(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

hmm, i remember mine wear glasses. Haha but now your sewing is damn good, good enough to start biz wor. Am starting to wonder if we even studied in the same pri sch?
primary sch I was in Pei Chun so I highly doubt so.
she wears glasses? hmmm think she does occasionally. Stocky framed lady. Very nice teacher but I simply couldn;t stand home econs back them. Was rather unhappy that we didn;t have technical class options. :p

teddybaby, pepper stays in the east

oic. yaya i rem he has a very loud and deep voice. commanding voice. very suitable for the force. kekeke

*pat pat* it will be back to usual very soon
oh, then diff pri sch la

pepper as in p3pp3r? which part of east u stay in, pepper?

i need help on selling at WTS section. My acct is more than 1 yr old, but somehow i'm not able to post item there. Send email to admin no reply one...anyone encounter this b4 and got around it?
JoJo told me she has booked for 11th sept, she is not sure abt the charges but she says shd be $45 for pedi and $30 for mani.

"waves" have not seen you in forum for so long! wow wiber is already teething, so fast
Alfafa, hee no la my hubby voice is nt very low & deep...ya his exercise will finish end Aug..

Winter, ya how to solve this prob if baby biting nipple? ouch!

ispa never call me leh... but could be because i never even touch my package.. lol.. but i still keep the card lah... am going there soon... after i finish the last massage at adeva spa. Heh.. think nowadays no time to go pamper myself liao so very hard to sell me massage packages these days.
alfalfa and mummies who invest..

i really "pei fu" u gals.. i am already struggling with taking care of brianne and u mummies can take time to invest..

alfalfa..u super mummy.. can make craft work, take care of bb G and household and invest..

my place is very messy. I would reach home ard 730 tomorrow. If you go to wintertime;s place, maybe i come over with the milkbag when i come back?
<font color="ff0000">sun96 n wintertime</font> - how come nvr jio me for amk gathering??? feel so left out liao sobzsobz
alfafa - i have the thoughts of asking my mum to teach but pretty lazy....haha...and like no time leh...i prefer shopping...kakakaka...

winter - ya i tink too far hoh, sometimes feel bo liao tink here and there lo

sporty - hmm...$45? ok i give it a go ba, pamper myself for a bit. Seeing the number of mummies gg, we may have book the whole place if places are limited. Let me know the details once they are finalised? Thanks...
<font color="ff0000">asura</font> - haha true too. I left like 1 or 2 sessions at my massage place and they send me a letter say if want to extend need to top up...i am like #$@$!@ but anyway left these few sessions so i can't be bother to follow up anymore.
No prob will keep you updated!

I am so sleepy now and cant wait to go home.

Gentle reminder to mummies going for kindermusik trial. Remember its this Sunday at Tanglin Mall 3rd floor,10am. Seeya gals
np... i'll be bringing bryan over too... will sms u again tmr to confirm...

oops, ya lor... u oso staying near them... pai seh la, forgotten abt u... hee hee
dun cry la... sayang sayang...

wat u buy again tis round huh?? share share lei...
thks for yr belated BD wishes... ^_^

dun said mi bo sim la... i really forgotten abt it ma...
<font color="ff0000">sun96</font> - haha ok lah..i meet u all next round..tml night hb not at home so got to settle bb alone
Wah good, makan again.... have appointment on Wed so free only on Tues.

Waruku Jap/ Pasta @ Heeren
Please indiciate prefer date 18Aug(Tue) or 19Aug(Wed)

The Hereen

1. Inya (Tue/ Wed)
2. Alfafa (tue only paiseh)
3. Annmelody ( Tue/ Wed)
4. Queenie (KIV)
5. Jo (KIV)
6. MissyCandy (kiv tues)
7. Pumpkinseed (wed)
8. Ivy (tues)
9. Mangogal (tues only)
10. sinmey (Tue/Wed)
11. babydreams (Tue/Wed)
12. miss83 (tue/wed)
13. babe (tues)
thanks all for the advise. have decided to take on new schedule til i leave. i have 12.5days of leave left. but it might be prorated. duh. prolly will end up with 10. Anyway, if really 10, i prolly wont work much during the last mth becos if i work 3 days a week, basically 3 weeks im clearing my leave! WAHAHAHAHA! but oh well, the co is really anal. so might not be as much as i hope it to be. Anyhow, gdbye to the undesirable! =P btw, the interview i went for on wed... they called me today to say im selected... HAHAHA! Either no one wants to do the job or ... I think no one applied la. LOL! Anyway, dont wana count the chickens b4 they hatch... they will call me back on Mon with more details. The girl asked if i would take up the job offer. I said i need to knw how much im getting paid and benefits b4 i decide =P i'l knw on Monday. WISH ME LUCK!!!!!!!!!

