(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

oh my, wat a huge drama...she want to cheat some money fr u? aka a loan or wat? really go to the extremes...sigh.
sassy ...


better send her back. Something is wrong with her. I won;t feel safe with a liar in the house, esp not when there are little ones around. My goodness, this just gives me the chills at the though of hiring one next time when I have #2.

Hey hope things get better for you ok? :-(
Hang in there babe. Hire a professional nanny if need be, and amah on wheels for cleaning.

poor thing. Hope you are not still working yah? Yah boy, all depends on your immediate boss and team. There are always mad people everywhere.

told my ex colleague already but she is persuading me to try out one project that doesn't require printing, soft copy will do. So macromedia freehand is fine. Ok lah. Thought I will give it a shot though I have not touched graphic design for years liao. Somemore mine is anyhow wack one heeeeeeeeee self taught during my first job in marcoms cos our in house designer was always swamped with too much work. Out of desperation I went to learn by myself.

Need to find myself the software first. Will download a trial version for now.

Actually my biggest challenge is time. still have 6 more orders to go. Aiyayaya
sassybaby.. wah your maid is terrible! is she still with you or send back to agency already? can get replacement? oh best to check the maid's room before u receive the new maid; my auntie's new maid backed out after a day cos she saw a letter written by the previous maid.
sassybaby, can understand ur frustration. but thank God that she did not do any harm to your family prior to this episode. it is really scary and insecure to have her around. has the police interrogate her of the cause? she is really a drama mamma..
alfafa, i brought him to a gp near my plc. apparently he has cert for dermatology but he just mention not to apply when it gets better and did not inform me about the 4 days period. today is the 4th day. it gets better now but with our weather, he will still scratch aft we apply the cream. wonder cld it be too mild. however, i will be bring him to see his pd next week for his 6 months vaccination and assessment. hopefully the pd will be in a better position to help if it doesnt heal by then.
missycandy, read u got a new job..congrats! so wld u get to rest for a while b4 starting ur new job? anyway, i still cant confirm if my hubby is going for the 6 mth bash. however, i will transfer the money to u for me alone first.
sassybaby, oh my god! U really need to send her back when all this is settled. She seems so scheming n can lie with open eyes! I hope she doesn't say nonsense to the police. Hugs and thank goodness u got your gf with u. Kiss to farelle n ryken la.. You n hubby too kind hearted liao! Forgive her time n time again n this is how she repay you... Jialat. Take care babe.

Better send her back.. i had enough horrors about such maid..

honestly speaking,.. the better batch is already out of their country, the worst ones are still in Indo.. trust me.

In my aunt's neighbourhood yrs back.. there has been murder..

This family.. comes from another country.. i donlt remember where.. but the guy was posted to Jakarta to work. so he came earlier before his wife and 2 kids..

the home that they are supposed to stay are not completed yet.. so wife and kids goes over later.
when the wife reached the home... he found no signs of her husband... no car.. no nothing.. so she called his office and was told that he did not report to work for a few days already.

wife reported police and did a search.. still no news after a week plus.. In desperation, wife seek help from medium..

they finally found his body.. buried in his own home.

they managed to catch the maid.. this maid.. went around the neighbourhood looking for job. this guy apparently engaged her.. she asked her gang to come over to rob the house.. the robbers knocked the imigrant unconscious.. then thought he was dead and buried him with cement.. he was actually buried alive.

Another similar case, wife and 2 kids are murdered.. but not in my aunt's neighbourhood la..

our family's encounter.. our maid.. took a tin of biscuits, 2 boxes of tissues and left midnight suddenly..

we were supposed to send her back the very next day cos she say she miss her family in Kampung. our neighbour saw her left and ask her where she is going.. she told our neighbour that my mum ask her to run errands neighbour find it weird and ask us next morning then we realised she ran away... of course when we woke up, we couldnlt find her.

Lucky for us.. she did lock our doors and gates for us. Phew...

Thanks for the cream.. Bree's eczema is clearing up..

* Brianne say thanks to Auntie Babydreams and Alfalfa*

here's her latest pic with one of her funny hand signs

wa....... sassy... u need to get her out asap... danger to ur lil ones... hai... such horror stories really make me think many times b4 getting a maid... ive met many nice maids ... but also met some not so nice... (all my patients one la) hee heee... nice r reli nice.. nt nice reli not nice! gd luck sassy!

scrumpee/pinksorbet/corene/p3pp3r - thanks thanks... havent signed yet..waiting for the pay package n details b4 i decide =P haha.

p3pp3r - yes i prayed to God abt all this crap im going thru and to show me what i shld do.. and stuff... i told him im leaving it all to him and in His Hands... so i guess He is working hard for me... =P Now to just wait til Monday...
mummies, there are 15 more slots for the bash... those who are keen kindly confirm asap... we need to settle the food... goodie bags... etc etc... i will set a cut off date... hope you all understand... by Sunday 23rd August 09. All payments have to reach me by then. Thank you!

ah yes. minus corene wld be 14 slots. hee. =P
Hi Mummies, sorry to intrude

Selling a quite a few packets of Pampers Active Baby Diapers (the purple packaging premium ones).
All bought locally from GIANT, unopened and brand new.
Selling at $15 per packet due to my girl changing brand.

