(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

Hi, anybody changing to a bigger car seat? am thinking of getting the Britax Prince, like the cool material
any reviews?

oh yeah, Xmas coming, anywhere to get cute cookie cutters?

Pigpig, Yeah thats the BP! Thanks a million!

starflower, ya we are gng to changing bigger carseat too...hubby gng to meet a seller frm ebay this evening...will u buy brand new?
mangogal, yes buying brand new fm Mothercare coz cant anyone selling this model :p

bukit timah cannot go la, scared flooding hehee somemore juz changed a new set of 18inch wheels, dont wanna get jammed there for a set of cookie cutters leh :p anyone has the BP link?
Baby K knew how to refuse my order.
When she is holding something in her hands, we ask her to give to us. She hided her toy behind her back- putting her hand at the back.
When we snatch away her toy, she will screamZZZZZZ.

LOL, so cute
All these while, Baby K has been carried on my arms in the car. We have car seat but never use it. It is against the law, we knew..
re: 1st yr bash venue for yr bb
i'm attending my gf's bb boi 1st yr bash @ Grassroots' Club next sat...
heard fr my gf tat they hv 2 diff function rooms to cater yr need... with or without playgrounds
looks nice

let me know the venue to DIY the ribbons...
i'll not be joining if too far away fr north coz my hb will need to bbsit bryan alone n dun intend to leave 'them' alone so long... kekeke

try to let bb K take carseat whenever in car, safety ma... but if u let her sit in car seat now, she wants?

tat's so cute of bb K... i asked my boi to give, he just ignore me... i take fr him n he only knows to scream loud... hahaha
little rascal!!!

i bought britax Si class which is suitable fr infant to toddler... so i no need to chg again... =p
Mummies ...

Am back to work ... ahhh the 1 week leave seem so short =p SH now can sit and managed to move himself him the tummy down position to sitting position ... so happy that I could witness his feat when during my leave period.

Anyway ... my BP#3 will be coming up tom and most of the items are ready stock. Seem if anything interest you =)

Books & Puzzles:




Montessori Kits


Qian Zhi Tong

Anyone staying in marine parade? I've got a Friso step 2. New not opened. Expiry date next year October. Selling for $25. anyone interested?
sunshine - wa! i was intending to book grassroots for kirsten's 1st yr bd! hehe i emailed the person asking abt rates but hasnt gotten back to me yet. do u knw hw much they charge?
I think I should start thinking abt venue for Eames's 1st day bash too. I told hubby maybe a Macdonalds birthday celebaration...but I think is too young for him, he wouldn't appreciate.

During my time, birthday celebration at Mac is a dream for all kids.
scrumpee agree! i had macdonalds for a few yrs when we came to SG... back then, the macs was big and had big playground at woodlands... but its gone now...
Count me in! Ribbons I might not b able to get so can I buy some from you mummies?

where did u get yr ribbons n clips?
heard tat venue very popular... my gf so lucky to get a slot... the rate as follows:

For 4 hour event the room rent rate @ $214 (including GST) ( non Member rate)
The room can accomodate 80 to 100 pax (buffet style).
Room rate inclusive 50 unit of chairs, CD player, in door playground, 5 rectangle table with table cloth

actually i'm interested in tat venue but hb dun wan... he prefer to hv the celebration with our family members, dun intend to do it big...
halo, any gatherings this long weekend? hee hope to attend wif caroline if there is any...

hiaz..next week sending her to infant care, my heart is super heavy now, scared after sending her my milk supply will drop, worry her will fall sick & she will nt be a happy baby etc...
dunno will I hv mood to work or not...super big transition for her n me

sorry for my grumble this AM
mangogal, dun worri.. u r not grumbling.. can understand ur feelin.. ur bb wil b happi to hav frend ard.. lik u, u hav us ard in tis forum.. =)
Hi Prosper,

We just started to put our Baby R onto the car seat... but he don't seems like it. He will start cranky the whole journey. So, whenever, we put him on the seat, I will start feeding him biscuit when he start cranky. It really work !

