(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs


I also badly need a travel list...

Packing up to go Genting for 4 days in Nov...Dunno how many tons of things must bring, her toys alone I think will take up one big bagpack...as the car ride is long, so I think toys very impt to keep her occupied...

How u bathe baby in hotel ah? My MIL says use the hotel bath tub...but it is so big...dunno if she will sit and slip anot...I was thinking, must I bring the non-slip mat? Aiyoh headache...
Also not intending to bring steriliser, will use hot water for the bottles and pump...so did u bring any big containers to immerse the bottles/pumps with hot water or just rinse with hot water?

Anyone has any idea if Genting Hotel has babycot available?

Sianzzz...guess I'm not gonna enjoy this trip...
guys, when I have time I will put together a list of "must bring" and "good to have" stuff. Plus my take on baby on long flights as well as on long roadtrips. Also some tips on US in general.

I brought lots of stuff for baby which turned out to unnecessary really.

A quick glance and I can tell you that

(1) nasal spray
not necessary. In fact what the moms do over here is rub a bit of vasaline around baby nostrils, not inside the nose. It will make its way into baby nose somehow and that will last much longer than any nasal spray. That is what the PDs advise over all. So no need to seperately buy a nasal spray, which dries so rapidly as compared to the much longer lasting effect from vasaline. I just use normal baby friendly body moisturiser.

(2) avene thermal water - not necessary if you already brought along a baby body moisturiser.

(3) calendular cream is useful for me

(4) manual pump instead of bringing the bulky electric pump. In fact latch if you can as it is so much easier. I don't bother to sterilise my pumps/baby utensils etc since I started introducing semi solids. I find it pointless. So no need to bring along pails/sterilising tablets etc. Bring along bottles/cooler bag/icepack if you intend to bottle feed.

(5) go to guardian and buy the cheap adult incontinence liners (labelled as underpads). You get about 10 pieces a pack I think. Super cheap and lightweight. You can use that as diaper mat and each piece folds into virtually nothing.

(6) if you are feeding FM, buy those sample or travel packs instead of bring along a whole tin. bring along a feeding bowl/spoon.

(7) always useful to have baby snacks handy to keep them quiet :p I like the geber graduate puffs. Lovely.

(8) not necessary to bring toys. Just one or two if you really must. Reason being our babies are at the stage whereby even a piece of paper or an unopened pack of chips is super duper fun for them to play with. Plus people often end up losing toys on the plane. Also, some airlines have toys available for babies on request. SQ for example. You can also request for bb blanket, nappies, disposable bibs etc on SQ flights. They serve baby food too.

(8) depending on how long you are there for, you can buy diapers there. In the case of USA, the diapers here are a heck of a lot more expensive after currency conversion. So I have resorted to using the cheaper brands here. Thanks to Asura's tips, LUVS is pretty decent so far.

(9) ROADTRIPS - in the USA, please don't join tour groups. It is such a waste to spend so much money and end up seeing and experiencing soooooooooo little. Spend a little more (yes FnE is more exp), rent a vehicle (pls rent it way in advance unless you enjoy paying an arm and leg for one) and plan where you want to go. You need a GPS. Do not rent it from the car rental shops at USD10 a day. Just go to walmart/frys electronics/best buys etc ... pick one that has free return. In the usa, most things can be returned with no questions asked. GARMIN for example, has a 15% restocking fee. So what people do is buy it ... use it throughout their road trips, and then return it and at most they pay USD20+. Compare that to paying car rental companies USD10 a day. BLEAH!

(9) Baby carriers are so valuable on overseas trips. We used our pikkolo everywhere! Impossible to use a stroller in Seoul (cos you walk so much and the subway stations are super stroller unfriendly).

(10) dispoable bibs are lovely. But I don't think it is necessary to buy just for the trip lah. Just bring along a couple of normal ones, esp those that have water proof backing.

(11) I have not used a bassinet before so can't comment on which is better. But I must say I find the empty seat pretty convenient. Reason being if you put baby on the bassinet, you will end up having to carry baby in and out of the bassinet whenever there is turbulence. They have a special infant seat belt. Besides, my baby is too long for the bassinet.

