(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

haha, actually what we think is nice may not be nice to them. I remembered feeding him pear and he made a face like its too sour for him. To me, the pear is just nice. But my hubby said its a little sour. So diff ppl has diff taste.

'ngor he' or threadfin - i can't find in Shanghai..too bad.

Does any mummies feed salmon to their LOs?
My boy too have serious cough few weeks back after seeing doctor twice still cannot recover, so end up we bring him to PD, was also put on nebulizer machine to clear his air-way. PD gave 5 types of medicine, how to make them take so many types of medicine at 1 go!? So end up I have to divide out to take 1-2 types of medicine, put inside his milk or food (Porridge or cereal) which he is taking no choice really ;(
Did the doctor gave her the tonic for her lung? Need to finish the whole bottle of that if have. Try to dilute FM if U giving formula, if not breast milk will be best coz they got lots of phlegm, lucky I still pumping milk for my boy so I stop the FM which we start him and have to discut it, so far we thrown away 3 tins of 400g FM so wasted but no choice.
Serene & Jasmine, pray hard & hope your LO will get well soon..i know how our heartaches when see them fall sick..don worry ya..

i usually buy threadfin fish/"goh" fish for the porridge..my boy likes it..i havent try codfish/salmon..cos my mil don let..

starflower : me too bust shrinking, my DH says it has go down to B!..hahah..lol..sorry if im offending...intend to buy the Bio-Essence bust firming cream..it says can change the nipple colour to pink!! wink wink..

i feed my boy with baby yoplait on sunday ard 7pm. last nite when i got back from work, my MIL said my boy "poo poo" 3 times..dunno is it bcos of the yogurt? any mummies hav this experience with their LO?
I feed my boy threadfin fish daily, Cod fish is alternative if U can't find threadfin. Cod fish is very good I heard, I ever try on my #1 but she dont like it. #2 havent try on him as he likes his threadfin fish so I stick to it lor.
Thanks. My boy now just like on off eat and dont eat coz of teething his cough went away after taking the medicine for more than a week to 2, almost finish than see him recover thanks god. Now is only his heat rash, but PD say not to worry it only happen to some baby and will go away when they are bigger. Hope thats true. See him with rash so poor thing.
Kate Spade bag for sales
ladies, sorry to interrupt , have a Kate Spade Classic Noel Daisy Shopper Purse Bag to let go at $270 nett. Comes with dustbag and tag still intact.Self collection at buangkok MRT in the evening or Tanjong pagar MRT on weekdays. PM me if keen
oh man, my nipple is cracking up...so sad...i really need to buy purelan already...

Oh yeah, Fitti promo is on until dec31. L and XL size is $11, must order 3 of each type, free delivery. (so i ordered 3L and 3XL total $66). Normally is $87, really good deal coz its the Fitti360 elastic band one. (Not the Fitti basic with noisy plastic)

Ask for Fitti order form from : [email protected]
jo, i fed my boy once yoplait n he poop 3 times tat day too n i stopped since...

any mummies wana combine orders for the diapers? 6 is too much for me...both quantity n budget too...hehe..

I had a tin of 400g Dumex Mamil Gold 2 selling at $10. The expire date is on 23/07/2011. Self-collect at Admiralty/Raffles place(weekdays only). Anyone interested can contact me at hp 97905232.

Hi Jasmine, my boy likes threadfin fish too! he can finished a big bowl of porridge!! so glutonn..i think he is also teething althou now already got 2 lil teeth..bcos he started crying at nite and put his beanie pillow corner into his mouth when crying..i guess he is teething..but i found him drinking more n more milk althou teething..getting heavier n heavier..cant really carry him too long..both my arms r getting so huge.. sadz...sadz..
Jasmine, can tell me wat is heat rash? is it bcos of the hot weather so ur boy got the rashes? oh..really heartache..think u must always make sure ur house is not warm. always keep the fan on ard him and if u hav time, always clean him with water.do u bath him 2times a day?

Vivian, thanks for your support. I've email you. For the lasik, i think you should get advise from your PD or ask the lasik centre.

starflower, do u still bf? if yes, u don need to buy purelan cream. ur own breastmilk is the best natural cream to cure ur creack nipple, somemore it is free! i learnt this from the lactating doc. if you wan to know, PM me, i will explain to u how.
pinkdemoness : ya i also stop feeding the baby yoplait to my boy. it now becomes my snack..LOL..wat diapers u wan to order? mayb i wan to share..heheh...

starflower, what is Fitti? sorry was a bit outdated..heheh..
I envy those baby can drink so much milk. Now although I cut down in pumping 3 times a day but my stocks of EBM still got lots for my boy. Think got about 15 bottles in my chiller fridge. U know I saw my colleague baby 2 days back he only 4 months and can drink almost 200ml per feed. My boy can only drink about 130ml sometimes cant even finish it. Mine also only 2 little teeth at the below, think his top 2 coming out soon. As for heat rash its like red patch on his skin, normally is on his neck face and arm or leg. He very scare of warm, he sweat when the fan is not direct on him. So normally the fan is on for him the whole day. We did bath him twice a day once is the morning and once at 6pm
vivian, i had enquired on the lasik too. When bf, not advisable to go for lasik. Something like hormonal changes once you totally stop bf that will affect our body. U can call Singapore Eye Centre to check for more info.