M44 Size (9-14kg) - 10 packets available
L38 Size (6-11kg)- 28 packets available

Hi Missy,

Hubby isflying back early for his reservist. For the Birthday Bash, I will go alone cos he don't know what time he will book out. Do exclude him for lunch.

He might be coming to pick me up, or if earlier, he would like to attend the talks etc.. Do let me know if i need to pay to attend the talks and the cooking demo, etc. i will transfer the amount upon your reply..

Thanks Missy!
hi mummies!

<font color="ff0000">venice,</font>
thanks for coordinating with WOK. have pm you

<font color="ff0000">missycandy,</font>
wow, it's great you so fast found another job
hope they offer you great terms and pay hee good luck!

<font color="ff0000">sassy,</font>
your maid very scary
read your encounter until my probia of maids deepen. how could she juz lie and even commit suicide like tat. worrying how it'll be like if she's home alone with kids *shudder* must must send her back. hopes all turn out well for you. must tong for this period!

<font color="ff0000">lenny,</font>
brianne very cute! her complexion looks very good now. hee hee her cheek so chubby and kissable!

btw mummies,
re: cleaning of bb toys and stuff
how do you mummies clean now? i'm only using wet towel to wipe every week. except for the teether items is every day. wondering if can use dettol but worry should we rinse after tat (and if rinse, will the anti-bacteria properties be washed off). or should special cleaning agents coz saw this bp selling cleaning products they said used by childcare centres (abit exp though)


how do you all clean? esp now bb putting everything into their mouths? tia for sharing!

Thanks!!.. i am still working on other parts of her body to clear her eczema.

for cleaning brianne's teether, i am using pigeon hand and mouth wipes. its in yellow packaging the u can find in watson's etc.. its using 100% food grade ingredients thus safe for baby.

Thanks!!.. i am still working on other parts of her body to clear her eczema.

for cleaning brianne's teether, i am using pigeon hand and mouth wipes. its in yellow packaging the u can find in watson's etc.. its using 100% food grade ingredients thus safe for baby.
hi dear mummies, pls understand, i do not reserve seats. seats wil be reserved and given upon payment.

lenny - once u have done the payment, ur seat is booked. let me knw okie? thanks!
hi missycandy, have transferred $28 to you. my hubby + baby will be going. transaction ref: 2404095148

I will collect my doiby cup from you on that day, thanks!
o saying of holding bottle, mine can hold his bottle quite well but not much practise for him coz i m doing mostly on direct latching.. hahhaha.. so cool hor, such young age knows how to hold bottles liao..

omg! so drama.. itz so unsafe with such maid living among the family.. aiyo.. good good.. send her back soon.. it must be tough for u to handle two kids with no helper.. *hugs*

sure sure.. np! =)

i m sure GOD will provide u with good package when he had this job for u.. good luck! will continue pray for ya..
<font color="ff0000">asura</font> - don't think i will wait either..maybe taking other designs. mickey is $183. Email me if u confirmed.

<font color="ff0000">sassy</font> - WOW! How come the maid turn out to be like that?? She always look ok to us. Don't be upset n angry...need help just shout out ok!
Wanna rant somemore just call me..i will be ard till tml evening ok!

<font color="ff0000">sung</font> - i was trying to look for ur PM then cannot find. End up the PM in my SPAM box! urgh! ok i replied u liaoz.
Hi mummies,

Need your advice. Is normal for 4 months &amp; 3 weeks baby is suddenly waking up at night more than usual ? Violette used to be sleeping through the night 8pm - 8am, occasionally wake up one time around 4 or 5 am for feeding but never had an issue...

Recently, she started to wake up 3 - 4 times. this week, 9pm, 2am, 4am, 6am !!!!!! I fed 2 am &amp; 4pm wakings coz she was not settled down. I checked her teeth but no sign of teething yet... my husband and I are really tired sob..

also, since she drinks 2 times at night, she is not drinking much at day time.... her naps are short also 30min or 1 hour 2-3times.....

