(2009/04) April 2009 MTBs

yah, 1st child always super eager to buy..
for my gal, she's "lucky" in the sense i've got frens n relatives who're just a few months to a year older than her, so got loads of clothes to wear.

haha marie.. u also Mrs Ong wor.. me too
mostly apr mums having girls rite? i tot that time someone mention more girls than boys in the launch list..

marie.. enjoy ur good food at newton wor.. cya later during the talk.. hope its interesting n i dun fall asleep.. haha
<font color="ff6000">Hello mummies!!! *wave wave wave*

Jam arh, all yr doing arh. I thought why ppl have the impression I popped, so it was you who was so concerned about me nor. So touched that you still called. Bonbon &amp; Roseling's right lor. Still busy magicleaning and doing housework lorrr.

Dear KP also emailed me to let me know that you guys thought I've popped arh. So I better faster drop a line like Jam suggested in case she thinks I have popped again tomorrow keke..

I am going for Japanese buffet at UE Square now so I can't talk much too. I won't be posting tomorrow also coz I will be meeting a friend for tea and then need to rush back to my mum's for dinner leh.

I am afraid I won't be able to catch up on the archives already. Need you girls to update me when I finally get the chance to chat with you all real time ok?

Meanwhile, enjoy yourselves and NO ONE'S SUPPOSED TO POP YET OK?????????? *hook mini little last finger*

Hi all

so sorry to intrude. I have the following items to let go at low rates:

1) Avent DUO pump full set with bag

2) Avent UNO pump box still intact

3) Clarins Huile "Tonic" Body treatment Oil (still in box never open before)

if you are keen, please PM or email me

[email protected]

Thank you
HappyLittleWoman: I also bought Carlson b4 coz heard in some of the threads here that it's cheap and good. My experience is that it's cheap coz it's thin and porous -- thus end up needing more pieces to clean poo. Also pieces don't detach properly so when trying to pull out one, can end up with quite a few... End up now I using the remaining packs to clean hands and table
End of the day, I think I'll stick to Pigeon when I need the bigger packs. For small travel packs I've found the following brands to be soft yet thick and not too ex: Pigeon, Bebe, NTUC, Tollyjoy (for the last, don't ever get the big round canister one coz it's so hard to pull out that each piece stretches and tears apart -- very aggravating!) Main thing about wipes is must min. be able to clear the poo without the poo seeping through.

Other mommies got other brands to recommend? Someone told me Combi wipes are good and very worth buying when on sale. Think it's on sale at Isetan and BHG.
Hi kidzskidz, thanks for the feedback. Since the baby is not out yet, I only tried using Carlson wipes for my hands and general cleaning. Yeah at times a few pieces will come out together, so need to be a bit careful when pulling the wipes. Just that for the price, I think it's really cheap. I do have pigeon ones too, will try out soon and compare the differences.
Eunice, no prob... i'll order 1 NB &amp; 1S for you...

Idaarshad &amp; Jamgal, u all ordered the nepia diapers already rgt??

anyone else?? I'll order tmr
pls let me know by tmr 10am....
Hi, gals,

Talking abt. baby wet wipes, you can try pureen wet wipes (in pink packaging) which I find it not bad. I have been using this on my 2y.o son to clean his poopoo since birth. Think it costs ard $9 for 3 packs of 100pcs each at kiddy palace.
Pat, gd to hear that u r still un-pop!

Another brand for wet wipes will be J&amp;J. blue packaging. it's thick n cleans stubborn poo easier.
this is your #3 right? first 2 also by c sec? i think i bought something from your bp before, didn't realize you're also in the april group. tempted to get the gap rompers. :p

my #1 was tbf for almost a year and she rarely poop, so big gap between the poop days that we got worried a lot. asked the pd and she said it's ok. some tbf bb will absorb most of the ebm and just pee. her record was 9 days!

i did try to change dr but in the end went back to the dr that delivered #1. the new dr was so mean, even though i told her right off my dates were off, she insisted this was a non viable pgy. EP is exclusively pumping. some people using cloth diapers will use disposable for the first week, cos they find meconium hard to wash off the cloth diapers.
it is hard to tell the diff between bb stretching or BHs. usually stretching i can feel body parts. LOL BHs the tummy will tighten up. dr said if too many BHs in 20 mins then better monitor. I did 4d u/s but didn't get very good pix cos bb wasn't cooperative.

