(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

Lenny, yalor, cos post preg our hormones are changing..esp we still bfing lack of estrogen so skin very dry...then I hv sensitive skin, so makes my skin so thirsty n patchy,argg!!

Pinksorget, same same here. Feel Monday blue too. :p
And me too, the thought of having to stop breastfeeding keeps dwelling in my mind. Like you said, it's been very tiring. I have been giving in to tireness and for quite a # of occasion sleep without expressing the milk first. Thus milk flow has been reducing.. And I thought to myself jus let it be bah if it stops one day... Then last Friday, I brought Baby V for her Pneummoccal 1st jab and was told that she is underweight... For a 8mth old baby, 6.3kg is quite light... PD said must do something abt her weight already... Other than the daily amt of food we have been giving her, PD also advised to increase the # of latch whenever possible. That means not only I have to maintain my milkflow, I need to increase it. Cannot stop breastfeeding liao. So pinksorbet, you're not alone. Let's "Kambateh" together bah!!
Jiayou! Hope baby K can drink and eat more and become more chubby ok! Dun worry too much, just think of baby K taking in the nutrients from your bm will motivate u in your moo moo career.

Re: Sterilising
Thanks mummies for the advise on sterilising.

Thats a good business idea. I can be your first customer hehe. Will pm me so that u can send the link to me

Your job sounds quite good esp with the flexible working hrs.

Your list is really useful. Thanks babe.

leereiner and gingal,
Will pm you gals my list when it is done.
Re: Skin problem
My Dark circles and freckles are the biggest problem for me.. and I have to say enough of "beauty sleep" is still the best Beauty Regime... but I can't afford it..
lizy & Pinksorbet, dun worry, hope ur babies will outgrow the underweight prob

Most impt they are healthy and happy in gorwing up a good family environment
Lizy - my bb boy 7.5months at 6.6kg like that...actually me v upset abt his weight and size...i know i shouldn't be as long as he's healthy but just can't stop being bothered when i see his refusal to milk and solids. Its really hard to feed him..sometimes to the point of really forcing the food down...its always on war with him...he scratches me so hard cos he was fighting with me not to put the teat or spoon into his mouth, so much that sometimes i jus scream in pain :p
so desperate that we brought him to another PD...even though its expensive i just hope that it can improve his condition.

Yes yes lets gambette together...my milk supply has actually decreased alot as i deliverately decrease it a few days ago, i wanted to stop bf-ing already until this PD "begged" me to continue with it for the sake of my lightweight boy.

Ok lets jia you together

sportyger - ya, me hope to maintain supply with jus two pump sessions for the day. Really tired liao. Cos initially i plan to stop when Baby K turns 8months and ppl around me discourage me to continue since he doesn't want to drink, but i persisted. Now for the sake of him again i need to continue.
Mangogal - thanks...actually i'm not so much worried for his weight and size problem, i'm more worried over his refusal to take in milk and solids.

Just hope by seeing this PD, things will improve ba.
Wow, everyone is travelling! Think we wont be going back to Jakarta for a while :p

Also what a reversal of roles, i'm going to be SAHM next year, already counting down to my last days of working...boohoo wonder if i'll be used to it *nervous wreck*
Thanks, Mangogal.

Pinksorbet, ya sometime it's hard not to think and upset abt the weight and size especially when I see other younger babbies but in bigger size. And every time I have to repeatedly telling myself not to compare... not to compare... The feeding part is still ok but to latch her on is no longer as simple as before coz she bites. Her two little teeth are getting stronger and it really really hurts when she bites my n..... This makes the increase of latch really difficult... How to make her drink from my breast but minus the biting part...? How to make her understand that suckle from mummy's breast is right but biting mummy's nipple is wrong...?
Lizy & Pink sorbet,

My girl also on the small end of the scale. she is 7mths old and only weigh 7.6kg.. at the 50% growth percentile.

Been kinda worried about her cos she is not really into her solids.. till now.. she prefers breast milk.
she will only take less than 10 baby spoons of her cereal then wants water.. after 30 mins or so.. she will slef service.. pull my nursing gown or tee shirt wwith her mouth open searching for milk. haiz.

Been really drained physically handling her alone at home now.. think her seperation anxiety kicks in. she used to be ok playing alone for a while so i can clear bits and pieces at home as long as he can hear me or see me..

