(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

agnes - try Nuk... buy those teats that r similar to nipples...
gd luck!

u can buy pigeon wide teats and use avent bottles at least u can try if bb is okie with pigeon teats..

as for other wide teats me not sure if can use in avent bottles
Dear mummies,

I have the following to let go as my boy is allergic to milk powders. He is on soy milk now.

1. 1x400g tin similac, expiry 12/12/2010,
2. 1x400g tin mamil gold expiry, 17/03/2010
3. 2x400g tin Nan 2 HA, expiry 20/5/2010 and 12/10/2010

All the above are for baby above 6 months. I'm selling at $10 each. Self collection at Hougang. Interested mummies, pls PM me.
our usual visit cost ard $470 (inc. 6in1, rotavirus and pneumococcal )

the latest pneumococcal only- cost about $200, done @ kidslink. cannot use medisave then very siong lo
Hi mummies.. havent manage to catch up with archives.. very shagged

btw... i just got home yest that is also i insisted to go home frm the hospital B4 was warded in Hari Raya Haji due to super high fever 2 40.5degrees and he couldnt take the glucose water that was given every 15 mins.. dropped 200g in one day.. they wanted to monitor him again as he was pooing loose stools yest.. so i manage to avoid him on drip on sat nite n thus they wanna put him againyest if he was pooing too much... but as his fever went down and b3 kept looking for me at home.. i decided to take him home. Fortunately... everything is ok... only that he has nt been eating past few days.. keep his mouth shut and also pushed spoon away. I m trying to breastfeed him as much as i can.. Catch up later mummies.....pray for his speedy recovery
my boi oso NAN PRO 1 now... actually my PD said ok for him to drink till 1 yr old... now i gradually switching him over by mixing Pro 1 & 2... hopefully he'll completely switch over asap...

dun worry, yr boi will recover soon... u oso must take care, ok!!!

u gg to buy new one??

just asking, anyone add soya sauce or salt to yr bb porridge??
sun, y advise to stick to nan1? n i dun add any seasoning to bb porridge..just the original stock fm fish or veg...cos better not to let the LOs taste artificial flavouring now as they may turn choosy...plus nt healthy...

thinking of getting a smaller one than my current.. my current one is too big for short trips. and kinda clumsy when i go out with bree.. very stressed when i am shopping.. kept bumping into stuff..

can't imagine if i bump into all the glasswares.. gonna be broke paying for damages.. muahahah..
Hello mommies! I've been MIA for so long. Been very busy with work lately. How's life with you and your little ones?

Idaar, I'm hope your boy will get well soon. Take Care! Lot's of Hugz!!

Re: Seasoning for Baby's Porridge
I don't add any seasoning (be it salt or soya sauce) to Baby V's porridge. We use fish bone or chicken to cook the stock first. Then add in rice and meat (usually fish coz it's easier to eat) and carrot to cook till everything is soft. These will make the porridge sweet. Then when the porridge is about to be ready, add in chopped broccoli or spinach then cook for another 10 to 15 mins. BTW, if using fish bone, must make sure you sieve the soup to avoid small fish bone remain in the soup (I use sieve with really small holes and sieve 2 times). So far, Baby V loves the porridge we prepare for her. Hope this helps.
hi mummies,

long time din come into thread

ida, hope your boy gets well soon n apetite increase too! do tk care of yourself too.

re. pneumococcal vaccine
hv not tken for my bb, was advised by pd no urgency to tk yet since i'm sahm n bb not in contact w other ppl frequently, unless in infant care then recommended to tk now. pd told us can tk after 1 yr. oso pd mentioned next yr, 2 other cos coming out w new pneumoccocal vaccines, 1 against 20 strains of d virus n 1 against 21 strains. pd was saying curent vaccine only against 17 strains of the virus. her view is against as many strains as poss, better. so we r waiting to see...hee for info
re. milk
still on enfalac, again advised by pd not necessary to change until 1 yr old. apparently, the 1st stage of milk powder contains mpore nutrients, that's y more exp than 2nd stage powder. my bb drinking very little so giving stage 1 still is better.

re. semi solid food
am still giving only veg/fruit puree, brown rice n oats. intending to start porridge only at 9 mths. hee you mummies r very fast!

