(2009/04) April 2009 MTBs

<font color="119911">yipee, finaly after 2 days of TLC, Kerryn recovered w/o seeing doc. im so relieved nw.

hope u n B1 will recover soonest. rest more n drink lots of water.

kelly oso the same, saw kerryn drink milk, she will sure fuss but the different thing is, she can finish all her milk.

thanks, she recovered oreadi. Hapi deepavali.

shes fine le, playing, screaming n laughing again. hws dexter w/o nanny?

shes ok le. i dun see teeth comin out. dunno due to wat oso.

kerryn is ok le, tx. u shld get the dark green or brown avacado which shld b a bit soft. i feel dat the green ones r hard to ripe.</font>

<font color="119911">Re: Seafood BBQ
Date: 7 Nov 2009 (Sat)
Venue: Serangoon Gdn
Cost: $30 per pax

1. Pei - 2A
2. Kris - 2A
3. Owmum - 2A
3. Audrey - 2A
4. Marie - 2A
5. sh... - 2A

Please add your name and indicate the no. of people coming.</font>
Kris:Glad tat Kerryn is better.

Avocado: avocado have to be kept in fridge else it would attract ants...Choose dark brown one if u wanta eat it within few days...if green, the fruit seller told me to put into a bucket of uncooked rice to "help" the ripening process...dun try to puree a green avocado, I used electric blender &amp; still ended up green papaya texture...
Kris, glad to hear that
KidzKidz: Thanks for the bonjela info. I will check it out. So far Val still havent got any bump on her gums yet leh.. Not sure when will her 1st teeth pop. Will prob get 1 when her teeth starts appearing.

Kris: Glad to know that Kerryn is well now.

Kris and Catherine: Thanks for the info on the avocado. Hmm.. Nvm.. I will just wait for it to ripen then. Baby will be at in laws house from Mon till next Thurs, got time to wait for it to ripe. Meanwhile, avocado still in fridge. Guess by next weekend can eat liaoz ba.

Audrey: Hmm... I not sure leh. The info was posted by Andrea previously. I just repost it only. Havent tried calling to request for sample yet.

Anyone tried teething biscuits yet? I bought the Heinz Farley ones and find it too hard. Hence, i break it up and mix it with BM to make cereal instead. Then I bought the Heinz teething sticks. So hard... Its so hard that even when I tried biting it, my teeth hurts.. Needless to say baby without teeth.

But Val seems to like it though.. She saw me biting it and tried reaching out for it. After that she kept gnawing on it. When tired of it, she threw it aside. Based on the box, it doesnt seem like its for consumption though.. Seems like its for baby to bite and soothe gums. A bit wasted arh.. Cant teether do the same job?

Any mummies can comment on this?
i've let my baby try the Heinz teething sticks since 5+ months. He seems to like it and it keeps him busy for a while until he gets tired of it and throws it away. I agree that it's quite hard and he can never 'finish' the stick but i guess it's more for him to gnaw on and not to eat. Sometimes when the stick gets too wet with saliva, it may just break off in crumbs. May get a bit messy so be warned.
oh ok
Just wonder wat sample tat can we request from them when I spotted 'Heinz', all range of food jar? hehehe... .... or cereal?

Did u manage to get any samples from Heinz?
RE: BB travel cot
Joie, yup it's me!
PM me ya?

N.M - BabyCook &amp; BabyCook Book
YAY! Hb says OK to get the babycook!
Can I place order still?

RE: Rejection of Milk
Dodos and Powerball, Jovan REJECTS FM too.. I'm using enfalac. I am also just starting to introduce solids to bb... he doesn't really enjoy it though.. I think gotta try again tmr!!

I'm still pumping and BFing. And its 6months alr! Cannot believe it that I manage to sustain it till now!! I also can't bear to stop. Haha.. my colleagues all BF till 12-18M!! So am having lots of positive encouragement! ;) But I am dragging longer and longer now.. so I get abit of my life back besides being a moo moo cow!

