(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

i oso the same, nowadays super long let down even with latch on oso can take slightly longer than before n the worse thing is my boy tend to fuss n cry murder when the let down not in.. add onto this i became stress n even longer let down.. here's my trick, when u r doing pumping take a super deep breath in and out slowly n few times or drink hot/warm water best milo la.. also 10-15mins before latching/pumping i will put on medela milk collection shells n they seem to enlarge ur nipples further which i suspect it stimulate let down faster (it works on me)... hope they help, most importantly dun stress relax n dun stare at them.. like wat seabreeze mention they may be "shy"...hehhee

Pepper, thks gal!
for me, latch on no prob in let down, oki will try ur method
change ur pump.. coz mini sucks.. i can #@#$%%^%^ on tat lo.. whenever i use it, it will take like forever for my let down.. there's once i pump for nearly an hr with no let down at all lo.. pump till my nipples sore sia.. T.T
actually u can hear the motor difference if itz going to spoil, mine is like no energy sound lo..
super no mood to work, wait for 6pm to KO...

Lipstar, so far is it sactisfactory?

Hiaz buy new pump scared waste $$, any mummies want to sell me ur pump either Ameda or Medela swing?

Or manual pump better? As in can control let down n milk flow faster?
pisa lo.. i rented from someone for two months but sianz.. not using often oso.. coz doing mostly on direct latching which is much faster la.. hehhehe.. i use it when i am like doing puree which i pump once a day.. fresh milk with fruit/cereal..
ya.. but sometime i needed milk for his cereal/puree or when going out lazy to ltach on can give bottle ma.. hehehe
by the way, forgot to congratulate alfafa for successfully moo mooing for 6 months!!

I have only partialy b-fed for 6 months but feel like I won some prize already. Now going to treat myself to a nursing top or dress for every subsequent month I breastfeed. Must have incentive!
if you don't mind, can buy 2nd hand from the Want to sell thread. I tried Ameda, Medela Swing and Avent's Uno Isis, like Avent's best, suction power is the best for me.
ok thks Scrumpee
Whah how come u can try so many pumps? But Avent
THink I shld determine even more to continue bf my girl till she is 1 yr old cos at infant care, the chances of falling sick is even greater
So good excuse to me to invest a good pump,hehe!
Hee...now I feel better liao after a yummy nasi lemak dinner & I think I just heard my girl called Ba!! Hubby is so excited now

Was thinking of gn to take NPL or toying idea to be SAHM but think now cant liao, cos hubby gng to change his lao kok kok 5 yr old Hyundai Getz car to Honda Freed n he gotten approved for the car loan

Pumpkin, yeap reward urself so u will hv greater motivation to continue moo mooing

I like.

Thanks again :D

btw i'm not in the forum much these days, even with a new mobile internet device. too many things to do irl.
speaking of weaning,

does anyone know that when giving purees, do u replace the milk volume with the same puree volume or less?
<font color="119911">sassy,
can u make it? bring ur elder one k.

Anchorvale CC Mac breakkie. Time: 930am
1. Kris
2. Vernice80
3. Sportyger
4. Asura
5. Sunshinebb??
6. Jojo
7. Managogal</font>
oh, and i haven't been steaming the fruit i have so far given him (apples and pears). Doesn't heat degrade vitamin C? Besides, unless it's seriously overripe, fruit is largely sterile as its encased in a skin, no?

like bananas can't be steamed right...

ya.. come to think of it.. we have been thru a lot.. pregnancy, childbirth then Breast feeding.. i am also aiming to breastfeed for 1 yr... sekali stop liao got to get preggy for a rabbit baby.. hahaha...

i also not firm yet.. will see if i want a second one.. i am too old already and no energy to take care of new born. If no rabbit baby.. then no more.. factory close liao. hehe

i see i see. i guess i have been lucky with the apples i have chosen so far cos they haven't been that tart and are quite juicy so blended well. hee.
wah lao.. I salute those mothers who can BF for more than a year.. I gt a colleague who BF for 3 years! Gonna stop at 6 mths too.. see how it goes..

