lee tried for 9 years then have his first BB.

915: u keep me updated on the yoga lessons k? I can join on wed since i end work quite early (530pm) and club st quite convenient for me (can take bus there from my workplace and take MRT home).

adv_sports: i also run after buses quite often and in heels somemore. my hubby everytime scold me. now try to reduce running, just walk very fast. haha..
True tanglin is quite inconvenient... I went to the whatever yoga website.. I think it looks very cool!
But sadly, I cannot make it for both timings. So can't join you all.
915 and TinyM,

What is the timing again? I could most probably join le.
I work at Marsh&amp;Mcclenan centre hahaha very nearby club street.

Where are u working at?
<font face="Comic Sans MS,Tahoma"> Cola,
I've remove the sac photos liao. abit kua zhang to load so many. hahah

You're gng to see ur little from scan soon. rm to share yea. =)

Glad tt it brightens up ur day. hehehe.. waiting for ur scan photo too. =)

yar lor. gynae mention bb is 1cm bigger then wad she expects. hehee. glad everything is gng well. =)

Yoga :
I realise tt my co hv pass to St Georgery Club. Have yoga, pilates, jacuzzi, spa, blah blah... Mayb i'll check with them see if pregnant women can join anot. hehee.</font>.
re: announce
today my company got free Influenza Vaccination... colle all laugh at me coz i gave them reason as i scared jab... heehee

ur bb vy comfy resting inside ur womb

cant wait to see mine
xue, wow, ur bb looks beri relax in the cradle position
thanks for sharing the pics...
oh, think i read somewhere that preggy should avoid hot jacuzzi/spa/sauna -- not good for body temperature to increase by 2 degree C... myth again?

re: prenatal yoga
915, will be great if there is a trial lesson to see how it is
if there is one, i will try to "fly" down from work to join in u ladies

rc_cola, the class is 6.30-7.30pm on wed...

re: running after bus
rc_cola &amp; tiny_m, hahaha, so i m not the only one :p our hubby all beri kancheong one hor.. hahaha...

tiny_m, running in heels *faint* be extra careful hor
now i only wear flats -- coz i super clumsy... sometimes will trip even wearing flats *wacko*
sorry to hear abt the miscarriages stories.. I understand how it felt..last yr, my bb's heartbeat stopped at 8 weeks and did my D&amp;C..so now I'm extra careful with my current pregnancy...Thank God for great hubby and family who helped me thru the rough period. I'm looking fwd to my twins..
xue - the pics are really clear and so cute.

adv_sports, it is true that preggies cannot do hot jacuzzi/sauna etc. dat's becoz our bb can't regulate its own temp yet so such hot treatments are endangering.

mummies, let's all think positive! jia you.
<font face="Comic Sans MS,Tahoma"> adv_sports, feb_mum,
yea. cant do spa, jacuzzi...
On and off i will take out the photos to look thru' hehe. somehow makes me feel better after a hard day's work. hehee</font>.
surez.. do pray with me that my scan next Thurs..will be clear..cos they r checking the viability of my twins... hee.. I have good faith they are well..
Bean and Hoops,

There are my 2 sacs found during my #1

But i didnt get to see both developing, nevertheless i have a healthy little girl with me now!

Dear ladies,

I juz called Whatever Yoga up, they dun do free trial for 1st lesson now, instead have to pay $25 if we are going for that 1 lesson. However the lady said if we want to continue with the block of 10 lessons immediately after that 1st lesson,then that session will be part of the $220.

Rc_cola, I'm working at shenton way near M hotel, so it will be a long 20mins walk for me to reach there.

now their session is on wednesdays (6:30-7:30pm) and sat (12:45-2pm)

for those who are keen in prenatal yoga but cannot go for these days including the Mother &amp; Child session,the teacher teaches at a private studio at Costa Rhu Condominium on sundays.(8 classes @$100) How do i know abt this? well she was my ex-teacher for prenatal @ whatever last time. tot i just share

Such sad news. Hope for the best for everyone here.