RE: Iron
Powerball, I was also worried abt iron deficiency initially too until I read that bb actually absorbs 50% more iron from BM than from FM and solids. That is why bb on TBF doesn't need solid till after 6months. Inaddition, their internal reserves will lasts them till 6-8months! Amazing!

Wow glad to know Kerryn has recovered!! And by herself too!! Muz be your power BM! When will u run out of your frozen supplies? Does Kelly rej FM initially when u stop giving her BM?

Btw is avocado supposed to be sweet? I tried it once.. very bland leh.. or is mine not riped yet?
<font color="119911">Kris:</font> Glad 2 hear Kerryn's well. My two sniffling away stl -- bt full of energy nevertheless

<font color="0000ff">Baby mummy:</font> Itz bland, veri bland
I started bb E with 1tsp of rice cereal with plain water added, glad that she likes it so much
When she reaches 6 months old, then will let her explore others!
Kris, Dexter doing well after nanny gone other than his bottle strike due to teething. Now he weighs 9kg and has 2 lower teeth coming out.

Bb_mummy, think our bb are fussy eaters and really know how to waste money. When i sneak just one tsp of rice cereal into his milk, he also reject. That's why scared to mix BM w FM as he surely will know.

Re: Samples
Nestle is http://www.nestlebaby.com/sg/nestle_baby_club/
<font color="119911">eviangal,
avacado will not ripe in fridge. u got to put it outside to ripe.

im giving kerryn the baby bites n gerber puffs. she like them coz all melts in the mouth.

kerryn is alreadi on full FM about 2 wks ago le. both kelly n kerryn do not have any problem when changing frm BM to FM.

avacado is supposed to b a bit oily n tasteless. dats y its the best 1st fruit for bb.

wow got 2 teeth le. so u muz b scare of latchin on nw. ouch!</font>
Hi baby_mummy,
sure! Did you want both babycook and cook book or just the babycook? Let me know which bank you are using ok?
hi mummies,

i have a 900g friso 2 gold follow on formula which expire 27 06 2010 to let go @$20
pls contact me at 96881284 if interested
N.M, yes I would like to order both.
I hv both UOB and DBS/POSB. U r using UOB right? I think I need your branch no to add it to UOB funds transfer.

kidzkidz/ Kris
I see.. ya so tasteless leh.. I don't like! Haha... wondering how come avocado milkshake is so yummy!!

Ya super fussy eater and fussy bb!

Where did u get the first food book? Good?

Brown Rice Cereal
Any mummy making it too? OMG.. the brown rice is soo hard to cook leh.. and gotta use my power ice blender to grind it into powder. Food processor doesn't do the job well.
Sanni: Thanks for the info on the Heinz Teething biscuits.Yah... I think its more for them to chew than to eat. How often do u feed your son a stick?

Kris: Haha.. thanks for the info. Gonna take it out of my fridge liaoz.. Guess I can keep 1 to make Avocado milkshake for myself.. Keke..

Ya.. going to let my daughter try the gerber puffs too. Guess its easier thats for eating and easier to eat too...

Re: Wetbags

The promo is ending soon. I have placed an order for a tote bag with the seller. Guess its easier to carry than the normal wet bag. Any mummies who want, can pm me after the promo. The seller agree to extend the promo to me for 3 more days after i receive my item. Cos I may want to get another one. Wana see the actual item before deciding. Not sure when will there be this 20% promo again. The last promo was only 10% to the 1st 10 customer. 20% is a good deal!
Baby Mummy: You can order your first foods book from here. Free delivery and have 20% discount. Dont need to opt for registered. Cos the book even though paid normal postage price came under registered still.


