(2009/04) April 2009 MTBs

<font color="aa00aa">Baby Mozzart Trial Class @ Staccato, $40</font> Diz is a parent-accompanied course. Pls note e following time-slots r available. Course is for 1-2YO, info www.staccato.com.sg/earlyculum.shtml

<font color="0077aa">Pls put ur name nxt 2 e time-slot u prefer -- 45min class</font>
1. Mondays, 11.30am --> Kidzskidz
2. Tuesdays, 2.30pm / 3.30pm / 4.30pm --> Kidzskidz (except for 4.30pm)
3. Wednesdays, 11.30am
4. Thursdays, 11.30am /2.30pm / 3.30pm / 4.30pm --> Kidzskidz (except for 4.30pm)
5. Fridays, 11.30am / 2.30pm --> Kidzskidz
5. Saturdays - a class is going on at 11.30am and 2.30pm, there's still --> Kidzskidz (except for 11:30am)
available slots if you want to join.
6. Sundays, 2.30pm --> Kidzskidz

<font color="0077aa">See if we kan go 2gthr NEXT WK or if u prefer, kan call &amp; make ur own booking</font>

Address: 100 Turf Club Road, #01-02 "O", Singapore 287992
Tel: 6466 9497
Email: [email protected]

Baby Mozzart Trial Class @ Staccato, $40 Diz is a parent-accompanied course. Pls note e following time-slots r available. Course is for 1-2YO, info www.staccato.com.sg/earlyculum.shtml

Pls put ur name nxt 2 e time-slot u prefer -- 45min class
1. Mondays, 11.30am --> Kidzskidz
2. Tuesdays, 2.30pm / 3.30pm / 4.30pm --> Pinkypink and Kidzskidz (except for 4.30pm)
3. Wednesdays, 11.30am
4. Thursdays, 11.30am /2.30pm / 3.30pm / 4.30pm --> Pinkypink and Kidzskidz (except for 4.30pm)
5. Fridays, 11.30am / 2.30pm --> Kidzskidz, Pinkypink (2.30pm)
5. Saturdays - a class is going on at 11.30am and 2.30pm, there's still --> Kidzskidz (except for 11:30am)
available slots if you want to join.
6. Sundays, 2.30pm --> Kidzskidz

See if we kan go 2gthr NEXT WK or if u prefer, kan call &amp; make ur own booking
Address: 100 Turf Club Road, #01-02 "O", Singapore 287992
Tel: 6466 9497
Email: [email protected]
Hi Mummies,

I have started to sell Handmade Accessories, Pls add me in Facebook. http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100001252434138

I m giving a one time 15% discount for all orders from April Mummies=)
On top of that, I m currently giving Free postage for all orders!=)

I accept any handmade product order(including bags/pouches/etc),so simply drop me a mail, [email protected]

Do let me knw if u r keen=)

Thanks in advance!

Hi mummies! Wah, so quiet in here! Hope everyone is well

sunay us down with bad cold, quite congested and doc gave quite a few meds to dissolve the phlegm, it's a real challenge to feed bb meds!!!

And sunay has Learnt to throw tantrums, like crying alot n waving arms n legs, even want to bang his head on floor!! I thought terrible twos start at two!!! Lol

anyone else gg thru tantrums? How are you dealing with it? Got tips can share
Pinkypink: You are not alone.. Val throws tantrums too when she doesnt get what she wants or her way.. She will start screaming and crying till she gets her stuff.. Sometimes I give her a stern look and told her sternly "No!".. Sometimes she gets my message, soemtimes she doesnt care...

I was told to try this method once a week. Put the child in isolation and ignore the child. When the child come running to you, do it again till the child has calm down. I have not really try this yet.

But its really frustrating having to face a short tempered child.. Especially in most cases, my mil is taking care of her. What I saw was she would continue to comfort her and give into her which wasnt what I want. Still trying hard to discipline her..
Eviangirl, glad to hear that! Sunay after a while will cry and throw away whatever he was initially crying for! When he gets angry he will throw everything in front of him! He's like so naughty!!!