btw. very sianz...since 2nd mth of semi-solids, bb poo is like now very irregular, sometimes 5 days. dis wk already 6 days no action. living in constant worry he's hving cnstipation coz got 2 times his poo was so hard he cried pooing
hv to rely on peach n plums. mummies, know any other fruit/veg to help, very sianz to always mix these 2 into his food. he's already taking: pear, pumpkin, butternut squash, xiao bai cai, cai xin, broccoli, apple, carrot, sweet potato, avocado, banana. noticed though tat sweet potato n carrot r the culprits for hard hard stools...
sung, my boy was also constipated badly during 6 mths old when i switch his formula to stage 2...but gave him apple n prune juice from heinz then he could poo...after tat, i gave him sweet potato porridge then till now everyday was smooth sailing...
Thanks Missy/st,
Going to get pigeon teats first cos dun wan to waste avent bottle. If still can't, then will try NUK.

U may wish to feed your boy millet water. Cook the millet like u would with rice, then let him drink the water. See if it works for your boy. Papaya does helps too.
ida: pray for your lil one..hope he gets well soon..don worry ya..

donroxx: thanks for de info..

piggysg: think i will only feed him later too..my boi, Jo is on Isomil, as he is allergy to cow's milk since newborn.doc advises to change to cow's milk only when he is 1yrs old..dunno which FM is good for 1yrs old??

i bought baby yoplait at ntuc last saturday (1for1), vanilla & banana flavor. i tried b4 giving to my boy last nite..he likes it but i don dare to feed him much..scared tat his tummy cannot take it..

soya sauce/salt for baby porridge?? i totally don agree to add in the porridge at this moment..cos yes its artificial n think the fish/vege is sweet enuf for baby..i don encourage our baby at this stage to eat heavy flavor..natural sweetness from fish/vege is really good enuf for them..
still remember when i started to cook porridge for my baby, my MIL say she will add some soy sauce in the porrige to make is got flavor. I quickly say "NO" to her. I really worried when i come to work, she secretly add it to the porridge and feed him..but i cant do anything..just hope she will listen to my lil advise..
Ida.. hope your boy is feeling better. u are a super mummy to juggle 4 boys!

re added salt/flavoring
recently my dad also tell me to put soya sauce to my boy's porridge. say he might eat more n gain some weight. shot him with a "death stare". read somewhere that baby's kidneys are not able to handle the extra salt til they are 1? even for his snacks i'll chose those without salt/sodium in the ingredients list.
I dont add salt or porridge into my baby's porridge as well. has anyone tried dried scallop or dried oyster in your baby's porridge yet?
victoria, yes my mum cook porridge with dried scallop+carrot. really sweet...but i don feed the scallop to Jo cos he will just swallow..dried oyster, i havnt tried yet..but not too much ya..cos i think baby will not like the smell..
Hi mums who giving Nan FM,
I was invited for a focus group discussion on formula milk powder, any one keen to join me?
This is a 2 hrs session and will be paid $100 after
that. It's on 7th Dec at 3pm for 1st time mum and 6.30pm for 2nd time mum. If you are keen, kindly contact or SMS my sis, Sally asap at 97640028. She needs 5 more mother users of NAN Pro or HA.
Adding soy sauce to porridge: I guess everyone has their own stand on what's good for their baby. totally respect that
, but i just follow my mum's method which she has been using it for years and we just add a little, I don't believe that will cause much harm. No offence to mummies who don't agree.
u can get small tin @ GIANT beside IKEA @ Tampines... i got mine fr there...

re: seasoning
icic, coz my mum asking whether any mummies add soya sauce to bb's porridge... tink i'll let my mum know tat this is not allow till he's 1 yr old...

icic... tat's true, get smaller one easier to bring along esp when u out w bree alone...

my boi still on NAN PRO 1 coz his pooing once a wk so PD suggested him to stick to NAN PRO 1... but aft taking cereal, porridge, vege, fruits puree etc etc, he poo on alt day... tat's y tot of switching him to NAN PRO 2...
donroxx and mommies..

our babies should avoid sugar and salt till they are 24 mths in order not to strain their immature kidneys.

Re: Dired Scallops and oysters etc..
do check how these products are processed..
how about adding marmite/bovril to porridge? my mum says i grew up eating marmite/bovril. i die die also dont let my gal eat that...hahaha

my gal is used to healthy times cereals, now change to brown rice+carrot+leanpork blended...she doesnt seem to like it much...why huh?

