(2009/04) April 2009 MTBs

Kris: Thanks so much for hosting the gathering. totally enjoyed it. so many babies and enjoyed myself. Xander also enjoy so much that he slept after we reach home.

Hope that i can host one of the gatherings before i go back to work. :p I'll try.

chocz: so sorry to inform u so late. the commuter mug n fridge to go bag went out of stock when i went to make the order. I'll keep u updated on new promo. Prob u can PM me ur address so i can send u a catalog for ur Tupperware shopping.

idaa, no prob for the similac.. thanks for collecting the popcorn too!

sorry last min had urgent things so din go aunt's place and went home immediately.. left in a rush and even forgot to tell u! haha..
hi kidzkidz,
for the calendar, can i have 15 apr pls?
possible to pm me ur address so tat i can mail u a self-addressed envelope?

btw, dear all,
for those staying in the west, kiddy palace (#02-50 JP1) is having 20% off storewide (15may - 30jun), note: discount is not applicable for offer & nett-priced items.

saw the pics in rose's fb. wow! so many babies!
pity that i missed this fun gathering. looking forward to the next gathering. ^_^
Chocz: yes.. will be getting for pei... u want?
how many packs u want?

ytd just went to weigh.. 1 pack is abt 50gm, selling $1.00.

Pei: how many packs u want ah???
rem to pm me ur addy....
aiyo... bt my plc here no sheng siong le...
usually these dry goods selling cheaper at SS.. and moreover tis shop is in shopping mall, things are relatively more expensive to cover rental....

wonder if NTUC sells or nt hor.. :p:p
maybe tmr go chk out same time.. hee...
woo.. then if ur area no SS then no pt going all the way to find, wait incur more costs only.. haha.. havent gone NTUC to see though..

wah today after seeing the slings i itchy hand gonna get another 1 again.. haha.. still thinking between MIM n balboa.. hmm
marie, tried owmum's balboa today and it does feel good n the padding at shoulder also v comfy, but its a lil thick n cait v afraid of heat.. considering MIM cos of the cotton sateen range more cooling i think..
oh ya! marie, forgot tell u today the enfalac lobang sms me and said now can't get $35 a tin cos company checking on them. its $38 now for staff price, u still wan? i was thinking may be more convenient for u to share with yvonne cos in punggol since she also wanna get enfalac..
bonbon: no worries. if it's selling at $38. Yvonne said that we can get it at a medical hall at Rivervale Plaza. It's also selling at $38. Thanks!!!
okie.. so i dun order anymore since can buy from rivervale even more convenient for u all haha..

hmm waiting for princess cait get up. past her feeding time at 12am liao.. she's exhausted after today i think haha.. slept in cab, reach home drank milk and bathed and Zzz till 9pm woke up milk and Zzz till now.. hahhaha
bonbon: if cait sleep pass her feed time. then let her sleep. Xander also very tired. I let him latch for 45mins at 7pm, then fed antoher 120ml at 1130pm. Now sleeping so soundly.
tks to kris for opening up her house for the gathering today!

only managed to talk to a few mummies properly today, but look forward to subsequent outings!

ariel slept well, both at the gathering n also back home! haha.. but now her mummy is quite tired from battling the heavy traffic the whole day.. nitez!
maria, the last time you took the fenugreek and it helped you to increase the ms, did you continue taking to maintain the ms or did latching help?
Jas, I also think you should follow the FM instructions. My baby is on TBF so can't really advise on this much too... I think the formula given by doctor applies for both BM and FM.

lilmoo, oh I didn't know Carters has such sleeping sacs for babies too! Do you know where to get one?

