(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

one question, for those who feed your baby with bottle food, we need to store in the fridge if cannot finish right, then next day if we need to feed baby again, do u warm it up first or leave it to thaw only?
If warm it, how you do it?

Hi mummies,
I'm so relieved that other babies are similar to mine.

RE: Solid
I went to Great world city today and checked out Organic store at B2. they had Organic rice cereal (label - Only and Earth's best),
Mummies, which brand do you use?

RE: eczema
my sister-in-law's baby has it on her face and she got it at baby care centre when my Sll had to go back to work. - Doctor told her that stress was the reason. my sister took some time off from work and took care of baby and getting better now.

I use Avent baby monitor for the audio - it's working very well with long distance, multi levels.

Also, I have wireless Video monitor - it's from Taiwan, no brand name. there is audio function but really not good quality, so I use only for video.
inya - for rich cereal i bought HT but havent let her try yet... currently feeding her with nestle white rice cereal... and also earth bests & healthy times purees. hee..

today i fed her butternut squash.. she seems to love it...

if u wana get organic purees, i think start with Earth's Best.. the packaging is smaller.. so less wastage as compared to Healthy Times
missycandy, oh must add warm water to the puree ah? I usually just take out the portion i require and place aside on the feeding utensil. Then i'll feed abt 10 min later so that it is not cold.. Coincidentally my mil was just asking if the jarred puree needed to be warmed out; she mentioned she used to heat them up for my husband in fact. hmm...

anyway, my son loves the Earth Best's apple. Trying out HT's sweet pea tmr though it says for 6 mths cos i can only find 4 types for Earth's Best so far: Sweet Potato (already tried), Carrot( bought, not tried), Apple (tried) and pear (bought not tried). Anyone seen other flavours for Earth's Best?
Men have no idea about how much stuff cost so my husband believed me when i told him the giraffe was 20 bucks! I still remember how incredulous he looked the first time he found out how much bras cost on average haha :p
ya..try to put him back to sleep if ziv wakes up after 45 mins. mostly bb will wake up during transition and we think they really want to wake up and have enough sleep..but actually they need help to extend the nap..
so the gathering will be on tues/wed?
I've been bringing out my bb since friday..tmrw also got gathering with friends..so dont know if tues will want to go out again..poor bb will have lack of naps for days..maybe better stay at home on tues..
irene - in the beginning i did it.. becos puree a bit thick.. but now what i do is i take what i want, then either soak the container in hot water or pop into microwave for 30secs - 1min. hee. =P

annt - yalo earths best only 4 flavours... nt sure if the organic shops wld sell more variations.. i bought frm cold storage... hmmm eh.. i warm it up... heh heh heh..
ann - talk abt bras... heart pain... i once bought a french brand bra for almost $150.. jus for the bra alone.. dunno hw come i psychoed into buying it.. argHX.. when HB heard the price, he hit the roof! and guess what? i cnt fit into it now.. LOL!
Missycandy, i checked out the organic shops like WIld Rice at Tanglin Mall and didn't see other flavours either leh. Wah, $150, i find it ex too haha!! Max i have spent so far is $90 and just one-off. Hmm, think i need to be nicer to myself :p
Oh btw, do u feed purees before or after the milk feeds? I have been hearing opposite views... my pd told me to feed before but i actually feed after cos i'm afraid he will be too full after the puree to finish his milk?
Ha, didn't know this was called the sandwich method! So do you feed a fixed amount of puree or based on her demands? With this method is she still taking the same amt of milk feed as before?

Anyway, i just came across this calculator which is supposed to tell you if your baby is getting enough nutrition once she is on solids but i realised my boy's milk feed is off the scale!!
He is drinking 37 ozs a day and the selection avail is up to 35 ozs only! Er, any babies here drinking > 35 ozs. My baby is 5 mths 1 week old.
annt, I never follow a fixed amount for anything. Reason being that babies are humans too. It's hard to expect yourself to drink the same amount of juice everyday for example. Sometimes you'll want more, sometimes, you prefer to have more milk or other drinks. I think the same applies for babies.
That's my belief. It also depends on your baby's character, if he is the kind who likes structure or prefers to change it around a little.
Watch for their cues I guess!
How nice if each baby came with an instruction manual.
agree with you... oli's feeding also fluctuates a lot day by day... sometimes, he prefers more puree, then he'll take less milk... but there are also times when he doesn't take too much puree, and wants more milk!
jtho, hey you're still up! Feeling better?
Maybe Oli likes certain foods so he will eat more of it? How is the Mr Chubby Cheeks these days?
I actually look forward to the surprises that my dearie boy springs me (like sucking his toes! gross but so cute too!!) so i guess a manual will take away some of the fun :p

well, gonna hit the bed in preparation for WORK!

goodnite, mummies
ya, should be sleeping but every night after oli sleeps, this is the only time i can catch up on the thread and my fb games... hahaha
oli likes most of the purees we gave him except for the HT baby sweet pea (ya, same as baby A)... i bought some jars from carrefour last week, not bad... theirs are organic too and they have potatoes with carrots, and potatoes with parsnips (it's radish actually)... oli likes the potatoes with parsnips, haven't try the potatoes with carrots but i'm sure he'll like it

Mr Chubby Cheeks is still Mr Chubby Cheeks... nowadays he likes to play with saliva, always making the bu bu sound like blowing a balloon, but instead he's blowing out all his saliva... very messy...
dear shopping mummies, where can I find the hanging bag organizer, the kind that looks like a scroll on the wall but has loops for you to hang 4 - 5 bags on it? I want to hang all my mummy bags on one of those but can't seem to find a BP on it.

night Annt!
There must be something funny with HT sweet peas then! Ok I'll try Carrefour thanks for the tip. I'll pop by in the morning if I can drag my ass out of bed in time

A is exactly the same. She also blows bubbles into her puree so my face is spattered with puree du jour all the time. Fun.

