(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

pink.. hahaha yeah loh, gals stuff are usually cheaper and guys can spend a lot of money on just 1 item. if you think a good playmat is a necessity for baby, your hubby should understand bah even if it is $200++.

i always tell my hubby that money can earn, baby's health cannot. so even if those chemicals cannot see or some products been used for many years and cheap to use, it does not mean i would use it for baby loh. hubby will let me have my way since i dun use his money. but his mom (aka my mil) is the hard nut to crack. my latest "war" with her (yes there are many "wars" with my mil) is regarding food for baby. i wan to feed him organic but she does not. yesterday told me "newspaper also say no evidence the pesticides are not safe and organic is better". almost asked her to eat pesticide then tell me if she feel ok or not. sigh i'm a terrible DIL.

pink.. ouch! heart pain for you. i threw away 80ml ebm today also cos baby dun want to drink. dun you think babies are so smart? they will use their hands to push the bottle away when they dun wan milk. love them so much!

Re:Myanmar maid... they are not scheming but heard that they are lazy and got attitude. So far heard of a lot that request to go home. They "Chi bu liao ku" one. plus cannot take scolding. U get a different kind of maid problem but more like dealing with an inefficient employee.. I still wish u luck to find the odd one out.
donroxx - there's bound to be opinion differences...but i feel that its yr bb lor so u have the right to do what u want as long as its for the good of bb...for me hor, i would not use my hb's $$ to buy something which i know he most likely disagrees on it...but not forgetting being the *ahem* "good" wife sometimes i voice up my suggestion to get something which i feel its neccessary for bb and hope he support my decision...but sometimes still quite disappointing la

i always retort to my hb, its my $$$ i'm using so u dun have to worry even tho i am buying something which he feels its not worth or unnecessary...then he will shake his head, saying we are in it together...our finances support the family together, so wats the business abt his $$$ or my $$$...

so u see? now u know why i say i cannot be SAHM...

Sorry no advice to give, only sympathy...cos I'm in the same boat! But mine sleeps at 10+ and wakes up at 1+, 3+ and 6 am...damn tiring.

I also think that she should be ready for solid food soon, just waiting for the visit to PD to confirm...meanwhile, just endure
pink.. heehee i see your point. same same i also cannot be SAHM but it's because i spend too much money haha. if only can be with baby all the time yet earn our own keep hahaha *building castles in the air*

Brianne sleeps at 7.00pm after feed, then her next feed is 10.30pm, 2.30am then 7.00am thereabouts..

She is up for the day at 7.00am..

day time nap : 9.00am to 9.45am, 12.00pm to 2.30pm

day time feed: 7.00am, 11.00am, 2.15/ 2.30pm, 4.15pm (small feed cos she will be thirsty.. i didn't give her water) then 6.30pm

haha.. Eddric is like Ziv! Super duper lazy.. He rather "call" for me than to flip to reach for his toys

Im also an amateur at investing stocks lah! Cannot conduct class..

Oscars liao! So scary.. Shudders..
If u need help, call me ya.. I will "fly" to u ASAP.. haha..
Bree is so cccuuuttteeee! I like her chubby cheeks..

Re: teething
Eh.. Eddric oredi has 2 teeth but he din fuss a lot in the process.. Only wans to keep biting.. tt's all.. I think it depends on individual baby
tusky..the exchange rate abt 4.7 so its less than S$300. Singapore dun sell this..dunno why.

BTW, any mummies knows where to buy mouli? I think munchkin has it but cant find...
my son too has the same timing until recently. Now he sleeps at 10pm, feed at abt 2am+, then 5am+. Before he wakes at 7am+, he will fuss with eyes close for more than 1/2hr on/off. I will sleep with half eye open to monitor him until he wakes at 7.30am. Before this, i will prepare a toy next to him so that when he wakes up, he sees his fav toy and will not fuss.

Will play with him in bed until 8+ then bath him.

