(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs


Thanks.. i am still in the midst of reading up.

annt, omg now you tell me! Pls PM me your number then, cos I am always checking on stuff at TM.

speaking of Braun blenders, they are really good and last a loooong time. My mum passed me one which is about 20 years old and works so well that they didn't change the mechanics all these years. I could still buy the spare part for it! Plus it grinds so finely, even chilli seeds can be ground up. Now I just have to bring it our more often to use.

oh yes, those who have cars and a generous freezer, you can go to Woodlands Terrace where all the factories are and buy food in bulk. Smoked salmon, sirloin steaks at low prices. went with my mum once but my freezer is too small so I just tag onto her order when she goes.
oh is anyone interested in Mandarin trial class?

I wanted to sign up but think they don't have enough people. It's for a weekday class and 5 babies each class. Went for the Speech & Drama trial but I think not much point for babies this age. More interested in the Mandarin one as we don't speak it at home so hope to get her ear used to it.
Location at The Central, opp Clarke Quay. Nice new cosy studio.

thanks for the info! that's wat i did but she won't stay still.. keep flipping to my side of the bed and blabbling. then will grab my tee to get my attention.. aiyo..

Are there more variety of single flavour bb food for bb at tanglin? So far, i have got apples, pears, banana, sweet potatoes, butternut squash, peas, carrot. tried 4 on my gal liao... she loves butternut squash most,.

hehe.. babies are like that. mine sometimes too when i ignored her then she will start to "cry" for attention.. after a while when she knows that i am ignoring her..( no eye contact) she sucks her own thumb and fall asleep.
my boi oso dun wan to sleep last nite... norm pat him a while on my bed, he'll sleep but last nite dun now y he's cranky, aft 'battle' w him for 45 mins he still dun to sleep...
actually can see tat he's tired one but juz dun wan to close his eyes... no choice, last resort, carry n pat him then he slept... tsk tsk tsk...

my boi oso timid lor... as i mentioned to prosper, he kinda frightened when playing pee a poo w him... *faintz*
hopefully bring him out more to social ard will help a bit...

where is the place that you mentioned for getting frozen food in bulk? i know its woodlands Terrace.. can give me the name of the company?

I am keen on Speech and drama class but at this stage.. not much for babies ya? i would want her to go for english as my parents do speak a lot of dialect and mandarin to her though..
can pm yr particular again for the kindermusik class?? 10 Q!!!

yr ger can sleep on her own... so envy...
tink asura's ger oso can sleep on her own...
u n yr hb can communicate english w her n yr parent will use mandarin instead... i'm practising tat too...

Brianne do cry the house down sometimes when she is grouchy.. too tired or overstimulated

okie.. i PM u my details, can't wait for kinder musik.. then we can go shop and makan with the mummies, babies & hubbies?

my hubby's english is broken.. he is using chinese sentence structure to build his english sentences, Some of his pronounciation is not really accurate too. muahahah..
mine is sometimes broken too.. i have to keep reminding myself to speak proper when i talk to her kakaka
i tink my hb n my ang mo oso cannot make it one... oh no, must speak proper huh... jia lat...

re: kindermusik
aft the class, wanna go tanglin place to shop shop, get some puree for my boi... u wanna go too?? let's go 2gether.... kekeke
recently been silently reading too.. dunno wat to post.. but ya, babies r growing up v quickly.. getting too smart for me to handle too.
Gonna start on solids at 5.5 mths..
hi mummies, sorry to interupt, I'm selling $500 takashimaya voucher at 10% discount. Let me know if you're interested in any amount (min $100 to deal). sms 96200184. TAKASHIMAYA BABY FAIR 27TH AUG
You have more or less covered the single ingredient purees avail at tanglin mall. But if you don't mind considering gerber as well, there is also peach and prune. Oh yes, there is also broccoli from gerber but that is for stage 2.

my parents grew up in indonesia where their teachers don't really speak Accurate mandarin back then. even for now.. i dun think the country have such good mandarin teachers.

