(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs


sure, i can bring you to Brown Rice Paradise... pls remind me ya

Scrumpee ...

Suggest that you have to let go ... its a choice that she has to make and she has to bear all the consequences in future.

As much as we try to help and all ... its really her life. Just do what you need to do and let go ... not good to let it affect you so much =p
starflower: I still feed my baby with the milk that contains blood. Read from many websites that it is safe.

scrumpee: Since it is affecting you so badly, I also suggest to let go and give up, although it is always easier said than done... (HUGS)
Serene: Tks for the joke!

Cough and running nose: My son has had running nose and cough since last Monday. Worse is, we had inadvertently overdosed him on cough medication by almost 3x the dosage for 1 week bcos the careless nurse printed the wrong dosage on the label
. Be careful, mummies...
The book did said steam the apple with skin to maintain max nutrition. Maybe it might be difficult or messy to cut and deseed a whole apple when it become so soft after steaming that why cut first??? Hmm... Ok, next time I try steam a whole apple.

Wow... yr id from 2003, Advanced Member!! I think those account before 15 November 2006 default can.

BTW, if no blender then maybe can try using fork to mash it. But I think only blender or food processor can make very smooth puree. I thought you bought Pigeon food maker set?

Haha.. tt was so funny!


OUCH! I experience once too.. no prob feeding to Eddric lehz.. he still happily lap the whole thing up

I agree w some mummies here.. I dunno abt ur girl but sometimes, we had to let go to see some results.. Step aside at times may give u a surprising good solution to the whole thing..
sun96, he didn't really put it straight to the point but he has been saying things like BF is so tiring, no need to continue for so long.. BB V hasn't been putting much weight, should switch to FM. Recently bb V hasn't been pooing well and he blame it on the BM that she's drinking coz I haven't been eating enough of fruits. He even offered my nephew's milk powder... I know he's trying to help but... I've put in so much effort in BF my girl, plus all nurses, docs, PD, articles I had come across say that BM is the best, I'm not going to give up BF that easily...
<font color="aa00aa">srumpee
do let it go... since it affecting yr mood so badly... no matter wat, u still hv to let her learn to be independent, u can't be w her forever...

i didn't get the food marker set... i got the bowl n spoon meant for weaning only... btw, best to start off with puree or cereal huh? plan to give my boi stg to try out tis thur...
if puree, then mayb i'll make the apple puree myself n feed him a tsp to try out... i oso bought the brown cereal fr healthytimes =)

some mummies recommended a blender, which brand is it n roughly how much huh?? but is it a must to get a blender to prepare bb's food in future?

dun tink bb not poo-ing is due to BM... my boi poo pattern is once in a wk but recently he's pooing daily, dun noe y... mayb his sys is getting norm liao... hahaha
my boi has lot of wind in his tum tum n my mum said due to BM so he's getting a lot of air... my mum did mentioned to me to stop BF-ing n chg to FM due to tat...
well, i'm telling myself as long as my ss is stable n i still can ta han, i'll try to give more than 6 mths if can... as wat u said, BM is the best...</font>
lizy, sunshine n breastfeeding moms. i'm so tempted to stop but not becos of others telling me to but becos i really want to sleep. so tired of milk dripping onto bed, stretch marks on my factories (sagging too! arggh!!!), blisters, etc. keep telling myself BM is best so must persevere. Lets persevere together! Jia You Jia You!
breastfeeding mums: Same here. There was a period of time of several weeks, where I continuously, consecutively and simultaneously got blocked ducts, swollen and bleeding nipples and I was so demoralised and tempted to give up, but persevered because BM is good for babies.

Anyway, I have almost reached my set target of 6 months, so going to stop soon. Can't wait!
for me... still hv another mth to reach 6 mths...
times realli flies, fr preggy, give birth, BF-ing, handling our bb n coming to weaning part... so fast...
donroxx,lipstar, sun, Jiayou!

me also reaching my target of 6 months soon.. now thinking to continue or stop.. sometimes really feel like stopping, cos I want my sleep back...
sun, i recommend the branu handheld blender. V easy to clean. I think i bought it at 40 plus. it is v useful to have puree, maybe next time can use it to blend some other food or make milkshake :p
Jo, Seabreeze and Lipstar
I feel much better now after lunch, sigh...I really must learn to be less uptight about her. Anyway, managed to locate her again and find out what happen...nothing serious and is forgivable.