Any advice?
think she is ready for solid.. tat may be the reason.. ziv gone thru these as well till now but much better liao..
you are very fortunate already. Mine has never slepth through the night. used to be at best 4-5 hours, usually 3 hrs. For for the last 5 weeks or so she has ben waking up every one hour, one and a half hour at night. I am going mad as we speak. no sign of teeth either but she is grinding her gums alot so I take it that she is teething. Some babies start the process very early but the tooth will only sprout out much later.
Violette is grinding her gums as well. also I feel a little bit of bone when i rub her gum... she is only 4 months and already starting teething liao....

Solid, Im hoping my PD give a green light in 3 weeks time. last time, he asked me to wait ;p

My hubby think that my baby needs less naps which I disagree... when my mil visit last month, she had a very small naps and slept through night but then she was super tired poor thing. I think baby should take nap at least 2-3 hours a day, right?
I guess so but my baby doesn't nap during the day. at most she will "shut eye" for 15mins maybe 2 or 3 times a day. Which is why I was so elated when I bought my YL last weekend. I have not figured out how to put her into the yaolan without her knowing yet ... currently she opens her eyes wide and will start crying the moment I try to move her from my lap; this is her usual 15min shut eye. Only when my MIL visits then she might nap for 45mins once a day in the yaolan.

I don;t know if they need less naps as they grow bigger but I have heard from quite a few mommies that their babies are not napping as much during the day time as before.

Re: the waking up at night. It could also be made worse by the fact that milk alone is not enough to satisfy them anymore. Could be an indication to intorduce semi solids. I am only feeding her 2 TBS of fruit/veg puree a day ... in fact not recently. Think I would make some more fruit/veg puree and feed her twice a day now to see if it will help her o sleep better. Will keep you posted
inya - teething can be a long process for some.. like what alfafa says, it might be growing in the gums but wldnt sprout out til later... and also a sign to start on solids... start giving fruit &amp; vege purees... only start cereals when they turn 6mths... or ask ur frnly PD for advice...

kirsten takes short naps in the day... shut eye for 15-30mins... then she gets up to drink or play... night she will sleep... when i look after her at night, i try not to feed her when she gets up at ard 3am... i will give her the pacifier and she wil go back to sleep... usually the last feed can be ard 930pm to before 12mn.. depending.. then after that she sleeps longer.. sometimes will fuss abit ard 3am.. but i wil give pacifier and she wil sleep til 6am or 8am.. depends... but if sleeping with my mum, my mum will feed her at 3am... but she doesnt get up all the time... depends also... hehehe
mummies thanks for the concern... now the MAD MAID is in TTSH recuperating... Just visted her... what a nuisance!!! Due to suicide case so they got to do further test. So far all test come out to be negative. Should discharge on monday maybe tuesday.

Oh god... will definatly send her back to agency when she discharge. Now in the mist of processing a myanmar maid. Hopefully good... X finger...

Well... now i get a better story, ok it's like this. I leave her hm n send my ger to school. Take both kids in the car seat n off i go. So she use my hse phone to call the SIL back in indo. Get to know is actually the grandfather has pass away. She wanted badly to go back home n also misses her 2 kids. So tell her idiot SIL to call my no at a specific hours which i will definately be home for show time. But honestly, I salute her... she can cry like waterfall. I should promote her to be an actress not a MAID any more. Hahahahha... Even her suicide is so dramatic... Think abt it... the knife n chopper is just right infront of her... I think I am so cruel sometime but really cant help it lor... Sigh...
missy, kirsten can sit liao ... thumb up !!

Moiiesha seems having the same problem with urs.
she used to nap at least 3-4 hrs a day. But recently (with nanny), she can't nap more than 1-2 hrs. Nanny said she will wake up every half to 1 hr. Then everyday when i picked her back on 6.30pm, her eyes is like panda &amp; sleep once she reached home (also wake up within an hour). i noticed she become less active &amp; more cranky if she have not enough nap. Told the nanny bb need to have longer nap but the baby Moiiesha just can't sleep long at Nanny's hoz. Yesterday, nanny is requesting to have a YL for Moiiesha &amp; i'm still hesitating.

Night sleep,
Moiiesha use to sleep through from 8pm to 5-6am. Last 2 wks, she woke up at 12am, 3am &amp; 6am.
Last wk better, woke up 2am &amp; 7am.
Last night, she actually woke up 3+am &amp; 4am, but i just pad her to sleep without giving her any milk. Then i only gave her milk on 6.30am when she woke up.
Hope this is only a temp. period &amp; she will get through this ..

Moiiesha also drink less nowsaday. Used to drink 6 feeds(150-170ml) a day &amp; now only 5 (each feed also reduce to 120-140ml only). Probably bcoz i fed her puree/cereal (only half jar a day or 1 teaspoon cereal). But i still think overall she eat/drink less ..

