(2009/05) May 2009 MTBs

juju, outing cancel liao
nowadays our thread very quiet....seems like only both of us here onli.

where are all the mummies? pls show yourselves and make the thread alive agn!!!! haha!
most probably lo. but still must come here and visit us mah hehe...

actually i dun mind cos my mum temp stay over for vacation. so even if mil brings her out, she will also go lo, else also bored at hme.

juz now hb call and say they wana go fidgets together but dunno why cancel agn..

now mil very free cos no longer work. haha now i hv both mothers stand by on call whahahaaaaa!

when my gal v small, i very cham. both also dun want to take care. mil working, my mum dun wan commitment. in the end engage helper. now too many hands helping also no gd. pamper my gal too much.
win, now my mil not working also never say want to help but very heng for me lor, if not I cham, wait she get a job then want to throw back to my mum to take care of my children. I told my mil, since her leg is pain, just stay at home lor.

My Mil actually not too bad lah, go KL she'll help to feed my boy or my girl, gave us some relief. She saw my hb so fierce to my boy she'll ask him to cool down.
Mummies who are going to KL can stay in Parkroyal hotel. I like the location and it's nearby shopping centres, free shuttle bus to KLCC. Free parking if you are driving to KL.
hehe... my mum wan to help but nid to work. mil dun nid to work but dun wanna help.
haha! dun care la. like dat less quarrel also la. & i dun hv to see mil so often. think jodie also dunno who is her nai nai alrdy
win, my mil dont dare to bring my boy out alone..she cant handle him anyway ! even when she go out with me & my boy..i just go toilet for less than 10mins..i heard my boy screaming and she will carry him out from the stroller...i dont like lah, cos once she carry him out, he will refuse to sit back again..i dunno if u all hv such problem or not

jas, so good tt ur mil will help to feed and calm down ur hb during the trip..we thot of planning a trip early 2011 and mil will tag along..but i wonder if she can be of much help or go there and quarrel with me..haha
don't worry so much about MIL. Actually my hb and I are able to handle the children without any help like we did during the cruise. This time round she only tag along and join us for the trip.

She's quite patience with children so when my boy refuse to eat, she'll try to feed him in her own way.

For the stroller, this trip is the first time Isaac get to sit in eat for so long and so many times
For the first year in his life he don't sit in it more than 3 times and we hardly brought him out of the house. If we bring him to somewhere interesting, just make sure he sit in it all time and only carry him out to change his diaper or when necessary, or else he'll refuse to sit in it after that. Most of the time he's very cooperative

Actually if your little boy makes noise sitting in the stroller, just push the stroller around he'll quiet down. I did that when my hb and MIL discussing what to eat, I just pushed the stroller with my boy sitting in it window shop in the mall and he's very happy.
Remember when you are preparing for any trip, don't mention anything to your boy. Just prepare the back up medication to bring along. On the day of the trip just carry him and leave the house.

My girl's first trip with us to Genting we did that and everything was smooth. 2nd trip in June this year, somehow she knew about it and she had diarhhoea and we had to postphone to another week. Before cruise, I think my mum mentioned about cruise holiday to my boy and he developed running nose and fever a day before the trip. This KL trip my mum again told him 'your mummy is bringing you to sit aeroplane' and again he had high fever the night before we leave.

I know my mum doesn't like me to bring my boy for holiday at such a young age but she has no intention to make him fall ill and she doesn't believe what I told her. I didn't tell her about the fever but my girl leaked out accidentally when I called home.
Hello Mummies!!!

Any of u went to genting recently? Am going in early Jan but not sure how is the weather there. Scare too cold bring not enough, am going with another family cause they are driving up.

