(2009/04) April 2009 MTBs


who did u say Mikaela's teachers at GUG?

i called up for once a week lesson, they have it for mon, wed or fri at 1pm...

the teachers will be eaither Siva& Joyce or Siva & Fairul...r they good?


i need help, chelsey is nt feeding well this few days, wenever its meal time its reali a bad time... she used to eat 1 n half bowl of porridge. now she is onli eating 5 mouths n she will reject.. n kip on asking for water.. so i tot mayb due to teething she dun wan eat, she might prefer milk.. so i make milk but she refuse too, she onli wants water..i reali dunno wad to do.. she keep on crying n crying.. fuss n fuss until i m so fustrated.. i dunno wad she wants n even biscuits also dun works much.. she jus enjoy gg everywhr n chew in everythng... n i think she is more keen in our food only.. jus now mealtime, while i went away for a few seconds, she grabbed my pack of lunch tt i had ate n she started diggin in.. *hopeless*
N.M, isaac is in tues and thurs class 1130am. isaac is now 10.3kg, weight seems to have slowed down a lot ya:p Edj, Fairul is the senior teacher there. How much does it cost for once a week?
owmum, bring her to the PD and see what he says bah? But i guess as long as she is not losing weight its fine actually..how heavy is she now?
KP, i'm glad weight gain has slowed! I'll keep in mind the days tat Issac is in class. Will sign up for the same classes if i like how they are run.

ow_mummy, Kai also went through a period like that just less than 2 weeks ago in fact he only wanted water. Anything else he would spit out or chuck a fit if we keep trying to feed him. He would only take 1-2oz milk or a few spoonfuls of food. We were worried but our PD said not to worry and just keep him hydrated. Now he's ok and eating well again. He was teething btw.

Hope that helps. Otherwise like KP suggested for peace of mind, why don't you call your PD?
N.M, haha, yah, i am sure PD is glad that their weight gain has slowed down:p Yeah, let me know if u like the class
What time is the class tom? 1130? Guess the class shld be quite full since u gals r joining an ongoing class
M's teacher is Jun and Siva. Have never heard of Joyce. My friend's daughter were taught by Fairul and she liked her. Fairul is M's music teacher. I might be switching M to the 1pm class. Which day will you be attending? But am concerned about what her nap time will be after she has dropped her morning nap. According to books, bbs (who sleep around 12hrs at night) are supposed to drop their morning nap around this time. So will you be going for GUG trial?

I am also going to have my baby for a trial next Friday 12 PM at Harding Road. Have you received any email from them? thinking how come i haven't received any
Audrey, bb_mummy,
See you gals at One deg fifteen tomorrow!! Hope the weather is good, the sun is not too strong and our bbs are in a good mood!!

PMed u my mailing address & payment details. Thanks!


Mummies pls make payment asap, n advise on collection mode n pm payment details with address (if via postage). thks

TingTing: $23.22 + $1(if opt for postage) - paid
Marie: $11.61
Jacqueline: $23.22 - Paid (Self-collect)
Sanni: $32.22 + $1.80(if opt for postage)
Dodos: $20.61 + $1 (if opt for postage)
Lovelytulips: $64.44 Paid Self collect!
Snowy31: $32.22 + $1.80 Paid Postage
Koi: $11.61 + $0.80 (if opt for postage) - Paid
Edj: $52.83 + $2.30 (if opt for postage)
Yvonne: $11.61 Paid self collect?
Eunice: $11.61 Paid self collect?
Cal: $11.61
Baby_may: $32.22 + $1.80 (if opt for postage)
Jean: $66.94 PAID Postage

Mummies who ordered both spill resistant bowl n doidy cup. Do u wana haf e cup sent to u first? or wait for e bowl n post together (bowl will come in ard end feb).
Supplier is nt giving free postage for orders.
U can also self collect from me if u wish.

Pls advise!

Postage for cups:
1 cup- 80cents
2-3cups = $1
1 bowl=$1
2bowls =$1.50
Additional: $2.24 for registered mail!
Mummies who had made payment pls kindly pm me!

Hi Mummies,

I m placing order for Spill resistant bowl from debabyshoppe! If we hit 10pcs we can get additional 10% discount!For those who r keen , pls add on e list!

Spill resistant Bowl: U.P $25.90 Promo price now: $22.90 MOQ 10 is $20.61 each! Currently out of stock, next shipment will arrive in 1 mth time.

