(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

hi sportyger,

you can drop me from gymboree. 12noon is bree's nap time.. if she is not napping, she is really grouchy.will defeat the purpose for the trial n will disturb the rest of the mummies n babies.

have fun!!
Okie sure, hope to see Bree soon at the 6th mth bash then
thanks mummies for sharing on the solid for babies and the schedule for feeding

It's really amazing to see babies of almost same age growing and with similar habits. My boy also "cough" a lot these days which then my hubby was asking is he trying to catch our attention hahaha. Now that i've read from mummies here i think he is haha.

BTW mummies Taka Baby Fair is here again starting from this Thursday 27th Aug - 13 Sept.

The duckie tub is really cute but actually the size is quite small. I wanted to get it also because I am travelling at the end of the year and it would be easy to bring the tub along as it is inflatable.
does ur boi rub very hard or gently one? mine very hard one leh

oh small huh...like that have to see first...
wah! so long never log in le. so happening.. so many gatherings and trial lessons. didn't manage to read the archive.

sunshinebb I'm interested in the kindermusik trial!

Kindermusik Trial Class
($25.50 incld gst)
(if there are 12 pax, 1 is FOC. we wil spilt the payment. So each person pays $23.40. If less than 12, will be $25.50 each)
(only 1 parent is allowed in the room, however, there is a glass panel which the other parent cn see. there will be a quiet time where you can swap position with your other half if you like.)
(no photos/videography during the session. They can be taken only before or after the session)

After putting ur name on the list, kindly pm sun96 for 13th Sept class & missycandy for 27th Sept class - ur real name & surname, contact, baby's name & baby's birthdate

Sun 13th Sept 2009 10am
1. Lenny Susanty
2. Sunshinebaby
3. wintertime
4. Annt (pls pm Sun ur details)
5. Lizy
6. Kat(flutedreamz)

Sun 27th Sept 2009 10am (FULL!!)
1. missycandy
2. queenie
3. jtho
4. pinksorbet
5. daphne crosailo kang
6. Vernice
7. alfafa
8. Pei (pls pm me ur details. thx)
9. fatfish
10. corene (need ur details thanks)
11. sung
12. babydreams

welcome to the new mummies! Victoria and Yuki!

aiya.. didn't know taka and isetan got fair and discount! just bought the duckie tub at only 10% discount! sobz...

ya.. my girl also rub eyes very hard until red red..
<font color="ff0000">kris</font> - let's do on sat? Some mamas may need to go church on sun

I start the ball rolling!

<font color="0000ff">Anchorvale CC Mac breakkie. Time: 930am
1. Kris
2. Vernice80
3. Sportyger
4. Asura
5. Sunshinebb??
u got pm!

sunshine bb
u got pm!

Re: gathering

aiya.. i can't make it on all the tue gatherings leh.. need to work in the evening so scared bb will get cranky after the gatherings when i bring her to mil place. sobz..

u free on 3 sept ah? heh.. can meet u for lunch!
re: hair loss

me also losing hair very badly. bedroom floor have lotsa hair until my hubby keep complaining.. i also need to pick up alot of loose hair from my bed and pillow.. sobz.. is the phyto shampoo really good?

re: bb cough

ya.. my girl also will cough more frequently now.. my mil thought she got choked or sick.. haha.. think it's only her playing with saliva bah..

I am also keen if can accomodateme. Remove lenny for you liao.

The list for the gymboree:
1. sportyger
2. sunshinebaby
3. prosper
4. minnie24
5. missycandy
6. blurjen
7. babe kazooie
8. keron &amp; Jeris
9. pinksorbet
10. JoJo
11. vernice80
12. Idlecat
13. Jean
14. Queenie (??)
15. Seabreeze
16. Asura

I am also keen if can accomodateme. Remove lenny for you liao.

The list for the gymboree:
1. sportyger
2. sunshinebaby
3. prosper
4. minnie24
5. missycandy
6. blurjen
7. babe kazooie
8. keron &amp; Jeris
9. pinksorbet
10. JoJo
11. vernice80
12. Idlecat
13. Jean
14. Queenie (??)
15. Seabreeze
16. Asura
<font color="ff0000">lenny</font> - so u reading silently? heehee...if mine is gal, think my hb will also flip cos my mum will join in the craze keekee

<font color="ff0000">irene</font> - bo bian..no handicarft hand so got to pay ppl lor..
hi mummies, sorry to interupt, I'm selling $500 takashimaya voucher at 10% discount. Let me know if you're interested in any amount (min $100 to deal). PM me please. TAKASHIMAYA BABY FAIR 27TH AUG
<font color="aa00aa">Kindermusik Trial Class
($25.50 incld gst)
(if there are 12 pax, 1 is FOC. we wil spilt the payment. So each person pays $23.40. If less than 12, will be $25.50 each)
(only 1 parent is allowed in the room, however, there is a glass panel which the other parent cn see. there will be a quiet time where you can swap position with your other half if you like.)
(no photos/videography during the session. They can be taken only before or after the session)