cindy - ive actually been changing my schedule a few times ever since i got pregs and went back after ML. boss has been agreeable to all my requests so far. I dont really want to push it. anyway, it's already mid auG. jus have to endure few more weeks. prolly might read my whinings to come.. LOL... but all for the best ba.

sun - yippee for Bryan!!! once he starts, need to be more attentive le...

wintertime - will u be joining us for the 6mth bash? do let me knw ya?
Occasion ~ 6mths Babies Bash
Venue ~ Bishan Loft Function Room (Seabreeze)
Date ~ 5th Sept 09
Time ~ 1030hrs to 1530hrs
Food ~ Catering from Am Chef (Thai Cuisine)
Cost(per pax) ~ $14
~ <font color="ff0000">Limited Space available - 60pax(max. incld HBs) Kindly proceed to tt funds to my <font size="+2">POSB Savings 022-35787-5</font> to confirm your attendance &amp; slots. Whoever pays 1st will be confirmed 1st. There will be NO REFUNDS. 18 SLOTS LEFT!</font>

<font color="0000ff">payments received from
starflower, asura, pumpkinseed, alfafa, p3pp3r , queenie, prosper, scrumpee, Eliz, yiyi, babydreams, pei, lingmama, babe, sung, fatfish, jaszho, keron&amp;jeris, pinksorbet, hoho, princessindreamland, jojo, sportyger, kris, sassybaby, sinmey, vernice, sun96, irene, jtho, daphnecros, mangogal, minnie</font>

Programme ~
1030 to 1245hrs - Registration, Lunch &amp; Shopping
1300hrs - Cooking Demo (Nestle)
1400hrs - Weaning Talk by PD (Wyeth)
1515hrs - Prize Giving
1530hrs - Leave premises!

~ Mummies who are driving, kindly volunteer to bring along playmat for our babies to lie on. Thanks! (Seabreeze / Scrumpee / jtho / yiyi)

~ Kindly let me know names of your babies &amp; if HB coming as well.

~ do bring extra cash! Am inviting some BP sellers. (itsybitsy, afterorganics, dalalamama, more to be confirmed)

~ there will be goodies from Nestle &amp; Wyeth but pls kindly note that it's 1 per couple/mummy.. not per pax... thanks!

Baby Food
~ not able to hit $250. not going to order. However, Nestle will be having some samples for earlybirds to try

paging for <font color="ff0000">pinksorbet n blurgal</font> - ur choice of Sweet Bear 11mm already OOS. Please let me know if u have alternative choice

<font color="ff0000">asura</font> - WOK cannot confirm when the FP will come in again maybe more than a month. Mickey still ok.

<font color="119911">Rest of mummies, pls pm me for the price offered by WOK. Also pls note that the delivery is only to location. From what i see, Sengkang and AMK will be the locations. Let me know if you are comfortable with this term.</font>
alfafa, no leh, still hv to work.. now working in pte company. hopefully, this will be the last working place for me, quite sian of working different companies and dnt hope to go back to public sector, maybe only when i want to retire, haha...

Re shares, miss that, too bad in office cannot monitor anymore..so just leave it since they are all doing alright at the moment.
Hi Vernice,

Hv update my alternate choice below. Thanks.
WOK Bumper Playmat:
Mummy Location Design Size
1 vernice80 AMK FP 1900*1300*15mm
2 Asura AMK
3 Kome Serangoon FP 1900*1300*15mm
4 Pinksorbet Sengkang Sweet Bear 1900*1300*11mm
5 Pumpkinseed Bukit Timah FP size TBC
6 Sung Sengkang Sweet Bear 2300*1400*15mm
7 Blurjen
8 blurgal Sengkang FP 1900*1300*11mm
9 Jojo Hougang
10 Reverie Island Paya Lebar
your mum teach investing/trading??

or bedok south....me and pig pig (aka ox gal) stay near central. Cant wait for them to have a mall up at Bedok. Don't even have a starbucks or coffeebean here to lim kopi..
was chatting with Asura earlier.. thought of having a mini get together at my plc next Sat... 22nd Aug 09.. understand that most mummies wld wana spend time with daddies... so jus asking if anyone keen la... heh heh heh... i stay sembawang... will prolly jus have cakes &amp; drinks... lemme knw...
teddybb - no la haha...my mum doesn't teach...she oso invest in shares like u all lor...i want to invest in shares but dunno how to so saying can ask my mum to guide me how to buy and sell those shares lor...

vernice - will there be any chance WOK will replenish the sweet bear stocks? cos actually i onli like that design lor...if not i am considering the new parklon designs from SSW
Baby Brianne is soooo pretty and cute! Can see that her eczema is cleared, tt's very good!