1) Ow_mummy x 1
2) dodos x 1
3) edj x 2 (paid)
4) sanni x 1
5) snowy31 x 1 (paid)
6) Lovelytulips (june 09 mummy) x2
7) Baby_may x 1
8) Jean x 2 (PAID)
9) Koi (Paid)

Doidy Cup: http://debabyshoppe.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=50&Itemid=56

price: U.P:$15.90 now: $12.90 Additional 10%:$11.61
in stocks!Colours: Blue/cerise/cerise sparkle/Green /green Sparkle/orange/purplesparkle/turqouise/yellow

1) Ow_mummy x 1 - lilac
2) Eunice x 1 - Pink Paid
3) Yvonne x 1 - Lilac Paid
4) edj x 1 - blue (paid)
5) sanni x 1 - yellow
6) Koi x 1 - purple sparkle (if OOS - cerise sparkle) paid!
7) Snowy31 x1 - Blue (if OOS - orange) Paid
8) Jacqueline x2 - Blue and green Sparkle PAID
9) marie X 1 - Yellow (if OOS - Turqouise)
10) Lovelytulips (june 09 mummy) - 1 x Cerise Sparkle n 1 x Blue PAID!
11) Tingting x 2 - Cerise Sparkle + Yellow - paid
12) Cal - cerise sparkle...transfer to u tomolo... will collect from u cos i stay at sengkang..hee hee
13) Baby_May x1 - Green sparkle (if OOS - cerise sparkle)
14) Jean x 2 Orange (if OOS, Turquoise) - PAID

dear mummies,
Pls trsf to Posb Savings 063-55427-8! PM me details wen done!thks

Trsf amt base on e price after additional 10%
Doidy Cup: $11.61
Resistant bowl: $20.61

i havent decided yet lei..havent gone for the trial lesson..but if i do sign up i will eaither go for the wed or fri lesson...come lah..if i do join, let Mikaela join also okay?...

dont worry about the napping time lah..1pm shd be quite safe....anywya..your time controller cum husband will be able to do magic...heheh
Edj, thanks for helping me make the booking for JWT on 2 Feb. Went to Bugis area to see the party supplies for bday parties. The selection is quite pathetic for party favors. Also way cheaper to buy from overseas sprees ie treat bags more ex here.

Paging for Rose - wed 2.30pm ok for u to go to Schoolhouse by the Bay?

RE: Schoolhouse by the Bay
Any other mummies interested to go & see the place/facilities as currently have
1) Rose
2) me - Powerball
3) Edj
KP, yeah we are in the 11.30 class. I was told that there are 7 babies including Kai in this class. But i do like that there is a max. of 8 babies per class. ANyway, i'm hoping that Kai likes it. He needs to get out more often and make more friends!

what is the theme for Dexter's first bday party?
yeah i think ordering from overseas cheaper...u can still order mah..check with kidzs and eviangal..i think they prob can help...if not, u can order from Ecmom also..she had ongoing overseas spree...i got some of my stuff from her...

r u going for next tues JWT lesson?

if not, will u be meeting any of the following mummies before then, u can help pass my balloons to them?
1. Suraya + Baby Ihsan
2. Andrea + Baby Winston
3. Audrey + bb E
4. sunbeam + baby Justyn
5. Gallop + Keene
6. KP + Isaac
Hi mummies, this morning I went to Mindchamps at Tanglin. They don't have trial class but I can observe how the preschool runs. Was quite happy but its a bit costly. Beside Mindchamps, there's a school called Genius Space. Went there, was greeted by the school principal herself whom has a very nice disposition as opposed to Mindchamps.
She mentioned that there will be a trial class in the afternoon but I can't make it.
However, I managed to observe a class called Young Genius. It was very impressive. There's a 2 year old girl whom can recite number 1-50 and there's something called memory play where she answered correctly. I am going for next monday trial class. If there's anyone that is keen, please let me know so that we can go together.
I'm wondering if anyone has given their kiddos brewer's yeast? It smells yucky! Makes me almost want to gag. Does anyone have any feedback on giving B.Y to your babies?
Oh! just curios, why brewer's yeast? any value added to bb's diet? :p

Just an update: bb E diet still happily on fruits and veggie + cereal. Will introduce chicken meat next week onwards
KP: ya. Luckily Val is the only baby there. So the teachers waited for her. They told me if there were other bb, they had to continue without her.

Edj: I m not joining or meeting Tues mummies lei. Will you be joining on Fri's Holland V lunch? I can pass you then.

