(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

hi mommies!! so long nv post anything liao.. has been silent reading all the while.. heee...

welcome to new mommies!

dun worry, maybe some babies only will be more keen in solid when they r much older.. initially i got the same problem n feeding is like war.. becoz i started him on solid when he is 4.5 mth n is only this week he got better in his solid intake nia..in the past i was like so stress coz so worried tat he isnt getting enuff nutrient especially iron, at least u can put in cereal to his milk but my boy prefer direct latching so bo bian.. just gotta be patient n dun force him lo.. or u take a break for a week n re introduce again?

jo's mummy
my boy oso like tat.. n he isnt sleeping thru the night one lo.. 8plus/9 wanna sleep n wakes up latest by 7.30am.. sometime can even be as early as 5plus lo.. so siong sia..

somemore when he wakes up he make sure we wake up too.. he will tok super loud to let us know he is awake liao.. =.="

re sleeping time.

my boy is still sleeping at 1am and waking at 11am. hope he can adapt when he goes pre-nursery (8:15am!!).
My boy is opp of your baby. Slurps up every thing I feed and when I finished feeding, he will cry hell for more. Wah liao...he seems to have a stomach that can never be filled. Willing to eat is good but too much is not. FYI, he is the heaviest among the march babies I think, now 11kg liao.
scrumpee, wow!! 11kg. that is a good weight man. My #1 took him close to 18mths before he can hit 11kg!! and now he's 25mths liao, still 12kg nia! my girl no need say le alredy 9mths liao, still 7kg+. sian!
My boy also eats a lot but he doesnt weigh too much (ard 8kg). He takes 2 full bowls of porridge (pigeon green bowl) and 3 times of FM (210ml) a day. Guess he uses up a lot of stamina when he is awake cos he is very active. haha

hmm my boy wakes up everyday at 5.30 to 5.45am...and sleep at 9plus sometime 10 and still wake up for night feed.so he actually sleep very little

making us all so tired.
I don't know how to teach you to have a gal for #2 leh. Yeah gal is very sweet and close to mummy, she is my darling, now she will say mummy I LOVE U, mummy I WANT U so frequently very 'tia'. Recently I have let her attend her enrichment class on her own, I was so worried over before she change to her new non parent accompany class. Surprisingly she ok, didnt cry, coz I have been telling her tis class no parent can go in with them, teacher will ask mummy to go out de. So now she ok, hope she start nursery next month gt no problem also. She just started to toilet train herself also, coz I tell her it will be shame if she wear diaper to school, ppl will laugh at her. So past 1 week she have been very good in telling my maid she wanted to pee.
hehe..so many mummy have same problem as me..my boy if i try to drag him to sleep later like 9-10pm, he still will wake up at 6.30-7am..so my as well let him sleep early so tat i can do my things after work!

hi Scrumpee...yes yes..my boy same as urs..very glutton..eats anything & everything we feed him & will ask for more..now he is already 9.4kg!!

Cindy, ur girl's weight is ok..girl no need too heavy ya..kekeke..

Agnes & p3pp3r, your boys r so cute!

Jacqueline, your boy's weight is just nice! and he only have 5meals a day. My boy is also taking 2 bowls of porridge but he still need to take 6times of FM(180ml) a day bcos he still wake up in the midnite for feeding..sigh..so tiring..envy those mummy tat their LO can sleep thru the nite!!

my boy is also very active..and very notti..dunno y he likes to scratch(niam) ppl's face or hand or anything close to his hands.so gotta make sure his fingernails is short so that not to hurt himself too..really pain when he pinch ppl bcos he will use all his energy to pinch with the sounds"grrhh"..terrible
My boy drink 125ml, but sometimes still left like 10-20ml so same like yours, but he drink his milk like 3.5 hrs. He taking porridge and cereal as well as baby puree which I made for him weekly. So his diet table is like: morning 5-6am drink milk around 9-10am cereal with EBM, than 1-2pm porridge, 4-5pm baby food(Puree), 7-8pm porridge. Then last around 11pm EBM. He sleep around 10.30-11pm so he will drink his last feed and sleep like a piggy. Now i tried to intro FM to him, he doesnt seems to like it if I make the whole bottle of FM, so I add 1-2 scope of FM with my EBM he ok and drink it. Slowly I will add more and stop pumping milk hopefully by CNY ba.
Jasmine..aiyo..your darling so dear & sweetzz..she really very good girl & can listen to u so much!!.hhehe..make me really want to get a mei mei for Jo..last week my colleague also just delivered a baby girl..actually when i preggie #1 i hope he was a baby gal :p

ya my boy also sleep very little..his nap time is only 1/2 an hr or the most 1hr!