My day officially starts when he wakes up until 10pm.
inya, alfafa
it's a normal 4 month bb sleep problem. I got so tired too with the frequent waking..i know some nights are due to teething..but others are just not..and dunno what and why..til i've done so many research and found out that there are alot of 4 mths bb experience this..

for 4 mth bb..they should have 4-4.5hours total naps during the day..so far my bb can nap for 3-4hours. if i stay beside him all the time, he surely will sleep longer. watch out for the sleep transition (from light sleep to deep sleep..most bb will wake up..usually transition comes 30-45mins after bb sleeps..that's why lots of bb sleep for not more than 45mins..it's good if they can fall back to sleep..otherwise they need our help/paci)


sinmey - maybe baby B needs a bit more time to adapt to the new environment... hmmm... nt sure abt the YL... what if u buy then she doesnt like it how? or if she sleeps in the YL then go back to ur own hm no YL then cnt sleep how? might alter her sleeping pattern leh... hmmm...

sassy - wish u luck with the new maid... my boss has 2 myanmar maids... they r really GOOD!!!!! but ive also seen some other myanmar maids that really CMI... 1 of the maids i met is quite educated... so come here become maid.. a bit like cannot take it.. always wan to rest... then another one i met... the employee jus let her eat the food from the night b4 dinner for her lunch... and she said the employer poison her... then she refused to talk... said she kena poisoned... damn drama... but funny thing is.. they transfered her to another one of my patients... and she is working very happily at this other pt's home... hahaha... i guess no matter what nationality... will have good sheep n black sheep... matter of heng suay ba...

lenny - thanks for the funds. wil check later. il pm u later.
Hi sassy


my philipino maid too. alot of pattern. one moment said cousin wedding need $, then need to return the loan, then children need $, then mother in hospital then grandparent in law passed away, then children not going to sch blah blah...

my hubby family had bad experience too. dont be merciful. u must send her back.

anw, i order FP play mat fr ssw. S$288. should be in the first 10 order to get the free beattle chair.

My bb wakes up every 3 hours fr mid night. v tiring. and she wakes up abt 5 or 6am and "party and talk for an hour and go back to zzz.. faintz.
lenny - to be fair to everyone. whoever turns up for the function has to pay as we have limited capacity... the food will be there. so jus help urselves. im sure you understand. thank you
ya lo.. buay tahan hor, they r really lazy lo.. think they can be best of pal liao.. wahahaha...

no wonder ziv always wake up after 45mins from his nap n if i continue to rock him he will sleep for more than an hr plus..
sassy, that time i was making a choice of getting an indonesian or filipino maid, then a maid agent told me that indonesian maids normally gave probs that can affect the whole family whereas a filipino maid only fight for their off days and human rights. in the end i got indonesian one as my MIL can communicate in Malay. but who knows my maid brought bedbugs to my house and by the time i discovered the bugs, it was too late. Gotten pest control and hundreds of them were found in the carpets, mattress, massage chair, wardrobes, everywhere... we went home 6 hours after the spray and suay suay my gal inhaled the insecticides and was down with cough and runny nose. for me, i got ugly scars like cigarette butt burns. till now i still kenna bitten and 2nd spray was scheduled on Monday. cant wait to kill ALL of them!!!!!

vernice, i m interested too.

WOK Bumper Playmat:
Mummy Location Design Size
1 vernice80 AMK FP 1900*1300*15mm
2 Asura AMK
3 Kome Serangoon FP 1900*1300*15mm
4 Pinksorbet Sengkang Sweet Bear 1900*1300*11mm
5 Pumpkinseed Bukit Timah FP size TBC
6 Sung Sengkang Sweet Bear 2300*1400*15mm
7 Blurjen
8 blurgal Sengkang FP 1900*1300*11mm
9 Jojo Hougang
10 Reverie Island Paya Lebar
11 Keron&jeris Joo Seng
hahaahah, showed ur sms to my hubby and he laughed too... i almost wanted to kill her.. she herself was a victim too as the hundred of bugs bit her everynight, scary right? to the maids, it was normal la, just like how we see ants.... good thing is i see her very hardworking and initiative level went up now. hope all these end soon. i almost died of heart attack.
Hi hi, i am new here.
My baby is 5 mths old now and he is having eczema on his face. Anyone can recommend what cream to apply to get rid of the eczema? I went to see pd and she gave me Hydroderm 1% cream but i heard it has side effect if use too frequent.
Please advise. Thanks!
can share with me the cost n contacts of the spray? got a colleague asking abt such services.

mine is also myanmar maid. N she is a gem! So i wish u luck too!

