(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

slowly reading back the past posts.

Queenie, hope Tristen has recovered.

Seabreeze... so cute! and yup.. they actually have "bf/gf" in kindergarten.. I remember my #1 had a "bf" for 2 yrs... the lil boy is her partner and he basically told the whole class including the teachers, his parents, maid and everyone he saw that my girl is his gf.. and will hold her hand tight everytime they met..

Jasmin, gosh.. must keep a tight lookout for them these days.. cannot put them alone on the bed, sofa, etc... will have heart attack when see them fall... hope Javen is alright.

Candance, Kirsten is so sweet looking.. love her smile!

Sayang, hope he is fine, now with our little ones moving so fast we just have to be more alert.

Tristen is soooo cute, loves her smile. All the best in your new work place.

Mangogal, sunshine,
Baby M also loves swimming now. If you see my fb, you will see how she enjoys herself in the pool even though the water was really kinda of cold. sunshine, u have to slowly expose Baby B to the water and before you know it he will probably be screaming for more hehe. Good idea to have a swimming gathering, will be fun
oh and Queenie, Starflower, Jaszho hope you and babies are doing well now.
p3pp3r's boy Ziv had stomach flu recently too.
All recovered so hope all the other mums and bubs stay strong!!
tat's cute!!! my sophie no more spots liao... fade off already... bare body now... hahaha

ya... agreed w u...
tink will slowly expose my boi to it...
saw yr fb foto, bb M really enjoy herself!!!
Hahaha, the leash is funny!

havent start packing yet, still in the process of doing my travel list.

Get Baby B a float, but I realised the floats spolit very easily. The new float I got cannot make it liao and Baby M only used it once
mangogal, she was ok then on Monday, big time vomit again. 10 times in a row. No other symptoms. So we were thinking very hard and realise it may be the EYS Si Shen brown rice powder! So we're taking that out of her diet now.

regarding the travel list, I am supposed to send it out but it's in a weird format that can't be read on most comps. Am trying to change to PDF file so everyone can read it. Will update when it's done.
P seed, ya I heard frm Jo yest that Ning vomit again...how is she adjusting well at infant care?

My sophie too, all spots hv disappeared :p

Sportyger, haa oki hope ur travel list is ready soon
She looooves it at infant care. Once she sees the carers, little friends and toys, she forgets about me. Strange because she is so clingy at home.

Hmm, any computer experts here who can give some advice on upgrading laptops, how and where to get new programs etc? Willing to pay token fee...
P seed, haa Ning so cute and glad that she is adjusting well to the new environment, hope my gal will be too in Dec.

do you mind pm me a list of stuff that you need to bring to infant care? thks
Mummies who are still BF,
Pls continue to be diligent in pumping/ latching. I got mastitis (again - last time was in May)last weekend. Not sure why too, as everything is per schedule. GP also no answer, but was prescribed antibiotics. Have since recovered, but another bad experience

p seed,
Hope ur gal gets well soon. Been on off for quite some time. Cld it be the food at infant care?

Are ur float the Mambo ones? Am planning to get one for my boy, but if spoil easily, will think twice.
leereiner - sure la no prob. just dont tear it or lose it la =P dirty as long as can wash off no prob. but u sure u wana bring balboa? its a sling leh. i think carriers wld be more comfy right?

sunshine - wow. ya SAHM for 1 week! haha! Starting new job 9th nov

kirsten become tristen? LOL

pseed - *hugs to baby A* share with me ifc list as well! thanks =P

kirs's sophie still has her spots because she only gets to play with sophie when we go out. i clip sophie to her stroller.. heh heh.. at home she has other things to keep her occupied... but for now, she likes hankies best. lol

*hugs to all the babies who r unwell or hurt*
Any of u enrolled ur kids in Gymboree music class? Want to get some feedback..or any of ur kids in Play and LEarn 2? thinking of putting my 8 mth old there..

Saw your sophie leash.. hahah.. its really funny.. i got one done through one of the ladies who is doing a BP.. sort of customade.. supposed to tie Sophie to stroller handle.. cos it kinda heavy to tag on to their clothing.. don't wanna rip Bree's clothes..
jeantan - i went for the gymboree music trial class with 2 other mummies frm this thread last sunday... our class only had 4 babies -_-" didnt seem to be that fun leh... plus the songs seem rather similar to the play n learn... if u wanna sign up for music class, i wld personally prefer kindermusik...
gym wise i cnt comment... didnt go for other gym trials except gymboree's and found it so so also...
wah so quite in morning??