pinkdemoness-can u PM me the details for sharing the fitti?
jo, hehe ok la girls no need put on so much weight, else later she blame me for getting her into TAF club! hahaha!!
to get a girl, what i did was to 'do it' like 2 to 3 days before ovulation day. try not to do it on ovulation day cause it'll be the Y sperms getting a higher chance to reach the egg. that's how i got my boy the first time round and girl second time round. quite accurate for me, u can try but no guarantee ha!
Hey Cindy, thanks for sharing the "method" haha..but how can i calculate the ovulation day? sorry im a bit not too sure. my mensus cycle is 1week. then when is the "best" to "do it" ?? kekekek..
Hey, anyone got the flyer for CARTER WAREHOUSE SALES? I heard the date is out on 17th-20th Dec. But dont know why tis year it start on Thursday - Sunday not friday to sunday, so just want to be sure.
If yours is like 28-30 cycle from your menses day start, than U count divide the day by half, example if yours is 28 days cycle, so U divide half so is like 13-14 days is your ovulation day ba, so if what cindy say should be few days before day 13-14 ba.
Jasminebc, oh..its like this..hehe..ok ok .. i try to observe..so do u also use this method? keke..

jasmine, is the Carter Warehouse Sale worth to go?
Welcome to all new mummies!! :D

hey mummies,


just chk when u intro egg yolk at 8 months old onwards...
do u all intro as single food or mix with other vege or meat?
i abit kiasu cos scared allergy and I am gng to intor egg yolk to her this weekend, so i dunno shld eat as single or mix with other vege cos i scared if intro single scared she dun like the taste
Hummm.... I dont know have to do it before ovulate to get a gal lah. Maybe just happen when I have my gal I did that, coz I have been trying for 4 years b4 I get my #1. So is like every month also try to do it early as my menses not fix de. coz sometimes my cycle is like 30-35 days cycle.

Carter sales: I go the last 3 years in a roll I think worth going. Most of the romper are like 3pcs for $10. They sell sample piece some design only have few pieces limited.
jasmine, heh..my menses also not fix de..this mth late for 3weeks..tot i get preggie..bought 4 pregnancy test but still negative..last week fri nite then came..

Carter sales : so if u hav the info can pls share with me..mayb i wan to go n look c look c..thanks!
hey mummies,


just chk when u intro egg yolk at 8 months old onwards...
do u all intro as single food or mix with other vege or meat?
i abit kiasu cos scared allergy and I am gng to intor egg yolk to her this weekend, so i dunno shld eat as single or mix with other vege cos i scared if intro single scared she dun like the taste
jo, jasmine is right, haha so if you ovulation day is on the 14, then try to do it on the 12th day. but works only if your M is quite accurate.

mangogal, I mix with cheese ley. egg yolk and cheese. BUT BUT i haven't intro yet. Not till after 1 yr old cause they say, was an old saying, intro eggs before 1 yr old, their mouth will STINK and TRUE enough, my #1's mouth STINKS! so i am not gg to intro to trishelle until after she turns 1 yr old.
So far got news on Carter warehouse sales is on the 17th -20th Dec location same like last year 43 tampines st 92 gimmill building Carter sales. But not too sure is it confirm the date start on 17th or 18th Dec leh. Coz last year it start on friday till sunday, tis year its like start on Thursday, So I intend to take 18th half day off to go.

My daughterwill normally sleep between 7 - 8 pm then wake up around 6.30 - 7.00am

i do have to dream feed her at night though.. cos she is not taking her solids well. so she is hungry for milk.. after feeding, she goes bcak to sleep
jo mummy,
u may wan to try babycentre to calculate your ovulation date. my cycle was 40+days then and it calculated very accurately. ;)

Egg yolk:
Has given it to my boy for a no. of times. Think he dun like the smell of it so I give only half an egg yolk and mix w sweet vegetables like pumpkin, carrot..etc
Jasmine, thanks for the info..will try ask ard if my frens/colleagues know abt this..