Hi Mummies,

Have you started sourcing which Montessori for your babies? Understand that we can send them when they are 18mths, & some of the Montessori are on waiting list. Any idea which Montessori is good ?

Btw, are all your babies born in the month of March'09?

i have visited Baby inc at Bukit timah turf club.. they are also running their play class using Montessori.

i didn't sign up there cos i am not comfortable with leaving Bree alone there till she is at least 18mths old.

Apart from Kindermusik, Stage & Such, Baby Yoga I went to try bibinogs as well but i prefer julia gabriel. i went in to one of the class for a preview.. alone.. without Bree while she is with hubby waiting outside and i liked it..

i signed up for Julia Gabriel's Playnest and will be starting in Jan next yr for twice a week. i hope Bree enjoys it as no trials is available..

As for little Gym & Gymboree.. i have not try them out. will see if i can go for the trials before i commit.kinda tied up this month.
ann - the lady who conducted the workshop provided the materials wor. locally im nt too sure. but i do see some BPs in the overseas spree selling. might want to opt for that? locally i havent had time to look ard. if i find il let u knw? hee.

sunshine - thanks for the info!!! the emailed me le... the date i was aiming has been booked! argHx! sianz. ppl faster than me! hahaha!

mango - how come sending her to ifc? no one to look after? dun worrie too much!!!
uhu mummiessssssss

sooooooooooo tired nowadays......boohoooooooo

Yeahhhh!!!! My didi finally starting to crawl liaooooo....after i removed the play yard and let him crawl on the floor.....now i know y he dun wanna crawl n will always yell n cry when i put him on his comfy playmat surrounded by his trusting playyard.....BECOS HE WANS FREEEEEEEEDOM!!!!!! tsk tsk tsk

nowadays no gathering ah? i dun mind to *open hse* my place for a gathering :p wan ornt wan ornt wan ornt???? haben got a chance to meet up with the mummies here....think will b even more difficult now esp when my tummy getting bigger n still ve monkey #1 n #2 to look after...*shiver*
nice pic!!!

so fast? i tot next yr? tot u hv the intention to be SAHM instead putting bb C @ IFC??

wat's Montessori huh??? me like mountain tortoise... LOLx

here are some info.

Quite a number of infant care or childcare here in Singapore are applying their methodology..

i would say that there are many different schools of thought on developing our babies that are available currently.. so just got to go through and see which one fits us and then go for it..
Hi Lenny,
My frien n i are interested in JG playnest too!

How did u go abt viewing their session? Is urs @ Evans Rd or Forum? E rate? No. of sessions?

Tks for sharing...

Donroxx...a lovely pix of ur boi...

Went for a preview session on Little Neuro Tree...not too impressed even thou they claim to deliver many stuff...oso the centre i went not so willing to let me sit in n view a lesson in progress...hhmmm...

Heard abel's 1st utterance dardardar...on 24 Nov/Tue...cool!
hello mummies, need some advice. i have been falling sick frequently ever since i gave birth. abt once a month.

do u know of any 'bu' herbs to take? now it seems that my girls and i are passing the germs around! we take turns to fall sick! Eg: i fall sick, pass on to Xuan, Xuan pass on to En, En pass on to Shan, Shan pass on to me again!

Seems like never ending story.. how??
Hi Donroxx, ur lil boy is such adorable..

hi all, i'm also looking for venues for my boy 1st yr bday..also looking for the cakes..any suggestions??
Ni Northvirgo, i think u didnt eat enuf "bu" during your confinement tats y easily fall sick. normally ppl who eat a lot/or eat "bu" a lot should be stronger&healthier after give birth..

think u can go Eu Yan Sang TCM clinic to let them check n pack the herbs for u..

or wat i heard other ppl say is that try to eat more/ eat more "bu" during ur next confinement..
Nice pix Donroxx
So cute

Northvirgo, ya can go EYS, they can prepack for you based on your condition. more customised that way

Also, does anybody know where i can send my Medela PISA for fixing or health check up? heheee the machine making clicking sounds man....making me worry...if it dies, i die. :p
Hello jo's mummy and starflower, will go to EYS for consultation then.

