(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

Hi Mummies,

I still can't find any organics Rice Cereals for Jerlynn...
All OOS!!! anyone went to taka's organics market fair and seen any organics Plain Rice Cereals there? Maybe going this evening if my hubby not lazy to bring us...

I substituted Jerlynn's lunch with Heinz Organics Vanilla Custard, but she dun eat as much as she did with Plain Rice Cereals, maybe cos the texture not the same, also tried Nestle Rice Cereals w/o milk but she developed rashes on her cheeks, so scared her ezcema might come back again so I stopped letting her take Nestle...YTD made her mashed potatoes with Broccoli, at least she eats more of it and is happy when eating...but very tiring to make cooked lunch loh, gotta get up early and prepare and all...hope I can find the right cereals for her soon...

BTW, does any of your LOs waking up for night feeds all over again? My little tyrant dunno why this 2 weeks keep wanting milk every 4 hours during sleeptime...So sianzzz loh, not sleeping thru again...Could it be cos after feeding her more solids has expanded her stomach and she feels hungry more easily??? Hmmmm????

Not as though she drinks alot and is putting on weight, dunno where the calories gone to?

She is drinking from bottle about 850ml a day, with Lunch of 4 full teaspoons of cereals or half a potato w/30ml milk, Dinner of 3 or 4 full Tablespoons (Chinese Soup Spoon) of Porridge...I find it's alot, but if dun give her enuff, she screams and will make "Ahhhhh Ehhhh" sounds, and look at kitchen...Buay Tahan...Eat so much but so Bony still...nowadays carry her, can't feel her fats liao...

<font color="0077aa">misscandy,</font>

The links are great and very informative..thanks for sharing...

<font color="0077aa">JoJo,</font>

I use normal white Rice loh, I like New Moon's Rice texture, cooked liao won't watery and soggy easily...So she eats what I like loh...
It's more difficult to cook til soft for her porridge, but the Thermal Shuttle Chef does the job very well...
Lenny.. thanks for the tip!

Janbebe.. do you mince the meat yourself or just those we find in supermarket is ok?

Idlecat.. most older folks will definately discourage travelling with babies. they are worried baby will catch virus, not used to climate, etc (i think they just miss baby as much as we do).

my personal experience is
a) do not go on work trips with hubby unless you are ready to be a full time homemaker
b) try to pack everything such that 1 person can carry them all while the other carry baby
c) buy travel insurance. my boy fell from the bed while we were in Austin. Thank God he is ok, if not travel insurance would be handy.
d) have some sort of covering for your pram. airlines have no regards for cleanliness when they stow stuff.
e) pack some jar food that baby likes. SQ (not sure abt other airlines) had jar food but they were not suitable for my boy.
f) up to you to decide between bassinet or a seat for your baby. i chose bassinet but it end up as storage for his toys n barang barang. baby decided he wanted to sleep on our chests for all our flights
g) dun seat at the back of the plane - noisy!
h) long flights are tiring. mine was 18hrs SIN-LA, 3.5hrs LA-Austin, plus 6hrs transit. hubby n i were so damn tired when we landed but baby was all recharged and ready to go. *faint*.
i) must keep calm in all situations - poop on clothes, cry fest on bus/plane, jet lagged baby, hubby who sleeps while baby cries etc etc
j) dun expect to do or see as much stuff with a baby. hubby n i only managed to do 6hr tour with baby screaming for the last hr.

Although holidaying as a family was very different from holidaying as a couple, we did enjoy ourselves and would do it again (minus long flights).

have fun!
Meat: if u visit the wet market, u can ask the uncle to mince 3x for u. Texture just nice for baby. I do that every week. Gog to start on chix breast next week for him.

ur contractor is good n cheap or not?
Mummies who fed yoplait yogurt to their babies: can i check whether u feed the yogurt straight out from the fridge, or u let it cool down a bit at room temperature before feeding to bb? wonder if its too cold for the bb if i were to feed straight out from fridge.
Thanks missycandy &amp; donroxx.
I find taking flight with a baby is quite troublesome, so thinking of going for cruise instead...
hi hi mar mummies,

me is from apr09 but my boy is 18 Mar 09 lor, 3weeks earlier than edd... sorry to come in this thread to kpo...

wanna ask can give cheddar cheese to baby now? if yes, what brand eh?

started to wean my boy in his 6th month.... now he's 7mth lor... with 4 teeth, can sit and crawl now... but he's still wake up at nite time leh so tired... he's react okay to intro soild yah... with 5am BM, 0730 140ml puree, 1000 BM, 1230 100ml+cereal, 1400 FM, 1700 60ml bee gou + FM, 2000 BM.... then 2-3 times waking up @ nite.... and he's still on small size scale... dunno where does the food gone to lor??!!

hmmmmm gonna go for a short with my 2 kids - 3yr girl and this boy in nov... keke... so wonder can pack puree into plane for consume over there eh, like 5 days supply? if can, how to pack them eh?
I feed it straight from the fridge, at most wait around 5 mins only. Gave him banana yoplait yogurt last week. He gave me a funny face, but never reject. I gave a cup of yogurt to him in 2 separate feeds, morning and evening, slurp it all up.

