(2009/05) May 2009 MTBs

hahaha! u too tired le, managed to nap?

dun see better. i try to pretend nvr hear, unless at dinner table & others looking at me for reply!

Ju: yes! Lol! N last nite she was back to normal, heng! Usually when in laws tok to me they will tok to my hb for him to ask me stuff. The lamest thing is that I'm rite nx to him, and we're all at the same dinner table. Weirdos!
Good Morning Mummies

jas, my mil also worked before but now retire liao, not even reach 60. ho mia. last 2 days, she and hb went to fidgets with my gal and sil's kids and had a rolling gd time. both mums dunno how to do confinement, so engage outside help. better still, can rest and relax like king whahahaaa!

jamie, she still sitting in stroller. only dat sometimes i lazy to bring out. when shes in toys dept, dun expect her to sit still lo haha! oic. my mil also stay jw. but need to go interchange take bus so not dat near. i simply dun understand why some mils like to talk bad abt their dils. dat doesn't reflect good on themselves either! juz becos we seldom talk and when open our mouths they dun like and go ard spreading. wat nonsense is dat!
jamie, ur monster in law stay so near u..then always come ur hse or not ?? lol

ju, i agree tt dun see better ! sometimes my mil ask me funny things tt i dunno wan to answer or not

win, same here ! both mums very ho mia dunno how to do confinements..end up hv to engage professional to do for me and they wan to gv comments..sian loh..hb is the one paying but they wan to gv instructions. so hb say if hv #2, will ask mil to do confinement for me...let her suffer a bit then she knw is not tt easy since she only knw how to talk n dunno how to work..lol
Jamie, faster move hse haha!! And cny approaching, how u gona escape? Still hv to face her rite.

Jean, i suggest u get professional help instead of mil. afraid conflicts will arise. Watever she wan to say let her be lo, anyway its the confinement lady buay tahan, u juz switch off both ears.
porky: lol!! nv lei.. they hv the old ppl mentality "why must we go over? they shld come n visit us wat" gd also la, means they will nv come over. =D they nv say wanna see hailey also. this coming cny marks a whole yr of us not seeing each other liao! if ur mil do confinemwnt for u will b lagi jialat ba??!

win: ya, my mil like to blame me. say must be i say dun wan go bk visit them, so hb also nv go. sil say hb always ot so by the time rch jurong v late liao. then she say must b i alwas take $ frm hb until he mus everytime ot work until so skinny. lollll!! see la will faint or nt
Good Morning Mummies, i am on half day today hehe!

jamie, seems like u and sil relation quite good ah. think ur sil also bth her own mother haha! lucky u not staying with her juz heck care la. most impt u hv ur loved ones by ur side.
Wishing all the mummies & kiddos a Happy New Year!
May Year 2011 be a better year
ju/win, i dont wan spend the $ and hv her nagging behind ! better let her do confinement for me else she like to act like so smart !

jamie, wah ur sil v good leh will tell u all this..anyway u all dont stay tog jus close both ears lah

happy new year to all mummies and babes !

any CNY gathering ?? hehe
happy new year to all mummies & families!

well, up to u la. whn mil did my confinement, i nearly died

i also wan CNY gathering! missed Xmas gathering, so sad
Happy 2011'to all !

Long time din come in here. Glad the thread is alive again !'haha talking abt mil .

I must be one of the lucky or unlucky ones who dun hv this problem. My MIL passed away before I met my hb. So never see her before. FIL also not staying with us, only see him once every 2 months to pass him allowance.

Jamie : Carpe Diem good a not? There is 1 at bukit batok but within walking distance. Need to take bus. So will be ma fan for my old folks to bring her back.

Only 2 CC near my place . Appleland Montessori & Just
Kids. Any mummies know them? Any feedbacks?
Porky, if you want a good confinement then your MIL cannot do since she couldn't handle baby. You may end up doing all the things yourself just like me.
If you intend to hire a helper for your #2, get her in early and train her, at least you have a backup.
My helper helped me for my #2 except for bathing baby.
Happy New Year to all Mummies and kiddos!

looks like most mummies are preparing the kids for pre-sch. me too but yet to source. haha!

