(2009/05) May 2009 MTBs

<font face="Comic Sans MS,Tahoma"> May, u oso can do it. hehe. =)

Welcome Dodo. Am still waiting for tt day to be 'wan fu qi shi de tai tai' hahaha</font>.

thanks icyen

SAHM can be very stressful at times... i always look like a "spiderwoman" at home! hee...

saw that u all discussing on the topic of breastfeeding... i bf my 1st till he's one year old, i expressed all the time coz he reluctant to latch on.. i was using Avent UNO ISIS electrical pump and dun quite like it... wana get a twin pump this time round, heard many good review on Medela PIS and Avent DUO.. any mums tried this b4? can share ur experience?
icyen, so cute
my bb will be a kumquat this sat! erhm, what's a kumquat?? *scratch head*

dodo, welcome! so u r a doraemon fan?

juz vomited my lunch... thot my MS getting better
haa.. u so cute! im like full time "huang lian po" loh.. :p

any mummies here wi toddlers abt 1 yr old?
my boy now learns to walk and he super active, likes to climb here and there and even attempted to climb out his play yard! taking care of him sometimes make me forget abt my MS, but at the same time im so tired and not much appetite also.. :p

those dat bought Breast pump, how come wan to buy another? cos i think hubby will flip if i tell him i thinking to buy another.
<font face="Comic Sans MS,Tahoma"> dodo,
my son is 15mths. just learned hw to walk. and he's messing up the place. hahah. the moment i open the door, he wana rush out already. sometimes dunno wana laugh or cry. running after him all the time. hahah </font>.
dodo, *high five*, me also a super doraemon fan
my hubby is like nobita(da xiong) -- think my bb will look like doraemon as my whole house is full of doraemons *hahaha*
also any wan know where to buy fish oil dat's suitable for pregnancy cos those bought at Gyne very x ($50plus box per mth leh)
re: prenatal yoga

looks like the prenatal yoga all very ex. cheapest is the one at Club street liao. They have it on wed, 630pm and sat 12pm. 10 lessons for $220.

anyone keen to join me? I will prob join in the 15th week

btw the teacher at mother and child was my ex-prenatal yoga teacher at whatever, she is not bad for those who plan to go to tanglin mall
dodo, my gal is 16mths and she is very active too...starting to run and push stool to the washing machine and stand on the stool to see what is on top...this is the busiest time but most fun i think
Re: breast pumps.

Jen, i'm also one of those who bought 2 pumps. i bought the electric mini at first. then 1st week thru the pumping, i cannot take it coz it's sooo noisy and slow. So ended up i bought a 2nd hand PIS from the forum ans that's how i managed to breastfeed til 11mths else i really cannot imagine how to pull thru :p
xue &amp; nineonefive,
yup! really tiring to run after him all day long.. though tiring but very fun to watch them exploring ard and blabbering away!
sometimes i wonder this age gap good, coz the elder one still so young and need so much attention..

haa!!! u so funny! my hubby dun look like da xiong at all leh coz he is slim and very tall... and my boy dun look like doraemon also leh.. i wished that he looked like RAIN (the korean actor), so i watched lots of his shows when i was preggie.. hee..
me too thinking to buy fish oil from outside... will go Unity NTUC ask ask... last mth went there bot folic acid 4got ask liao...
icyen - just take into consideration of the following:

DHA at least 300mg, EPA <100mg

instead of

EPA (Eicosapentaenoic Acid) Omega-3 180 mg*
DHA (Docosahexaenoic Acid) Omega-3 120 mg*

which i got from GNC so ve to stop taking n gyne prescribe the above content for me.
think e next visit i will go ask but i doubt it, tot clinic should be cheaper right?

mommies going to TMC for check up can enquire for me?
thanks in advance.
cola - mine gave me fish oil (forgot e brand but 1 box is $50plus) which i think is X but no choice cos tried to find outside also dun ve e content e gyne recommended.
i searched online shop also e content is more GNC content too
wah.. how come u gals' gynae so gd, will prescribe vits and fish oil? i remember for my #1, i asked him abt taking other vits etc.. he said no need.. hmmm...
Mine i dunno how much but that day he gave me:-

Prolacta - 100 tabs
Floron - 100 tabs
Calcium - 100 tabs
Multivit - 200tabs (i asked for extra 100 hehehe coz my immune quite low, keep fluing)
Total S$135

I remember during #1, the most expensive is the prolacta loh.. i think should about S$70 or sth like that...
expensive rite.. mine no package somemore, so once the vit finish, have to buy again..
cola: my 1st gyne only gave me omibin (sorry can't remember the spelling) n nothing else cos these r include in her package... i took GNC fish oil on my own..

but this gyne (change a new one) gave me multi vit n fish oil (need to buy) not include inside her package so thinking to buy else where..
also she told me to continue my B complex vit (from GNC) increase intake from 1 to 2.

so now looking high n low for the fish oil (just found it from US online but need to check delivery charges n stuffs)
Hi Xue / Icyen,

My next consult is this coming tue. (12wks). She din mention pkg to me yet. So if i see her on tue, that consult can be considered part of the pkg already rite? How about if im sick and all that n wanna see her, is that counted in the pkg? *Cheapskate* hahaha. Excited to see the baby again. At 9 wks I could already see it moving its limbs up n down, like saying "hello"... But most likely disturbed by the ultrasound la.

