(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

Sunshine, northvirgo, p seed, babe, seabreeze, maddy,

Thanks. Not easy to take the photos, as everytime i got the camera ready and her cheeky expression gone liao .. Must be fast .. haha


yea, i will try. Not easy to handle her. She is super duper hyper like got thousands of ants everywhere. Plus she is a bit scare of stranger.
Very funny, i walked pass a kindergaden this morning and saw a boy crying murder loud coz the class teacher is absent and he doesn't want to go to the class with the 'new' teacher. Moiiesha also cry when she saw the little boy screaming. Maybe his cry scared her ..

by the way, any gathering happening around ??

P.seed, what is the version of your office? wat is the extension that u save as? if u are using office2007 or 2003, u need to save as a lower version inorder for those pple tat is still using lower version to open the file.
anyone wants to have lunch tmr? but somewhere accessible by North south mrt Line.
sinmey, your lil gal is so cute! Yes, it does cheer me up, thanks!

I agree with you that taking pic of our little ones is not easy. They move so fast. For many attempts, I only manage to capture her shadow, pic with her head down or with her back facing or very blur image...

Lenny, I'm not sure if this will help for your situation but this is what I'm planning to do. I'm gonna leave one of my unwashed T-shirt for Baby V during that 1 week when I'm in india. I always wear T-shirt at home so hopefully my scent will remain in the T and if she were to cry looking for me at night, her caregiver can give it to her to seek comfort... I'm not sure if this will work but will sure know very soon. I'm flying this coming Sun, till then I'll let you know if it works.
me, me !! but can come only after 1pm & depends on where ..

ya, same same, i have plenty blur/head down pics ..
me me silent reader hahah...ok 1 very interesting topic hopefully can make everyone excited a little *wink* (or maybe already started but i miss it hahaha)

Re: 1st bday bash

Has any mummy started planning for your darling 1st bday already? Me kind of looking ard and headache abt the venue. Perhaps mummies here can share some ideas.

I was about to ask the same question!! ^5

just want to celebrate with family n bring my boy for a small family outing (just the 3 of us)...but dunno where yet..
our boobs are very intelligent leh... ha ha ha... It's true that the components change... but I disagree that a 5 months cannot drink from 7 months... it's just a difference of 2 months... I think within the 6 months, it is okay to interchange... BM is still better than FM I feel.

Anyway, more infor about our BM here. http://www.easybabylife.com/breast-milk.html
sinmey, moiiesha is so cute.. love her cheeky looks..
starflower, i notice that also.. my mom too.. she was saying no wonder zac don't seems to be full... cos my bm is so thin
mangogal ...

hmmm thats what alot of ppl tell me .. cos they require different nutrients ... meaning to say that the 5mth old bb who is drinking the 7mth old milk will not be able to get sufficient nutrients from the milk that is meant for the 7mth old child.
<font face="arial black"> BM becomes THIN</font>
<font face="trebuchet ms">oh ya?? BM will be thin, thinner eh??.... no wonder my boy keeps waking up @ nite... his last latch is aro 10pm although he sleep aro 8pm... with latch on too... tot he's getting lazy to suck now coz of intro bottle to him.... from 10pm to 6am... he can wakes up like 3/4times with latch on.... then next -ve thing comes to mind - no bm from me... **sob sob**... for past 2 days, me pump thrice @ work hope to increase the qty....

so what to do with BM becomes thin eh??</font>
BM getting thinner meh ? not really notice .. but it difintely getting lesser liao.
Everytime my period comes, my EBM getting lesser by 80-100ml .. i scare few more mths i will have nothing to feed Moiiesha liao
Another piece of news i read: We should serve BM at the time that it was pumped&amp; stored. E.g. a morning pump should be served&amp;used in the morning. A night pump should be served&amp;used for night feeds. This is because the different no of nucleosides compounds will active/relax a baby. It's amazing, the breastmilk will act like coffee or chamomile depending on time of the day!


OMG!!! I must have served Keenan "coffee" countless times at night and "Chamomile" fo breakfast!!! Poor baby, Sotong mummy :p
<font face="trebuchet ms"> oohhh... so gotta label the time too on the EBM to the date lor? hey more work leh... how about any info of the BM become THIN eh?</font>
That's why I stopped pumping unless no choice!Too confused with how to store, how to heat up etc
I either latch on direct or give FM.