After putting ur name on the list, kindly pm sun96 for 13th Sept class &amp; missycandy for 27th Sept class - ur real name &amp; surname, contact, baby's name &amp; baby's birthdate

Sun 13th Sept 2009 10am
1. Lenny Susanty
2. Sunshinebaby
3. wintertime
4. Annt
5. Idlecat
6. Lizy
7. Kat

Sun 27th Sept 2009 10am (FULL!!)
1. missycandy
2. queenie
3. jtho
4. pinksorbet
5. daphne crosailo kang
6. Vernice
7. alfafa
8. Pei (pls pm me ur details. thx)
9. fatfish
10. corene (need ur details thanks)
11. sung
12. babydreams
last sat went GAP baby n there r a lot of nice ger ger clothing!!! how i wish i've a daughter to doll her up!!! kakaka
woooeeem long time no post silent reading :p

Last week went to PD, he's 5 mths 2 weeks at 69cm, 7.2kg. PD say at 6 months can start porridge...have no clue how to do that :S do i start with a slow cooker?
starflower - boil until "lan" ?

arghhhhhhhh i dunno wana go for bb fair or not... geeshhh... and im off on thurs.. kakaka... saw the april mummies meeting for lunch and then shop... hurhurhur...

annt - hmmm... apologies... baby bash is full already... maybe you can join some of the mummies on 1st sept at tamp?

yep i am reading most of the time and did some posting as well.

now i am trying to find time to read up about weaning and come up with a schedule apart from sourcing for classes for Bree. looking out for swimming and the likes of gymboree.

had a feedbcak from friend that what happens in kindermusik, we can do it ourselves at home. nevertheless, i still would like to do the trials and see how Bree responds to them before i sign up for anything.

hoping to take up baby sign language with hubby as well but it all depends on his travelling schedule. haiz..
sung.. it might be true woah! my baby laughs a lot even without pple entertaining him and my hair also drop a lot. i hope my baby would leave me some hair with all his laughing haha.

alfafa.. that is your dad with the super long chain of wooden balls? is it very heavy? respect respect. if can slim down, can teach us or not? open class for 'slimming with alfafa' =)

prosper.. your gal is learning fast! amazing that their little minds have such great capacities.
Caleb's Mummy,

Tries to repsond to you on FB but hang wor.. Brianne did went for the trial at Harbourfront she turned a few rounds in the tub but she cried after 5 minutes.. we didn't sign up the package cos she is crying the house down ahaha...
lenny - erm no? i didnt meet the feb mummies? i only go in to read once in awhile.. same goes for april mummies... so happens saw some of them mentioning stay at sembawang.. hee hee.. so maybe cn meet up in future..
i have however met jan mummies.. hee.. so happen they had gathering at one of the mummie's plc few blks away and i was invited... so i went...
caleb's mummy is me...miss83

ohh when did u bring her for the swim? maybe because i just bring caleb when he is 5 mths old..now is older and can enjoy more..who knows if i bring him 2 months ago, he'll be cranky too..
hi mommies, I have friso stage 2 to give away.. anyone wants? exchange for some voucher also can.. any amt la.

Unopened. Also have a tin of enfa stage 1, open but used only once or twice. Any one wants? free.

else, will donate to dustbinnnn haha!
e bb pix looked sooo cute...muz b qite a sight seeing bbs interact...

ani1 has LO able to pucker one's lips as if trying to chew...my boi loves doing tat...

he oso likes to use a mini hankie or beanie pillow to cover part of his face when he wanz to sleep or playing...there was once my mom saw him trying to pull e sarong of yl to his chest...like pulling one's blanket to sleep...

he can oso do gong xi gong xi n my his back is getting stronger...he's learning to use his butt n neck to try getting out frm Bumbo n FP Rocker...getting more mobile...better watch out...

Food...jus on rice cereal/plain cereal w milk...come 5th mth, start on veg/fruits...

Q: Ladies, e purees u make...how many % fresh vs % bottled? E issues to consider is e pricing/use of preservatives/freshness/ nutrients involved eh...? Muz b e puree b of some taste? Or ok to taste bland...?


<font color="0000ff">so many outings n classes but either its held on a sun...near church timing or far far places...wan to go but tink timing not suitable...</font>

<font color="ff0000">lenny</font> - u all really good mums! reading up so much and sourcing for good class. ever since preggie till now, i nvr read up on anything before. all learning from this forum heehee lazy me!

<font color="ff0000">missy</font> - is that sinmey's n ur bb 'kissing'? heehee
<u>RE: feeding schedule</u>

Just for sharing, extract from a book, meal planner for 4 to 6 mth olds:-


PM me if you want to know the title of the book.

regarding bb's first food.. i am still contemplating if i should rely on glass jars or make my own considering i am alone with Brianne with no help. haiz..


i normally place her next to me then i just ignore her and sleep after telling her its night time and ask her to sleep. i knew she kept looking at me but i "close" my eyes to watch her but just let her blabber herself to sleep
