(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

Hi Mummies who's muffins lover out there,

Please kindly support my hubby's brother-in-law Muffins called "Nellie's Muffins".

Nellie's muffins was started out of a desire to create the best muffin in town - the taste of homemade muffins, baked fresh everyday, with natural quality ingredients. We do not add any preservatives. And our muffins are sold only on the day that it is baked.

Once you've tried it, we are confident that you woud be back for more.

At Nellie's Muffins, we offer a variety of traditional muffin flavours such as the ever popular chocolate and banana muffins. Our new offerings like durian muffin are also extremely popular.

Come try our offering of traditional chocolate, chocolate chip, mixed fruit and banana muffins. Or come savour our original, one of a kind, durian muffin.

We are conveniently located close to Serangoon MRT.

Thanks in advance.


how about wholesalers? there is one at geylang area.. only sells during christmas.. all the ornaments,christmas tree and the running lights.. etc

I also think the same.. if really no choice then go to infant care.

will need to check with my mum.. but i have to admit.. i am not sure yet.. as in whether i should go back to work.. still trying to handle her alone at home.. now with her seperation anxiety kicking in.. its really madness..

for Bree, she is ok with all sorts of activities.. her play gym, toys etc.. she is even happy to be left lying on my bed playing with her own bolster.. she will just blabber to herself.. all these are with one condition.. i must be next to her.. if i leave her with mum or hubby tghen i go off while she is doing all these, royalty will not last more than 5 mins.

when i need to sleep and hubby or mum had to carry her.. on and off they have to bring her to my bedroom and let her take a look at me else she will cry her head off.. even when my parents or bro came to visit and carry her.. they will have to follow me around.. once i am out of sight.. That is it man!.. haiz..
Thanks P.Seed, Seabreeze, Missycandy n lenny for the recommendation!

Thanks Missy n lenny for the offer! I will let u know if u need to try out. I still thinking wan to buy anot cos she is already 8mths now so seems like cant use for long leh.

Lenny, my bb also v stick to me. once she see me she wont wan anyone to carry her including my husband. hai... so i always carry her around, so tiring! N she need me to carry her or sit with her in the car or else she will cry n scream! until we cannot take it n my husband need to take over n drive.

I donlt have the address. but that shop is the corner.. like just before we hit the whole stretch of geylang main road.. i mean if we go from the west la..
Breakfast gathering on 1st Nov (SUNDAY), 9am.
Sengkang Swimming Pool Mac.
1) Ivy
2) Kris
3) Sportyger
4) Pei
5) Mangogal (KIV)
6) Sunshinebaby (KIV)
7) Pumpkinseed w/o baby
Leereiner, that is really good advice regarding communicating to baby! I learnt a bit about it at Positive Focus trial and it makes sense.
Will try it more with baby.

Oh A actually signed MILK to me a while back and she did a few times. But she completely stopped now. So sad!
Lenny, I feel you! Same thing for A and I. Which is what's helping me feel less guilty about starting work. She clings to me so much at home. At the infant care center, she was happy to explore, and even reached out for the carer

BB Bree too.. she stopped signing milk but self service now.. she try to pull open my nursing gown to tell me she wants milk. for her, its faster, one step less to get her milk.. muahaha
Sunshine, yeah quite sure i'm gg be SAHM already, likely to tender in Jan so 30 days notice shud be around Feb
Kee's "sticky" too, this also made my decision easier :p So yeah, next year can join u mummies for more gatherings liao :p
starflower, cool! would love to see more of you and Keenan. Pumpkin's taking over your slot. :-D

Leereiner, I echo pumpkin's words. Great advice. Thanks so much for sharing. Hope I can remember it when the moment comes. I recall reading somewhere that children grow up better with positive reinforcement over negative ones i.e. saying NO to them all the time.

Dragonbee and the rest, you are welcome. :-D That's why we come to a forum eh, albeit it seems to be slowing down alot.

Travel tips con't
(29) socks. probably pertains to me abit more as we are in a cold weather place and my bro's place is not carpeted. I realise that Gracie's motor development stopped at the day we left Singapore. She started crawling on all fours 2-3 days before we left for this holiday so by right she should have progressed heaps by now. Alas because of the cold eather and freezing hardwood floor, we dress gracie in long pants and socks all the time so there is never enough friction for her to stand or crawl. Too slippery. (Plus with my bro's twin terrors around I had to carry Gracie most of the time instead of letting her do her thing.) If only I noticed this earlier I would have at least bought socks with grippees on the underside to help her a little more. Well this is probably a good reminder for all our budding crawlers in Singapore too. If they are gonna wear socks, try to give them the ones with grippees.