i drank tea 2-3x a week until i had to watch my sugar intake, don't know why this time the craving is cheese and milk tea.
although i did bring an outfit for #1 to come home from the hospital, in the end she came home in the hospital provided outfit and wrapped up in the hooded towel. i didn't really mind her not wearing our own "special" outfit, i didn't buy anything special any way, just packed one of whatever we have since we got zero hand me down. the hospital stuff we considered keepsake.
re: wet wipes
i've tried quite a few but can only remember pampers, avent, and pigeon. pampers we didn't like, bought before #1 was born cos saw got offer at the expo. cant remember why, maybe too thin or the smell. avent is nice and big but too wet and expensive. stuck to pigeon after that. normal price for 3x82 is $10.15, sale usually $9.95. i order in bulk for free delivery, $9 per pack. if next time sk/punggol mommies want, can combine to get free delivery, need to hit $150.
hi lilmoo,

i didn't know that pigeon wet wipes has got free delivery.. can let me know the contact number? I'm also quite sold on the pigeon brand, cos its got a good balance of features (easy to pull, textured for good cleaning, not too thick/thin, not too expensive).

btw, ur #1 is a gal right? understand the way to clean gals up during diaper change/after poo is different fr how we clean up boys.. anything in particular to take note? think my fren used cotton wool with water for quite a while...
Morning ow_mummy!

Need to hit $150 for pigeon wipes, must really buy alot leh haha! Tomorrow if Taka/Isetan got good lobang, i stock up first
lilmoo, next time you order pigeon wet wipes can help order for me? That means must order about 17 pkts to reach $150. In the beginning need to use alot actually 17 pkts use it quite fast i think. Where's the lobang? Maybe i wanna order myself.

tingting, ya girls more troublesome to clean up. Use alot more wipes unless you wash her up everytime.
Just noticed tt for the IPS sale, u can get 30% off avent bottles if u trade in 2 old milk bottles. (not sure though if need to purchase $30 at the sale first as their brochure a bit confusing.)

See page 9.
morning mummies..
i'd like to order the Nepia S, 1 pack please.

lemmknow if need to order more to hit target.. and also howto make payment..
Thanx thanx

kinda confused who to order from ...hope i got it rite this time..
hope not too late!!
wa jamgal: today no work? or on ML ardy?

mummies... i feeling so swelled up suddenly these few days.. walk abit the foot veins all pop up... ncan feel muscles all tense up...last night feel very weird w bb's movement... i think she engaged ardy...somemore e below part feel reali funny...whenever she moves...
wahhh.. use a lot of wipes on baby boy too??
i just got 7packs of pigeon wipes, non-frangrant one..
got 6 packs for like 19SGD from carrefour..
din know pigeon stuff can be delivered one...

wish i can go shopping with you mummies!!!

did you mummies go to the doctors' talks at SCGS last nite?
thot i recognised a few of you.. but not sure.. some from my antenatal classes with Mdm Wong..
Ho ho sounds like the sales mood has picked up!

Powerball, I think no need min bah.. since it is in another "orange bubble"?? But do note that the trade in special only starts on the 13th!! Which is this friday.
Pravina, I was there at the talk too... and I thought I saw someone who looks like you! Haa.. so its really you!
I did see Mr &amp; Mrs BonBon! Auditorium is big! Didn't manage to catch Marie though.

I left during the break as I've attended the SAME talk with the SAME speaker at the woman's congress a few weeks ago. Realised the topics are so different vs the brochure given by TMC! Feel quite cheated though. The topics were supposed to be post-natal depression, living with in-laws, problems associated with a newborn and how to raise a brighter child. In the end, they replace it with HOW TO LOOK GOOD in pregnancy!!! Alamak....
Didn't know there are so many things to look out for in WIPES! Thanks for all the reviews. I should be stocking up soon during the sales! Too bad SK is too far for me.. else definitely will combine orders and SAVE!

Is combi 3 packs, 80 each @$9.90 considered cheap? If so, I'll buy during the IPS!
ow_mum, same here lei, the swelling come n go, fingers n toes feel stiff n tense..can feel bb movement lower, sometime feel like bb is tickling my bladder, very uncomfortable..
Powerball, hope the following break down helps!

12th Mar: Isetan Private Sales (Isetan Scotts)
12th Mar - 29th Mar: Takashimaya Baby Fair

13th Mar - 5 Apr: Isetan Little Tots Fair

(Last page/pg9 of online mailer)
(only at Scotts &amp; Katong)
ok pravina, no prob... i will include 1S pack for you...

eunice, i will include yours too...

i will call them now and get them to deliver tomorrow.. once received, will inform you all.. u can come n collect from me and then pay me then..
bb wipes..i got 4 packs of pigeon, 3 packs of NUK..tat's abt 570 sheets, enuff to last for a mth?? reali dunno how's the usage like...
ow_mummy, me oso puffing up...veins didn't pop up coz it is slowly concealed by my water retention swelling!! But legs get tired very easily.

But visits to toilet is very frequent especially when I am on the move... when sitting down, usually no probs. BB no space already.. so 'attacking' our organs!! :p
baby_mummy: yalo.. i also kip on go toilet one...wa...its like every 5 min i can go once leh...