i also want CNY gathering! count me in!
happy new year too all mummies and big babies

to mummies who wanna travel with baby, go ahead and try it out -- it may turn out to be less tiring than expected :p

hubby and me survived our 1-week holiday in japan with yuan2
surprisingly, she slept well during the flight, in the hotel and in the stroller (we bought a light-weight 4kg stroller for this trip -- always in a reclined position with 5-pt harness). the baby chair in japan does not have a strap(hubby commented that japanese babies are too well trained) -- hence, difficult to feed a active toddler. So, Yuan2 was on milk for most meals :p

porky, if ur mil tagged along for the trip, dun expect her to take care of baby. then u will have an enjoyable trip. no expectation = no disappointment

and i agree with jasc, better to get a confinement lady, else u will not have a good rest!
wow! great trip! was yuan2 ok wif the cold?
yeah, some how bb seem to be ok in the planes, maybe bcos of the slow movement of plane taxi-ing? both flight out & back, jodie fell aslp while the plane was taxi-ing on the runway.
Ya better get a confinemt lady then ask mil...

Mil sucks la...fil also...we totally heck care them le...jus trying to tahan before i rch limit n flare at them...like jamie, they old thinking muz we go c them...but i preggie n hubby wk on wkend how to go...so once a mth they come,my fil will face black black...plus mil hsewife but dun sweep/mop floor, hse got dog pee everywhr...totally stinko n major turnoff...
My sil always spy my fb n tell hubby off if i say bad things...esp recently i reach my limit le...but i heck care...i tell hubby ask ur sis come talk to me la...

Re: overseas trip
Look like i can bring kaiden for further trips since most of them can slp n tahan long flights...

Cny gathering...too bad going to miss it cuz super near due date le...
Good Morning Mummies

cheyanne, another problematic sil, block her frm fb! Looks like #2 is going to be a cny baby! congrats!
good morning mummies

ju, yuan2 is ok with the cold -- she even hike up a mountain with us on xmas day
could hear her panting but she had fun walking up the steps to the summit -- worth it as we were rewarded with a nice view of mount fuji
she dun like to wear her winter jacket as it restricts her movement *haha*

cheyanne, dun let ur in-laws affect u -- see less better... u enjoy final few weeks before kailyn joins kaiden

i cannot join the cny gathering as my fil passed away last jun -- not suppose to celebrate cny this year.... hmm, can i still visit my parents n siblings?
adv_sports, which part of japan u visit, f&e? is it very cold? glad that yuan2 enjoyed the trip
if ur parents n siblings not 'pantang' shd be ok bah, anyway its festive season.
win, we spent 4 days in tokyo and 2 days in izu (seaside hotspring resort abt 3-4hr train ride from tokyo). yes, f&e as i m familiar with japan -- been there on numerous biz trips

my jap frens said i brought sunshine over from singapore -- it was sunny when we were there... but the wind chill is burghhh... yuan2 was wrapped up like ba zhang -- walked like humpty dumpty *hahah*... but changing diaper is a hassle as need to remove so many layers!!

my parents n siblings r ok -- juz that if they hv guests, will not be nice as we cannot accept/give ang pows...
good morning mummies !

jasc, we decided to get a helper if #2 comes along..anyway we will consider again as all this is fated lah...now wan to plan for #2 also not easy leh..no one taking care of my boy at night, where got time to "action" ?? lol

adv, wow glad tt yuan2 enjoy the trip ! seems like bb behaves better when they are at a diff country or place ? jaeden behaves very well when we had our 1 night stay in a local hotel..hehe. yes i understand tt better not bring mil along..as i always the one end up being unhappy n dont enjoy tt much

cheyanne, my BIL is also in my fb...he will not comment on my statues if i post nasty or unhappy stuff abt his mum...cos he dont dare to !!! he is the elder son but refuse to stay with his mum and his wife cant get along with her too...so wat more he wan to say abt us right..we are trying v hard to be good DIL but sometimes we just bth their way of doing things
ju, so u wan plan for cny gathering ? ur place again ? hehehe...

cheyanne, u deliver at kkh, tmc or mt A ? if during cny period i can go visit u ! my co. closed till chu 8 then open
yes, ban ur sil!
i removed hb's cousins frm my fb after they keep criticising me for my comments on mil. to them, she's the best aunt in the whole world. anyway, now whn meet they also dun talk to me anymore

wow! yuan2 is very fit wor! dun wear winter jacket, can mah? not cold?
u can start planning more trips le

Haha! I didn't add my SILs or BILs to my FB, just in case I write something unpleasant to them!! FB is for me to share with friends who I'm comfortable with. I meet them almost once a month or everyweek so no need FB! Just need to maintain that way will do.