I think my previous maid really spoilt him rotten, he cannot stand to hear a "no" and when i give him a glare and say no, he will usually just ignore me. He knows the meaning of wwhat im saying but chooses to ignore.

I tried to put him in his cot and ignore him by just sitting at the side of the cot but he tried to climb out of the cot, when i said 'no' sternly he tried to bang his head on the bard of the cot!!

Really need to find a way to prevent this. Although i notice it happens usually when he is really sleepy but dun want to sleep..
Pinky, mayb u can try don confine sunay to the cot, sit thru wif him in the living rm or anywhere, tell him u know wat he wans but he has to stop his nonsense / stop crying 1st.

My case like Eviangal, we try hard to teach him well but mil juz give in to his whining. So many times Jonas will think tat he can do so with everyone in tat attitude.

Sometimes wif us, he can cry till he stop himself n as if nothing had happen, then we will tell him wat he did jus now is nt acceptable.
Thanks Kris

Date: Fri, 16 July
Time: 1.00pm
Venue: New York New York, AMK Hub
(Open to other venues too)

1. Eviangal
2. Catherine
3. Kris
4. Audrey
5. Ow_mummy (catherine, finally can pass u the vits!!)
Mummies ordering the watches, me n Pam had recd the watches , how you do too . Check if the watches are ok CIA mine the hook on the strip too loose n keep dropping off end up can't wear the watch on the wrist. Seller agree replacement so hope yours are ok too.
Mummies ordering the watches, me n Pam had recd the watches , how you do too . Check if the watches are ok cos mine the hook on the strip too loose n keep dropping off end up can't wear the watch on the wrist. Seller agree replacement so hope yours are ok too.
Kidz, 11.30am is quite tough for me as need to feed bb first before leaving the hse and now he on food strike again. This morning already tried 3 diff breakies 1) bao - rejected 2) bread w butter - ate only 2 little cubes, and 3) finally gave him banana - ate it up.

How abt meet around 12.30pm at SAM and then we go for tea after that? Edj, Audrey, Gallop n KP are coming too.
<font color="119911">Powerball:</font> i gotta take rainchk on SAM. B1 devt a cold @ dinner x so gotta monitor her coz if b/c fever or bad running nose she kant step in2 CC 2mr. Then accident-prone Bastion fell twice this evening. 1st fell face down, 2nd struggled when getting bum2 washed n slipped in bathrm. Bawled like mad n finally was calling 4 "mama". His jie2 so sweet, came 2 kiss n comfort him + prayed "Dear Jesus, pls help Bastion coz he fell down. Pls make him better. Amen!" -- sooo sweetie pie, i had 2 kiss her 2
Where r u gals mtg 4 lunch? I'll sms if i kan make it. Btw, tink Rendevous may hv som 1-for-1 buffet w UOB card, fyi.

<font color="aa00aa">Pam:</font> Dun mind trying Barcelos. Does it hv babychair or stroller-friendly?

<font color="0077aa">Marie:</font> No, I ordered enuf liao. Can spare u 1 if u wan. Bt i kant rmbr wat designs i ordered. Dint open ltrbox 2day.

<font color="ff6000">New type Sealer Smart diapers:</font> I ordered @ Motherhood Exhibition. Diz new range now in Ss n Giant. I highly recommend coz itz softer n snuggier fit (got back gathers) than Pampers. Abt twice P's thickness bt wks great ovrnite 2. I bought @ $14/pk. Tink abt $15.90 in stores. Btw, cutting longer than P.
Anyways, am quite glad to report that I think sunay's tantrums were largely due to him being sick cuz he ended up with diarrhoea too so I guess his tummy was hurting n he was frustrated. Now tt he's getting better there have been no screaming fits fr last 2 days, except fr some seperation anxiety but still nt as bad as Monday!

Thanks all fr your advice, shall save it for future use!
Hallo, where is the lunch mtg today? Might b able to join..

By the way, gallop, kp n edj > if bb has no temperature n no running nose but occassional cough can go for playnest or not? Cuz cough I think will take some time to clear up! Thanks!
Mummies who are Mamil fans, Shop and Save now having promo for Step 3.