BTW, my gal is drinking 700ml of mil & 100ml of water/fruit juice daily, isit enuff intake?

Can share how much ur LOs are drinking?

BTW, her stools are quite hard, stuck in btw her butt hole, aiyo so heartpain cos it is red

I don't know how to answer you on that for milk cos i latch on. as for water.. i always check the colour of Bree's Pee from her diapers when i change them... the clearer the better... if its too yellow then not enough water..

I didn't feed her fruit juice till now.. she loves plain water.. so i will stick with it
i oso didn't keep track how much water my boi drinking... same as lenny, i oso chk on his diapers to make sure not too yellow...
norm i'll give a bit aft cereal, b4 nap, wakes up fr nap etc etc...

i oso didn't give juice... only plain water... =)
Moiiesha drinks 180ml FM, ~800ml EBM, 2-4oz fruit/vege purees, 2x solid(cereal/porridge)

wakes up at 6-7am 180ml FM (my EBM is no longer enough for her)
9+am 150ml EBM
10-11am 1st nap
11am 2oz fruit/vege puree + 100ml EBM
12+pm 4oz porridge/rice cereal with 100ml EBM
3pm 150ml EBM
3-4.30pm 2nd nap
5pm 100ml+6tbsp cereal (sometimes add 2oz fruit puree)
7-8pm 210ml EBM
Good night....

i think she has enough wet diapers but sometimes her poos is not so soft/only poos once in 2 days. i nvr give her fruit juice(does it help to get softer stool?) and she dun really likes water(the most 5-10 small spoonful after the puree/cereals/porridge)
mangogal, my boy taking 6-7oz every 4hours...n 5 feeds a day...water is after his shower n during his snacking time...fruit juice only when he cant poo or hard stools...

mummies giving nan pro 2: is it ok if i suddenly switch to nan ha2 then back to pro agn? no particular reason but just asking...

My gal does big hard banana stools but I make sure she poos once a day. Surprisingly, she does it with ease and no sound but always must let her sit in the potty. I give her 40ml apple/ prune juice during meal times (2x a day) and water throughout the day. I'm still latching her on so can't tell you how much milk she is taking. So far so good, lots of clear wet diapers and one big poo a day.
Try to train bb Moiiesha to drink from a straw cup. I also encountered the same issue previously with spoon feeding/ sippy cup/ doidy cup feeding water, she was jus playing with water, didn't seem to enjoy drinking much. With straw cup feeding, she drinks more than 180ml throughout the day and so convenient to feed anywhere.

Shayna can drink with straw ?
i gave Moiiesha's doidy & traning cup, but she just treat it as her toy only
Hi Mommies,

our thread is really getting too quiet.. scary...

received news today that my grandma is not doing well. waiting for hubby to reach home from airport to discuss with him about our trip back to visit my grandma..

looks like i am gonna postpone my ClubMed Bintan trip.. even if i go.. i know i won't feel happy

My maternal grandma spoil me rotten .. its at the stage where i can go around bullying my younger cousins, uncles and aunties.. i do admit that i am a little terror back then.. maybe even for now.. hehe...

i got to know that the hospitals in indonesia do not allow kids below 12 yrs old to enter. i am still figuring ways to assure Bree when i go visit.. Mom suggest me leaving her with hubby a few hours.. but i think she will terrorize her daddy and i will see a "black Face.. messy hair hubby when i got back"

Traffic condition is outrageous in Jakarta right now.. one way to the hospital may just cost me 2 hrs due to the jam.. haiz..

Think Bree is gonna scream her head off if i am gonna be away for 5 - 6 hrs.. she won't even let me out of her sight now.. Mommies who went for our most recent lunch at Earle Swenson will know what i meant.

at this stage.. she still refuses bottle.. probably she will starve herself

Really stuck... Don't know what to do..
Yea, I desperately needed her to drink more fluids so bought a pigeon straw cup with handles to let her try. She got the hang of it only after a few times of trying, then the rest was easy. Try try!
Hi All,

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Car insurance have to be renewed every year, as with most car owners, we do not have the time to approach each and every car insurer for quotations, not to mention going through the fine prints in detail and comparing plans.