(12) baby toiletries are tons cheaper in the US. So don't bother to bring stuff there. California is kinda strange. when travelling from place to place you can go from scorching hot to freezing cold.

(13) take note that there is a surcharge for every piece of luggage that exceeds 50 pounds (approx 23kg) on the pretext that heavy luggages are more likely to cause injury to their works i.e. higher insurance. Northwest charges USD50 instantly, Cathay is USD25. Strict labour laws here apparently. I think it is just a scam to make money.

(14) in the uSA, baby MUST ALWAYS be in the infant car seat. Rear facing until 12 mths. ALWAYS ALWAYS. So either bring along a cheapo one to use and dump, or buy a cheap one here. I suggest the latter. So cheap here you won't believe it.

(15) baby medication. I bring along infant panadol, cold medi, and cough syrup, as well as the baby forehead quick cooling pads for fevers. Actually these things are much cheaper in the states. Bummer. Cost me so much to buy all these at guardian.

what else? .... hmmmm
no problem babe. Hope this helps.

no need to bring many toys. they are so easily entertained at this age.

(16) baby baths. in winter, you don't need to bath baby every day. The locals will tell you the same in the US. It is too drying for their skins. If you must, water is good enough. Anyway, we bathe Gracie 3 times a week. If you like just a wipe down is more than enough. I brought along the munchkin duckie. It makes sense for me as I am on an extended trip. If you are just on a week holiday you might want to do without it. I think a non slip pad is a good idea since our babies can sit very well by this stage.

(17) no need to bring along a dedicated baby towel.

(18) travel size sanitizing spray. When I remember to, I will spray the restaurant baby high chairs and the side of the table nearest to her as she is bought to lick and touch wherever she can reach. Sometimes I just wipe down with baby wipes. Oh yes, baby wipes are even more important on trips. Buy there if you don't want to bring so mmany things along.

(19) for road trips, always have a kitchen towel roll/toilet roll/or tissue box with tons of wet wipes handy.

(20) forgot to add, for toys, I find taggies extremely useful and easy to bring around. While I don't think toys are necessary (just one or two max), I think teethers are necessary for our babies since they are at the stage. Just one will do.

(22) for those going to tokyo. Last I was there I took their subways everywhere. Very very well connected via the subways but it is super stroller unfriendly with lots of walking and plenty of stairs. Bring along your carrier.

ooohh (13) was for USA.

(23) rem to bring along TSA locks and international adapters. tons cheaper in the states. So if you are travelling here with nothing valuable, just don't bother to lock your luggage if it doesn;t come with TSA locks. Buy it here and lock your luggages (full of shopping loot I presume) with cheap TSA locks purchased here
(24) yes trash bins are hard to locate in most countries, unlike in SG where they are everywhere! So you might want to bring along some plastic bags for the soiled diapers just in case you need to carry them around in your bag.

(25) bring travel size desitin cream instead of the regular size.

(26) nice to use a backpack instead of the usual slinged bag esp in places where you expect to do tons of walking e.g. seoul and tokyo. Carrier plus a heavy sling bag is no joke.

(27) for tokyo esp, and perhaps seoul too, if you ahve specific places you want to go to BY CAB, pls print out the map and address from the corresponding website and show it to the taxi driver. They have GPS but they still get lost half the time. And they won't be able to understand the address in english. Showing them the map is the best way to address this problem. Great advice given by my boss as well as by my Japanese clients when I went over for work some time ago. I didn;t for one destination and got hopelessly lost when the cabbie dropped me at the wrong place. I still think subway is the way to go for tokyo.
alfafa, GREAT list there!

gingal, sportyger, pei, haha I also fear to think how much things to pack. Planning to go HK in dec. and you girls are better in the sense, only got 1 to pack for, and I have 2!! Went for a hotel stay and we almost died from the weight of things brought there! hhahaa. Will have to really sit down and plan out what to bring. Alfafa, guess I will have to bring the milk powder tin, at least i have something to fall back on if they don't want any food. haha. imagine 2 milk powder tins. haha!
(28) flu vaccines. babies taking flu vaccines for the 1st time need to take 2 shots at one month apart. The effect kicks in only 10 to 14 days AFTER the last shot so don't wait too long to take the shots. Also, don't assume that you can just go anywhere to take the shots. Flu vaccine is OOS in alot of places.
Alfafa, wah ur list is super useful!
But as what Sportygal said, how abt the sterlizing part? Just boil the feeding bottles & accessories wif hot water?
ok back.