Kidz: Is Fri's lunch still onz?
Ha ha those going to genius space call me to say hi cos I am nearby :p rose if visit to schoolhouse by The bay is on wed, PLs include me.
Pei babymummy n audrey enjoy the trial at onedeg15!! My poor girl still having diarrhoea, but it's prob her own fault for picking everything up from floor to eat anyway

Lastly tip for mums whose babies having irritated skin at vaginal area due to diarrhoea, can wash with pomegranate crystal solution, apply cream, use cloth nappies or this brand called nature babycare that is avail at bigger cold storage outlets
Hey Audrey, B.Y is supposed to be full of Vit.B, protein and essential amino acids. I just happen to see it so i got some. But now i'm not so sure about it because it's nasty! Having said that, Kai doesn't seem to mind it that much. But still, urgh.

Hey p.seed, kisses to A.
eviangal, yeah, thats what i liked when isaac when the only one in class! they could just follow his pace:p

Pseed, how is work?
Stick to HV okie, so kan jln aft lunch & buy more stuffs 4 our bbs. Also, we'll make lunch two wks later...

Date: Friday, 5 Feb
Time: 12 noon
Venue: 3 Monkeys (new family plc near Swensens) -- if nt dan Swensens, Essential Brew, Foster's The English Rose Cafe, etc?

1. Kidzskidz & Sebastian (Both dates ok)
2. Pravina (both dates OK! Au Petit/HV also can!)
3. Eviangal (onz!)
4. Audrey (ok with both date)
5. Gallop(ok with both date)
6. Pei (Only 5th Feb)
7. Yvonne (ok with both date)
8. KP
9. Andrea & Winston

i dont think iwill be joining for next fri lunch..a lot of things going on next wek already...

Its okay..maybe u can pass to Pei or KP..i seem to see them quite often for the trial lessons..


can u just help to keep the 2 baloons for me first? i will get from u when we next meet.

so do u think i shd go for the GUG trial ah or just sign up? very expensive paying $50 for the trial lei..


your enfapro still with me lei...when do u want to meet up? oh have u sorted out the shipping cost?
edj, guess better try first to see if u like GUG bah, perhaps u could sit in JG's lesson to see if u like it too:p

may i know when u go travelling, how do u sterilise bb milk bottles?

As for the bowls and spoon, u just wash using the detergent..so u bring along the detergent and sponge ah?
For JG, go for teacher Lyn. But if i am not wrong, she only teaches at the 9am and 11am sessions on weekdays. U really not gonna consider GS? Join us leh:p
edj, for me, i just boil water and pour over the bottles and breastpump. Yes, brought along the travel size baby detergent and avent bottle brush

thanks for the bottles advice...i dont know lei...GS..i like the place but one major factor is the mandarin..and of coz the teacher...didnt really have very good impresssion of the teachers...prob gotto go one more time...


who is going for GUG and GS trial?
read about alot of trials above but getting a bit confusing...
Mummies pls make payment asap, n advise on collection mode n pm payment details with address (if via postage). thks
Pls note , e supplier will be the one doing the mailing of items if u opt for postage. I m only offering self collect* so i wont be doing the mailing.(i dun haf the material to do mailing also)

I will be placing Order for DOIDY CUPS ON MONDAY! I wont be free later on till sunday night. So pls make payment to my acc n email me details. i will check n revert latest on monday afternoon. Anything else pls PM me, i wont be tracking back this F1 Thread=)

Waiting for payment from: Marie, Jacqueline,Sanni, Dodos, baby_may n Cal(3weekold) . Thanks

Will dropped orders if payment nt recieved. thanks for understanding.

TingTing: $23.22 + $1- paid +postage
Marie: $11.61
Jacqueline: $23.22 + $1 (if opt for postage)
Sanni: $32.22 + $1.80 ( if opt for postage)
Dodos: $20.61 + $1 (if opt for postage)
Lovelytulips: $64.44 Paid Self collect
Snowy31: $32.22 + $1.80 -Paid + Postage
Koi: $11.61+$0.80 + $21.61- >Paid Postage *waiting for postage for cup*
Edj: $52.83 - PAID self collect
Yvonne: $11.61 Paid Self collect
Eunice: $11.61 + $0.80 - Paid +postage
Cal: $11.61
Baby_may: $32.22 + $1.80 (if opt for postage)
Jean: $64.44 +$2.50 -PAID + postage

Postage for cups:
1 cup- 80cents
2-3cups = $1
1 bowl=$1
2bowls =$1.50
Additional: $2.24 for registered mail!
Mummies who had made payment pls kindly pm me!