Thanks... i will let hubby know and get him to check with his camp.. he is still now on the oil rig, i can only give you an answer when he calls.

Communication is not convenient as he is not based on land.. i understand that its not easy to organise, leave him out for the time being.. If last minute still got slot then we will see how it goes.

wish u luck for the new maid.
i oso got maid pbm. hai..
this is experience indo maid.. hai..
but she keep thinking of siam siam, wan do things short cut short cut. scold her still can give black face.
keep saying last time her boss allow her to do it. hai..
my only hope is bryan boy grow up fast fast, 2 yrs up, send the maid back, NO more maid! Send boy to playgroup etc...
very sick n tired of all the maid issues, always make the family members quarrel bcos of them!

hope u get goody new tmr for your new job!

i just bot the yellow bumbo too..keke "destress" :p
heng boy is sitting quite ok.. but now he is trying his luck to straighten his feet and push himself up! haha
at least with him seated, i can read to him n jiejie. N he can watch mickey mouse cartoon with his jiejie.
donroxx, not much risk in using ur savings acc for transactn but if e $$ lands in e hands of a bogus seller, we will c $$$ fly away...taz e risk i mention...as for using whose $$$ to buy, so far itz still my acc as i don like my hb to fuss over wat i use or buy for bb...hence even if its xin ku to juggle work n bb, i still willing to go thru it...being SAHM will b happier if u still hav e financial means to earn ur keeps...hb whether now or then will niam if u overspend w regards to ur budget...my hb's craze not gadgets or car stuff...instead itz...books! Borders n Kino very happy to hav him as their customer...

pink sorbet mayb i exaggerate but e creeps i referred is when such bogus sellers exist while claiming tat they hav stock for e pdts...
GD Flashcard,

I'm looking for flashcard & saw someone selling the GD English (Vol 1 & 2) at $330 .. Is this expensive ?
GD Flashcard,

Mummies who bought GD, how much you paid for the Eng Vol 1 & Vol 2 for the brand new one ? How much is the Math & Chinese one too ?
I'm very slow right ? now only looking for flashcard. Let me know if you come across anyone selling good flashcard.
sinmey u cn check out the BP section or maybe ask seabreeze if she has any... heh heh heh.. but not GD la... actually GD cn buy frm Msia leh... might be cheaper...

hoho - thanksss *crossing fingers*

lenny - thanks

Katz - once payment is in, seat is booked. no reservation otherwise. hope u understand. thanks
U're most welcome! Happy to see baby bree so cute and pretty pretty again!

Yes, my boy flipped on the 20th June and since then, everytime we put him in his cotbed, he'll fipped all over in there. But he doesnt noe how to hold his bottle.

Actually i think i'm quite a lucky mom as he has been pretty good with his sleeping habits. He's sleeping thru e nite now only with 1 feed sometimes. His last feed is arnd 8 plus and he'll go to bed after tt. He'll wake up arnd 7 plus and will bath him arnd 8.30am and feed him and he'll take his nap arnd 9.30am. He usually will wake up and play for 2 hrs and nap for 2 hrs. He will sleep in YL in the day and nite we'll carry him out of YL and put him in his cotbed and he sleeps thru. Initially i was sceptical abt letting him sleep in YL but I tried to carry out in the nite after he fall asleep in YL and he's good and slept thru in his cotbed. So relieved abt it. Heard abt stories of babies who sleep in YL and refuse to sleep in cotbed thereafter. And they even travel overseas with their foldable YL. Faintz!