(30) nursing shawl. Yuppers, Gracie is now 8mths and a bit and I am still nursing. I intend to nurse till she is one year old after which I would simply feed her fresh milk i.e. skipping FM entirely. This is apparently what the American PDs recommend, and the majority of American moms traditionally feed babies fresh milk from 12 month onwards. Oh yes I digressed. Back to shawls. When in Singers I hate nursing ponchos as it gets wayyyyy too hot. In a cold weather though, my nursing poncho is finally put to good use. And for those who have access to my vacation photos, you know that it makes a good fashion accessory too!

asura, nay, didn't bring along an infant carseat or stroller as bro has spares here for me.

irvine is a very nice place. my friend stays at pebblepath drive and the surrounding area is incredibly clean, green and neat with two man made rivers. I heard from my friends in Irvine that the Asian community is increasing these days. Within 20plus mins drive is Little Saigon and even Little Korea so you have no lack of Asian food. What I find peculiar is how neat the estates are over here. Apparently they have some kind of home co-op over here whereby the residents in the same neighbourhood all pay a regular fee to maintain the estate. And in a concerted effort to maintain the property prices here, they self-regulate even down to the colour of the exterior and what can or cannot go on the front porch .. basically anything thqt is visible on the outside. I personally find that a little disconcerting, but well, it really does look like a picturesque neighbourhood. The nly downside of staying in Irvine and working in LA (hopefully not the case for ytou) is the crazy bumper to bumper traffic jams that you will ecounter on a daily basis (mon to fri). The traffic jams surrounding LA is HORRIFIC. It really is the HEART STABBING HORRIFIC type of jams. a daily 2 hr commute to work is the norm. Can die man.
<font face="trebuchet ms">wow... great your baby can SIGN... me started past few days on MILK... keke... </font>

<font face="trebuchet MS">besides</font> <font face="arial black">NO</font> <font face="trebuchet ms"> my niece also knows "mia" NO in hokkien... she yet know really to talk, but she always says NO lor... my MIL said to her- everything "mia" dunno what you want...

wow... the travel list still con't... think my luggage gonna burst liao lor... so many things.
me intend to bring my girl's sleeping pillow, find that hotel ones r too big for her leh... advisable??</font>
Leereiner.. haha my boy too! my mum insists he can say "wo bu yao" and "mia" and he vocalizes these when my mum forces him to finish his milk hahahaha. the weird thing is no one speaks to him in hokkien nor mandarin. dun know where he learn those from haha.

Alfafa.. ur holiday pictures r very inspiring - makes me want to lose some weight n put on some pre-mummy clothes =P
Lenny, aiyo alamak! THen u gt to slowly n plan Bree's adjustments...:p

Starflower, wah SAHM good!!
Hee I am gng to take 6 months of NPL frm March onwards, looking fwd!
u taking 6 mths NPL... tat's so shiok!!!
mayb aft 6 mths, u dun feel like gg back to work lor... then might as well be SAHM like starflower!!!
starflower &amp; mangogal...

we can meet to lunch and shop? Mangogal.. when u start your leave? Starflower.. how about u?

i am ok with orchard or vivo..any other mommies wanna join?
<font color="0000ff">Hi Mummies...
any one wan to meet up on mon??

lenny?? u wan meet up??
pumpkin?? u wan meet up??
any mummies not working or on leave wan to meet up??

time : 130pm
venue : to be confirm (either my place or vivo.. see how the response lah)

1) fatfish
2) princess_in_dreamland
time : 130pm
venue : to be confirm (either my place or vivo.. see how the response lah)

1) fatfish
2) princess_in_dreamland
3) pumpkinseed
Hi Mummies...
any one wan to meet up on mon??

lenny?? u wan meet up??
pumpkin?? u wan meet up??
any mummies not working or on leave wan to meet up??

time : 130pm
venue : to be confirm (either my place or vivo.. see how the response lah)

1) fatfish
2) princess_in_dreamland
3) P.seed
4) Lenny
lenny, actually that's same for us. She does self service now. It's quite funny until she starts pinching me where it hurts most haha

alfafa, if in Irvine, will work in Irvine itself. It's not far from Spectrum Mall or something like that. I don't like living in the city itself, have always been a suburb kinda gal

Mummies whose babies having mild diarrhoea:
- Get Lacteol Fort from any pharmacy and give 1 sachet twice a day. KKH or PD will give the same thing.
- Can try rice cereal, banana and apple as well.
- Feed water/formula in smaller doses more frequently, eg. 60ml every hour until baby gets better

(as advised by 3 different KKH hospital docs and my PD)
Hi mommies,
Sorry to interrupt.

I have this Sean Lau Photo package to let go. Already paid $94 to Sean Lau as deposit but the balance($84 exc GST) has to be paid after the session.

This is the "Classic Baby" package (valued at $238) as advertised on Sean Lau's website (www.seanlau.com) but based on the promo i was able to get it at only $178.

The photo session is on this Sat, 31st Oct at 130pm to 330pm. I'm willing to sell this off at a fracture of the deposit, i.e $65 only. Please PM me by end of today.

The package includes:
02 Hours of studio session with Sean Lau
05 Pictures printed on 5”x 7”
01 Reprint on 8”x 12” with framing (Tabletop)
DVD with selected images in high resolution

Let me know. Thks!!
Huggies Dry Comfort M Size - hi, i have one unopened pack of 66 pcs to let go cos my son is too big for it. Willing to sell for super cheap price of $10 cos dun want it to go to waste. Any takers pls pm me. Thanks!
Hi Mummies,
Been MIA awhile. Hope to catch up with some of you on Mon, if possible!