Btw i wanted to enroll my boy in talentplus / jenuistots playgroup but cant decide which one.
Talentplus is a 2hrs class playgroup while Jenuistots is a 3hrs prenursery. Both start in March2011.
Need some advise.
Good Afternoon Mummies!

its great to see the thread alive agn haha!

i seldom talk to my mil, no talk no wrong haha! but we did went overseas when me and hb in relationship.so far havent gone overseas together since my gal is born. planning to go together in mid jan next yr. hopefully everything will be fine.

since mil now not working, she usually comes weekday morning or late afternoon. she will not come at nite cos we already so tired frm work and juz want to hv peaceful dinner etc. will always buy fruits for us and toys/clothes for my girl.

before my girl was born, we always meet up for sun dinner. usually is fil talks cos mil seldom smile, duno why.

we do hv some conflicts when my girl is still small. ever since then, i rarely talk to her. she usually will ask my hb or helper when it comes to my girl. better still, no talk no wrong haha!
bjy, i'm not sure if talentplus is franchisee or not. but heard reviews frm my frens that some branches are very bad, even labelled them as 'hei dian' which is the new branch located opp my blk, jw st 25. i suggest u go down and take a look before placing deposit. hope this helps.

as for jenuistots, i hv no idea.
juju, when jodie grows bigger and able to communicate, she will start to ask this and that lo. my girl also see mil and my mum abt twice a week.

porky, gg overseas is a happy thing. she will not quarrel la. dun worry and enjoy. btw we confirmed gg melaka mid jan
win, my neighbour applied for her son for next yr.. it is right below my blk only.. Did you enrol ur gal at Agape Child Care? or do you heard any reviews before.. I intend to enrol my son there..
Decided to put my boy at talentplus cause the agegap btw the kids nt so big. It's a 2hrs class. Hard for me to view cause working so need to depend on my mum.
Merry Merry Xmas to all mummies and the lil tots!!!! Hv a fun filled weekend!!!!!

bjy, which branch u putting ur boy? starting next yr?

andrea, frankly speaking, hv never thot of putting my girl in agape cos their turnover quite high. principal chng once and the teachers quite young and 'lian' too. u may want to go and see see first.
merry xmas to all april/may 2009 mummies !

jasc, oic ! so is pantang right ? then i better not say anything to my boy if gg for trips..but i think my mil will say to him !
win, wow ! so ur short trip is booked alrdy ? great ! we planning to go genting in march..jus planning only..no sound no pix yet !

so u seldom talk to mil also...but nv stay tog wont hv so much conflicts lah. i will argue with mil most of the time when hb is not ard..sign..last time we are very nice to each other when we dont stay tog
jean, we gona self-drive to melaka. so just confirm hotel will do. most prob is holiday inn

ur mil all along staying with u? dun she has a hse of her own?
Merry xmas to all

suddenly the thread is alive... heehee

BJY, brgt my boy to genting 2wks ago... normal jacket for indoor.. outdoor may need thicker clothing..
merry xmas everyone! =)

re: sitting in stroller
most bubs now reject stroller liao?

porky: at least u got along w ur mil before u guys stay tog. me n mil nv got along before. in fact, i found out frm sil that she sometimes ki siao will gossip abt me and kpkb to sil.

win, andrea, got consider Carpe diem?
my gal always reject stroller

i got along wif mil until the day i rom-ed wif hb. whahaha!!! after dat her true colours start revealing. bitch abt sil in front of me, no doubt she bitch abt me in front of her daughter & dil too
Good Morning Mummies!

re: sitting in stroller, my gal still happily sitting in it le.

jamie, ur mil also seldome see u and her granchild? And where is Carpe diem?

juju, i believe some mils are like dat. but we dun take it to heart, 1 ear in, the other one goes out lo.
i close both ears! hahaha!
seriously, i realli dun pay attn. at times, she will be rattling away then pause, i was like "huh, wat's gg on?" lol... can see her face wan to change colour. kakaka!!!
Good Morning Mummies

Win, I haven't plan to go for next holiday but I won't mind to go KL next year end again
We 2 kids, it's not easy to bring them along anywhere.