Let me know when you free to chat chat bout the e-mails and stuff.
ya, need to reply to that guy asap so need to chat chat with u... but problem is my schedule is super tight this coming week... i have back to back meetings from monday to friday this week. will try to squeeze some time out
i also want to go back to carrefour to get more of the jar cos only bought a pack of 2 jars each flavour... will see if i can squeeze sometime to rush there on thursday
Good morning!

This week is the first full week of work since I gave birth. Hope that it would be pleasant. Wish all mommies a good working week n the week pass fast fast so that we can be with our darlings on weekend again...

Good luck! Yah, I always wish I can fast forward to Friday on Monday mornings.. But Im considered lucky liao.. Usually can see my boy by 3 pm
Wah.. so lucky! I see my gal at 615 everyday,depending on traffic. Next time when hb come back, no car, i can only see my gal at 630....heh..
wa early birds... kekeke... am at office nw... grabbing quick bite before im out for the whole day...

ann - i feed milk then puree... after puree she doesnt wan milk already... so i try to feed some water to wash it down.. kekeke

wishing everyone a blessed & happy week ahead!!!!!
Good Morning!
Brand New Week, Brand New Start..
Hope this week will be a good one for all of us!

Me same with Candance, feed milk then puree then wish down with water..

I tried to replace one feeding with cereal (Organic brown rice cereal) in the noon and he is taking it well.
morning asura & jtho!!!
New wk again...

my boi oso... keep playing w his saliva...
yesterday night, hb managed to video down, will upload to fb, cannot stand him when he's blowing out his saliva, dun noe where he learn it fr... LOLx
good morning!
think babies are trying different stunts on their own, no need to learn from anyone... hehehe
but they are so lovable! my sisters noticed that when they carry my son, he will lift his head straight straight, very alert, but when i carry him, he will put his head on my shoulder and like very yang oh! so cute right
wow... tink most mummies already started on semi-solid for their bb... i intend to do it when my boi is older, mayb ard 5mths + ba...

heard pple mentioned tat best to start w white rice instead of brown rice due to bb's digestive sys might not strong enough... so far no issue for yr bb huh?
ya, i started with bellamy's baby rice which i think it's white rice... then slowly, my nanny is adding the si shen brown rice to mix with the white rice..
ya lor... but really amaze by the diff stunts they do lor... they can juz do base on their imagination?? hahaha
oli so cute... tink he noe who's dote on him... kekeke he did tat too when yr hb carry him?
asura n wintertime oso mentioned start w white rice, then slowly mixture...

oli taking 1 feed on puree n rest on FM daily?
i started off with brown rice cereal for my #1 and he takes it well and ate quite a bit from the start.

for this #2, he just go bleh bleh with whatever we tried to give him. He will even shut tight his lips, and stare at us! haha..me and helper laugh till our tummyache at his funny expression. So i guess its up to each indivdual bah.
mummies, Good morning!
I bot a BN cute duckie tub from WTS section for $22
While i know its not very practical, its really cute for BB to play.

Don't put BB food into microwave, bad for BB as it "kills" all the nutrients in the food. Place in container and user warmer or warm water to warm it is better

Applying to post in WTS section:
SEems like I'm not the only one which admin don't respond to. This is this thread in the forum with so many mummies writing in to ask for access, but no respond one...grrr...
oli's daily meal routine is:

8am - 8.30am about 120ml milk
9am half jar of fruit puree
9.30am - 10am another 120ml milk (will make up to 240ml milk every morning)
12noon half to one jar of puree (depending on what puree, eg. potatoes will be half jar, carrots will be 1 jar) mix with 1 tablespoon of cereal and 30ml milk
4pm - 4.30pm 240ml milk
8pm - 9pm 210ml milk
after that he will sleep till next morning.
morning everyone.

im thinkin only start @ 6mth for the solids.. tristan alreay 5.5 months old?(oops wanted to write 5.5weeks) hahaha am i dreaming while typing. thought he still in my tum tum,
hehe ok back to books, today have exams. come back and read up on archives:p

oli intake a lot... he's drinking 8oz of milk... tat's a lot, my boi drinking 6oz only... tot of increasing to 7oz for him...
for my boi, norm aft evening feed, i need to give him 1 last feed while he's sleeping b4 he can tong till next morning 5am+ but now he can't tong till 5am+... tat's y thinking should start on semi-solid food for him...

JIA YOU!!! when last paper??

i actually tot of starting at 6 mths but looks now my boi cannot last thru'out the night so tot of giving early to see how...
Morning mummies, I knock off at 6pm but leave offoice at 6:15pm cos pump milk so I get to see my gal at 6:30pm or 6:45pm so Jean, me too...

Asura, wah Charlene drink alot leh 180ml, my gal ah only max 150ml...hope when she turn 5 mths she can drink more

Mummies wif BABY GIRLS milk schedule:
How much is ur gal intake and can let me know the drink and food schdule? Know Prosper and Asura's both princesses drink 180ml liao, envy envy!
My gal only take 130 to 150ml ,4 feedings, evening 8pm onwards total latch for another 2 hours at least...
No semi solid yet...will tahan until my gal is 5.5 months old


Queenie ,jiayou!!
Tomr join us for lunch n njoy liao

<font color="aa00aa">re: LC effiel tower bag foto
can someone pm me the foto for both black/beige? wanna to hv a look again on the colors...
