(2009/04) April 2009 MTBs

INduced labour: Its reali painful=X becuz of all e procedures, all e checks in between.. if i explain further i think u mummies will scare..lolx...if can better don induced la let baby times up naturally...

Kris: U r e one who email me?

Btw Rgding to e gathering... i last min haf a meeting at 5PM tml at amoy Street.. so don think able to pick up mummies in my area (SK).. Hopefully my meeting wont drag till too late if not i will b late for e dinner gathering...

wah lau ah pat! why like tat??? :p:p
i dun hv e luxury like u all, tai tai.... can spare fri noon to have meet up lo!!!!!!!!!

how i wish i can...............
Pat, I thought u had too many massages liao till u going to treat ur hospital stay as a resort stay. hahaha.. sunblock for resort stay is a must!
pat, my this girlfren is angelina jolie wanna b, wen she was pregnant she wore high heel up till when she was in 7 o 8 mth pregnant, we oso worry for her..

wat do u mean by the girls have started walking ard expo oready?? today is thursday rite?? the bb fair starts tomorrow wa...
<font color="ff6000">Ciarie, you finally read about the part where you and JamGal got cursed is it? hahaha. It's like that one lor.

Ow_mummy, late nevermind. Better late than never.

powerball haha.. My sunblock is face sunblock not body block lah. I need massages coz of bodyaches lor. Don't suan me hor..</font>
<font color="ff6000">oops, ya hor hahahaahahhh!!! If started walking liao, yvonne should be there tabao-ing BK's chilli sauce for me mah. Haiyo, I think powerball is right. All the massages are making me feel like I'm on holiday leh.

I still wear low heels ocassionally leh. With the water retention, I find my feet so nice. Finally no veins, so I want to show them off wearing my heels keke.</font>
<font color="ff6000">Funny, where did all our chatty mummies disappear to today? It's raining at Loyang leh.

Marie, are you back at work today already? Feeling better? Yesterday you felt breathless or what? How come suddenly take half day?</font>
<font color="ff6000">Yvonne, teach you how to differentiate the two mummy.

ow_mummy is the younger one who is a tai-tai. This is not her first child already. She is also the one who keeps saying want to play MJ one.

bb_mum is the one who eats hi-chew like nobody's business but still never really gain much weight one. She only comes in once in a while. This one also another high maintenance one like JamGal.</font>
i was concerned abt marie oso, text her at 12 plus, apparently she got constipation problem n false contraction in the morning, she wen c doctor liao..
<font color="aa00aa">jamgal: If I remember correctly the firstborn I was too tired, cos in labor for 17 hrs mah! The nurse helped to wipe down the body. But the 2nd delivery I think not cos doc ordered me to walk the minute I open eyes......hehehe

Hey put powder on scalp wait got dandruff how. I mean you won't get to wash for a few days right, than powder and natural oil become sticky and stuck on the scalp right????

Rose Ling: Even if hospital take photo, baby will be wrapped liao, so no need glamour clothes lah. I took the package for both my sons. They were wrapped, but the hands come out one. Let me see if I have the pix in my pc or not. I think it was $68 or something.</font>
<font color="aa00aa">Found it! This is my 1st son.


Can see the hands come out right. Dunno they do purposely or what, cos both my sons pose the same way.</font>
Haha I not so blur lar,i know can sweep off the powder
Like Maya,I also think that powder + oily scalp will stick together and leave clumps on the scalp.Then will be a comical sight.Aiyo dont talk about oily scalp already,just thinking about it will make my head itch!

Oh ya,I forget that even if take pic,baby will be wrapped.Then no need to worry about getting nice clothes.All my 0-3 months clothes are hand me downs ,nothing is bought by me.
Rose: I think don't need to 'donate' the money to hospital to take picture for your prince/princess. Your hubby sure will take until siao, from the time the baby is put onto the weighing machine.