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Bree's really attached to you. You have a tough job having her glued to you 24/7. Shayna's like that at night. Anytime after 8pm, she will need me to be around or she will cry murder. Hope you'll find a solution that works.
Hi Mummies,

understand some of u bought the Hyland's teething tablets, may i know if it's effective. May i know where can i get it as my boy is teething now and keep waking up at night

my ger only zzzz abt 12 hours a day. day time she hardly zzz. she really treat my nipple as pacifier. once i pull out, she searching for it.

Nowadays she will wake up abt once a week to "party" 1-2 hours then zzz. last week aft the party, the nxt day i feel giddy for days. so bad till i cant doing anything, can eat and lie in bed and wanna vomit. wonder is it teething.. she zzz abt 7-8pm. can wake up at 11pm or 1am to drink. once she starts waking up, she will wake up every 2 hours to drink... mostly drink one side n zzzz. If i m not alert enuf when she wakes up, she will be fully awake n the party starts... sigh... getting more exhausted..
talking abt attached... every night she needs my nipples to zzz. she cant zzz with drinking fm.. thus it also affect my social life... and no one at home can help me..
jan will be my best frd wedding.. cant even help her... sigh..
my poor finger is still swollen, tho not as bad as last week, still the knuckles are out of shape &amp; ring is still unremovable, well maybe 1 more week :S

ooo the sophie leash is funny, but Kee's sophie is almost a bare naked lady already also, the leash will prob be the only one w the spots on :p kekee

Speaking of milk vol, i think Kee drinks real little, poor dude's face turns all chilli red when he's trying to push poo poo out:

6am - 150ml ebm
8am - puree + 60ml ebm
12noon - porridge half bowl
3pm - 150ml ebm
6pm - porridge half bowl
8.30pm - 150ml ebm
2am- 150ml ebm

When i latch on then i have no clue how much he's consuming. I also heard as months go by, our BM will be thinner, is this true?
Starflower, oh our bm will get thinner?

Maybe apply some aloe vera cream on ur finger?

Mummies, thks for ur inputs abt the milk intake

My mum is gng to start potty training since she is gng infant care next mth...
Good Morning mummies ..
calling those silent reader mummies, do write something la .. make the thread alive again ... miss it.

i attached photo of Moiiesha, hopefully it brighten those working mummies' day .. Tomorrow is Friday le, Yippie !!! See how naughty she is ..

HELLO to all aunties !!!

Sinmey, your girl is very expressive!

Starflower, my bm is indeed getting thinner. I thought it was because i have not been drinking fish soup!
starflower, try iceing the finger?? But try to avoid direct contact with the ring cos if the ring contracts to then you will be in trouble haha

blurjen, software upgrade but I don't mind doing hardware if need to. Just want to have the latest Microsoft Office version. No one can read the word and excel files I send currently!

missycandy, ok I send to you

sinmey, M is so cheeky! Very expressive... almost like an adult!
re: BM

The nutrients level in the BM will adjust accordingly to the age of the baby. At this age, they start taking solid and stuff, hence getting the necessary nutrients from other sources, the quality of our milk will change to meet that needs.

Thats why, a older bb can drink BM from a younger bb and not the other way round. For example, if your bb is now 7mth ... he/she can drink BM from a mummy who just gave birth or bb is only 5mth. But a 5mth old bb ... cannot drink milk from a mummy who have a 7mth old bb. Not sure if you all get what I mean

Sinmey ....

Your gal look so so cute lor which all her expression ... cheeky babe. I love the last photo =)

I'm one of the silent reader mummies... hee can't help but wanna comment on cutie Moiiesha's pics... so adorable!

Any gatherings coming up? =o)
Cute pix of Moiiesha, cheeky little thang. Hope to meet her! Must bring her out leh...

If you are currently using Win Vista, need to save your files as Word 97 or Excel 97 version instead of docx file due to compatibility issues. I'm also thinking of upgrading mine. Vista has been quite problematic.

babe, it's not even vista, it's some obscure version that came with my pretty but non-functional mini notebook. That's what I get for going for looks over function hah!