But during confinement, drank and ate so much food with DOM, etc still not 'bu' enuff..

Medela Service Centre
81 Toh Guan East
#03-01 Secom Centre
Singapore 608606
Tel: 6562 6298
Mon-Fri 9am to 5.30pm
Sat 9am to 12pm
Northvirgo, pls take good care
u can make red dates tea to drink on weekely basis

Sun, oh my mum cant take care till this month, so gt to send her to IFC 1st...
northvirgo...mayb its bcos of the weather..sometimes raining sometimes so hot! so will easily get sick..u must drink more water ya!
Hi Mummies,
Wld like to check if anyone giving your LO tofu and cheese?

If so, what type of cheese did you started on? Am look at mild cheese (not so strong) but I am not into cheese so not sure which to start on.

For tofu, is there any concern on the hardening agent ie is it suitable for babies? Or am I overtly concern?

Btw, plums are really good to ensure soft poo! Never was I so happy to see poo in my life until recently..hahaha

Feeding a baby involved so much planning etc. I plan my LO menu weekly (b/f, lunch, dinner). So far, he has eaten 5 types of veg, 6 types of fruits, egg yolk and 3 types of grains. He's abt 8.8kg and ppl here are telling me he should be bigger/should eat more etc... faint....I already find him heavy.

Going to start him on formula when he can take to the bottle. Tried giving him the bottle recently and he pushed the bottle away...Need to give him formula as the last feed soon so that I can get enuff zz in the middle of the nite, then slowly wean him of breastmilk...then I will have more freedom..hehe

Can mummies advise which formula u are using?


the one i signed up for is at forum.. u need to call up to arrange for a preview. its like 20 mins to see how a class is conducted.. so..
Agnes, i feed my boy tofu at 7 mths 3weeks. no problems so far. in fact he rather have tofu then porridge. as for the hardening agent, i'm not too sure but as with all things, moderation is the key. i do not feed my boy the same thing on consecutive days.
Tks Lenny!

Will do so with my galfrienz sn...Looking forward to e Dec break...same for all cher momz...those who kinda need to b in sch for yr end meetings...endure...
Donroxx, nice pic. How old is your bb ?

Hi Lenny,
Thanks for the info. I'm quite interested on the JG, will go there to obtain info. I agreed with you... I will let my boy go to either montessori or childcare when he is 18mth, but have to start looking. Understand there are some childcare & montessori already full book
... sooo fast!

I oso thot of Little Neuro . . . but yet to have time to view the place.

Hi Agnes, my boy first solid food is tofu & potatoes when he was 5.5mths... but now he dun like tofu, instead his favourite is carrot, pumkin, banana, kiwi, green apples, vege & rice ceream. I just bought baby yogurt from NTUC, 1 for 1 free, have both venilla & banana. He likes it, you can try.

I hv problem giving him drink water, he dun like to drink water.
Donroxx, your boy is so lovely.

Piggysg, my boy last time didn't like water too. Now he loves it coz i feed him using our cup/glass. Initially, I showed him how I drink from glass then he followed what i did and I tell him "water". Now, whenever i said "water, water" he will open his mouth for it
Sometimes when i fed him solid, he closed his mouth but when i said "water", he will open his mouth widely.

Hi everyone! My boy also dun like water. But he will gulp a whole bottle when I give him 1 ounce of Heiz fruit juice mixed with 4 ounces of water. Tried spouts and straws but didnt work. Gonna try dragonbee's method
Btw, how do I prepare peas for him? Snow peas or sweet peas? Must steam and remove the skin and then smash isit?