no need to sterilise anymore lah. I stopped since a long time ago. She puts anyting and everything into her mouth, she would even lick the floor when I am not watching. For me I really don't see the point of it lor. All I do is wash with water and soap. That's all. Seriously, our babies are past the stage whereby everything has to be sterilised.
haa ok thks babe
Continue enjoy ur trip n post more photos in FB!
Hi mummies, i'm a Mar09 mummy too, but seldom have the time to post here. I'm curious to know what your princes & princess's sleeping schedule is like.. Coz my son never ever slept through the night since he was born till now, already coming to 8mths liao. He always wakes up crying/playing around 1-2am, then sleep at 3am.. then wake up at 5-6am again, then cannot sleep liao. I'm worried if this is normal..Anyone can share their experiences? tks..
Cindy - Yes pack for 2... hahaha... just came back from phuket also... only 5 days but was hell of a tired trip from me... Now into sri lanka, dubai n london... thinking abt that already make me sick...
Mango & sporty - I bought a travel sterilizer from mothercare. Compact size... I agree with alfafa as u no need to sterilise anymore due to now our bb lick n put anything in their mouth. But my HB read some where that is best to sterilise till they turn 1 yo...
Very useful list. I also agree that we don't need to sterilise anymore. My friend said Wong Boi Boi, the lactation consultant from TMC said we can stop when baby is 6mths old. What I do now is just rinse the bottles and teats with hot water.

I m thinking of bringing my boy to a cruise holiday during CNY peiord as I want to start small first. Very tempted to bring him to Bali later in the year.

Yes, I brought the huge Avent steriliser there!! On top of that, I even bring baby's rocker just so that she can have a proper nap. Hmm, if you ask me if I would be willing to do that all over again, I would probably say no. Too much hassle for just a one night stay!
wow so exciting everyone is going somewhere with baby! hee... wil be goin back to png next week for only 3days.. rush in and rush back to sg.. bummer! i wanted to bring bb but HB says no... too much of a hassle.. which i agree to some extent but wld be nice to bring her too... anyway he says she is still too small to really enjoy herself which is quite true.. so that can wait... meanwhile, im thinking if i shld visit my sis in adelaide with bb next yr... hmm hmm hmmm... i guess by then, Kirs wld be walking... and wld be more dangerous right? argHx... anyway, all of u go le.. then cn share all your experiences.. hee hee! then i can learn too.. hee hee hee!
sinmey.. yes it is so hard when baby is crying. once i did not mute the phone (i thought i did) and my colleagues told me they can hear my baby crying. so unprofessional! wanted to dig a hole in the ground n hide. bought the pacifier to keep the baby quiet but baby spits it out alamak.

sportyger.. try munchkin sterilizer bag? i used them for my trip; pop into the microwave n zap for 1.5mins. saves precious luggage space for shopping =P

alfafa.. wow very comprehansive list! gonna add it to my checklist for travel. for eg, i totally forgot to bring santizing spray for my trip. end up using dettol wipes for everything. bleah

abt US, i took american airlines and found out abt the luggages charges during check in. also they do not let us combine our luggage weight allowance. ended up paying USD80 for 2 luggages - one which was so small that it was smaller than carry on. scammers!!!!