Im still very sick leh. Cough and flu still around. Terrible feeling. Paranoid that it will affect baby too. Sigh. But most websites n books say ok...
<font face="Comic Sans MS,Tahoma"> Jac,
Consult is included in package. The appt ur gynae fixed will be in package. If not will need to pay. This is wad she told me. Mayb u can ask her during ur next visit if anything u need to see her due to ur pregnancy can count in package anot. see wad she says ba. =)</font>.
So far i just follow what he wants me to buy from him and take. he never asked me to take medicine, just those vits.. and all bought from his place

Actually i find that the DHAs very good ler (hehe not boosting hor, but i find my girl is pretty intelligent by measuring her development milestone at her age) so somehow perhaps whatever that vits that he prescribes to me work well for baby haha!!

not to worry, if mummies is sick, baby wont be affected at all.. but dun anyhow take medication, go see a dr.
Jac &amp; Xue - we sharing the same gyne leh

Jac - from wat i know, if u sign on tue then is include inside e package.

if u want to see her, then need to pay, if she thinks need to see u, then is include inside e package.. but i not sure abt if patient is sick...
ya i think if u sick need to see her.. is under package...... but better check with her 1st
for my #1... when near to due date.. noticed my girl's head no turn down... she teach me some excises to let bb head turn down n engaged.. so tat period i disturb her quite often.. lucky under package

mine still need to wait until next fri... so long
cola - me also not sure but i think fish oil is a must to take (not sure abt e content of DHA n EPA effect on development in bb)
cos my 1st also seems to develop better compared to her milestone... :p
think i boosting leh.. hahaha
So Jen have u signed with J. Wong? That's very smart leh. She want see u, no need pay. U want see her, must pay. hahaha. Ok, will ask her on tue.

Im just afraid if i dun take pkg, ill have to go on shorter intervals and perhaps more times. But if i take pkg, she will just schedule once a mth in the 2nd trimester. So far, i see her at 3wk intervals.

Oh yes abt Oscars, I dun plan to take at all. Cos risk is really very low.
some gyne, package is for eg 10 visits, then die die also 10 visits but some gyne is package = unlimited visits..

but i can confirm for gyne JW, if she needs to see u (due to pregn high blood pressure or sugar level too high etc) then is considered inside package cos i asked her abt it..
icyen/ jac/ xue: my next appt is on e 31st.. think as e EDD is nearer will get to meet wan cos e interval will be shorter liao.

jac - i ve not sign yet cos still thinking if hubby comp can claim then dun sign better cos dun think his comp will let him claim e package fee..
icyen, sumore our EDD is the same. If we really deliver on that day, we'll probably be screaming together side by side in diff rooms. WAHAHAHA. I think J wong very busy, run up and down. But usually delivery is not on the EDD one rite?
Have you sign up for package? Do you know how is the package like for Dr Heng?

re: birdnest
I ate birdnest once a week for my 2 kids was OK. But I guess it's true too much is no good. Once a week should be ok. Heard that too much water melon and orange is also no good cos will cause phlegm. But one slice 2-3 times a week should be ok. Moderation is key.
jac - normally gyne can't give unlimited visit cos there r some patients, can go like once a wk then e gyne will be very very busy...
Gyne JW appointment can be very packed leh... hubby also worried whether she can manage or not.. n he scared how she goign to handle if 2 ladies delivery at e same timing...
<font face="Comic Sans MS,Tahoma"> Package :
If i didn't remember wrongly, Dr Wong mentioned unlimited visit for her package. And of cos its wen she arrange appt with you. If you fix on wkend, there will be additional charge of $10. Right now my appt is 3-4 wks apart. Next appt on 08 Nov.</font>.
hi all

Am back from class with headache..super tired. Going to take a nap now be4 my hubby comes back with my gal..sigh..

Looks like i got to pass for the aqua fitness liao cos i got lessons on every sat from 9-4.30pm. sob sob..so sad...

Welcome dodo &amp; sharon, do give me ur details for me to add in the table ok?
Re: Confinement

When must we confirm a CL if we are getting one? My mum confirmed cannot do confinement for me liao coz she is not in the pink of health. As for MIL,we are loggerheads so I doubt she will help. Haiz.. Fan ah...

Btw,any recommendations for CL who is not scared of dogs(up to medium size) and dun mind having dogs at home?

Hi all, so many posts since morning..

915 - I am keen to join the yoga at club street.. let me know again..

RE: Pump
We can ask the BP organizer again prob next year since now its still early also.. at least our warranty can last longer too..

This morning, when I went to toilet, suddenly I saw a lot of blood and I was very scared.. immediately called the gynae and nurse told me to go see her asap.. I was very worried... luckily, the gynae said its like a tissue forming at cervix and thats causing the bleeding.. she removed the tissue and send for testing.. and did a scan and bb is fine and jumping inside.. finally I heaved a sigh of relief..

But she told me to rest in bed for the next 3 days and by then the bleeding shd stop since the tissue was already removed..

What a day I had.. I was so scared until I started to cry as I was very worried that something happen to my bb.. but thank god everything is fine with the bb..
hi mummies,
on taking DHA, i took Goldminds DHA 200 from GNC during my #1, intend to start taking it again when i reach 2nd tri. per capsule is 200mg of DHA.

on active #1, mine's 20mths and she doesn't walk, she runs. she's like an energiser bunny dat can go on and on and on... very tiring to cope with her and the current pregnancy.
vera, i tink you had polyps. i had it during my #1 too, sure was scary to see the blood. but according to gynae, it's rather normal for pregnant women to get it. do rest well so dat the bleeding will stop once everything heals. take care.
Take good care! and rest well!

Dr Heng's package starts from week 12. Its $600 including scans and standard vitamins/mediciation till delivery. But only valid for scheduled appts. (ie if you sick you see her, she will charge you extra.) I think I will take the package cuz it sounds pretty reasonable.