Am so disappointed.
Jasminebc, sorry gotta add a bc behind ur name as there r 2 jasmine here.

wow..i envy u have so much supply n still cont feeding him now..so u r SAHM? my workplace not convenient to pump tats y stop b4 i return to work..kinda regret..but i will jiayou for my #2! heheh.. ya i also bath him ard 9-10am n when i return from work ard 7pm. he likes to bath n play with water..everytime he cried when we carry him out from his bathtub..

don worry jasminebc, ur boy will be ok soon..its just bcos of the hot weather maybe..
Me not a SAHM, I wanted to but can't afford to. #1 going nursery next year. Now she like wanted me not to go work, but I been telling her if mummy don't work dont have $$ to buy things for her, guess she understand, but she on off will still tell me dont go work. My milk supply Im trying to cut down since Ethan dont drink that much and I think soon I will have to stop hopefully when he turn 1yr old on 11/2. My thyroid is coming back and I have to start on my medicine I guess on my next Feb visit. Doctor advised me to stop BF if can. So I will have to start dragging longer hour in pumping and slowly stop by Feb.
Jasmine, totally salute to you!you are such a great mum!! its not easy to bf as we must really take care of our appetite..we must sacrifice a lot of good food if we bf...u r really great!

ya..its not easy to stay at home..really cant afford it..i wish i have a lil princess for #2..any method? heheh...can c ur #1 is really stick to u..
Hi mummies, long time no post..
I just want to rant..
I rented the Beco Butterfly Carrier from this Toy Rental shop in Sg located at Pasir Panjang..as I was going on a trip and the Beco was able to carry my toddler's weight.

when i collected the carrier, took it home i realised it doesn come with the back clip. for mummies who use the Beco you'll know what im talking about. so if i do not watch out, the shoulder strap will fall out easily and so will my gal! I went online to check the toy rental website--it had a link to the Beco carrier website and from the pics there is back clip.

I felt so upset i called and complained..the lady who answered the phone just said it's prb the older model of the Beco, doesn't come with back clip. Is it true? Anyway, i told her even if it was so, her website linked it to the official Beco carrier website and it showed a back clip and therefore i should get what i see on her website right?

She told me to just come down and exchgange for other carriers, but i feel upset coz i stay in Sengkang and to go all the way to Pasir Panjang is no joke. And i don' think other carriers are as good.
Jacqualine, can u tell me what kind of tea leaves? Seeing doctor soooo many times, still can't cure his eczema.

Agnes, my bb is taking Mamil... going to change to Mamex (follow up)

Now, I'm feeding my bb once a week the baby yogurt. I will let it yogurt cool down not so cold then feed him. He love it.

New food added this week for my bb... brown rice + veg./chicken/potatoes, white rice mixed with millet + ikan bilis. I boiled till the porridge become very very bend & the ikan bilis almost melt (heee). Always have to think new food for him

Lately, his appetite increase... milk 210ml(day)& 180ml(night), shld I give him less, he will cranky ask for more. Usually, solid food will only last 3 hrs follow by milk. But now, only last for 2hrs & I've to give him milk.... sooo fast.

Last sunday, we let him try the walker.. he cry at first, then later began to enjoy by walking side way
Jean, my bb had already taken 2 pneumococal, 6+1 & rotivirus jabs on Sept. Oct. & Nov. he took flue vacin, & next mth he need to take another pneumococal. I very kaisu, since doctor say recommend any vacin, i'll let him take.

Donroxx, wow ! sooo fast u enrolled for pre-nursery. I still look for playgroup. I saw 1 near my mum place, got playgroup cum childcare (1/2 or full day) upto kindergarten. but still source ard for others.
Hi Piggysg! This doc is actually recommended by a friend. His wife n daughter has eczema. The doc is a dermatologist n his clinic is in bedok. My boy has been seeing him since he was 3 mths. The doc said my boy's case mild so will recover my 1 year n true enough now not much redness. Only boil the tea leaves water once in 3 days for him to bathe in. Another friend's son's case is more serious cos inherited but now under control. I dunnoe wat the tea leaves are. Given to me in satchets.
did anione mentioned false measles here b4?? my gal got iz.. juz brin her to c pd.. luckily nt so bad.. brought her to Marina Square las fri.. dan tink caught virus from outside & feverish on sat mornin.. brin her c normal doc on sat nite as pd closed for e dae.. fever on & off over e wkend.. dan no more fever, she got red spot luk lik rashes on her whole body & face.. wil LS - yellowish watery.. & duno wat mentioned LIN BA infection near the throat area.. but pd sae not serious.. so wil b fine in another 5-6 daes..
Can PM me the doctor's details? My hubby has quite serious eczema and hasn't been able to find a cure yet. I'm afraid that my boy may inherit it sooner or later as he's showing signs of dry patches on certain areas of his body, like behind the ears, wrists etc.