Congrats on yr baby first flip!

Have a great weekend mommies!
<font color="ff0000">blurgal</font> - noted ur change

<font color="ff0000">pinksorbet</font> - the stock will come in sept. u wanna wait or go to SSW?

<font color="ff0000">reverie</font> - SSW having promo for 18mm only but is much cheaper than WOK eight?

<font color="ff0000">wintertime</font> - thanks for the offer. heehee..tml i will spend more time with bb cos i leaving SG for work on sun so better not anyhow run :p
p3pp3r, princess_indreamland, please text me.
I want to drop your stuff off but I lost your numbers when I switched mobile phones thanks!
since yr hb not ard tmr then join us for dinner la... anyway, we wouldn't be there for too long as babies need to rest early, mayb juz 2-3 hrs gather nia...

ya, i need to be more attentive since he start to flip machiam like roti prata as describe by alfafa...

thks!!! wat abt yrs? flip buay??
sun - flip like prata. then move really fast. when u look at them, they move slowly... pretend.. when u turn ur back... whooSh! super fast de... when u turn back to look at them, different position le... Kirsten lurves to do that... hahaha!

so u waiting for the FP? I think i would just take the mickey... cos more than 1 month, bb would really need the mat liao.
vernice - PM u le...

missy - u changing job? paisei i didn't read all the archives...so u changing new portfolio or entering new company?
Re: flipping fast
aiyo.. think my boy super bin duah le.. all babies who noes how to flip will flip like roti prata but then ziv rather lie still n kick his limbs rather than flipping lo.. aiyo.. damn lazy.. he still will flip but not so into lo..

ya lo.. i agree.. but then if really wan can go library coz got cafe(forgot wat name liao) inside... they shld have a mall up lo since bedok kinda big area lo, shop from the mall sure can earn one..

sms u liao..
congrat on ur new job.. it must be GOD's will for u to have a new job right after ur current job one la..
Lucky u, to get a new job so soon. all the best.

I m still working now, clearing my emails and working on a press release. Arghh....have back to back projects in the next 2 weeks. See...you can be just be as busy in government sector, definitely not easier than private sector. Abt family friendly in government jobs, yes alot depends on your immediate boss. If he/she wants to discriminate she can create 'opportunities' to make you leave too.

My boy hasn't flip yet le..I think he is one of the slowest march babies to flip. But he can hold his milk bottle very well which gives me extra me time.
yes i see my weekend soon! 6 more hours to weekend!

alfafa, thanks for the advice n tips. does Jojo wan to open "investing for dummies" class? =P
Mummies I want to rant here...

Guess what happen today??? World best drama in Serangoon Gdn... Today on my way hm I received 2 call from Indo, obviously it call for my maid from the family. I pick up but no answer from them. Fine... I reach hm n they call again. I pass the phone to my maid n she started crying like waterfall. I got a shock n ask what happen... She say my mother n my younger son (7 months) had met with an accident this morning. Son pass away, mum in ICU... immediately my heart sunken. Oh man... what happen here? How did that happen, poor kid...

Call my HB, HB heart sunken as well. Out of concern, we just want to call the family to ask if they need help. Ask around to see anyone in my HB office able to speak bahasa. Got someone finally... And turn out to be she is lying. OMG... how can someone lie abt ur son has pass away??? I got so angry n upset n piss...

Last draw, HB got enough of her, say ok we r going to send u back to agency now, guess what she do??? Get the toilet cleaner (duck brand) run into her rm lock the door. We try to open but cant. keep shouting outside the rm to ask her open the door, finally she open with her hand holding the toilet cleaner n vomitig. Make a bloody mess... called the ambulance n police.
Paramedic came n want to take her out with the stretch, she say no no I can walk. Wah lao real WAYANG man. I really wan to faint. Now due to becos is suicide case is a police case.
I am really vexed man... no maid... no help all of a sudden... n I got to go for all the statement recording. Luckily I hv a very good friend with me to be my witness n saw everything from head to toe. If not pple who dunno think I try to kill her... Sigh...

sorry mummies... just 1 2 rant abit b4 i go to sleep...