Smile, hello!! I am going through the same thing now, looking for venue. For cakes, I copy and past from Feb mums:


and from my own research:

Choc cake [email protected]
Jelly Cake from Ejelly (www.ejelly.com.sg) or email: [email protected]
hello P.seed!!!! wow!! so informative, so spoiled with choices
I should be getting the cake from Pine garden, saw quite a number of review from other mummy, seems nice.. hee hee
yeh im quite kiasu. haha! ive olredi booked slots for cake with 2 pple le.. but havent decided who to use yet. =P also have bought some decorations and balloons already... am going thru guest list as well.. HAHAHA! =P venue stil undecided... one part wants to hold it at home so she wun be cranky but dread the cleaning up! another option wld be my granny's function room but space restricted... sigh sigh...
hello missycandy!! yeah, same here thought of holding it at home but my house just too small and also worry that my boy will be cranky (sleepyhead) haizz

serene - huh u order the cake already :p are u going to order their 2 tier cake? Have u tried their cakes before? Me thinking of ordering the 2 tier cake.
thanks misscandy for ur useful comments.. i dun think i'll sign up at gymboree as its kinda far from my place..decided to try a trial at My gym at marine parade as i stay ard there..
Re: BF and BM

We do read alot abt the benefits of it so I guess no need to paste any links here.. however your intake of food is important to influence the quality of your BM...I guess if you are a bf-ing mum no outside food at all even if you are working because there is so much MSG in your food, the best is to have your homecooked food.. if not instead of giving beneficial BM to your baby, it is otherwise if compared to the babies who are feeding on FM already. So gotta to be really disciplined in your diet..Speaking IMO..

Solid food to my bub is good, I think her hair grows faster than just milk. Ha Ha..

Ooh missy.. catch up with the Orchard gatherings again, I'm near Orchard but think it's going to rain again
WIll join next time.
<font color="0000ff">Those mommies whose gynae is Dr Adrian :
Have u gals go for the 6 month post natal checkup yet?
My gynae was Dr Adrian Woodworth. Went for my 6 month post natal check up last month. He only did a scan to see that the womb is back to normal. Was told to go back 6 months later for pap smear.
anyone who was thinking of going for the Kate Spade sale, everything has been sold out!

Friend went and was apparently disappointed along with many others
Thanks for letting us know the status of Kate SPade sale, in that case I won't go liao, don't want to make a wasted trip. That's good as well, can save $$
P.Seed, omg, didn't know the kate spade sale will be so "hot". Sold out so soon? anyway thanks for the info. Luckily you posted the info here, if not my colleague and i will have made a wasted trip.
<font color="0000ff">P.seed
Thanks for informing... Save me a wasted trip...

was told to go for the checkup. dunno for what, so ask ard.
Hi mummies,

Too tired to be a working mother..... I just work as part-time 4 days le.... so tiring my girl wake-up for milk 2 times in mid-night then middle of the night she will cry need to pad and carry. Really lack of sleep, i going to be panda....

Me not ordered cake from Pine Garden yet. When reach Jan/Feb before CNY will order from them cos i going to order their Pineapple tarts. I still not sure which type of cake to order.
Hi mummies, sorry to disturb.. I have 6 cans of Promil Gold Step 2 - 900g milk powder for 6mths &amp; above:

Expiry Feb 2010
Selling @ $120 for 6.

Please PM me if interested. Thanks.
Hi Lizy,

thanks for the suggestion.. i have tried leaving my worn nursing night gown or my breast pads soaked with my breast milk with Bree while i stepped away but it never worked.. haiz...
Hi morning mummies,
it has been a long time since my last post.
Glad everyone is doing well with ur baby.
Finally i am able to post here. so so buzy. Today i am on leave... hahaha
Read up improving the quality oif BM and guess what, its GARLIC &amp; ALMONDS!!!

And Shitake mushrooms bring out the best in garlic (vice versa), so gonna scout NTUC for shitake and garlic to fry tonite :p

Almonds hmm....think need to find those packet ones bah? kekee yummy :p

This thread is so quiet. Anyway, something is bothering me. My mense is suppose to come these few days but no sign of it. I m so afraid to test, what if is positive? Don't know if I m ready to take care of another one so soon and best of all, I have a job opp coming up and have been looking forward to it. But if I really strike, then its heaven's will, as I m not one who can conceive easily, took me 19 mths to have my boy. But...but...I won't be able to move to a new job if I really strike. :S