Jean, for me I just want to go for a trip happily so it's not pandang for me

Jamie, my boy was happily sitting in the stroller during my recent KL trip and yesterday in JP. Previously he hardly sit in it because my hb was too lazy to carry it around as he finds it troublesome and heavy. Now he knows the adv of stroller
jas, its always good to go holidays. we women juz luv shopping: gd buys, great buys, value buys and cheap buys whahahaaa!!!

stroller is a must in my car! hehe.
hahaha! i like too! her look is so priceless when i do dat! lol...

at least ur boy will sit. my gal sit less than 15mins then wanna come down or carry liao. use it as trolley, ppl stare
now we use supermkt trolley to put my gal when we go amk hub. haha! she love it, but ppl stare also. lol!!!
juju, i also use the stroller to put my bags and stuff if my girl backside itchy. whatever stares, juz ignore lo...haha! supermart trolley ok wat, why ppl stare? siao ah!
dats why dun bother lor. at least she stay inside abit longer than stroller. i've been stroller-lesss for mths liao. no point keeping at hm whn i dun even bring it out.
morning mummies ! today i am not working. gg shopping later !

win, my mil sold her hse n move in with us

jamie, yes before tt we get along quite well..even can go dinner n shopping tog when my hb need to work late..but now is like forever cant click !

jasc, huh...if u not pandang then why u dont mentioned anything to ur girl before gg to trips ?

re : stroller
my boy still willing to sit esp if he walk till ka sng n feel sleepy
sold off loh... haha! cos got frustrated wif moving it ard whn i clean the floor, then jodie like to push it ard the living rm.
jean, aiya u made my hands and legs itchy and mine elsewhere whahahaaaa! go where shop later?

i see. nvm lah. maybe u want to adopt juju totally ignorance, silent killer method? hopefully my pil still prefer to stay at their own.

re : stroller
ya same. they will run and play till v tired then our strollers come in use.
my gal also dun like to sit in stroller ....hard to get her to sit in...once sit in...now dare not carry her out even changing diaper outside cos she wun wan to sit back.
Good morning!

My parents in law and I are so far ok as we stay apart. My MIL is quite open minded as she has worked before. Before me and my hubby got married, she already told my hb to get our own house. My FIL doesn't talk to me much as he has hearing problem.

The only conflict with MIL was during my confinement with my elder girl. Method of handling young baby and also different habits even though she only stayed with me for few nights and my hb quickly sent her home.

My MIL won't talk very much about me to her son, only I complain to her about her son as he's very bad tempered! haha!

Previously I read a lot of posting from Singapore brides.com and saw many sad cases even when the girl are newly wed and pregnant! Some MIL are really monsters!
Hi Sorry to disturb your thread.
Would like to check if there are any mummies staying at Tampines st 44 or nearby? I'm a march 2009 sahm mummy and I'm looking for playdates for my boy. Pls email me at [email protected]

win, i went to NEX serg ! lots of sales and lots of ppl ! hehe

better for pil to stay on their own..unless ur hb is only child or only son loh

cal, once they sit in the stroller..try not to carry him out. feed milk also can let him lie in the stroller..unless he poo then must bring him out to change..

jasc, ok ! i also did not tell my boy tt we gg anywhere before the day came

wah i posted and totally forgot abt it. so many comments liao. lol!

win: carpe diem at blk 739.. ur girl still ok with stroller?

re: stroller
hailey make noise lei, sometimes ok sometimes not. mostly not la. unless i give her snack like raisins or melts to keep her in. then she walk awhile she tired, so end up we have to carry her. @_@.

re: monster in law
yes i hardly see my mil cuz she keep talking bad abt me. siao one. hate her! and she quite stubborn and childish type la. when i speak to her i feel so fake. like i know she dun like me n i still mus pretend to hold conversation with her. eee, i bth. and best thing is, she stay 680C and i stay 630. 5mins drive away.