True, she has to learn to take responsibilities and face challenges...she's not my child afterall, there's only so much I can do. Thanks all for giving the chance to vent out here, it relieves my stress..really.
i oso wan my sleep back!!! kakaka

where u get tat blender? courts? best denki??

glad tat everything is ok for u... =)
sun96: You have very cute icons!

I still have 2 weeks to reach 6 mths. But I have started to gradually reduce the amount I pump out each session.

Irene: Initially I was also thinking of whether to wait until he is 6 months old then reduce, but then we still need at least a few weeks to totally stop the ms. Wo hen lei le (I am very tired already). If I don't pump, each day can sleep at least 1.5 more hours. So I started to reduce even tho have not reached 6 months exactly.

scrumpee: That's good to know. :D
sun96: No more stock liao. Initially got A LOT. But his milk intake increased from 120 to almost 200ml. I pump out 200 x 3 a day. He drinks 200 x 5 a day. He is already 40% on formula.
sunshine.. your icons super cute loh.

everybody jia you! i'll bf as long as i can cos got no reserves.

serene.. my "slimming" treatment is bf-ing haha my cousin who bf for 1.5yrs lost ard 6 kg from pre-preggy. now her baby 3yrs old le the weight din come back =P
Milk powder
Our babies will be taking stage 2 of milk powder soon...have you all thought of any brands? Thought of continuing with NAN Pro2 but feel like changing to Enfalac as there's more DHA. Got a free can of Friso 2 too.
yr boi drinks a lot!!! my boi currently drinking 6oz only...

u try out n let us know... if effective, then i oso keen to try out... kekeke

re: milk powder
not yet lei... now giving my boi NAN Pro1... either stick to NAN or chg to Pediasure...

saluate to yr cousin for BFing 1.5yrs... dun tink i can ta han tat lllooonnnggg....
I've bought the Puri tea. Finished 1 box le, bowel movement was daily and I could feel the "load" off. I didn't weigh myself though

Milk Powder
I've got samples of Stage 2: Similac, NAN HA &amp; Mamil Gold. Has been giving Friso 1, thought of continuing with Friso 2. Intend to try the samples but afraid the change may affect my boy.
Hi Sun,
mine is a Delonghi blender which I bought very long time ago at $60+ to make fruit juice. It's a white elephant until now becoming useful again. But hubby don't like it as it is very noisy. But powerful because can crush ice.
Personally, I think we only need blender to make puree for a few months and then baby will take porridge and more solid food so no need to buy too ex one
Hey moms, anyone heard of 'liquid' talc, ie, not too powdery type? My girl has eczema in the cheek area (for which I'm using a medicated cream from PD). She also has redness at the crease of her neck so I feel like using talc there after bath.
Haloz mummies, super busy no time to read archives...went to meetup Ann they all for lunch just now at bugis for breather!
THey said I look daze..cos alot of things in my mind regarding work...haa:p
Head very big

Moo moo career:
Asura, Starflower &amp; Lipstar wah indeed it is not EASY!!!

Asura, hope both sides all ducts are clear liao!

Starflower, ouch feel pain for you n glad that the milk still can be consume by ur boy!
BTW do u use NUK nipple wipes?
It helps to clean n disinfect any bacteria, I use it at work, clean b4 &amp; after pump.

Lipstar, wah ur boy is big eater, u hv so much supply n yet he still need FM!!
Hee 2 more weeks u can pop champange liao!
How do u wean off?

BTW, any BF MUMMIES encounter fail to hv let down feeling or take SUUUPPPEEER long time to hv letdown while pumping ????
Tthese few days dunno why NO letdwn feeling or it takes suppppeeeeerrr looooong like 30mins!! Very irritated when no let down so alot of milk like stuck in my breast, cos can feel the lumps

Does stress affect the letdown feeling??
Asura, Sunshine, JoJo, Seabreeze &amp; Other FTWM pls advise &amp; share

Oh BTW, let my gal tried her 1st semi solid yest: Carrot/potatoe organic puree yest, bought it from a organic mini supermarket frm GreatWorld City.
haa she loves it..but we only let her try 2 or 3 mouthful just for fun..her face is so messy n her facial expression is super cute...
My mum called just now that her poo poo has a tinge of orange :p
Well I just ordered the cubes so will officially prepare our own puree when the cubes arrive, so excited!
mangogal ...