As for MAID, I'm also pretty lucky. My current first maid has been with me for 5 months and I've nothing to complain abt her but full of praises. She loves my boy very much and she's also very good and super hardworking in her housework. Always finding things to do and keep our house very neat and clean. Even my mom likes her more than her own maid and always sing praises of her.

Sassybaby, I can definitely feel yr anger and frustrations. Keep yr cool and i'm sure yr next maid will be a good one. Sending u my lucky maid dust vibes to u so u'll hv a good one as mine!

forgot to pay u for the mac breakfast just now. u coming for the bash? If u are, i would pay u at the bash. Or u prefer me to TT u? Just PM me ur account details.
<font color="ff0000">sassy</font> - ah she miss her family ah? ur next maid hor then try not to get one with family one...like that no excuse to say they miss family. I hope my maid will remain as she is now. Good Luck! See u when i come back ok!

<font color="0000ff">playmat - mummies, pls understand that I will be away next week and there is min. qty in order to get discount. So those who are not keen anymore, pls take the effort to inform me too. So far, I only receive confirmation from <font color="ff0000">asura</font>. <font color="ff0000">Jojo, pinksorbet, kome, pumpkin n blurjen</font> have indicated that they will drop from this purchase.</font>
Vernice - Bon voyage!!! Take care ya... will catch up when u are back... Hv a safe flight... HUgz... Oh ya next maid, I chose a single no kids no husband...
Hope she work out...
ehhhh.. single no kids no husband also wait want to go home get married how? lol. one of the myanmar maids i met was like that.. she's actually really good! but too bad. wanted to go home get hitched.

vernice - have fun on ur trip!

btw is the lunch on tues stil on?

eh... got to make not university grad also.. a lot of the university grads feel that they shouldnt be maids.. wonder why they apply in the first place. but is really a heng suay thing lah
your maid is terrible. Do hang on n wish that yr next one is a better one. I was still singingg yr maid praises when I first saw her.. Sigh...

<font color="0000ff">lunch gathering confirmed on Tuesday. Mummies who needs my contact ,plse pm me . Apologies as I've been so tired over wk n caring for the 2 kids that I dun read thread that much. </font>
Posted on Friday, August 14, 2009 - 6:08 pm:   
Wah good, makan again.... have appointment on Wed so free only on Tues.

Waruku Jap/ Pasta @The Hereen 4th or 5th fl

1. Inya
2. Alfafa
5. Babe
6. Babydream
7. Ivy
8. Missycandy
9. Sinmey
10. Pumpkinseed

wow sassy, what luck to run into such a character. Hope it gets sorted out soon!

missycandy, waaah, congrats on standing your ground. hope the new job is what you're looking for!

vernice, if the smallest FP rainforest is still avail, I will take it now so you can hit MOQ. Really want somewhere to put Baby A in the day.
donroxx . organic shopping guide here:

mummies, those who have my number, can do me a favour and send me a text with your name please? I changed mobile and lost all the numbers. Thanks in advance!

Feb mum had 6th month bash today. Think it's not bad but with more mums going for the Mar bash, will be noisier for sure. Hope you girls let me help do the decor cos I enjoyed setting up this morning. But need help to take it down cos today, it was mainly DH and one other daddy who did it.
pumpkin - no worries. my HB cn help. Quite a number of daddies going for march bash.. so shldnt be a problem... unless they leave earlier... =P
time really flies... national day rally again. remember last year this time, we were all so excited abt the national day rally... lol
Hi Sinmey
i got english, chinese and math sets for almost S$1.5k. i got them last yr. i started my ger when she was abt 3 months o...

pls dropped me fr the play mat list too. i ordered fr ssw. hope i m the first 10 customers...

wow! u spent so much on the stuff. Is it good?

Update list for lunch

Waruku Jap/ Pasta @The Hereen 4th or 5th fl

1. Inya
2. Alfafa
5. Babe
6. Babydream
7. Ivy
8. Missycandy
9. Sinmey
10. Pumpkinseed