Thanks a millon!
Shwufy, don't worry, maybe ur boy still dont want to start on solid things..but when you are eating, don't he get curious and wanted to eat? mayb u must show him foods when u r eating to make him curious and wanted to try..
Hi mommies

So many new mommies here... Hey there!!

Yah, me intend to put my boy in childcare for few hrs when he turns 18mths. To expose him to his peers n the terrible viruses.. kekekeke... Put him on waiting list liao.. ME KS =p

my boy had false measles. Dun worry lah, her rashes should be ok after a few days. Since her rashes is out means no fever to be expected. She'll be fine.

My boy got false measles after that got flu from me... haiz... poor fella. Now ok liao. But now teething problem again.. like Neverending story... Haiz! me O bak ka liao... ***PANDA EYES CRYING***

my nipples oso crack dunno y... BF so long still crack nipples. Put purelan cream, ok already.

Me intending to stop. Try to pump less each time but doesnt seems to decrease leh. Dunno how. Boy now got teeth, he bites and really painful!

Dun worry. Just let him be. My boy oso at one time dun want porridge n cereal. Now He gobbles them like there's no tmr.. Just be patient. I try by giving small amt at more frequent times. U can try to give him different solids everyday so he wont feel sick of 1 food. Jia you!
minnie:: wah. which CC you put him on wwaiting list liao? not KS, i thinking of sending Tris too when she turns 18mths or jan 2011. Thinking loh.

shwufy:: take it slowly at a time. try different flavours. haha not much help cause my girl also refuse porridge but she takes cereal. HEHE. she's 26feb somemore, older by yours 1 mth.
welcome shwufy!

jasminebc.. my boy is drinking 100ml only. think is the least among all babies here. does your boy drink often? my pd say he prefer that my bb drink more n every 4-6hrly but my bb dun wan so boh pain. anyway he drink 100ml he drinks every 2.5-3hrly (even sleeping) so i just let him be.

piggy.. ya the kindergarten popular so i enroll my boy early. what do kids do during playgroup?

minnie.. agree that biting very pain!! my boy keep biting me. i scold him, he smile and giggle. *faint*
donroxx, yes ur boy really drink so little..recently just added more to my boy, so currently he is drinking 180ml for every 3-3.5hours even at midnite! somemore he is taking small bowl of porridge 2times a day!

i would like to send my boy to the YWCA near my house..but just worried he will get sick easily and i will b very busy then..as i'm FTWM...still discussing..but hopefully not fully booked! kekeke..

Welcome.. My daughter is born one day earlier than yours.. same case.. not keen on semi solids despite many tries that i am going through on recipes and combinations.. i also tried giving her formula but all she wants is breastmilk.. fresh from the source.. not from bottles or expressed or frozen. i am really getting sore nipples due to her more frequent feedings..
I guess at this age they really need more than milk. with her refusing solids.. i can understand why she wants more milk though..

i can see 2 little pearlies coming out from her lower jaw.. not sure if that is also one of the factors contributing to loss of appetite..

she used to love her cereals, pumpkin, corn, cauliflower, zucchini, carrots and sweet potato during the first 2 weeks when i started weaning her.. now.. it depends on her mood..

i am really struggling every meal, every day just to get her to eat.. five baby spoons and she calls it quits.. and she kept wanting more plain water
Dear mummies, what time your LO sleep at nite and wat time wake up? i hav this problem with my boy. he always sleep at 8.30pm or latest 9pm and will wake up at 6.30am!
Thanks mummies for your encouragement. I have tried all kinds of semi solid food plus different flavour of porridge but he still not interested. Just take his milk, so i have no choice but to add cereal into his milk.
Ya, understand. Am trying to find ways to subdue the outbreaks. More of for my HB than my boy. Keke..

jo's mummy
Same case here for my boy. He will fuss and wants to sleep before 9pm and wakes up latest at 7am. Tried letting him sleep later, like 9+,10pm. He gets too cranky.
My boy also sleeps around 8-9pm and wakes at 7am+. Tried to pretend to sleep and see if he will follow suit but instead he crawl over to pat me and 'aye' me. sigh.. Then he will sleep about 1/2 hr to 1 hr at abt 10am+. Afternoon sleep at 3+ for 1hr+. Max 2 hrs...

Tiring considering he still wakes up to bf 2-3 times at night.
