(2009/04) April 2009 MTBs

<font color="ff6000">wah tingting, you breastfed your boy until he could even tell you thank you arh?? Not paiseh to show your boobies to your boy?

haha bb mum, you also another gan cheong one like ah jam. You both are due so soon already leh. Patience ok??

Don't be like my impatient little girl. Even drink milk also so impatient..</font>

<font color="ff6000">owmum, update after your gynae visit. Your post always so short one. Write a bit longer leh keke..

Hand expressing will go direct into the storage bottle meh? Express by hand always drip until so messy one.

kekeke internal injuries arh. remember that time I told you I heard that a friend's bb broke her ribs?? So internal injuries are possible lor. But if no prolonged pain in that same area, it's probably just a temporary discomfort and not injury lah haha..

for an internal injury, bb must be quite big and strong leh. </font>
Pat, hee actually I am not so gan jiong lah... in fact I don't mind bb holding on till EDD!! Just wanna share their joy!! haha

Tmr gynae visit! Then I'll know when I'll deliver loh.. haha
he babbled, i just take it that he's saying thank you lor.. haha..

with kids u'll naturally be more thick skinned one.. we're trying to teach him not to make a fuss over nudity.. hopefully he doesn't grow up to be one to oogle at playboy.. :p

dunno leh.. i get the bruise feeling whenever she stretches.. gotta ask Dr Chen this sat.. :p
by 3M, can catch BB sneaking looks @ you as you bf him/her. Juz look down and catch him/her unaware, he/she wl quickly turn away. When a bit older, they can even smile @ you while still latched on. Super cute one!
Pat, yah, I mentioned Partridge Pear cos i really like the packaging...my friend just used them, have a pic of what she did, if u want can email to u cos not very nice to put her baby's pic here..haha

kidz, dunno abt the taste of food for Partridge Pear, i just like their packaging...keke..cos got baby's photo on every packed item..hee
<font color="ff6000">bb_mum, how come see gynae already will know when you'll deliver? You're scheduling a date for induction too?

kidzkidz, the link doesn't work leh. Can't find the nursing nest.

Oh yes, Have to teach boys not to fuss over nudity but when he grows up, you can't be showing him your boobs already mah. By then, it's natural that he would be attracted to other ppl's breasts already. Men would somehow be drawn to playboy I feel. Even I feel compelled to flip through playboy leh.

The models are all so perfect and so toned. So beautiful somemore.

hahah ok ok KP, I'll go take a look and probably see if I can get some feedback.

Going to punggol plaza to buy something liao. Bye</font>
pat, ya it's prob ur body adjusting to how much milk ur baby really needs also lah. coz i had oversupply the first 2 weeks...i think if u pump until no more milk then stop liao...otherwise v painful leh. just try again 3 hours later. remember sleep more n drink more water and u will be fine!

Ciarie, my EDD even earlier than bonbon leh...20 Aug! and everyone in school is saying my tummy is so big why not on leave yet! wahahaha...even my student touch my tummy also say "wow so HARD oredi!"

HappyLittleWoman, hahah. happy marking to the both of us. still got a million and one nittygritty things to settle. and gotta put together my Mid Year Exam paper. no need to sleep liao. :p

saw Dr Tseng today and told him abt my contractions last fri...he v funny said "it's just to irritate you only"...bb head already descended n engaged, pretty low liao. which is a good thing...so anytime soon! hope she will be patient n wait till next week...
<font color="0000ff">Link to Peaceful Pea Nursing Nest</font> Yeah, nt sure why it doesn't wk now as I cld see it just now and copied the link out... I've emailed Miracle Baby asking if they still carry it. Will post their reply when it's in.

<font color="ff0000">No. of Sanitary Pads Used</font> I can't rmbr how much I used last time. Anybody does? I know to pack two packs (8pcs each) in my hospital bag but how much to stock up @ home... Suddenly my memory nt veri gd... Think too preoccupied with what's to come
<font color="119911">Tingting</font> I also hv the Avent Isis Manual -- very comfortable pump and quite easy to use bt of course pump for a while oledi hand sure tired
hellox... i m back.. first wait for gynae for so long!!! waited for 1 n a half hr..zZzZzZz.. i m so sad lo.. did e VE haha.. not dilated at all!!! wa sianz.. i still tell doc i m rdy.. but too bad seems like babby not rdy yet..

my weight still remains: 53.7kg..
bb weight: increase a 200 grams.. now weighing at 2.8kg...