Babelicious.. baby bathing - i brought a long a wash basin that was big enough for baby to sit in cos i dun know how clean the tubs are. the hotel in texas was good - clean tubs. but the one at LA was old so i was glad to have the wash basin. costs $5 and is light but takes up space la. throw away also not so heart pain.

clouds.. try checking environment temperature, lightning, noise level, diaper, give bolster to hug? for my boy he is sensitive to heat. we changed his mattress, diaper brand, adjusted lightning etc n he can sleep 12hrs (he feeds with eyes closed when sleeping).

after hearing lot of horror stories abt maids,we decided that sending little one to infantcare will be a better option. Managed to get a place at one of the cherie hearts and starting little one next mth. Now crossing my fingers and hope the little one will be able to adjust.

nice tips! Din know that can use vaseline as well cos all my US mummy friends were using nasal spray. Humps.. vaseline would have been much easier for me. I think the tips are ever-changing as well.. esp when it comes to bb toys... cos our bbs change patterns as they grow up. Din know that GARMIN need to pay 15% restocking fee, my hb always buy and return at COSTCO, no fee required.

So u bought car seat? On ur way back, check whether they are able to give u an empty seat for bb. If yes, try to bring ur car seat up the plane to fit into the empty seat. If the seats are too small, u get to do a gate-check in the car seat for free so just bring back to sell! Hee..If can fit, would be fantastic for u cos it is even more convenient with a car seat though diaper changing would be a problem.

Oh yah.. glad that u like LUVS. It is actually recommended by the prenatal class lecturers in US.
They say not much diff between LUVS and pampers.

Thanks for the check list.. really good!!

We are still deciding where to bring Bree for her birthday next yr. either Korea, where she is made or good old Bali.. Clubmed.. i read they have facilities catering for babies and toddlers.. like bb cots prepared in your room and baby food by their restaurant..

as fo Oz, planning for Brisbane.. sometime Aug -Sep next yr as well.. by that time..Bree should be able to walk. I hope she had taken the stroller well and we don't have to carry her ..keke.

so mummies who are going Oz before my trip.. do share experiences ok?

about bellamy.. i am not sure about the difference between their bb cereal and bb porridge..

i am feeding Bree Earth's Best.. she loves it so far..

Alamak, how come you are up at 6am in the morning???

Yes yes, I just checked my email last night. Have tt you the money already. Will collect from you hopefully next sat, or whenever is convenient for you.

Can't wait!
I survived bringing my boy to a wedding dinner on my own! (sorry, too excited abt it as we have never stayed out later than 10pm)
thanks so much for r useful list for travelling...

btw my boy was down wif fever, flu n cough..
hope tat is part of the teething process... he is still toothless now.. at 8mths plus..
mangogal, soon I'll join you as working mum with just baby and DH at home. Will need some tips from you soon! Kudos to you for being able to manage when hubs is away.

Found infant care for A already. It's near my place and they have 20% off the fees for first 3 months as they are a new center. It's a small place but she seemed to like it.
Actually found another AWESOME center but they don't have vacancy til Feb. Think will transfer there when A is 18 months. The place is big, has so many pretty colours and activities. They even provide wholegrain organic foods, shower gel, Kindermusik, Positive Focus in their program. So impressed. I think she will receive even better care and hygiene there than at home haha

sportyger, yeah at this age, no need to steriliser. But if you insist, can use tablets in an inflatable tub or steam bags from Medela/similar.

alfafa, hi babe!! I will still be able to hang out cos I have a 4 day work week! Remuneration is on the low side but it's offset by the shorter working hours. They also seem very flexible when it comes to going in late, leaving early and working from home as long as I get the job done. Job scope is also something I enjoy doing. I may even have time for my little business hee
For dry nose, I didn't know vasaline could do the job. Good find! But if baby has blocked nose, I think nasal spray is still the best solution. Don't see how vasaline can break up mucus.
I saw your pics on FB!! If we move to US in the future, it will be Irvine. How is it there??

Ooh, I have a travel checklist somewhere, PM me if you need it.

crap, not sure if I have time to do flu vaccine in time for Dec.

princess in dreamland, received the wetsuit yet?
Hi All Mummies,

How r u all? I'm a MIA Mummy! Didnt check the thread for almost 2 wks! Had been so busy wit work. didnt even spend time wit my gal. She had been staying over wit my mum for e past 4/5 days. I only c her for less than 1 hr everyday! everyday working till midnite! How I hope i can end it ASAP! I really miss my gal!
Ok since I won't have time to properly set up in Nov as I was intending, I'll just do this informally here for now.