my boy hardly sleeps through the night, he still wakes up 4 or 5 hourly for feed at night. The only time he slept through when with me was last sat, from 11pm to 10am
pink - i feed strt frm the fridge... but she doesnt like it... not becos cold but becos of the taste? i also tried some and didnt like it.. LOL! i bought frm Market Place at paragon

Leereiner - it wld be best to bring jars bought off the shelf than to bring self made purees... it wldnt last... where r u going? most countries wld sell baby jar food.. jus have to look at the supermarkets... so dont have to lug along so many jars of baby food on ur trip...

mince pork - i buy frm ntuc... boil in the porridge... she cn eat it.. no problem... but only the small bits.. the bigger ones i eat it.. HAHA! so i feed her than feed myself then feed her.. =P hahaha...
scrumpee - my boy rejected the yogurt....so sad...he's such a fussy eater...he has been rejecting milk since he was two months and it was always on war with him when we feed him...so worried he don't have the required milk intake...thats why bought alot of thing for him to try which includes the yogurt which i just bought for him yesterday but he doesn't seem to like it...

reverie - there are two types of yoplait yogurt...one is from 6mth onwards and the other from 1yo onwards...u can find them in cold storage or Giant for the above 6mths old one...
missycandy - Baby K lagi best, don't wan to even try...then i had to struggle to put some on his lips but he still rejected...turn his head to the other side when we wanted to feed him...
me saw the yoplait has the baby photo and stated 6mth above...

cheese... can some1 advise on this?? cheddar cheese can take boh>?
leereiner - have to ask pseed... maybe she fed A cheese le... i havent tried cheese so cnt comment... also i think jap wld sell baby food jars leh... u might wan to rekke a bit and ask ard if the plc u r going sells lor...
leereiner, i am not sure about cheese, u can ask your PD, but i did give my #1 cheese when he turned 8months, the laughing cow brand, in the cube form.
leereiner, I am also bringing my baby to Jap in Dec for 10 days. I cant imagine the amount of things I have to bring for my baby esp it is going to be winter.
okay... thanks... shall go see see cold storage...

hi sportyger,
dec is colder yah... wow 10 days... join tour package or FnE eh? hmmmm.... so how you gonna settle your jr meal, mean the feeding of semi-soild meals? which part of japan?
Ya its going to be freezing cold. Will be going to Tokyo and Hokkaido, travelling F&amp;E. I will likely be bringing cereal and jars of puree. Actually I have not really tot of it yet. Will have to come up with a list of what to bring so that I wont forget anything.
Hi mummies, thanks so much for all the thoughts :D
I brought A to PD this morning. Despite having some diarrhoea still, she is on the right track - wet nappies, whoopee!! Will take another few days to improve her appetite and get normal stools. She is one clingy Gladwrap koala bear these days haha

sportyger, I'll e-mail you bought winter clothes soon :D Have tonnes of pretty things, hope you girl can fit...

Leereiner, books say you can feed mild chedder, edam, gruyere and cottage cheese. I've fed mild cheeder and edam so far. She loves it and no reaction.

And good news, I got a job offer! Still deciding whether to take it or not so quite busy making arrangements for childcare. Won't be in the forum so often for the moment. PM or text me if anything urgent! Sorry if I missed any messages.
Oh yes, mummies who are travelling, it may be good idea to bring some jars that baby is familiar with. Mine rejected the local brand of puree when we were in France. Had to find Hipp for her before she would eat properly!
Hi, mummies who had brought infant along for tour, do you bring your own water for making FM &amp; cereal? or use their local water? or use bottle distilled water? TIA
haha...maybe my boy is not a good benchmark. He eats anything I feed him, never rejects food, that explains his size. Maybe u can try giving something else cos yogurt is sour, there's why your boy dislikes. U started on porridge? perhaps u can try

wow, got new job offer. that's good. Your hubby has no objections then take it lor.

can imagine the things u need to bring for baby esp winter weather, and the food etc. But it so nice to bring baby along, a whole new experience for you and hubby
my turn to let off steam/rant haha.

2 days ago, mum in law fractured her wrist in 3 places. doc says takes at least a month to recover. but it would take a lot longer for a full recovery. this means there is no one to take care of my baby in the day.

hubby n i are trying to juggle our schedule to avoid putting baby in infant care but i found it hard, almost impossible to be a full time mum and a full time working professional. quitting my job seems silly as mum in law will recover eventually. and i do love my job.

i'm just so damn tired juggling work n baby plus baby is still jet lagged. past 2 days baby woke up at 2am, 5am and 8am then cranky til 5pm where he would sleep til 10pm, wake up n be fully recharged n ready to rumble.

sigh, if only i can survive without sleep and baby would sleep more.

hats off to you for trying hard! at least u don't have to do late shifts/hours! maybe worth trying other family members to cover for your MIL if it really gets too much?

Hey, i'm in a similar predicament. My mother in law sprained her wrist. Doc also says it will take months to recover.