i dunno hw the doc calculate how ripen is e cervix.. but he did a cervix check after the VE.. now is 3.05 (dunno wad it means la).. he say when its 2.5 den almost time for labour ardy.. most probably will be next week.. sianz.. still nid to wait.. but well he says who knws what will happen next.. haha.. if by the pace my bb is growing she will be 3 kg at birth.. haix.. i very sianz liao leh.. its like i m experiencing so much of contractions (BH) every now n then but yet i m nt dilated.. wa..
gynae keep laughing.. he say some ppl full term ardy still not rdy to go for induce labour but i m complaining when i m at 38 weeks..haha..
congrats to bonbon, jacqueline, lovj and powerball! seems like more mums than ever are popping liao... ciarie, i hope ur backache gets better and u have the energy to update our popcorn list! kekeke...

also went to my obs today - my scan at 37 weeks shows baby to be just 2.54kg, growth slowing down a bit, and still borderline fluid. so now i can take the opportunity to munch more junk like macs. kekeke...

owmummy: i think the 3.05/2.5 is probably the cervical length in cm - the shorter it is the closer to labour u r i guess...

btw, nobody answered my questions on whats a good baby detergent and bottle cleanser fluid to buy leh...
Hi All,

Just came back from the gynae's. Currently 1-2cm dilated so gynae says can give birth anitime liao..says tonite also can induce, hubby says check in next wed 11pm, then give birth on thurs:p Baby is at 3.4kg now..
kidzskidz: the avent isis manual - do u know if the new BPA-free bottles fit, and also if i buy the avent isis VIA, can i attach the bottles to it after the i finish the VIA cups?
Congrats to Bonbon.

My BB quite active, last night wake mi up abt 4am with his powerful kicks and punches... Have to wake mu hubby up to ask him pacify BB. Ha ha...

Today so tired, work oso super busi. Thinking of taking ML earlier...
ow mummy, how u know he wont wait till nx wed? Think my fren also check 1 week b4 her edd, gynae says 1cm dilated, then hor, she 3 days after edd then induce leh cos till no signs!

Does everyone bleed after VE check or only some?

avent has got bpa free bottles in 4 oz and 9 oz sizes.. the avent isis via set is merely the same manual breast pump with the via cups and come with the adaptor u can fit to pump directly into the via cups. so if u're pumping directly into the bottle, then no need to use the via adaptor.

kidz, yah, hand can get a bit tired, but i like its efficiency!
Hi Mummies

Scense Mini Washing Machine to let go at $90. Comes with box. Kindly sms me at 92374617


Scense Mini Washing Machine comes with an added ozone disinfecting ability to get rid of impurities effectively, it is also equipped to clean gently and thoroughly which provides as an alternative way to do hand wash for women's feminine wear and baby clothes.
DTS: Nt sure abt the Avent BPA bottles fitting their Isis Manual Bpump. I used the VIA cups b4, it's got a much wider mouth thus comes with a "converter" cover to affix to the bpump so can pump directly into the cup. After some rounds of use + sterilisation, I converted these via cups (comes w lids) into baby food storage bottles. Can also use as snack containers when bringing bb out. Pretty handy. The timing was juz nice when B1 was born in that there was 20% discount on Avent prdts @ the pharmacy so I got the bpump, breast milk collection shells, nipple shields and via cups. Actually I came across quite a few posts some mths back of ppl here selling off BN via cups (box). Can do search in WTS section...
<font color="0000ff">BABY DETERGENT:</font> Think Pureen's ABD baby detergent is popular and reasonably priced -- around $5.70 for 1.2kg box of laundry powder @ CK Dept Store. May be cheaper @ the Pureen shop in KKH. I just grabbed two bottles of the liquid detergent type last wkend @ Carrefour's Tiny Town atrium event. Got the liquid one that comes w softener. Basically Pureen ABD range is anti-bacterial detergent lah. Bt softener-wise, hv been told by som dermatologist that Downy is best for bb -- when we're stl nt sure if their skin got sensitivities. Downy's expensive tho.

<font color="0000ff">DISH/BOTTLE DETERGENT:</font> I usually get Tollyjoy as cheap. It's stated that it's made of natural ingredients too. So perhaps juz look out for this type of formulation one?
Congrats to all the mummy who had popped...
realised that there are a few teachers here who EDD is in April too..
Look forward to the arrival of ur princes and princess, gals.. dont bother what will happen in the school...
No worries, even when we are having our ML the school will still continue to run (this is what my HOD told me) so take good rest during this period of time....
i am also looking forward to my ML next week.. Counting down to the number of days left...
Catherine, don be dishearten.. i am also given NT classes due to my pregnancy...These classes not easy to handle esp the sec 1 since i have not taught sec 1NT for a super long period of time liao. Talk to the kids, they may understand ur condition...
i am lucky as I wasnt given alot of things to do this year due to the BB but i would still have to do my CCA. almost staying in school late due to SYF. (practice ends about 730pm on weekdays)
so Mummies, do take care...
Morning mummies!!