So excited to see all the scans here. Going to see doc on Mon. Can't wait to see mine! But at the same time v worried, worry if the bb still there or not, heartbeat strong or not, growing well, healthy, normal etc etc. Worry...

Do you all still have morning sickness? Mine has progress to only "evening" sickness. Hopefully will be gone soon.
Thanks for info on the package. $600 sounds reasonable. My first appt already cost >$100 so $600 till delivery is alright. I need to ask her about all those triple test, oscar test etc. My next appt with Dr Heng is this coming Monday and she will "certify" whether everything is smoothsailing or not. Pray hard!
hi mommies ...
wow,, there's a lot to catch up ....

just wonder if any mummies could advise me ... m bfg actively before knowing this pregnancy and now trying to wean my bb off cos really very tiring to cope with bfg, baby and pregnancy. the question i have is ... the way i wean off is stopped expressing during the day and at night try to latch on but if baby doesnt latch on then i leave it without any expression. will it affect my next bfg? how to wean off the production of milk? could someone adv me, please. txs.
we are in the same boat .. my MS has progress to just the "evening". hoping it goes off soon like u ...
My flu is back!

Thanks for the info

I thought my M/s is gone these past 2 days, apparently it is not hehe.. 2 more weeks to go before first tri ended, so i am praying hard M/s will also go off!!

For me, i just drag the time of pumping, and luckily my girl didnt latch on as well.
ie. pump 3 times reduces to 2 times, try to maintain it for 2 days or so.. then reduce to one time try to maintain for few days.. and try not to pump anymore, if really cannot tahan then pump.. it should stop on its own..
txs cola
i hv stopped pumping since liao cos no more PIS .. then the single pump not helping in expressing.

i so worried it will affect my next bfg plan.
now my breasts are full and big ... not engorge lah ... still have the fear lor
Confirmed my gyne to be Dr Adrian W at TWC (CCK) - pls update piggy_cow, thanks. =)

Baby is doing fine at 9wks 2days, already 27mm. So happy when I saw bb's heartbeat pumping hard inside me. Wow~!

Dr Adrian spoke fast and I was like errrrk....dunno what to say when he asked me if I got anymore questions to ask him or not. Felt in kinda weird situation when I should be asking him heaps of questions since it's my first bb. Hehe.

Vera > Please do take care and have plenty of rest k. Im sure things will get better. =)
Hi Noi,
I was preggie with no. 2 when I was bfg no. 1 (13 months old then). I started her on formula gradually - 1 feed a day then increase to 2 feeds a day etc. She only latch on if she ask me. And I slowly try to distract her so that she won't remember. Ya I continued to BF partially till I gave birth. Cos difficult to wean off completely leh. She kept demanding for it and will cry non-stop even tho the milk has dried up. Towards 3rd tri, she was drinking up all the colostrum meant for my no. 2. After I gave birth, my dd just weaned off herself -- she was shocked to see another baby drinking from my breast and stopped/forgot to ask for it. But I had a very much harder time weaning my no. 2 ds. Tell you the long story when anyone needs to know how to wean off toddler/preschooler. But the good thing about bfg till you give birth is that, my dd enjoys drinking BM from the cup. She will request me to pump and then drink it up on the spot. So my milk was fully utilized – no wastage. Hopefully I can find surplus demand for my milk this time.

Glad that u have confirmed yr gynae!

Re: Gynae visit

I am 11 weeks as of today! Looking forward to my next appt next Tues! Hope everything is ok!
MS seems to get better but still the frequent urination,will usually wake up several times at night to pee, are the rest of u experiencing this frequent urination as well?
The triple test is $120. Then the detailed scanning is $222. You can get the brouchure from the nurse on duty. Its a blue sheet of paper.

So excited for you! I still have to wait till 31 Oct for my next appointment. Don't worry you have faith in your baby and all will be well! Update me when you come back from her clinic!