I was earlier on saying about my baby being 'cured' from nipple confusion, and I usually latch my girl for night feeds. Suddenly last night, she forgot how to latch on again! So weird right.... Anyone's baby like mine too?
<font color="119911">marie,
it will b great if u can host one party, looking 4ward.

if u not latchin, get a pouch sling, easier to use n not as heavy as MIM sling. no buckle oso.</font>
<font color="119911">Jas:</font> Yeah, muz follow instructions of the FM otherwise too concentrated = heaty. Oledi some brands of FM more heaty than others whc leads to bb sleeping more soundly or constipating... My 2YO on Friso and the tin says 3 scoops to 180ml. When her appetite increased, I increased the portion to 4 scoops to 240ml to ensure same consistency. My 2nd, Sebastian, was born on 9 Apr -- my b'day!

<font color="aa00aa">Ida:</font> Most welcome to the bibs and Drypers S size. Hope fits ur prince coz he also another heavy-weight like mine

<font color="0000ff">Pei:</font> I also blur oledi w so many mommies &amp; bb, nt sure if my 5pcs of Huggies Ultra NB was passed to u or another mommy

<font color="ff0000">Pravina:</font> We had Sebastian circumcised while stl in hosp, on his 2nd day. The PD recommended a pediatric urologist (surgeon) to do the procedure, a Dr Cheah who's clinic is actually in Gleneagles. Tel: 6735 2886. Coz it was done so early, Sebastian didn't show any pain or register any discomfort. We did it for hygiene reasons as our weather's too humid and when guys serve NS can hv no chance to bath so prone to various fungal infections.
<font color="ff6000"><font size="+1">Pages fr Chinese Calendar:</font></font> Hv reserved 4 the mommies who hv posted requests above. Do PM me 4 my mailing add so u can send me SAE. Dates taken: 25-26 Mar, 28 Mar, 2 Apr, 5 Apr, 7 Apr, 9-11 Apr, 15 &amp; 30 Apr. Rest stl up 4 grabs
<font color="0077aa">Happylittlewoman:</font> The Kiddo slp bag quite gd, juz rec'd 1 bt in S size so dun think can put Sebastian in 4 long, wl use on him as blanket after.

<font color="119911">lilmoo:</font> Carter's izzit those open toes slp gown? My sis got 2 fr FOS in HK. Also getting 2 small oledi 4 B2...
Seen the photos on Rose's FB, SO MANY BABIES!! hahaha .. all found partners already?? kekekke All the babies look so cute n chubby too! Salute to all the mummies who're working hard :D

rose : add me on FB k?

Kris : where did you get your mat? D babies looks very comfy on it

idaa : ask u, do u do 'sunat' your baby girl? What is actually being cut ah?
ipan.. i transfered funds and smsed u liao

yp bb gerls must sunat leh.... there is a small piece being cut.. havent had time to upload photos.... my bb super cranky after jab last nite.. now bck to his smiling self - thank god!!

marie.. xander cranky or not after jab?

my bb is 64cm now and 6.3kg.....
idaa : the shopping link that u paste, how to order? I am sooo wanting to buy the burberry like shoes .. so cute!! How/where to order?? The baby carrier, issit very good? I ordered one on one of the BP, but here in this link got new style with zipper instead of d velcro .. which one do u think better?
<font color="119911">marie,
i can bring my mat over if u need, easi to cari coz can fold up.

i got it frm BP under small small world. tink i shld bring in n sell. so many mummies asking abt it, keke.</font>
<font color="0000ff">Kris:</font> yeah, pmed u 2 ask how thick is ur mat. Small Small World got BP on now so i'm contemplating getting one. Urs the thickness quite comfy -- do u rmbr many mm izit? Now also got another seller doing BP for these kind of Parklon mats, muz compare prices
Morning mummies!

Tks Kris for opening up your place for the gathering..=)Didn't get to realy chat with all mummies but I'm sure still gt chance wan..

Chocz: Tks for the CDs..will play for my ger later..