I want to get back to my diving, sun bathing, yachting activities!!! I need the sun, sand and beach.. Im becoming a vampire soon.. too fair!
Anyway, saw a friend on MSN and chatted a while with her.. Ever since I was pregnant, I've never had the time to meet "that gang".. Realised how much I have missed out bt yet I really have no time to catch up.. Feel so lousy that Im losing friends coz' of Eddric.. A little resentful that Im married with KIDS.. Haiz.. No time to party, no time to travel, no time to shop, I even have no time for facebook!

Ameda is very good to clear blocked ducts and my let down is very fast.. I usually pump only ten min to get 140 ml..u may wan to try it..
I have 1 tin of Nan Pro 1 which bought from M'sia 2 mths back for back up purpose. It is brand new &amp; expiry Oct 2010. But bless me that the supply is well enough for my LO. So, i am selling it off at S$24. Pls pm me ...
i'm using Ameda too.. i think it's quite good.. i usually pump 3x a day, each times 20-25mins. So far no block duct ...

chicco polly highchair can be purchased from mothercare. Both Jo and I bought it from there. They were having sales a while back, not sure if it's still on. Was selling at 300+ and after discount is 200+.
jo, missy

I also want to resume my non-kid's life activities leh... I think we lose some (single) friends but also gain other friends (those with kids!) So net net almost the same. Just different types.
i tried ameda, avent, mini electric b4... but still prefer swing... juz got my swing a mth back only... so far the simulation is gd, love it!!!

re: taka bb fair
i'm gg too but on sat... u update me any gd offers when u back fr the fair, ok??
but ntuc dun carry earth best pdt right? available at cold storage?
sun - hee hee hee... jus sent u.. do check n lemme knw if received. thanks

pei - yes so true... ive lost single frns but gained a number of mummy frns
<font color="aa00aa">hey mummies, didn't get to log in today till now. It was a bad day for me since last night.

Firstly, I donno how but injured my left back 神经线. Can't twist/bend/walk properly/ carry Joel. This morning got worse and get my parents to pick me up and see chinese sinseh. He said luckily I went early otherwise it can be more diificult/dangerous for me. Sigh...so bo bian sent Joel back to mum's place tho I am on CCL.

Secondly, was busy helping my hb to look for donors on standby for platelets for his sis's up coming bone marrow transplant. My SIL is suffering from luekemnia. realise its not easy to find donors too. another sigh...</font>

<font color="0000ff">To mummies who are still BF, persists on if u can! U will be glad that u did after all. I have to stop due to work commitments, otherwise, i will still continue despite my mum's persuasion to stop to make her job easier
JIA YOU!</font>

<font color="ff0000">sun</font> - my friend told me pediasure will cause gain weight leh cos more fatty but i not sure how true is that. My friend is a counsellor for families with problem kids and those under nutirtion one is always recommend pediasure to booast weight gain

<font color="ff0000">nancy</font> - just saw that Kodomo has liquid talc from motherhood magazine. maybe u can try?

<font color="ff0000">kris</font> - thanks for updating the list. I think sassy can't make it and now with my situation, i would have to see how things go leh...

ohoh i finally stop pumping last Fri too heehee. was still pumping a bit while i was india but i was also sick then so the pump results were pathetic!! so finally decide to stop liaoz. but my reserves also finished liaoz cos my mum feeding joel very often heehee

<font color="ff0000">jojo</font> - but u r gaining a group of NEW friends because of Eddric right? Look on brighter side. u still can do all those activities if u bear to leave eddric to ur mil. I will be leaving Joel with my mum when I go to NZ this Nov for work and holidays! heehee..anyway my parents don allow me to bring him out.

oh i also considered myself lucky cos this yr suddenly all married friends are preg so we share a bit of topic too.

<font color="ff0000">missycandy</font> - what did u send? i didn't receive anything wor

Thanks missy for the email. Dr Oh Meng Choo is my PD! She's a nice lady.

Cheers for the doidy cup, and thumbs up to you, Ann and Inya for babysitting Shayna at lunch today! She was surprisingly well behaved today.
Great seeing Nancy and Mango too.