Hey Lenny, same here..dream feed..hahah...carrying him & holding the bottle with closing eyes..heheh..so tiring..

Agnes, thanks for the info..i will try to calculate ther..
p3pp3r: ya, i get very stress up when he does not want to take his porridge. Now taking a week break for him and myself

scrumpee: your bb weight 11 kg is big, must be very chubby,

Lenny: my boy drinks about 120ml to 140ml sometimes, he's small size. His weight did not change since 3 months ago.

i cannot judge how much Bree drinks cos she only wants breastmilk fresh from the source. not through bottle or formula..

i just came back from PD today.. her weight is only at 7.650kg as of 8mths and 1 week.. the last time we checked was.. 7.01kg at 6mths old.. i think she is abit on the small side but PD says she is doing ok and she is on the average size... then ok lor.. i don't want to worry so much..

check this out.. this chart form World Health Organization will tell u how your baby fare on the weight growth,


i use the chart for girls to monitor Bree's weight growth
Hey Shwufy, your boy really eat so little...but did ur PD say anything during his last visit?? if he say its ok..then shouldn't worry abt it ok?
Jo & pinkdemoness..

PM me your email then i email the Fitti order form to you mommies..

think starflower busy... just now she just rush off for meeting

i bought those frozen organic corn.. i steam them till soft then use blender.. after blending.. i use a strainer to remove the husks.. Corn husk is kinda tough..

after that.. i store them in baby cubes and leave it to cool before i freeze... we can deep freeze them for 6 weeks.

i will take out a cube from the freezer and transfer to the fridge a day before to defrost.. then warm it up just before i give it to Bree

thanks for compliments.. i think all the Mommies here also "xin ku" and "wei da" too. We all made sacrifices in our ways
Jacqueline, pls PM the doctor details. tks !

Donroxx,i already on waiting list for my bb for 1/2 day childcare playgroup. They don't have 2hrs playgroup. Playgroup whereby they learn & play together around this age group. I saw my cousin's gal after attending playgroup begin to talk & sing alot. is fun

Jo's mummy,I put my bb latest at 10pm to bed for long sleep(4 - 6hrs) then wake up for milk. Morning wake up ard 7am, then 10am (1-2hrs) & ard 2-230pm (1-2hrs) nap again. Read article say the best time for bb brain develop & obsorb between is 10ppm - 2am.
jo, jasmine & piggysg,

for mine.. i will normally have discharge in the likes of "raw egg white" and my body temperature will rise slightly..

its quite accurate for me though..
reverie:: i will sign trishelle up with etonhouse for prenursery, either in sept 2010 or jan 2011, same school as her brother, easier for me too. heh!!
Morning mummies!

Seems like alot of u are ready on the track huh..i ever mention to mil abt tat when BB hits 18mths but seems like she is not so keen..mayb more prone to get sick? those tat u gals signed up is mainly on weekend basis? once/twice a week?

thanks for e info on BB weight growth, my gal not as chubby as b4 liao, want to feed her fatfat but scare no strength to carry..hee

Dun worry la, baby keep on changing one.One moment like this, next moment like tat.

carter sales:
Where exactly is tat place huh? anyone knows?Thanks
Hi Pigpig..

The sales is at the below address.

Gimmil sales
17 dec to 19 dec
9am to 9pm

Hi good morning!!

Lenny, I've pm u! Yes, all mummies are very "wei da" one..heheh

piggysg, so btw 10-2pm, baby must be awake or sleeping for brain development??
then for the OV kit, means u will 'do it' during ovulation period? hmm but for my case, they advise to do it b4 ovulation leh..so the OV kit is not suitable for me?

Jacqueline, in order to received PM, you must go to Edit Profile, then check on received private message. i think this is the way...

ya..seems everyone is enrolling their LO into childcare/playgroup/prenursery and etc...PigPig, me too scared my boy will get sick easily..so till now havent decided to send him to any playgroup yet..

blurgal, thanks for the info!!! but tampines is a bit too far for me..gonna give it a miss then..