There's another option to imprint your bb's footprints on the mold one. Anyone going to try?
pat, low heel ok la, i wore tat occasionally oso..my this fren wore 3" high heel lei, sometime higher, we all work in hotel, she wan to look glam whenever go meet clients lo..
pat, being scolded cos one of the proj i supposed to do kena screw up. cos i got verbal confirmation and so silly neva get black and white. then last min many changes to requirements and quotations so kena screamed upside down by boss. totally no give face, until now still feeling hurt by what was said.. *sigh* hope no more screw up in other proj liao..
<font color="ff6000">Wah seh maya!! So chubby kekek Feel like pinching his cheeks leh. What was his weight like? How come not like newborn one? Fake photo is it???

kekek ow_mummy, I remember reading you are quite young one. How old are you huh? Kekeek Just to confirm again.

Yvonne, that sounds serious. What is false contractions? That means really contractions arh? or bowel contractions? Paiseh arh, ask so much. So she on MC today?

Oh ya lor maya, will have dandruff. Try to wash off the next day should be ok.</font>
Hi, Ciarie &amp; Apr Mummies,

I have reading your forum postings here occasionally these few months &amp; find it so heartwarming to be in a support group sharing thoughts &amp; having discussion.

It will also be wonderful to have known someone whose baby is having the same birthday as mine in years to come. ^_^

I would like to join in your group to share &amp; discuss.
Some info of me:
My no. 2 bb boy's EDD is 24Apr09 at TMC by Dr Eunice Chua.
Please add me in? ^_^
<font color="ff6000">Haiyo poor bonbon but this situation sounds so familiar to mine last time haha. Ignore bosses lah. Sometimes when they angry, they don't 'deco' their words one.

After that they will feel a bit sorry but won't apologize also. At most, geh geh try to make conversations.

So next time must be cleverer and ask for black/white already.</font>
Pat ah... hee how you know I am older leh?? (following ow_mummy's quote)

Ya I still remember Pat as one of the bubble tea lovers correct?? Now I move on to the fruits gums from Marks &amp; Spencer! Sale ah... 2 for $7.50 I think.

I not so high maintenance lah... I carry no brand bag leh...JamGal more on especially with her Gucci Diaper Bag!

Nowadays very busy ah... must be someone found me inside here posting and arrow me!! I am sooo tired. No leg cramps complaints yet.. but more of sleep deprived complaints!!

Can teach me how to go gynae/ doc get MC to rest? My appt is next week.. but I wanna rest tmr! :p
pat, i dun know serious anot, hasn't heard frm her but tat's wat she said, constipate until cannot sleep n morning got false contraction, think is like tummy cramp lor..
ya lor, pat, somemore my boss is the screaming scolding type. my colls also v afraid of his anger attacks.. from morning 10plus alr spoil my mood for whole day. din even have appetite for lunch. just now my hubby worried i din eat since morning and even wanted to call my boss not to be so fierce to me cos i preggie now and getting forgetful and very emotional as well. i know my hubby v sweet but i say dun call wait get into more trouble
jamgal,yeah,if it is not mandatory,i might not go for the photoshoot.But dunno last min,will change my mind or not.

talking about taking photos,remember not to switch on your flash when taking pics of bb.Will hurt their eyes.

Porky, if you have a fb account,join this group,then after that we can add you as friends or vice versa.

Won't the powder bits be a huge contrast in our dark hair? Lidat looks like dandruff leh!

Hee I am still wearing a bit of heels for work.. look better mah.. My colleagues oso nag at me and even took a ruler to measure the height! OMG!

Pat/Powerball, I not expert in fake lash lah.. Been quite lazy lately! I hope I have the energy to glue it on tmr ah..

Powerball, can try the marjolica mascara range in watsons. It's under shisedo!! Can tahan oil and water... ok lah oil proof and water proof in other words. Also got fibres for lengthening and the brush is comb type. Last time only available in Japan.. and its now available in SG!! I love it.. before I fell in love with fake lashes. Fake lashes easier to remove ah..