KP ah: Good to hear you are starting to dilate liao! Next Thursday will be the day!! Woohoo!

Today is my last day of work too! Next week time to shake leg and sleep late liao!
me planning 9 Apr c-sec, going for pre-admission testing later on and will cfm the date again.
most likely ops will be done by dr devendran coz he's on duty on thu. my gynae can only op on wed lor.

ya, if u induce on good friday, the most probably will see you there too!

which ward will you check in? i'm opting for B1, 4-bedder.

re: tummy tightening
ya, it's more obvious now. cant poke finger liao coz will kena 'bounced' back. plus can feel bb more, his back, thigh, arms, ankle... all the protruding parts. :D

re: sanitary pads
i wonder if it is necessary to bring to hospital in the 1st place coz they usually provide lor. maybe just 1 pack for the going home day. i recall previously they do supply. dats y they charge higher for miscellaneous lor. so u use it or not, oredi charge into the bill. :p
ow_mummy: Your baby at 2.8kg, still got some more days to boost up the weight. So whether Monday or Sunday, also can lah...
Rose Ling: Dun worry about the bb crying...sometimes they cry for no particular reason...For #1, we went thru a difficult period when #1 was 3 months. We used to bring him daily to our pil's house for dinner then suddenly, one night, he suddenly started crying, we tried everything but he always cries whenever we reached pil's house for a whole month (we tried taking turns to eat dinner so that one of us can carry him downstairs, colic medication, air-con,etc) !! Pil's neighbours were all asking us what happened. Then as suddenly as it comes, it stopped a month later, like nothing happened....
As baby is still so comfortable inside me, gynae has asked me to admin tomorrow at 3 to induce baby and hopefully baby will be born on Sunday... oh well, i am like both excited and scared men...
hi hi all mummies.
any mummies give birth in KKH?
Would like to find out if they provide BF lesson after delivery. though this is my 2nd preg, but no confident in BFg cos my #1 nvr latch. I pump all the way for 9mths.
morning mummies, so much to update u all.

*award speech*

first thanks to mr bonbon who did live telecast n update u all. in the event, making some of u all so gan cheong n wanna give birth too!

then thanks to mummies who encourage n congrats us too! soo many to list out

KP, how to wait till next wed?? come tonight i can say hi to u tmr hahaha

powerball, congrats!! so surprising but most impt is mum n baby fine.

bbmummy, kris, coolzy, so nice to see u all yday haha sorry abit tired yday when u all came. kiki kris coolzy discharging today?? this morning dr adrian came n said i can go home tmr

ciarie, our princess caitlyne is 47cm, 2.26kg, assisted natural w epi. thanks for updating!!

ok shall post the birth story next hehe else too long post.

just had breakfast n fish soup and nurse sent in bb for breastfeeding, but too bad my nipple abit short n no milk ss too. so baby just suckle a while and nurse advise pump out when we're home. so she's on 3hr feed, 20ml each time. taking enfalac. kiki feel so sayang to see her cos she's tiny, but get super gan cheong once she start to cry!
Bonbon u admi at 3 and gave birth the next day right?

just preserve on breastfeeding ya... they says 1st time takes longer but must continue to do so...
kittybride, Can PM me your contact? My next appt is 9 April. He surely admit me that day if still no news. So our bb probably will have the same bday. I opt for A1 cos can go natural. Im praying hard she come out before i get to see him so no need induce. No need to bring pad cos hospital do provide but they charge you.

This time my self induce failed. I tried spicy fd, bedding and walking. Didn't help. Maybe next try the pineapple. SOS!
the story is too long, so i shall briefly update. full details u all can ask me if need any reference n mr bonbon will post in the blog i guess

1/4 3pm - insert tablet n stay in observation ward 1hr. trsf to room to wait till 830pm for dr adrian break waterbag

845pm - dr adrian came, did VE, then it felt like he tried 4-5times before waterbag break. quite painful for me as his finger had to go v deep and kept knocking on the bones. and he just said "sorry, try 1 more time. some discomfort" then when done, he left and nurse came in to pump medicine into the anus n quite painful cos she poke my skin. when i stood up no water but only some blood on the bedsheets. mr bonbon saw blood in the dustbin n din dare take photo haha. then clear poo and proceed to birth suite. mr bonbon heard dr telling nurse 3cm dilate so anytime 3, 5, 7am possible.