My hubby and I have decided to put my baby in infantcare. It is so tough to juggle being a full time mum and a full time working professional. Most of the time, it is the mummy that suffers the most.
Fireangel.. on the contrary, i work odd hours. i do SG hrs in the day, half US hrs at nite (8am-5pm then 8pm-midnight). Because of this, my boss allows me to work from home most days or take time off during SG hrs. But it is still very very hard to juggle baby and work.

Meerkat.. oh my, you too =( ? how did you decided on which infantcare to send your baby? is your baby ok with infant care? how much is it?
forgot to add. my parents is already taking care of baby at night when i work. even my bro has been recruited to take care of baby. i never thought 1 baby would require so many people to take care.. *faint*
Halo mummies, long time no log in forum...
Been drowned by work and hubby flewed to Australia for work yest for 18 days, so one man show for me to take care of Caroline at night :p
So I got to do all the houseork, it really make a huge difference w/o him helpnig doing housework, bleah..tired!!
However thk God my mum has been a great help, otherwise I will be very stress :p
Now she dun really like to latch on eversince her teeth grow, only latch once a day liao..I miss the days where latch her on 2 or 3 times per day.
Any bfing mummies hv the same sentiment as me?

Hiyo I also very busy n lazy intro alot of food to her, no time..now waiting for my babycook to arrive!!
So far, I only intro: cereal, oat, carrot, potatoe, avocado, apple, banana, papaya, &amp; avocado, very little variety hor??

I hv nt tried spinach n other green veges &amp; I also hold my mum frm intro cos I want to intro 1st :p
Can our LOs take tofu after turn 7 months? My mum want to intor tofu today ..
Aiyo porridge also nt yet!!

So far her appetite been increasing, loves all kinds of food near her mouth n thk God her milk intake didnt drop, average 700ml per day, still ok right?

Wah P.seed Congrats to ur new job offer!
Glad to hear baby A is recovering well and back to her lively self

Sportygal, so envy u gng for holiday soon, hiaz hubby told me next yr Canada trip called off cos he is involve in YOG 2010, sob sob

Hmm seems like no more gatherings at this month...hee shall we have a Xmas gathering?
Hmm just curious, besides me &amp; Asura, any fulltime working mum here taking care of baby stay alone with husband without maid? Mean just 3 ppl only
Scrumpee and mangogal,
Looking forward to the break from work and spending 24hrs with baby away from sg haha. Ya I think I will really need to start packing early as I realise there are so many things to pack. Just last Sunday we went for a nite stay at Amara at Sentosa, we bought sooooo many things becos baby needed all those stuff hehe.

Jiayou, I am sure you will be a super mummy without your hubby around.

Yes, I agree we have to pack early!! Maybe we can compare and share our lists so as to make sure we cover all our bases??

Oh, hb and I took M to Pan Pacific for a nights' stay and we also brought sooooo much things! I think her stuff is twice that of hb and mine combined! And because I am still bfd, I have to lug my pump there too. Next when we checked out, we discovered that we forgot to pack her bath thermometer and Avent steriliser cord back home. Typical of us to leave things at hotels!

I am planning to stop bfg soon, hope to stop before my London trip. But the thought of giving her a bottle makes me sad
Am sooo going to miss latching her when the time comes....Do you feel the same way when you stop bfg?
thks Sportyger, ya need God strength to be a super mummy alone at hm wif Caroline

Pei, even now I already miss the latching on as I reduce to latch her once a day only, I will stop latching once her upper teeth grow out
jia you .. u sure can make it !!

i also used to work from home &amp; took care of my little baby when she was 2 mths old. It's no joke especially when attended the meeting(conference call) and she keeps on crying for milk. I always end up mute the phone &amp; hardly pay attention and prayed that they dun ask me question/present anything .. i think i can only focus <50% on my work
jia you and hope your mil's getting well soon
forum is quiet these days ... i hardly login but still able to catch up the thread (good for me)
wonder where are all the mummies goes .. busy at work/planning to travel somewhere ..^0^
Great idea! Email you my list when its done

I know what u mean, the things we have to lug to the hotel was soooo many and its only for a nite stay. You bought your steriliser there?? I wanted to but my hubby said no as he tot it was crazy to bring such a huge item there. So we just boiled water and sterilise her bottles with that.
The one thing I missed when I stopped bf was also her latching on. But felt liberated from the pumping session hee.

God will definitely provide you with enough strength and wisdom to take care of Baby C.

oh dear. htank goodness that you have recovered and that A is getting better now. no fun taking care of a sick baby. you must take care of yourself babe. rem to eat breakfast!

and hallelujah re the job offer! is that something you like? and the remuneration is fair? so happy for you! will miss hanging out with you and bb A though.

hubby and i were just talking abt our plans for next year. might research on a business idea first. if that pans out then i'll stay as a Work-from-home mom. if not, i'll start checking out the mkt after she turns one.

donroxx, meerkat,
take care, ladies. hats off to you both for surviving thus far! mothers are amazing eh. hope things get better soonest.