Is this sign of teething ?
re: babies napping less n eating less... looks like most of us are having the same problem. hopefully this will pass soon! mummies need sleep too =(

sung, i hose down or wipe with dettol wipe all baby's toys when they are bought. those he does not play with everyday/got sick of I put in a plastic box. those he play with everyday i either wipe or hose down every few days. Those that he puts in his mouth, either wash+sterilize or wash after every munching session. Usually will give those a rinse before giving to baby also. for playmat i hose down every 2-3days if no major accidents.

agnes.. the playmat is cute! is it LG prime or parklon? i can't read chinese well, was so lost at the site O_O

re: sahm.. i salute all u ladies. it's hard! i'm having a taste of it now - baby not napping, wants to play, wants to walk, rejecting cereal, eating fingers til vomit milk, dun want to be alone, and he's doing his third poo-poo right now on my lap. no one at home to "off load" baby to. peng san!
anyone knows of any organic food grocers near town? looking to start baby on sweet potato, potato, pumpkin n carrots. hip hip horray to messy meals!
agnes, e bumper playmat cow town looks great!
waz e equivalent price in SGD? Muz b one of e newest version...never c this b4...

alfafa, tink Grace is on her way to having longer naps...e starting is usually e hardest...it took me a week to train my boi then ard 2-3 mth to sleep in yl...sometimes, we use soft music or soothing light to calm him down...nowadays there were a few instances he slept on his own in e yl / cot simply by playing music...i saw it w my eyes...a miracle! Guess when e bb more grown up, he will behave more like us...

Oso i heard one of my zhang bei (old folk) said tat if bb is born in e day, he sleeps better @ nite...whereas born in e nite, he sleeps better in e day...hmmm...how true i don noe but my boi was born in e day n truly he sleeps well @ nite...minus e once/twice waking up...

for e Bumper Playmat, SSW throws in a Jellymom Bumbo alike seat @ $59, together w a purchase of either a Parklon or Aosobang...looks like a good deal...u may wan to check it out in e BP...
sassy...u muz b overwhelmed by e extreme turn of events...hope this drama mama saga can end asap...oso hopefully u don get e once bitten twice shy syndrome...if u don feel like hiring, mayb can try to get e weekly maid...paid by hours...better still jus do work n go, don even need to stay w u...unless u need a helper to look after ur kid(s)...

Pink sorbet's sharing gave me e creeps...frankly speaking, if our hbs noe wat we r doing by buying things frm a stranger, somemore using our savings acc for transactn, they gonna scold us like crazy...actually even if e BP organizer appears rather freqly in e threads, there is no 100% guarantee if e goods will reach ur doorstep...really hope we not so suay to get conned by such pple...they so terrible!!! But oso we muz b smart too...takes 2 hands to clap ya?

I have paid you $14.00 for the 6th mth birthday bash.. i mentioned in my earlier post that my hubby will come if he can but not eating cos he won't know what time he will book out from his camp.

Do let me know if i need to pay you any extra for his attendance on the cooking demo, PD talk etc.. I will transfer to you again if there are costs involved.

I will PM you the transaction details, thanks
tusky - wat creepy thing did i share? hehe...u sure its me? :p me abit blur

I guess i still wan to get a LG mat leh...the parklon ones i heard are pretty rough, though i like their designs la....dunno leh, abit lost on wat to do now...haha...cos my mind is like all about the playmat (LG? Parklon? 11mm too thin or should i get 15mm instead? haiz)...and yea, i'm gg to get "niam" by hb if i get over a $200 playmat...even he thinks paying $100+ on something displayed on the floor for stepping and sitting on is too costly already...

i guess the solution is...wait lor...

hope that WOK replenishes their sep stocks soon...
oh tusky after i re-read yr post the message becomes clear...yea, guys can be more rational when it comes to online transactions. However the protocol on the online shopping platform has always been buyer pays first, then seller delivers the goods, unless its COD lor...even those "official" online retail shops ask the buyer to make payment first before shipping the goods...

that being said...most guys are willing to spend the $$$ on amazing electronic gadgets and cars (i'm sure there are ppl selling electronic gadgets online)...so why can't gals spend them on clothes and stuffs? afterall i'm sure gals stuffs are cheaper than the guys...

HAHA excuse to shop!!!
tusky.. what are the risks of using our savings acc for transaction? why cannot let hubby know? i used hubby's account for bp transactions leh... heeheeheehee

sassy - yr maid is so horrible, so scheming! I hope that this saga will clear up soon and everything gets settled soon

agnes - the playmat is nice!

donroxx - yes me too...salute SAHM lor...i don't ever think i could be one...i'll go mad lor...today my little boy refuses to drink milk and wasted like 130ml of my EBM, despite me coercing him for like an hour...somemore we were in the rush of time...i wanted him to drink the milk up but he used his hands to push the teat outta his mouth and dun wan to drink)..