U know hor, last time I put vaseline on lashes and it promotes growth!! But now dunno why due to pregnancy my lashes and eyebrows aren't really growing leh!!
ow_mummy, ya lor, my hubby is very protective of his loved ones.. those who dare to speak up type.. but i told him its my fault cos i neva do properly ma. take it as lesson learnt lor. all correspondence black &amp; white..

oh yah.. think i will also be a bit late for dinner tmr, abt 7pm maybe. so look for u all in restaurant. cos have last min things and can only leave work 615pm.
ow_mummy, i dun noe abt marie case but i experienced once, tummy very bloated n feel wan to pass motion but go toilet nothing come out, dare not push too hard oso cos scare bb may come out..quite bothered by it n cannot sleep well, now i scare oso, tat's y everyday i will drink lots of water and eat lots of fruits...

bonbon arh..take it easy la, we r human no saint, sure make mistake, learn frm mistake lo, next time b sure to get black n white..u got a caring n sweet hubby...
RoseLing: Txs for the link. I will join in the group now. So cool &amp; exciting. ^_^

Re: BB fair, this weekend expo there sure very crowded since the NATAS fair is also there.
So mummies going there, do take care &amp; be careful of the huge crowds.
harlo mummies, i'm back. so gan dong u all missed me. :p

me now like panda eyes. haven slept properly the whole night, tummy ache due to constipation. took medication last night but effect only came in the morning. early morning abt 6plus, suddenly got contractions interval of abt 15mins..i panic leh..wake my hubby up. each contractions was like 10mins. super buay tahan. n this lasted for abt 1hrs plus. dr adrian assured that it's not time yet. just the medication. my poor bb kena squeeze like a ball until my tummy so hard. :S I'm on 2 days mc...today n tml. total 3 days lah. plus yesterday. i pity my colleagues leh. i on mc they got to cover me. haiz.
JamGal, I also wanna wear my birkens leh.. but hor dunno why my birkens is never comfortable!! Got wearing technique anot?

But I have a pair of slippers hiding in my workstation lah.. So I just change to slippers when I am in office. :p
<font color="ff6000">Haiyo bbmum, you are definitely older coz you're the same age as me mah. And I am older than ow_mummy lor. So Of course I know you're older.

So high-class leh. But you did mention before that you like M&amp;S gummies. I like too. You are right? The most high-maintenance one is our dear JamGal.. *Clap clap clap clap*

Need to go facial, mani/pedi, do hair, brazilian wax, massage, take taxi, branded bags..

Actually you can just let your gynae know that you are tired and they will give MC one leh. Gynaes are actually quite lenient when it comes to preggy coz they know how straining it can be. So they give MCs just to let you rest.</font>
Marie, glad to know you are alright. Ya I hate constipation. Got this feeling in tummy till sleep, eat, watch tv and even walking also not comfortable. Wah.. the medication is so powerful. What is the name for it? I think I will avoid it.. suffer pain better than going through a contraction leh! Very scary!!

No need to feel bad ya... I think if they are mummies before, they will understand how you feel. We just need to remember that if future if we need to cover work for pregnant colleagues, we also must remember and understand their plight.
bonbon: haha.. at least ur hubby will listen to u.. MINE is one havoc one... tt time when i jus got preggie was having a bad time cuz bb sorta nt stable tts y i quit e job becuz of my hubby lo...boss bully me he buay tahan..haha..

Yvonne: i tt time also like tt.. contractions more than 24 hrs.. inbetwwen like no stop one.. bb hard up like one BALL..

MARIE: rest more! ...
<font color="ff6000">bonbon, fierce bosses like this normally very efficient one haha. You'll forget about it tonight when you see yr dear hubby. More than half the day gone liao. REN!!</font>
Rose, you are the coolest mom I've ever known!! Boots!! I no courage to wear in SG leh!! But when I visited my friend in Japan when she was 9months preggy, she wore BOOTS too.. knee high too! Very cool, very prety!

Pat ah... heee I think I nv disclose my age before wo... kekeke...

Pat, so I just go in tell gynae today I see u for MC ah.. Coz I wanna keep our appointment next week still.. else hubby will miss 2 'viewing' session of baby!