9.15pm - went to delivery suite and drew 1 big tube blood for cord blood donation. nurse also put the needle into the hand to prepare for drip to speed up contractions. from then on, contractions pain felt.

asked nurse about the nitrious oxide gas. intially bearble like super pain menses cramp, till the contractions 1-2min apart and last for 30secs, very unbearble, whole body shaking with pain. gas mask was helpful when breathe in correctly, but when pain was too bad, cannot even control my breathing.

2/4 12.30am - asked nurse how much dilated cos in v bad pain. nurse did VE and said 4cm dilate. almost fainted cos in 3hrs just dilate 1cm! nurse said too tense muscle contract wun dilate fast. decided get Epi. nurse called Dr Wong rec by dr adrian n he needed 45min cos in another surgery. i was thinking.. die.. must endure 45min more n 15min for epi take effect!

lucky dr came early in 25min time, and started administer epi. could still feel pain 1hr later and feedback to nurse, and she up the dosage. from then on, could feel relief! but could still feel pressure from the contractions, but its v small pain like normal cramps only. so nurse put in the tube into the urine place to drain the pee as it could cause pressure as the bladder is full n baby can't move down.

3am - asked nurse how many cm dilate, and she said they try to minimise VE, but she did a check n said 6cm. good, with epi more relax so in 1hr plus can dilate 2cm. both of us fell aslp for a while.

4am - beeping sound in room. mr bonbon check out and "shucks! epi tube empty! medicine finish" then call nurse and she put a new tube.

to be continued..
JamGal! No need gan cheong lah! haha i still haven popped!!! And yes!! KP!! It's going to be your turn soon!

Pat, usually when we visit the gynae she will check dilation, contraction etc mah.. so will know when I will deliver approximately after my visit today!

Bonbon!! You can walk around now? Any pain? Wow.. so nice! Can discharge tmr!!!

I notice everyone brought the small trolley luggage leh! But mine is the medium size coz need to put in the cordlife box!!! But bo chup lah.. easier to have a big bag than many small bags.
baby_mummy: I remembered you say you will work till give birth right? So next week you still gonna go back to work ah? Time to start ML liao leh, take a short break before we embark on another new 24 x 7 job scope.
JamGal, haha ya! Working till give birth wor! Hospital is nearer from work place than my home leh! haha feels more secure! Hubby joked.. say I should bring toiletries and put at my desk.. so I can just shower and check in when the signs are here!!!

But the difficult thing is hor, I still am invited to meetings etc.. so it's a bit weird loh.. if suddenly I can't attend a meeting which I am suppose to present??? haha

I still dunno when I will deliver leh.. maybe another week or 2! Now only pray bb don't disturb my sleep!! :p
MONI MUMMIES!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

Happylilwoman: i'm getting anxious liao lo!! keep wondering when will i pop!! haa... :p

Coast: WELCOME TO F1 APR 09 mummies thread!! updated ur details into our launch &amp; poppers' list le!! :D

Re: jaundice &amp; "suntanning machine"
mummies... actually i dun quite like e idea of doing "suntanning" ourselves. rather leave it to the hospital to monitor and let them do the job cos seriously we need to closley monitor the timing to tan, milk time, and make sure we flip e bb each side for a certain timing to ensure no overtanning... which i find hassle.
cos during confinement, we really need to rest and it will be too taxing on us to consistently monitor all these...
but on the other hand, for bfeeding bbs, we will need to take additional effort to pump out the milk and bring it to hospital and probably need the hospital to supplement FM if BM is nt enuf...

just my views.... cos i went thru for my #1..

Dodos: actively compiling e details n catching up w all our F1 poppers...heee.. :D
will post up very very shortly!!

Kidzkidz: i agree w u tat bfeeding is the BEST WEIGHT LOST PROGRAMME!!

provided u bf long enuf...

Pat: football hold position can make our hands very shacked out le.... :p

Karrie: ur students so cute lo!!! haa.....
u better take care while u r climbing up e stairs to the classrooms....

Kgal: good for u!!! :D jia you!!!

Bonbon: ur birth story really gao cao tia qi!!
seriously anyone have any idea how the dr check for dilation? Is it by counting fingers? I still don't get it. What's afface and how do they count the percentage?

hi ciarie, thanks... i quite new to forum and so not sure wat to update... :p
so happy for all those mummies who have popped and i am rather anxious now waiting for my launch. gonna see doctor tomorrow and worried cos i still have some unfinished work to be completed next week... hopefully can tahan until 9Apr though my EDD is 17APR