I only asked my mum and dad to teach her teochew, my dialect so Brianne does not loose her "mother's" tongue.. i am a teochew and her daddy is half hokkien and half teo chew. hahah

OOh... peach and prune... is it organic? Broccoli is for stage 2. Stage 2 is 6 mths and above? By the way, which part in Tanglin? Cold storage?
Hi Sun, Lenny,
Beside Mandarin and English, my hubby want baby to learn Malay and Hokkein too! HaHa...
I think her first word is 抱抱 (carry) because there was once she was in the stroller crying to be carried. My hubby said to her "you want 抱抱?" and to our surprise she reply 抱抱!

RE: puree
Last Sat self-make apple puree and fed baby lim, but she doesn't seem to like it
in the end I have to finish it for her...

<u>WTS: Pigeon disposable breast pads</u>
I have 2 boxes not open, 1 box opened and left 34pcs. Anybody interested plse PM me? letting go at $20 (total 118pcs) as no MS. Self collect at Punggol.

BTW, anybody manage to get access to create new thread in WTS section?
How to cope with 3 kids ... hahaha .. I also don't know how I cope .. no timing for myself lor ... everyday work then straight home accompany the kids .. then when they sleep then it's my time to watch TV .. weekend worst .. all time spent on kids ...

fortune teller in China ever predicted I got 5 kids ... faint man ...

keronjeris : most impt is healthy baby and we will be happy ...

Cough and flu babies : If can don't see PD as the western medicine is too strong for our babies ... if can see chinese physician, like Bryan also got the cough/flu bugs from the sisters so I bought him to Yu Guo for message and some med to put on belly button and after a few rounds he is ok ..

Bananas Puree : If not wrong bb below 1 best don't take banana .. cannot remember why .

Its at the supermarket at the basement called Market Place. I don't think Gerber is organic and i have seen it at Giant and NTUC as well. ya, stage 2 is for 6months and above and the jar is quite big as well. By the way, I have visited Brown Rice Paradise, an organic shop at Tanglin Mall and basically the selection of single-ingredient purees is the same as Market Place.
i'm oso half hokkien + half teochew... my hb is hokkien... my mum bbsit bryan so tok to him in dialect... tink more or less my boi sure will absorb some....
yup, let's see other mummies interested to join us aft the class...

re: apple puree
how u make it??

re: WTS
i can access n post... u need me to post for u?? recently i juz posted for teddybb... coz she oso can't access...

where's brown rice paradise? mayb we can go 2gether aft our kindermusik class??
Wish_a_boy, you're a superwoman!! You're working and still have to take care of 3 kids, that's really not easy. I only have a baby girl and working too and I keep complaining that I'm tired and don't have my personal time... After reading your post, I feel that what I've been going through is really nothing... I really "peifu" you man!
Cough N Flu: Since Friday, my girlgirl has been having flu. Though she's been prescribed with flu medicine, we were told by PD to give her the medicine only when it gets serious. So we only give her the nose drop (Normal Saline) to clear her nose so that she sleeps better and no medicine till today. And since she's been drinking my breastmilk, I believe my antibody will also pass on to her to help her fight the flu virus bah... I also had flu 2 days after my girl has it and jus recovered today...
hm...last few days baby K treat my nippies as teether, so painful....then mum called to say there's a lump of reddish thing in the milk bottle, wonder if its blood that coagulates together when pumping out?

*sigh* looks like gotto throw another 200ml.....
oohh... *sayang*
tell baby K tat's his milk ss... cannot treat as teether... educate him??

dun worry, our antibodies will help to fight the virus one... yr ger will recover soon!!!
Hi Sun,
How did you manage to get access? I email the admin (Bee Lan) before but no reply.

I follow a book title "first foods" to made the apple puree.

1) cut the apple in quarters and remove the core; do not remove skin.
2) stream the apple for 15min
3) let apple cool down then scoop out the apple fresh; discard the skin
4) use a blender to make into puree

I shall try again with a sweeter apple next time.
A Joke!

No Speak English

A Russian woman married a Canadian gentleman and they lived happily ever after in Toronto . The poor lady was not very proficient in English, but did manage to communicate with her husband. The real problem arose whenever she had to shop for groceries.

One day, she went to the butcher and wanted to buy chicken legs. She didn't know how to put forward her request, and in desperation, clucked like a chicken and lifted up her skirt to show her thighs. Her butcher got the message, and gave her the chicken legs.