BTW...any idea wads for lunch? i m hungry.. but hse nth to cook ardy sianz...
tt time marie give the cze char delivery number i call lways nobody pick up one...
ow_mummy, Swensen's got 1 for 1 lunch treats!! But don't think they do delivery ah...

Heee I like the mushroom cheese prata at your place!!
<font color="ff6000">morning.. bb really has not much space to manouvre around anymore. When she moves, I can really feel her poking in all the wrong places. Very uncomfortable. Kicked me a few times in the ribs or jabbed me in the sides.

Realised that I seldom feel baby's movements at the bottom though unless I wear really tight bottoms.

I also like the pigeon wipes leh. I like that it's non-scented and it's wet enough. Pureen pink wipes are good also but it smells kind of strong. Good for when bb's poo is really stinko. J&amp;J's pink wipes are good also. I love the bb smell but it seems more expensive and comes in small sheets.

If you guys are consolidating orders for Pigeon wipes, I want to order too. My sister and I are actually also using the wipes to wipe our doggies keke. So I don't mind ordering more.</font>
<font color="ff6000">Yvonne, are you feeling better already? Tummy still as heavy? It's not very consistent for me. Remember I was saying I felt so heavy and it hurt when I tried to shift positions in bed? It wasn't so bad after a while. I switch sides quite easily now and it doesn't feel as heavy. So was wondering whether you are still feeling heavy &amp; uncomfortable.

Owmum, how do you know that bb has engaged? you feel something in between your legs? Post the feeling over here so that we will know when we have engaged. If not, we all blur blur one haha.

bbmum, you know of all the different sales in town leh. So impressed. I am an Isetan Card Holder also actually but there are always Private Sales that it no longer attracts me anymore. Went 2-3 times before and the crowd is unbearable.

Marie/KP/Yvonne, you guys going to the pte sale @ Isetan tmr right? If you are not buying a lot of things, can ask to tompang buy something since we are staying quite nearby? keke Small item only.</font>
Pat: i dunno leh.. i second time liao still blur...haha.. but i feel hard hard one leh jus at e bone there.. i dunno whr th epart call la...

Baby_mummy: i was lookin thru all e delivery restaurants..all their min order is like i cant finish alone..haix...how...i very hungry...
<font color="ff6000">my water retention also comes &amp; goes. Somedays, they look like delicious braised pig trotters. Somedays, they are like chicken feet.. Shoes can still fit though although some are a little tight. Hope shoe size don't change permanently after this.

Fingers get water rentention occasionally too but still alright. All my rings can still fit.

How do veins pop up? Owmum, you shopping too much is it? or sit still for too long? I thought water retention normally wide conceal the veins like what bbmum said. Coz when my feet looks like pig trotters, I am secretly quite happy with the plumpness instead of my usual veiny feet, which is so ugly.</font>
wow.. orangey pat is back!

I'm feeling abit blue today and your orange seems to brighten up my mood!

I go for things that are value for $$ mah... so must keep a tight watch on sales!! I hate the crowds too leh... so I dunno how I will manage tmr though.. really thinking of making a trip down today to reserve the stuff, grab and pay tomorrow! Or usually I go there early in the morn at 9am!

Last time I focus on beauty stuff coz got the beauty bonus vouchers. Then when I have a home, I need to get household stuff. Now, its baby stuff! But I do notice I buy lesser and lesser with each passing sale.
<font color="ff6000">bbmum, you have been going to loo frequently arh. Weird leh. I haven't been waking up to visit the toilet as frequently as the 1st trimester. Most nights, I can sleep throughout sometimes waking up only once to pee wor.

I heard Jam said that if bb's engaged, we would need to pee very often but very little comes out right? Hmm... If that's the case, I think my bb girl will be very late keke coz she's showing no signs of popping at all.

I got a free stroller from my hubby's cousin. It's a korean brand - Haemin Baby. Never heard before but the stroller is quite light. I could lift it up in my current state without straining. all 4 wheels can turn 360 degrees and the handle can be adjusted so we can choose if we want to push the stroller with the bb facing us or facing the front. Looks quite cushiony also. Let's hope we can make do with this without buying another stroller.

She also gave us a Pigeon Steam Sterilizer coz the current one we own is a microwavable one. So I thought maybe we can have a spare one to sterilize my breasts pumps kekek..</font>
ow_mummy: I sneak off work for 30 mins to chiong TBS loe. 10am open to members already SO MANY people. Also don't know why people buy like siao one lor, like don't need $$$ like that.

I cannot afford to squeeze with them leh, so I just grab and go!

Tomorrow Taka and Isetan Sale is also grab and go situation. Our tummy so big, think difficult to browse slowly, cos the crowd is just horrible!!