This book is quite ok. The recipes are simple to follow. Just that I felt that it is not intensive enough. E.g No meal feeding guide. More like a recipe book only.
<font color="0000ff">First Foods (Local edition by Marshall Cavendish)</font> -- I hv diz bk - it came out around e x I was weaning B1. It came 2 me highly recommended by other mommies @ wkplc as itz locally written thus using local ingredients whc we kan get fr wet mkt or supermkt. W foreign cookbooks some recipes are nt useable as ingredients nt available or nd 2 do a chk 2 find e 'other' name of e ingredient. Juz last wk my fren msg me asking watz 'courgette'? I goggled &amp; realised it was zucchini -- she was using some UK first foods bk lor...
<font color="aa00aa">B2 &amp; Bellamy's:</font> Gave him some Bellamy's Organic Rice Cereal aft we came back fr lunch. He was eager 2 lap it up. Bt coz I mixed w BM, consistency veri runny &amp; I tried thickening w some more teaspoons of cereal. Bt he was tired &amp; cranky 2 so tho success venture, he onli ate like 5 spoonfuls. His sis was eagerly encouraging him. E two reali r so happy 2 hv each other. B1 come home wl wanna hold his hand &amp; kiss -- bt we gotta stop her coz she hasn't was up. E moment B2 sees jiejie, he'll hv big smile or start laughing. Juz now in taxi 2 chr, hb &amp; I each carry on in our lap bt between us e two were holding tightly 2 each other's hands, each refusing 2 let go
B2's been standing since 8 Oct (1D b4 he turned 6M). On our bed he'll pull himself up 2 stand against e huge cushions &amp; juz now he tried 2 put leg ovr. If diz' sign dat he'll start walking earlier dan his jiejie, she shd b able 2 hv a proper playmate soon &amp; they kan entertain each other while mommy get some 'Me' x
<font color="ff6000">Play Yard:</font> Mommies who hv diz, pls advise me if itz stable 4 bb who'r pulling @ things 2 stand? Or watz e best stage(s) 4 using it? Fren wanna pass 2 us bt I'm nt sure if I shd take. Mainly as living &amp; dining rms r oledi war zones
Audrey, Heniz I nvr received anything as well as Mamy Poko and fitti/petpet.. The rest all I received le...

Friso: 64198484
Enfa: 18003455213
Promil: 18006886886 to look for Jennifer
Similac: 62786220,62776349
Nestle: 68367200 to look for clara
Dumex: 18002653188

This is what I remember...
thanks for the sharing the link to the book!
Wow ur story abt ur kids really encouraging others to hv more than 1 leh! so sweet...
powerball, i seldom latch isaac but when i do nowadays, firstly he doesnt want, secondly, he'll bite! very painful lor...:p

My heinz cereal is finishing soon too! What should I replace it with and when will it be back on the shelves? Sigh..is bellamy's good then or any other brands good that they sell at ntucs?

I have finally shifted! So our next outing orchard rd?? hahaha
I am looking for Heinz rice cereal too, but too bad, can't get it in SG!
I tried giving bb E Nestle rice cereal, seem she likes it but I still prefer Heinz

How's ur new house
Audrey, thought u buying from marie? How come u prefer heinz to nestle? issit the texture?:p
New place is ok, still unpacking, but no aircon in living room again, so hot during the day cos got partial afternoon sun..btw, can we just give baby white rice or need to introduce brown rice also? Do u mix the white rice with like banana puree etc?
I just receive a letter saying that electricity to my house will be affected by 2.5 hrs next Monday.....oh no, what's going to happen to all my frozen BM. Anyone encounter this before?
Oh, my mistake, I didn't text Marie to remind her lor, so she didn't bring along. the same day, received sample from Nestle, so just give it a try

Poor thing! Can u request them to install additional aircon for u?
You can give bb only white rice
u can also give Issac brown rice, is ur choice lar