Yes too stress cant let down ... ever happen to me once when I had my #1 ... so I went for lunch ... relax then come back to pump

So i usually bring in my HP and play game or look at photos of my 2 boys to distract myself.

Also I use boiling water to steralise the parts ... so I will insert the funnel last so that it acts like a warm compress - dunno if you understand what i mean.

Am going to start SH on solid soon too ... had a conversation with my fren the other day and we came to conclude that both our #1 started solid at 6mth and turned out both fairly fussy and not adventurous when it comes to food.

She started her #2 her 5mth and he is so much better and easier to feed ... so I decided to start SH this weekend ... hmmm got to take out my book to read and see what to feed him heehee

Ahhhh this means that my blender will need to work hard AGAIN ... I usually steam and blend everything on Fri and then freeze them and use for the whole week =p
thks Seabreeze!
Ya think I too stress liao esp at work

Also at work while pumping, I always stare hard at my boobs to make sure the milk flow out properly,haha! :p

hee hope SH loves ur food, yest Caroline was 5 months 3 days when I start semi solid.
I bought Bellamy orgainc cereal suitable for 4 months onwards babies, will let her try soon this week

BTW, gathering at Mac again ah?
keke count me in but I prefer Sunday..we usually go church service on Saturday evening...
mangogal ...

Yar dun keep staring at your boobs lar ... they 'shy' so cant work well heehee think abt caroline or bring in a photo of her ... should help =)
sun 96 &amp; mangogal: Ya. 200 ml is bottle feed. I suspect if direct latch on, he will take more, because after he finishes the whole bottle, he still wants some more. Sometimes he cries or fusses. There was once, after he finished the whole bottle, I carried him on my left arm and held the empty bottle in my other hand and was about to walk to the kitchen and he actually lowered his head and put his mouth over the bottle teat and want some more. -_-
scrumpee: Yep. Still sterilising bottles and pump parts.

mangogal: Was pumping about 200-210 ml per session. Reducing 20ml per breast. So now pumping about 170ml. When they are not so lumpy, then I shall reduce another 40ml. And so on.

Same! I always stare at my breasts when I pump to make sure got milk come out until several times neck ache. -_-'
issit?? oh my... my hb's coll told him to try out pediasure... must do some hmwork liao...
thks for informing me!!!

i'll chk it out @ best denki... 10 Q!!

icic... tink i'll try making apple puree w/o blender tis thur for my boi to try out...
donroxx.... same here... ugly stretch marks and very saggy factories.. my HB also commentted they don't look as nice as they used to...(*sob*)

lipstar, wah your boy can drink so much milk! My girl can only drink the most 120ml per feed. Try to give her more, she would push the bottle away... If I were to let her latch on, she would stop whenever she wants to. There were a few times, I tried to put my nipple back to her mouth after she pushed it away with her tongue, she bite me....
sunshinebaby ...

pediasure is only for baby with 'eating problem' or underweight ... not for normal baby. its super rich and heaty as well ...
BTW, Any mummies gng to Taka bb fair this thurs?

I intend to buy Ameda pump leh..hiaz..i suspect is my Medela mini single pump charger gt problem, cos nowadays pump very little, only 100ml!
Then I use my finger to squeeze, milk oozz out like fountain, so wasted!!
Also usually can pump 150ml per session leh, how ah?

Lipstar thks for weaning off advise, I actually hope to breastfeed as long as I can but if I am putting my girl at infant care centre then maybe need to wean off, well I see how..byt right now I want to give her as much EBM as possible.

Stupid pump,grgg...!
Sorry very pek chek today becos no letdown n nw breasts feel lumpy

Cant wait to go hm now and let my girl latch on all the milk.
mangogal, lipstar
my neck n shoulder pain aft every pumping session... need to 'stare' at my boobs to make sure no leakage... no choice as i'm using single pump...

lizy: Wa! Your girl so fierce. ha ha.

sun96: Ya. I also use single pump. When I pump one side, the other side use bra with breast pad to soak up the milk.

mangogal: You're welcome and I understand. I also get frustrated when I get blocked ducts. Same thing. Lots of milk stuck inside, but squeeze and squeeze can't come out. Very painful...