Next day she needed to get chicken breasts, again she didn't know how to say it, and so she clucked like a chicken and unbuttoned the upper part of her blouse and pointed her breast to the butcher. The butcher understood again, and gave her some chicken breasts.

On the 3rd day, the poor lady needed to buy sausages. Unable to find a way to communicate this, she brought her husband to the store...

What were you thinking?
Hellooooooo, her husband speaks English!

Have a nice day.

Poor gal.. *sayang sayang*. Maybe try to tick bb K on the lip if he bites? Cos I did that to my bb when she tried to bite (lucky without tooth) and she stop doing that liao.
blood in milk can still drink one, don throw away
If really scare, then just remove the lump from milk will do

Same prob here with WTS. Sigh...no response from admin one
Yeah sun96, that's what I've been telling myself and the reason for me not giving up BF despise the constant discouragement from my father...
for the life of me I just cannot figure out what is wrog with my FB photos. I have been trying to upload pics but to no avail. Sorry, here is a pic of your custom taggies. Patchwork style ;) hope you like it! Looks much better in real actually.


erm the colours are actually really vibrant, not washed out like in the above pics.And the bottom right corner black velvet ribbon is of the same length as the rest, just wasn't properly positioned when I took the pic.

actually I attended the Nestle nutritionist talk during the feb's 6mth bash and they recommended steaming the apple in whole with the skin and all. This is the best way to maintain max nutritions (min evaporation etc). After steaming it soft then we remove the skin and puree. Yah this was new to me too. Makes sense actually.
starflower, asura
my sympathies! Gracie too. And when I scold her she would give me one of her super enduring gum grins. Aiiiiiiiii

hahahahha funny siah
wow you win handsdown! really peifu you. my elder sis too. she is a career woman handling 3 kids, and to make that worse, she is a single parent.

she reallyt has no life outside of wrk and kids
Hi teddybaby,
I just PM admin to try my luck again.

Thanks Sun for yr offer. Will PM you if needed. Need to sort out what to clear first.
i'm not sure but all along i can post using my nick... mayb i'm more than yr old user tat's y can post ba...

re: apple puree
i dun hv blender lei... then how huh??

tat's funny!!! LOLx

yr father wan u to stop BFing?? wat's the reason behind?? BFing is always gd if u can do tat for a yr for yr ger...
<font color="aa00aa">any mummies interested??? hopefully can hv 12 babies so we can enjoy their promo, 1 FOC for 12 babies</font>

<font color="0000ff">Kindermusik Trial Class
($25.50 incld gst)
(if there are 12 pax, 1 is FOC. we wil spilt the payment. So each person pays $23.40. If less than 12, will be $25.50 each)
(only 1 parent is allowed in the room, however, there is a glass panel which the other parent cn see. there will be a quiet time where you can swap position with your other half if you like.)
(no photos/videography during the session. They can be taken only before or after the session)

After putting ur name on the list, kindly pm sun96 for 13th Sept class &amp; missycandy for 27th Sept class - ur real name &amp; surname, contact, baby's name &amp; baby's birthdate

Sun 13th Sept 2009 10am
1. Lenny Susanty
2. Sunshinebaby
3. wintertime
4. Annt
5. Idlecat
6. Lizy
7. Kat

Sun 27th Sept 2009 10am (FULL!!)
1. missycandy
2. queenie
3. jtho
4. pinksorbet
5. daphne crosailo kang
6. Vernice
7. alfafa
8. Pei (pls pm me ur details. thx)
9. fatfish
10. corene (need ur details thanks)
11. sung
12. babydreams

The saga of the girl that I counselled continues. Everytime I have some hope that things will work out, anther saga is sure to happen. I really really feel like giving up on her. She said she loves me and appreciate what I did but why does she has to do things that goes against her promise to me? She is affecting my mood, my work and family life. I keep telling myself to let her go, don't contact her anymore but I don't have the heart to do it. I really feel like crying, how I wish someone will take over this burden from me. I have this burden for 11 years already,isn't it not enough? Why why??

My life would have been perfect (doting parents and hubby, cute son and a stable job) if not for her. Why do I have to meet her? Maybe 11 years ago, I shouldn't have gone to look for her