Now.. she has to have physical contact with me .. else.. its non stop crying till high pitch scream.. last friday my neighbour kinda commented that she could hear bree crying and she was quite loud.. she is form the other end though.. i kept apologising.. told, her that i am alone and bree will cry if i dun carry her.. so *pai Seh*
<font face="arial black"> BITTING...</font>
<font face="trebuchet MS"> hoohoo... ouch... my boy bites too... and he has 4teeth, another one coming... so wonder what to do with him? and he can still smile @ me lor... </font>

<font face="arial black"> SIZE....</font>
<font face="trebuchet ms"> my #1 is pettie too... she didnt like to drink and eat too... brought her to see ang moh pd, chinese pd (yu ren shen) - all said she was doing fine, active.... no worry lor... me not worry of her size but worry of her health - was there something not right of her body... not becoz she cldnt/didnt want to eat.. till now, she's 3.5yr, she doesnt eat much too... but she seldom fall sick even she started her full day cc @ 2yrs... SO mummies, no worry yah.... btw, my boy is @ lower 25 percentile keke nah... 7mths 7.2kg only... </font>

ya sportyger,
thanks for sharing the list when you are done...
<font face="arial black"> SIZE...</font>
<font face="trebuchet MS"> my boy can crawl now... ever heard of old wives tale - 7month sit, 8mth crawl, 9mth teething.... my #1 gril is in this pattern but my boy is the opp... he started to teething @ 5mth, 6mth he start to crawl first, then know how to sit up... keke...</font>
Re: Biting when nursing

Lizy, my boy had 2 lower teeth when he was 4mths old and when he bit me for the 1st time, I got a painful, rude shock!

Good news is, he has since bitten me 10 times or less. I started using "No!" with him very very early, if he is not suppose to do/touch something. I'll add an "Ouch!" if the outcome of his actions are dangerous or painful.

Be firm with your "No!" My boy also laughs at my "No"s but he also shows that he understands what it means, he'll stop what he is warned against.

In the case of the biting, it didn't last for more than 2/3days. Try it, it might work with your baby too.
lizy - i don't latch anymore...i do exclusive pumping since my baby doesn't wan to latch. I think cos he got the vein problem under his tongue therefore he has difficulty sucking, which is the reason for his refusal to milk and solids more than half the time. It is really difficult to feed him.
a suggestion for you to try out - maybe you can try feeding ur son (prob works with milk but not solids) when he is sleepy? There was one period when my son refused to drink milk after he fell sick so what i did was wait till he almost dozed off then pick him up and put the teat into his mouth. It worked for me then. But not sure if it will work in your case.. good luck
Ann - thanks for the suggestion, and yes we have tried this dream feeding method. Sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't...its just luck =)

now we also resort to spoon feeding with milk.

He's a fussy eater.

Just hope he won't grow up to be one next time. Already so lightweight still wan to choose the foods to eat...sighz
pinksorbet: you're welcome! oh yes, sometimes when my son is fussy when drinking, another method which i try is to feed him while he is sitting up (eg. sitting in walker or high chair) .. cos i realised that sometimes, he doesn't like to be in the half-lying down position (which i put him in for milk time) ... but i'm sure you have tried all sort of different positions already! well, the things that we do for our babies ya :p

Maybe u can get another opinion abt the vein; if that is really the root of the problem you might want to explore if cutting it off will solve the problem; but of course without creating other problems!
Hi hi,
I have been MIA for almost 2 months already. Have been trying to settle down with baby here in UAE

Saw some of your posts that your bb is not drinking well and small size. Mine too. Now my boy already 7 month 2 weeks but only weigh 7.6kg. He drinks very little. I usually make 180ml of FM but he only finished it when he is really hungry. Usually he just drank for abt 120ml only. Quite frustrated feeding him sometimes.

Princess, I tried to go to carrefour site to hv a look at your bb but don't know why i can't access the website from here. Will vote for your boy when i get into the website

I just read the posts backward since i hv never login for such a long time. Thanks for your tips on travel. Will be very very useful.
hi any mommies here using carrier? Any brand to recommend? my bb is getting heavier, i cannot tahan her weight by carrying in sling.
mummies ...

me been reading silently too ...

so busy busy busy ... mega event in 3 weeks time ....

anyway on biting of N ... whenever BB SH does that ... i will slap his butt and scold him. Cos really PAINFUL lor ...

last week i was down with running nose and cough ... now its BB SH's turn ... and poor boy just recovered from fever too ... SIANZZZZZZZZ

Ok back to work ... busy as bee
I heard from my friend that ergo baby carrier is very good and she doesn't get backache at all by using it. She even used it when her boy was 2 years old for trekking and holiday in UK. I am currently using baby bjorn but going to switch to ergo as my baby is getting bigger.
lenny, which one is better? Is it diff to use?

dragonbee, i also tot of buying the ergo carrier but it is abit ex so i scare i buy liao then nv use.
Ergo carrier can carry baby up to 40 pounds. So i think you will definitely use it as you know baby likes to be carried.