Hi Mummies,

I m placing order for Spill resistant bowl from debabyshoppe! If we hit 10pcs we can get additional 10% discount!For those who r keen , pls add on e list!

Spill resistant Bowl: U.P $25.90 Promo price now: $22.90 MOQ 10 is $20.61 each! Currently out of stock, next shipment will arrive in 1 mth time.

1) Ow_mummy x 1
2) dodos x 1
3) edj x 2 (paid)
4) sanni x 1
5) snowy31 x 1 (paid)
6) Lovelytulips (june 09 mummy) x2
7) Baby_may x 1
8) Jean x 2

Doidy Cup: http://debabyshoppe.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=50&Itemid=56

price: U.P:$15.90 now: $12.90 Additional 10%:$11.61
in stocks!Colours: Blue/cerise/cerise sparkle/Green /green Sparkle/orange/purplesparkle/turqouise/yellow

1) Ow_mummy x 1 - lilac
2) Eunice x 1 - Pink Paid
3) Yvonne x 1 - Lilac Paid
4) edj x 1 - blue (paid)
5) sanni x 1 - yellow
6) Koi x 1 - purple sparkle (if OOS - cerise sparkle) paid!
7) Snowy31 x1 - Blue (if OOS - orange) Paid
8) Jacqueline x2 - Blue and green Sparkle
9) marie X 1 - Yellow (if OOS - Turqouise)
10) Lovelytulips (june 09 mummy) - 1 x Cerise Sparkle n 1 x Blue PAID!
11) Tingting x 2 - Cerise Sparkle + Yellow - paid
12) Cal - cerise sparkle...transfer to u tomolo... will collect from u cos i stay at sengkang..hee hee
13) Baby_May x1 - Green sparkle (if OOS - cerise sparkle)
14) Jean x 2 Orange (if OOS, Turquoise)

dear mummies,
Pls trsf to Posb Savings 063-55427-8! PM me details wen done!thks
Doidy Cup: $11.61
Resistant bowl: $20.61
edj, just join me for the class when u come for trial at GS lor, but 1130am u mentioned is not a good timing for u?:p

Think babymum planning to come for trial during her 2 weeks leave..the rest like pravina and NM went today liao..
<font color="aa00aa">Ow Mummy:</font> Hey, kan tt me e $72.80 4 ur ON stuffs soon? Or who u mtg up w mayb u pass $ 2 e other mommy 2 pass 2 me? Wld dat me easier? Let me noe lor coz no ans when I call ur hp leh... Hope all's well on ur side...
<font color="0077aa">Edj:</font> I'll wk out shipping diz wkend. Bt I gotta go bank on Mon 2 get them 2 print out CC bill coz last bill juz came 1wk+ back &amp; dint include our Oriental Trading payment. Bt shipping's nt so ex 4 e personalised banner coz of discount code. Milk powder c if u mtg any mom going 2 HV next Fri? Tx!
You should go for a trial at GUG before signing up! Better to spend the $50 to be sure than regret spending $500+ for a term.
I don't mind picking the balloons from eviangal on your behalf. Just let her know yah.
Hmm, I used normally washing up liquid to wash bb's stuff. Her cousins (4months younger) had their bottles washed the same way too. But must remember to rinse thoroughly!!
<font color="ff0000">Spreeing fr Oriental Trading Company</font> Juz a word of caution: dun order e personalised things coz it takes time &amp; is shipped in a separate box whc is big tho items may b small. Thus incurring additional int'l shipping.

<font color="0077aa">Oriental Trading's next Free Shipping + Discount Promotion:</font> According 2 the mailer they juz sent me in e current box of items, in Mar there's free ground shipping + USD$20 off every USD$75 in purchase. It workz out 2 b >25% discount. So c if u kan hold ur spree til early Mar 2 max diz discount. They dun often give free shipping on top of discount -- mayb 3-4 x a yr.
RE: Schoolhouse by the Bay - 3 Feb at 2.30pm
Any other mummies interested to go &amp; see the place/facilities as currently have
1) Rose
2) Powerball
3) Edj
4) Pseed

Marie, looks like only 4 mummies are going.


Thanks for organising the spree...havent seen my stuff yet..still with powerball..
i think will collect from her next tues when we meet up for JWT gym trial...cant wait...hehe


u r getting from oriental trading also ah..but will it be in time for Dexter's bday party if u only order in March..