I was going to do rentals for baby's winter clothing. Since we need them for only a few weeks at most, I thought why not rent than buy a whole new wardtobe. One good quality puffer jacket can cost $100!

There are great quality items from Ralph Lauren, Petit Bateau, Jacadi, Bonds, and some lovely French brands. Snowsuits, puffer jackets, thick pants, long sleeved rompers. If there is any item you need that is not on my list, I can get them as well. They're all brand new or very lightly used. Will be sanitised before each rental as well.

So if any mummies are interested do PM me, I'll send you a link to the pics and price list by end of next week so you can reserve what you like. Promise you it'll be worth it
P seed, hey where is ur workplace? If nt convi, can sms me..hee..wow seems so flexi as 4 working days and flexi hrs, u are so bless! Cant ur mum take care of baby A? Can she still take roti virus jab? Cos she is gng to infant care...got to be careful

Sharlin, oh goodness work till midnite, u must be super tiring!
Hope ur hectic work schedule will end soon!
ya ya.. recieve already.. thanks.. didnt know the colour is so striking...mil was commenting that bb will never lost sight cos of the striking colour of the wetsuit...

lenny.. thanks for yr votes..
pumpkin, i should have seen your post earlier. SIGH. we gg to HK in dec and th ough it's not really winter, it's quite cold too. and i bought a lot from gap and gymboree!! sian! oh yes, do give her the pneumoccocal jabs soon since she's gg to infantcare. i used to hate putting my #1 in childcare but i am so not regretting it cause he really LEARNS a lot from when he is when he is at home. so i really don't see the drawbacks, except, the falling ill part. haha! i'm looking fwd to enroll trishelle with her brother in the same school when she turns 18months! hehe!
oh yes, care to share what is the name of the school that you're raving about? hehe.... I am keen to know! and CONGRATS for finding a job of your choice.

Wow! Congrats on ur new job!
After working for so long.. it made me realised something. If one is not ambitious, all we want is a good work and life balance plus a job that's meaningful. Am glad that the job u found seems to have all the above. Wish you all the best!

How you coping so far? Actually milk intake decrease is ok.. now they need about 400 ml to 600 ml a day..
hey.. anybody know how to transfer facebook acc from one to another.. i damn blur lor.. all along hv one but didint realise then create another again.. with some friends in one acc n some friends in another acc..dun think is easy to add friends one by one again..until now still dunno how facebook work...
Monday blues again...bleahz

Kudos to those mummies who are able to manage their LOs without the help of others...I think its quite a feat if u asked me.

I plan to stop breastfeeding liao. Its been quite tiring but due to the case below, i can't stop as PD was advising me to continue with BM until things improve. Since Baby K is already smaller and lightweight and has feeding/drinking problems, he needs all the nutrients in BM to keep him healthy.

We brought Baby K to another PD at Mount E, as recommended by my fren since he is still refusing to eat and drink. He is smaller and lightweight compared to other babies his age geoup in general.

PD discovered a thicker vein (compared to other babies) under his tongue which has affected his drinking.

He actually wanted to cut (ouch!) but seeing the look of hesitation on my face (as he quoted) he stubbornly refused to do it even after i gave him the permission if it can improve my baby's drinking and eating patterns. He was saying if my bb was a two week old baby, he won't hesitate to proceed with his little operation. But now since he is already seven months, doing it or not may not make any difference. We were afraid it will affect his speech ability next time, but PD said it won't.

Now he advised us to stick to a four hourly feeding routine. No less than that should we feed bb even if he cries for milk. Quite a painful process if u ask me. But we have to stick to it cos if he's hungry he will drink and eat more.

Sorry for my long post. Just needed to share this. That should make me feel better and i hope things will improve in time to come.
Sharlin, hey once ur crazy work period is over, take a long annual leave to hv a good break!

Asura, haa still ok...just that I realise I neglected my skincare regime casuing my skin so dehydrated & sensitive

DArk eye circles getting worse
Bought alot of good quality skincare products but no time to use!!
Mummies, anyone like me? skin condition getting worse n no time to take care?
Haa..I dun even think gt tme to go facial to relax :p