It is cheaper than baby bjorn. if you buy from BP it is $150.
blurjen ...

i am using the ergo ... no complain except that its not pretty heehee

if you dun mind ... u can check around for 2nd hand one too =)
blurjen, most of us have ergo, pikkolo and beco.
You can go to the shop at Thomson Plaza to test all before buying. I think at this age, make sure the carrier has hip support

mangogal, i PM you the center's name later. Need to make sure my girl has a place there first before broadcasting it haha. Very limited spaces!!

starflower, quite hilarious huh. But it's ok, I will join you girls for outing on my day off which is Wed or Thursdays. Think you will have fun

sportyger, yay! I will give you a good bundle so your girl can look pretty pretty in Japan. MA is so lucky to go there for Xmas!!

Lenny, same here. She clings physically to me round the clock. Very tiring when DH is away for boz trip. Part of the reason why I look forward to work. Esp since she has been ill.

Rotavirus vaccine can't be taken past 6months old. Will def take pneumococcal though. Need her to get well first. We had to go to KKH again last night as she woke up vomiting til can see her bile. Choked on her vomit too. But she is a little fighter, managed to co-operate with us and drink just enough to keep from being severely dehydrated.

I do feel lucky to have found job and care center. Thanks to all for sharing my joy with me. Hope it works out well!
oh one thing that the PD at He said it's advisable to sterilise teats until 1 yr old. I stopped ateriliing after every use even thought I still do it occasionally. Guess will go back to sterilising all the time .
I agree with the sterilizing f teats n btls cos I rem reading that the milk solids if not wash cleanly it can create prob for the baby tummy. For bowls n spoons, it's less of a concern cos it's wider surface n easier to clean thoroughly. Glad that baby A is better.
pinksorbet - ive heard abt such thing before.. as in the tongue.. cnt recall who had it... anyway, since this PD is hesistant abt cutting maybe u want to go to another who will be willing? heh.. *sayang baby Kyan*

oh yes, the feeding just when they r abt to sleep works quite well for Kirsten... jus when she is abt to sleep, if she is sucking the pacifier, i pull it out and give her the bottle... 90% of the time, she will drink it... do try it with Kyan

Congrats to starflower on the upcoming status in Jan 2010!!! wooo hooo!!!

pseed - *hugs to u and baby A*

blurjen - i have the ergo, you can borrow mine to try if you like. ive stopped using it already. do let me knw
try and see if u like or not... and no im nt selling it.. HAHAHA! but feel free to borrow! no worries! cn pick up frm sembawang or tiong bahru or see where u stay or work... cn work out something

sticky baby - kirsten has been like super glue the past week.. everytime i turn away she cries... -_-" i recently read an article abt it and it seems its separation anxiety and a phase some babies will go through... my dad says that i shldnt leave her alone when she cries becos in future, she might become very introverted, low esteem and timid.. he citied my cousin's daughter as an example.. so i practically have to lug her ard the house or shout to her wherever i am... last time i cn leave her alone in her play yard to entertain herself... now on n off... sigh...

saying No to baby - i also read that at this stage, they will understand when u tell them No... ive tried with Kirs and she seems to understand... if she stills persist, i will make the angry and stern sound then she will stop dead in her tracks and turn ard and sit facing me... lol... she's really cute... she also learn to peep under and between the pillows for our handphones... LOL... very funny... then she knws not to touch the wires near our bed because i keep on telling her Noooo... Noooo... Noooo... heee... after awhile know already

does anyone know if for Infant Care Centres, will they accept the babies for just 1 mth? my mum will be goin to stay with my grandma for 3 weeks next yr March... there will be no one to look after my lil diva...
so thinking of putting at IFC for those 3weeks... putting at my in laws is out of the question because everytime she sees them, she cries =P plus my mil is so rough with her... #@!$#%@# the other day, kept on smacking her thigh for fun -_-" then Kirs kept on crying... then i told my MIL .. i only smack her when she is nottie.. when isnt nottie i DO NOT smack her... then she ya ya.. then keep on smacking her thigh... #%$#!%$!@$!@$@!#@! wahlao! buay tahan! then when i told her Kirs is sleepy, she Ok.. then flip Kirs on her side and rock her and pat her very hard -_-" DUH! @!#$@!@!$@!$@!$#@$#@#$%#%&amp; my HB wasnt ard ...
then i told HB... then he saw it once then he told her off... then she jus keep quiet... tupit nehnehpok...
missy &amp; P.seed

Re: Sticky baby..

i am also in dilemma of whether i should let her cry it out or not while i am busy with household chores. She used to be able to play on her own but recently.. she will cry till she scream out. am tearing my hair as i hate high pitched noises.. kinda trigger my migraine. I undertsand that they can only cry cos they can't talk but i cannot tolerate screaming..

it all happend one day when i was busy in the kitchen washing up and i left her at her play pen in my living room. even though i am out of sight.. i kept talking to her so she can hear me. she started wailing but i am still busy.. then she suddnely screamed.. i was shocked and let everything in the sink and ran to her thinking that she might have gotten stuck or something.. when i got to her, i quickly pick her up and patted her. Her cries becomes smiles. even with tears in her eyes. after this, she has been skipping the crying part and goes right into screaming for me. haiz..

i don't know how to tell her to stop screaming.. really feel like smacking her bottom sometimes.

mommies.. any suggestions?