2.1 Kg (1 x 1.6kg + 1 x 400g) at S$49.45

If you buy at least $180 worth of purchases from Shop and Save, you get a $9 - 5% rebate voucher too.

Promotion till 21 July.

I went NTUC to topped up my formula only to realised that prices had reverted to almost $60 for 1.6kg only. Stocked up $200 worth of formula last night and might want to get somemore.

Expiry in Feb 2012.
Lunch confirmed? Mummies can you all make it?

Date: Fri, 16 July
Time: 1.00pm
Venue: New York New York, AMK Hub
(Open to other venues too)

1. Eviangal
2. Catherine
3. Kris
4. Audrey
5. Ow_mummy (catherine, finally can pass u the vits!!)
Hey Pinky,

I'm looking at thomas &amp; barney designs. If u can spare that will be great!

Can i propose to change to Tampines, so i can join u gals!!

Lunch confirmed? Mummies can you all make it?

Date: Fri, 16 July
Time: 1.00pm
Venue: New York New York, AMK Hub
(Open to other venues too)

1. Eviangal
2. Catherine
3. Kris
4. Audrey
5. Ow_mummy (catherine, finally can pass u the vits!!)
6. Marie (If venue is changed to Tampines)
<font color="ff0000">2day Lunch + Sgp Art Museum:</font> Haiz, cfm kant go liao. B1 stl sneezing &amp; sniffling away -- sneezed her breakfast out all ovr e flr
Hopefully B2 wont catch it. Anyway, gotta kp her home in case she devts fever (if send her 2 CC &amp; it happens, gotta go bring her home). 2day hb got mtg til evening somemore *Super Haiz* Bt I gotta do grocery run so may hvta bring them 2 supermkt nearby... gd thing is kan walk there &amp; back...
Catherine n Pinky, no lunch today. Meet at Children Museum at 8 Queen Street at 12.30pm. After seeing the exhibits then go for tea... prob Dome. Other mummies going are Edj, Gallop n KP.
<font color="aa00aa">Qwik Diet Update:</font> Bastion stl pecking away -- nvr eating a full portion like b4. He has 3 teeth emerging (his #8-10) - dunno when these wl come out fully
On difficult days, e "back-up" foods r bananas, waffles (fr a particular bakery in Clementi Central, salmon &amp; pasta (w tomato sauce). Lately I realised he's also in2 bak-kua, meat-ball &amp; muesli -- I bought Harvest Field brand Mix Berries -- bt some berry bits veri tough so i dun give him those (red ones).
<font color="ff6000">Pinky:</font> Sori abt Staccato trial gotta postpone to nxt wk. Haiz, B1 a bit warm liao - hoping itz a passing infection dat wl clear by 2nite. Did Sunay nap? Bastion onli napped 15mins coz his jie2 was yakking away. Naturally she hasnt taken her nap. So hard 2 co-ordinate schedules between e two of them. Bt I suppose if both dun nap 4 rest of e day they'll slp early 2nite
Wish i was @ SAM outing tho...
Kids, no prob! Sunay not exactly well either. This evening his temperature went up again.. N giving him medicine is a total nightmare! I bought reliadose n used it just now... Muuucchhh better!!

He's totally not eating either n not taking milk either. So worried! He has a chesty cough plus on off fever n a runny nose and the mucus is quite thick.

As if tts not enuf, he usually has sensitive eyes cuz apparently he has excema on his left eyelid (and only there) so he's always tearing... After medication it had cleared but looks like it's back now too. So everywhere we go, ppl ask why was the bb crying!? Sian!!