Ow-Mummy: Tks for the fitti diapers..haven't tried on my ger's golden butt yet..will try later..
ipan... see both good.. get 1 each lah... like me.. kekekeke.. u can order frm her bp straight as well.. she includes free delivery.. me just helping only - the burberry shoes nice rite.. too bad i have a boy.. if not sure i buy.. kekek


bonbon and mummies considering to by the japanese carrier - it is really comfy and helps the lessen the weight of my toddler n great as aan extra in the diaper bag
aft march gathering - mummies wanna get the playmat.. now april mummies turn.. think world of koreas sells a lot too... too bad i dun have space in my hose.. the mat is realy nice for my babies to play on
<font color="119911">kidz,
i cant rmbr the thickness but if not wrong, the same print shld b the same thickness n dimension. u can chk out gmarket oso, its selling at $199 if not wrong, mine is the LG mat.

we oreadi plannin for the next gatherin liaoz, keke.

other den teats, r u interested in similac vouchers n nuby pacifier?</font>

Anyone looking for babysitter? I have one to recommend at Kovan/Hougang. If interested, kindly PM me for her contact details. Thanks!
Ida,ask you ar, for the jap carrier rite, it only has a velcro to stick ar? den stable? wat's the weight it can hold?

The mat is so tempting hor..so pretty..I love the pooh wan..but no space to put in my mini house..and I find it a hassle to keep and take out each time for use..ha..lazy mummy..
4eva - it can hold up to 20kg.. but if wanna play safe up to 15kg.. yup quite stable for my toddler.. esp int the walking years.. they sometimes just dun want to walk so this carrier acts as an a great extra in the diaper bag. .. yes only velcro to stick.. at first i tot also how can be stable like that till i tried

kidz.. u poison minds also.. kekekeke
so mummies.. planning next gathering already?? volunteers / places.. how i wish can volunteer my house.. too bad too small and too many things
wah sey jam - confirm getting already!! kekekeke... so i poison u lah by asking to come over a while to kris's place... kekekeke
Morning mummies...

Bb Maverick merlioned when I reached home yesterday. After that, I fed him some Ridwind on its own (We tried adding to milk but he vomit milk out, so PD advice to feed Ridwind 30mins b4 feeding milk)...he cried "murder" then no more vomiting for rest of the night. This morning, burped him several times, thought ok liao...then 10mins after feeding, he merlioned &amp; choked on his own vomit....have to latch him on afterwards cos he still hungry...now finally sleeping
i fell sick now feel like dying.. dunno wads wrg with bb, give me such a hard time when i m so sick.. last night she poo until e whole sling also kana *faint* end up no sling i had such a hard time to coax her to slp.. haix.. den jus nw feed her end up she merlion out till my whole bedsheet... sad..

fisherprice gt sale? i wana buy the rocker..
catherine.. ur bb was the one who merlioned twice yest as well? if i m wrong.. sorry.. maybe u ask rose on this.. justin had this as well last month

ow mummy - sayang u ..... poor u.. patient ok... sometimes bb will do all the nonsense when we are our lowest

FP got warehouse sales at Lokyang leh.. u gg... then can see what good itesm have
Hi mummies! sounds like the gathering was fun!! saw Rose's pics of all the babies lying side by side oh my they're all so cute! it's like a baby convention...

Eunice nope hotslings can't do the snugglehold position. but the snugglehold is soooo comfy my no.1 really loved it. it was our favourite position. my own opinion is, i think MIM type of slings are better for younger babies cos the positions are more comfy for baby and its more versatile--can breastfeed easily with bb in it. the only thing is it's bulky and u gotta get used to adjusting it and seasoning the fabric etc etc.

but hotslings/pupsik look more stylo (i often get curious stares from strangers whenever i wear my hotsling) and it's not so bulky, i can easily fold it and chuck it in one small corner in the diaper bag. the shortcoming is there're only 3 positions u can use--cradle carry, front carry (sort of like a modified kangaroo), and hip carry. I put my son in the hotsling when he got older and could sit up properly coz our fave position then was the hip carry.
kris, can i have the pacifier too..thanks..

marie, no prob...i've pm u my add. Thks.

ciarie, i wld like to hv 2pkts, will pm u my add. Let me knw how much + postage, I tt to u. Thks

for those of u who latch baby at night, does your baby have the tendency to latch on one breast, sleep then refuse to latch on the other breast only to wake up 1 hr later shouting for hunger?