The thing that Missy's dad mentioned that we should n't leave them alone during this phase cos of seperation anxiety.. i watch a documentary before about it..

Seperation anxiety will kick in when bb reach 6mths old. They should have one of their parents, preferably Mom or a trusted caregiver
to be physically around them. being there with them during this phase will build their self esteem and confidence.. seperation anxiety should go off from 18 - 24 mths.. depending on babies..

i remember you mentioned that you stayed in the West. let me know if you wanna come to my place to try out my carriers before you purchase.

PM me your HP no..

about going back to work. I kinda feel lousy after Bree had started to scream.. really have the urge to put her in infant care and then i go out and get a job.. feeling kinda depressed with her screaming so much.
Hi Lenny,
Hee... yes we were back for almost 2 mths already.

My son nowadays also want attention most of the time and he'll scream for my attention too if i ignore him for too long. Wondering if most baby at this age suddenly discovered that by screaming they will get our attention.

for Bree.. i guess she realised that i will go to her much sooner if she screams than cry.. that being the reason why she does that now.. thinking of ways to stop her from doing that though cos i don't know if they can understand the word "no" at this stage.
Breakfast this Sat at Sengkang swimming pool macd?


If sun is preferred, let us know.
<font color="aa00aa">lizy, sorbet
i'm oso reducing my pumping... now only pump once at night, latch in the morning... daytime totally din pump, can see tat ss is dropping...
realli tiring but will slowly let the ss stop coz now my boi only drink once my BM x 1, FM x 2 daily... dun worry, yr babies will be back on normal weight soon... JIA YOU ok!!!!

u'll be SAHM next yr!!! so u'll tender soon?

yr boi crawl first then learn to sit... hee hee, so cute...

re: teething
my boi got 2 coming out fr his bottom gum... saw another 2 'appearing' fr his upper... tink his gum super itchy coz he keeps biting my shoulder whenever i carry him... kakaka

hihi!!! how's life at UAE??</font>
<font face="arial black"> saying No to baby </font>
<font face="trebuchet MS"> try to use action words instead of NO... me used HANDS OFF when my girl touch danger things, things she shld not touch, kinda... when she cried, me wld tell her CLOSE YOUR MOUTH, then she wld stop, eventually... find it more effective than saying NO... my niece everything is NO.... coz sil said this to her only... and dont use the word PROPERLY, like sit properly, stand properly... how does the kid how proper is proper??! me learnt these thru here.... now my boy understands HAND OFF whenever we say to him... we-- hubby, my girl, n myself lah... but other family members still str say NO... sigh.... </font>
Think it is just a temp phrase, my gal do scream but when we distract her or give her a firm tone voice say NO, she will tame dwn...

Lenny, aiyo u want to put Bree at infant care? I drag putting my gal at infant care in Dec

So worried she will miss my mum n it is a major transition, well anyway I am gng to take NPL next yr for 6 months to take care of her, looking fwd to that

She is so sitcky to you so I think it is nt a good option, you should actually let her to be taken care by your family member, is ur mum &amp; husband back?
So at least u hv a breather, I know it is easy said than done, but you gt to plan and discuss with your mum and husband for the future well being of Bree.
Infant care shld be ur last option if you hv other trustworthy caretaker

When your husband and ur mum at hm, try to let them take care of her, play wif her, Bree has any favourite activitiy? If she has, let ur mum /hb to do it together with her, so that Bree will know: hey grandma n papa are fun, I can trust them beside mummy
Ivy, can I collect my things from you then, instead of sat?

Breakfast gathering on 1st Nov (SUNDAY), 9am.
Sengkang Swimming Pool Mac.
1) Ivy
2) Kris
3) Sportyger
4) Pei
wah gathering at SK swimming pool, If I am not tired, will join u all

Breakfast gathering on 1st Nov (SUNDAY), 9am.
Sengkang Swimming Pool Mac.
1) Ivy
2) Kris
3) Sportyger
4) Pei
5) Mangogal (KIV)
hee hee... me too... will join if my hb wanna to go...

Breakfast gathering on 1st Nov (SUNDAY), 9am.
Sengkang Swimming Pool Mac.
1) Ivy
2) Kris
3) Sportyger
4) Pei
5) Mangogal (KIV)
6) Sunshinebaby (KIV)

anyone know when can get cheap n gd christmas tree?? plan to set up 1 for my boi to see at home coz he loves light!!!