Doreen, can you share with me your itineary please? Haha! Changing diaper is definitely troublesome, I remembered when I was in LA 10 years back, shopping is a hassle as I have to take off so many layers of my clothes and the boots to try the clothes! In the end I just buy T shirts!
Adv_sports, can i hv ur itinerary too? Many thanks! and dun forget to post pics in fb. we are waiting.....hehe.

porky, so u hv a bil. in that case, move ur mil to stay with them la. she cannot forever stay with u juz becos ur bil's wife cannot get along with her, as if u can. doesn't make sense rite. must take turns mah. office closure till chu 8, so nice but is this under forced leave scheme?

juju, how to remove them in fb ah? teach me le.

jas, how i wish my sil dun add me arrghhh though our relations still ok, but who knows in the future when i say something bad on her mum whahahaaa!
Jas, we only talk abt kids stuff recently(she has 2 kids, so juz share knowledge). nothing else. before my girl born, we rarely talk. furthermore she always buy things for us whenever overseas, so not very nice to remove her. as long as no conflicts with others, i'm fine. at least u all meet once a mth. we only meet up during bdays, cny and mother/father's day. not much interaction.
Win, they all stay nearby, last time my hb's sis took care of my girl for more than 2 years, everytime her mum asked her want to go back her place for dinner, she would always ask if we will be there or not, if we not there then she doesn't want to come. Although she was reluctant to take care of my boy, she still ask about my girl very often. Recently she came to know that I have intention to put my boy in cc, she asked me to bring my girl back to her! I told her I'll consider but I think is very difficult. I prefer to send my boy to cc near my mum's place so that there's proper dinner ready. If I go back cck to stay, every weekday have to rush back to pick my boy, feed him, fetch my girl then have my dinner, sooner or later my hb or me will go pengsan! Unless I find a job nearer west side, I don't forsee going back to stay so soon.

The other SIL is the wife of my hb's brother. We all keep in good relationship but not close. I prefer to maintain status quo.
I hv 3 tins of 900g Pediasure for sale as my boy change brand.

Letting go at $32 per tin but if u take all 3 tins then can sell at $30 per tin. Collection at buangkok mrt.

Vanilla favor expire Jan 2012 x2
Strawberry favor expire Sep 2011 x1

Serious buyer and no neg pls!!

Contact me via pm.. Thanks
Good Morning Mummies

today is the 1st day of sch and looks like most mummies are busy sending kids here and there, spying how well they cope in new enviro, so fun. but not for me though as my girl has no sch to attend haha!!!!
win, yes i hv a bil..but they rented out 2rooms so no more rooms for my mil to stay..and they purposely do that ! furthermore my bil knw my hb wont abandon his mum. same lah, we also meet like 2-3 times a yr only..not much communication, only fb to keep tracks of some photos and events

jasc, so funny ! yest saw wanbao say some children go sch and the sch is closed..haha
win, our co. force leave every yr for CNY ! bo bian cos we are chinese co. they need to see lucky dates for re-opening of business
jean, as long as ur hb's mum knows which son is dutiful to her, she shd feel contented and not irritate u so often. forced leave also gd. can take this chance to go short trips, shopping, etc recharge energy.
Win, Sarah is attending a church kindergarten near my mum's place.

Porky, Actually I've wanted to call the office if the class starts on 3 or 4 Jan but I saw the paper school starts 4 Jan so I followed. My mum actually told my sis is one day later after the younger class starts first.....

Porky, I prefer longer holiday but I've to go back to work on 3rd day of new year unless my bosses agree to let us close for the sat. That sat happen to be my duty. I'm so sian!
Porky: i will deliver at kkh...haha dun even wana inform in-laws to come if i giv birth le...

Ju: i wont delete...cuz wat i say is wat i say..if she tink her parents r great then can heck care wat i say...jus like if ppl bad mouth me, i no do, no nid scare or explain...

Doreen: can visit parents la...angbaos kenot giv but if close relatives can giv cash $$ which i did tat time...as for others, dun nid giv angbaos...

Hope my gal can tahan born on 25 jan then share same date as kaiden...lol...
up to u de...
i cldn't stand their kind of fb remarks & looks during gathering, totally went cold, last time was so warm de. now i jus ignore them during gathering, anyway its once a yr during cny only

good morning mummies

start of the new working year yesterday by working till 11pm

jasc n win, will PM u my itinerary when I next log on to fb -- had PM it to jamie earlier... m sorting out the pics -- will post when i get a breather from work

cheyanne, ok, will give $ to my darling nieces n nephews
when is ur EDD?

ju, aiyoh, so uncomfy to hv such "cold" gathering... good thing it is only once a year...