Me too.. i grew up on bovril added into porridge.. now that we know more.. must check if bovril and marmite contains high sodium before adding into porridge..
thanks. the apple n prune juice, how much you give your boy each time/day? i give him abit of plum juice sometimes but no stock now cos is obtained fm steaming the fruit. also for sweet potato, yours is the orange type or the jap sweet potato? i got fm cold storage is jap sweet potato, purple colour but my bb actually constipated frm it

the millet, where you buy it fm? i chk yahoo, it's a type of grain rite? haha paiseh, mountain tortoise here, i never heard or seen of millet grain before. will try papaya after bb's 9 mths, coz mil n mother all believe in some fruits r cooling, others heaty n both said papaya too cooling.
Not sure where to buy in Singapore. Am based in Shanghai and millet & all kinds of grains are being sold in every supermarket. Maybe u try organic stores??

Is the cooked brown rice still coarse? For me, after blending the brown rice w veg, I will strain the puree again. The brown rice I buy from shanghai is very coarse. When i strained it, alot of 'rough bits' from the brown rice was left behind. I remembered the brown rice i ate in Singapore not so rough but u may wish to sieve it to see if there are coarse bits.

Or maybe carrot+pork combi not nice. (Pardon me cos i haven't try pork for my boy, just speculating) Today I tried cod fish + carrot + millet, it taste good n my boy finished the whole bowl. He seldom finishes the whole bowl. U may wish to try fish. Tmrw I will try cod fish with brown rice and apple. Hope he will like this combi.
lenny - bovril damn nice hor..heeh..but i think its salty...and thus not good for health...but i am sure guilty of loving it...

agnes - the brown rice actually taste quite nice i thought...not really coarse le...i did sieve it 2x, quite clean ha! the other time mum tried to boil the rice with lean meat and carrot, but removed the meat after the rice is cooked, so as to make the porridge taste sweeter, afterwards, add 'ngor he' (dunno what the fish is called in english), the taste is lagi fishy lor..haha...

the rice+carrot+pork combi to me is nice le...but to my gal, is not so. on the contrary, i tasted the healthy times cereal, it is yucky lor..haha...
guess we have different taste buds...
oh ya, just to add - mil says my gal teething (STILL!) - 2 on the lower long grown, now the top 3 springing out..so ultra cranky, and wants to be carried, and wants her way..aiyoo...

ya, think Nan Pro 1 can drink till 12 mths.
My ebm is really dropping and i am now feeding Moiiesha the formula for her morning feed.
Now i am requesting the sample for few stage 2 formula milk. not sure which suit her best ...
oh i love brovil! the original before mad-cow version. i remember my mum stirring 1 big spoonful in my porridge.

that being said, i decided not give my boy brovil or other added salt til he is older. now that we have more research/reports/doc's advice/internet to give us way too much info, i prefer to err on the side of caution til he is 1.

re sugar.. aiyeee i already added a little to his barley water =(

Add some gerber's prune sauce into cereal..and see how it goes..add some pumpkin or pear if its too sour..constipation have to stop banana BRAT hehe..
wah how do you manage to feed cai xin or xiaobaicai? =P so far she can only do well on spinach..
I feel so sad when seeing my girl cough, flu and have phlegm. She need to use Nebulizer to protect her lungs. She hates to eat those medicine. When i saw she ate those medicine, i really want to cry and want to stop but i know i cant because is for her own good. Really hope i'm the one eating those medicine and sickness.

Hope she can recover as soon as possible. Coz she now dont drink her milk and water from bottle, once she drank she will cough and vomit all out, so end-up she dont feel like to drinking. Now only can spoon feed with water.
sung: i fed him half a bottle after his shower n if he poops on tat very day then i dun give him the next day n monitor...sweet potato, i give him the orange ones, cos i find the jap ones too dry n sticky...his poop didnt soften with the jap ones...u can get the orange ones from giant...
*hugs to serene* all will be well in time to come.. dont stress urself!

good morning to all! tuesday!!! wkend coming soon...... lol!!!
Hi mummies,
I too so long didnt come in our thread. Dont know why my boy Ethan have been having rashes on his body , face and neck, but once we put him in air-con room the rashes will be lessen when his body is cool? At 1st we thought is his food but dont think so as his rashes only come after he start teething. BTW anyone know when is the CARTERS WAREHOUSE SALES this year, Im guessing it will be on 18-20 Dec. As past 2 years its fall on the week before christmas so think tis year should be 18-20 Dec ba, anyway will get to know soon ba. Can't wait to go shoppppp again kekeeee...