Ok... He hasn't had his second nap today so cv cranky... But guess he will sleep early later... Hopefully not wake up every 45 mins cuz I'm super tired!!!
<font color="aa00aa">KP:</font> I've juz tt for Pedipeds top-up. Tt $17.05 instead of $17.02. Pls chk

<font color="119911">Pravina:</font> I've juz tt $8.90 re Quiznos meal @ WCP a while back. Pls chk 2
<font color="ff6000">Pinky:</font> Sunay condition sounds bad. How come eczema on left eyelid onli? I kan imagine when it acts up his "one-eye" look muz b quite cheeky!? I also scared when my bb cry o/s &amp; put e spotlight on me - kan juz imagine watz going thru ppl's mind... &amp; I hate when bbs &amp; tods hv runny nose coz so hard 2 wipe 4 them. Kant rmbr when it was dat B1 finally allowed a tissue near her nose &amp; later learnt 2 blow out e "green monsters" fr her nostrils... Bastion's a tough customer now whenever he cries, absolutely refused 2 hv his nose wiped &amp; wl bury his face in our shirt/pants so he ends up cleaning on our clothes. Somehow I've caught him sticking his finger up his nostril sometimes &amp; nt necessarily when he's got booger in them.

Bastion's tantrum "style" is 2 cry &amp; throw himself back -- so muz quickly catch him or he'll fall. OR he'll suddenly sit down &amp; bang his face on2 e ground
Thankfully we padded most of e flr area they play on so he's onli had minor accidents. B1 nvr adopted such "self-destruction" methods when refused attn, items, etc.
<font color="0000ff">Projection watches:</font> I rec'd one batch 2day &amp; tested all of them. Found defects in four bt e BPer is willing 2 replace tho I gotta bare postage. Essentially itz like one watch has hypersensitive setting buttons so wear on wrist &amp; e display kp 'jumping' between modes. Another e setting buttons dun wk. Two others e clasp kp dropping off coz e pin 2 short -- these r e Little Einsteins design. Nt sure if sama kinda problem as other mommies? Hvnt rec'd e two I ordered thru Sh yet, gotta wait &amp; c if wl arrive 2mr. Then test agn. Bt B1 absolutely luvs e ones I got 4 her -- happily projecting here, there, everywhere...
<font size="+1">Lunch venue today changed. Pls dont go to the wrong place ya!! If somemore mummies coming, pls sms me so that I can get a bigger table.</font>

Date: Fri, 16 July
Time: 1.00pm
Venue: Fish Manhatten, Plaza Singapura

1. Eviangal
2. Catherine
3. Kris
4. Audrey
5. Ow_mummy (catherine, finally can pass u the vits!!)
6. Marie (If venue is changed to Tampines)
<font size="+1">Sorry, change venue again. Final place. Junction 8, Swensens</font>

Date: Fri, 16 July
Time: 1.00pm
Venue: <font size="+1">Junction 8, Swensens</font>

1. Eviangal
2. Catherine
3. Kris
4. Audrey
5. Ow_mummy (catherine, finally can pass u the vits!!)
6. Marie (If venue is changed to Tampines)
Hi mummies,
Long time didnt post, our thread is also getting quieter..
Came back from perth last week, bb enjoyed herself jus tat she was v fussy abt her food so i had to cook her usual food which made me v busy! Also her sleep all haywire..

Do u find it harder to get ur bb to nap now? How many hrs do they need to nap now? Its a stuggle to get jade to sleep, sometimes it takes 1 hr before she falls asleep.

Ow mummy,
Jade did fuss and cry abit on our flight there. Think the plane too noisy for her to sleep and she didnt like to sleep in the basinet. Also she kept wanting to get out of the plane! But coming back she was fine, maybe used to it..
Ow mummy

sunay has taken 6 flights so far but I try to take overnight flights, n he usually sleeps ok. Cannot use bassinet Liao cuz he's past the weight range so he slept 8 hrs in the ergo when I went Tokyo recently.

My return flight was a day flight n he was ok, a bit restless but let him play with random things n brought some books n snacks to entertain him. Then walk up n down the aisle, lots of ppl to see n flirt with so he happy lo!

Hope u have a gd flight!

Osh gosh, I agree ab naps! Sunay takes a nap at ab noon, he sleeps quite fast but he used to take a second nap ard 4 which some days he just refuses to now! One hour of coaxing n singing he still won't sleep. But he is active n sleeping longer at night (12hrs) so I guess I'm ok with it.

At 18 mths some bbs tk 1 nap only so I tell myself sunay is fast lo! Hehe