Hi Mummies...
any one wan to meet up on mon??

lenny?? u wan meet up??
pumpkin?? u wan meet up??
any mummies not working or on leave wan to meet up??

time : 130pm
venue : to be confirm (either my place or vivo.. see how the response lah)

1) fatfish
2) princess_in_dreamland
3) P.seed
4) Lenny
5) babe
aiyo Monday at Vivo 1:30pm meet I cant meet wasted:p
Hee..how abt today? Any free to meet either at Vivo or Central at clarke quay for lunch at12 to 1:30pm, can sms me

Today i am going to orchard.. need to drop by ClubMed for a while and pick up some books from kinokuniya.

Desperately need a break.. ClubMed claims that they have baby facilities and cater food for our babies. Need to check out what they offer.. i know i will be real pissed if Bree has to starve there.

If i had to bring my own jars and nursery equipment, then no point paying the extras for their services.
Lenny, ya the thread has been quiet... Probably due to everyone is busy....? Me too, have been bz with work. I have been busy working on a Biz Trip to India. Had fighting not to go but all attempts failed. Anyway, jus finished all the visa app things.
Lenny, how's baby Bree going? Is her separation anxiety still going bad? Though bz, I have been a silent reader to this thread. Knowing that quite a few babies having this problem, I realised that I'm not alone... I'm now worry about Baby V during that 1 week when I'm not around...

Yep.. planning to go on atrip with Hubby &amp; Bree. another gf of mine whose bb girl is about 13mths old is coming along with her baby &amp; hubby as well..

we are looking for baby friendly resorts to chill out. would probably going off on 16th Nov for a short trip.. most of the resorts in the asia region will be affected by monsoon.. so.. a bit sian la..

we initally wanted to go phuket, kinda the best time to go now.. but the resort is 1 - 2 hrs from the airport.. don't know if our babies can take it since its their first trip. we may end up more stressed than getting relaxation. hahaha..

Trying to go somewhere near to test water before venturing out to further places next yr.

Re: Seperation anxiety.
haiz.. most babies.. it kicks in when they reach 6 mths old.. think Bree since infant till now.. hahah.. been tearing hair man.. hahaha

on the positive note.. at least we knew that its us, the mommies that they love most.
i need to think this way for motivation.. else i will be in "la la Land" Muahahaha

Alamak... Incredible india!! kudos to u.. i won't be able to survive there.. their food will kill me.. i got sensitive digestive system.. with so many spices in it.. i might as well flush my tummy with gastritis medicine and lug the toilet bowl whereever i go.. will LS non stop.. muahahahh
yaloh, will be seeing doctor tonight to see if any vaccination neccesary before I go and will definitely ask for charcoal or diahhrea medicine for me to bring along for the trip. Actually this is not the sianiest part... the sianiest thing is being separated from my girl and not being able to see for 1 week.... I can't feel her, hug her, smell her everyday for that 1 week.... ok.. it seems like not jus Baby V, the mother also got separation anxiety... buahhaha.... :p

I get what you mean.. sometimes i have been thinking it will be so nice if i can go on a trip without bb... but if i don't see her, i will miss her too.. haiz.

this is mommy's seperation anxiety..
Hubby and I had thought of that too but we all feel that Baby V is too young to go there. It's safer for her to stay here. This is my first time going there and I have no idea how bad is bad over there so we drop the idea soon after.
tink best to let baby V stays here... india looks like not a very clean place...

wow... i oso wanna a holiday but hb said bryan still young... hb suggested cruise but i dun wan coz nothing realli to do on ship...
*waves* to mommies here..

was sick and busy with work... lots of meetings to attend, that's why seldom login here.. but i do update my FB status regularly.
Hello Irene!

For me, I got no time to update FB, got a lot of pictures of Baby V in my phone but jus find no time to upload... sigh....
Oh btw, thought of sharing this exciting news with you mummies. Baby V can wave "Goodbye" now. So happy. hehehe.. You can't imaging how thrilled and exited we were when we first saw her doing that. hahaha... ok... I'm a "showoff" mummy here.. :p

My company is arranging a mass vaccine for us at clinics near our workplace. The clinic would need to have 10 pax as each box comes with 10 vaccines.
Re: BB Size

Aiyo...think bb K the lightest....7mths at 7.03kg... 50th percentile

time : 130pm
venue : to be confirm (either my place or vivo.. see how the response lah)

1) fatfish
2) princess_in_dreamland
3) P.seed
4) Lenny
5) babe

<font color="aa00aa">date : 02/11 mon
time : 130pm </font>
<font color="0000ff">venue : (think we confirm at vivo lah cos i realise i dun hv playmat at hm unless someone volunteer to bring to my place)any suggestions??</font>

<font color="aa00aa">1) fatfish
2) princess_in_dreamland
3) P.seed
4) Lenny
5) babe
6) Annmelody</font>