If banana being introduce to him, the 3 days rule, then u can mix with white rice.
How come u prefer heinz to nestle? issit the texture?
Yes, I find Heinz rice cereal more smooth than Nestle. Maybe I am fan of Heinz hehehe... :p
mousy.. as i work in town council line.. don't worry.. the 2.5hour rule does not mean the full 2.5 hours ur electricity will be affected - they will try to restore it asap. They will do row of units turn by turn. I hope by not opening your feezer at all during the time will at least ensure it is frozen.. U may want to call the no provided on the letter to check out more... Should be your town council
.. HTH
btw mummies.. I am going JB next month... i have seen Heinz cereal there before but do not know how much... If u all want.. i can buy for you to bring back if the prices are reasonable? Audrey... U want.. just sms or call me as i sometimes only may loggin to read and may miss posts....
Eviangal: I'm also tempted to get a hobo clutch bag...but a bit too small...*heeHee* am looking for a big but light &amp; waterproof bag that could throw #1 &amp; #2 's items all inside. My current diaper bag dun have zip so things keep falling out...prefer something with more compartments...mummies, any recommendation??
Wanna buy over my new box of nestle baby rice cereal?
I just got 2 boxes from pumpkinseed (fr switzerland). But as I am doing my own organic brown rice cereal, I guess I don't need 2 boxes. It's $5.50 (Orig $11). Expiry 01/10. 250g.

Hee I've opened one box to test it out.. quite yummy leh.. Btw, how do you all introduce the feed? Feed half bottle milk followed by cereal?

Audrey, haha i like avocado milkshake coz its SWEET!!
u can try ordering from Joann. I have order a few from her before.. 3 m size, 1 L and 1 XL.
XL one too big so have used yet..
quality not bad.. I always use the m size one cos put Giselle clean clothes in one bag and dirty one in the other. and i always wash the wetbags.. quite durable.
NM Maman: I've transferred the funds for the Babycook last friday. Have you received it yet?

KP: i just started giving my girl Earth's Best rice cereal. I quite like it coz it seems tasteless.
Kidzskidz, i have the playyard. U must place it properly for the suction cups under the panels to stick to the floor. Mine i never put properly and the panel will move. Your B1 and B2 are so cute

KP, so now ur night feed also using bottle? I can feel the pressure of the little bottom teeth but he still cannot bite yet.

Ya, outing to town area... hehehe or yr new hse! Have to start to hunt for xmas presents soon before the crowd starts. Thinking abt your idea of getting personalized towels as saw a BP have it but is not in a set.
Eviangal and baby_mummy, avocado is tasteless but is creamy in texture which is why it is a good first food.

My gal F had it 2 times, she did not eat it with as much gusto as the brown rice cereal. She was just eating it cos mummy fed her and I think she had no choice :)
Baby F likes bananas cos it's sweet... so she got only 1/2 teaspoon for taste..

The adult avocado milk shake we drink is much tastier as it has fresh milk and carnation milk.. than baby's avocado - I tried the baby avocado and I did not really like it
o. my heinz rice cereal is running low as well.. Between my baby prefer heinz than nestle as well. He started on Nestle cereal first and all his body got red rashes coming out. so stopped immediately.

Hi Catherine..
Can buy the Okie Dog(Sumo) diaper bag. I find it very useful and good.. alot of compartment.

Let have a lunch this coming thursday @ orchard ba.. Is nearer my office..

12 pm @ Orchard. Anyone interested.

1) Lov J
bb_mum, i got my copy of 'first foods' from one of the link (form) posted by kidz sometime back..
i find the book quite alrite, simple and asian friendly, a lot of useful food safety tips oso..
my bb oso prefer heinz, i started her with healthytimes but bcos of the bugs story i changed to heinz, she love it..now heinz off the shelves, i have to change her back to healthytimes but she dun reali like it..

powerball, but then my living room has no aircon again cos developer says simply not enough budget to fix it lor, sian! so if u guys come, it'll be very hot, this place is hotter than my old place:p Yes, now its bottle all the way for isaac..

baked potato, earth's best is from ntuc?

Audrey, what is the purpose of mixing fruit purees into the plain cereal? Will mixing cause bb not to want plain cereal in future?

yvonne, why not try another brand besides healty times?
