(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

jus back home 7plus.. bfing tristan for 1 hour or so, and he is still not slping now.. babbling now away.. arghh.......

im so sorry to hear about ur bad shopping experience w cozybabies. ashley is the shorter lady and theres another taller lady..

too late already .. the jumperoo taken. my hb wants to buy from ebay .. haha thanks aniway!

thanks for ur host today!
gimme ur a/c number for the lunch leh..

haha i go expo bought a few items..
2 nursing bras, 1 taggies blanket, 1 poncho, 1 sleeveless tee for tristan, 1 legwarmers..
i forgotten to buy the brainy baby flashcards..

if the first link or second link (diaper bags) nicer? haha. im tempted. LOLs

i will pm u shortly..
Ya, was seriously thinking hard what other uses I have for the wetbag and was visualising bringing my boy to learn to swim when he gets older. Haha.. Just finding more excuses to get one.
Both links the diaper bags are nice. :p But i think the first link got price increase. Initially i got it at $39.90 + $5 for the zipper.

Arrggrrrr.....i finding excuse also. Not finding excuse to buy but to find excuse not to buy.
The diaper bag that i got really very light. Luckily got got this bag if not i will have difficulty bring Anver out alone.
ok i declare this thread to be a poison thread...entice mummies to spend more $$$! hahaha! temptations! temptations! temptations! tink if the WTS or BP ppl come here sure v happy one...oops...

cindy - thanks ya =) yep do let me know if yr green to grow bottle works...really dunno wats wrong with our bbs...anyway at night yep, i will latch...but these days thank goodness he sleeps thru the night (better cross my fingers) and next morning i end up with painful breasts...i see that u are waking up like 2 hourly for night feeds...so poor thing...this can't carry on if u gg back to work soon...i suggest u try introducing trishelle one bottle a day first, and slowly replace the breast feeds with bottle as she slowly adjusts.

Asura - tink can't say for sure how long i tried, its a on and off thing...but i can wrestle with him for like 5 to 10mins b4 he's willing to drink...then in the midst of it he can start to cry and fuss again....drink abit then fuss then drink again....wierd? but if u talking abt since when the problem started, tink it escalated like three weeks ago...now he's 2months 3weeks+?

Alfafa - can't be thawed frozen EBM cos mine is fresh EBM kept in the fridge for less than 48hrs...mayb the 2nd reason sounds more plausible...

meerkat - my bb drinks gripe water daily, but as always he fusses when we tried to make him drink that...he doesn't like it...will cry the whole house down

tusky - my boi is like urs! always like to play and stick out his tongue...misleading us as if he was hungry but it couldn't be since he jus had his milk, so i'm thinking he is just doing for the sake of fun or its his favourite habit already...

Pumpkin - tink my boi not undergrowing growth spurt leh...i know its growth spurt when he keeps wanting to drink when he jus had his feed like a few mins ago...this time he cried for milk within a 2 or 3 hours interval. Yesterday i did not latch him at all. Today too as there was too much EBM left in the fridge. Actually really wouldn't mind latching him but i also don't want to do it too much that it becomes he's so used to it. Thats why i introduce bottle right from the start when he was born. But don't know why onli this time he became fussier.

Ida - Actually i sms u leh, still waiting for yr reply. Ok, i'll send u a PM

Lenny - such lousy sales person. Mayb she has gotten used to bb crying so much she ignored Brianne's cries...Haiz...no sales attitude at all leh...
same as u, i oso intro btl when he was born... so far he's ok with btl or latch on direct... tink if i go back work, shouldn't any major prob when my mum bbsit him...
btw, u didn't keep yr EBM at freezer? if u do, u can let him latch on and drink yr EBM when required
wa, for those momz who had gone to e Mhood fair, besides e 'rude' encounter w e Beco salesperson n pesky insurance pple...is it worth going on e whole...? Tink most likely end up getting cheap items... going on sat jus for e exp...

I keen on a diaper bag...wow alfafa...u sure r a lady of talents...into sewing too!
Kudoz...m sure u r making full use of ur time as a SAHM...

Today went to see my pd...got e 5 in 1 jab/ RotaR 2nd...my boi is 2.5 mth old, weighing 6.02kg/60cm long...
n guess wat itz e 2nd payment of $350! Include e 1st visit, my hb has paid a whopping $700!! Wa lar...so ex to c a specialist...is it cheaper to receive jab elsewhere say kk? Polyclinic is out as my hb does not like ad-hoc...jus hope this jab stuff can insure my boi's health...really cant b a SAHM...so ex jus e jabs alone...

Still on changing nipple to teat...besides persistence, u may consider letting somebody do e feeding...my mum put my boi on the rocker...do it gently n hide behind him while holding e bottle...wa sei...eventually he drank w/o protesting...ya, we hav done a lot of crazy stuff jus to make him drink...i muz thank my mom for her ingenuity...if back @ my mil's place...we will never think of this...

In short...itz helping bb step out of e comfort zone...he associates pleasure in suckling ur breasts, so itz harder to break e habit...like weaning one frm a pacifier, parents use chilli to stop e bb frm sucking...so i don noe for bf, mayb we can b firm n enhance e bottle feeding experience w watever itz comfy for e bb...

I know what you meant about the hard selling..
i told one of the girl that she is pissing me off .

she was trying to sell me an education system .. i initially smiled and told her thanks.. i am not keen.. she shoved her products at my face and started babbling.. i looked at hubby and hubby told her that Bree is too young and we are not looking at this yet. then she came to me again.. i also told her we will look at it after Bree's nursery is ready in sep this yr..

she blocked our path and shoved her products at my face.. i finally tell her (i didn't shout la.. just in my business tone voice) .. that i am pissed and irritated by her hard selling method and ask her get off my face.. think she got shock! and of course,.. she backed off.. Muahahaha

as for the hsbc, NTUC, Prudential and Motherhood magazine etc.. i told them i am not keen.. i smiled and walked away. they say got free gifts.. then i smiled and tell them "if your free gifts are not what i want or need.. they are just rubbish that will stack up at my home"

u can imagine the face of this sales staff from motherhood.. kekeke

Misscandy.. think u not so bad liao..
pink sorbet,

my boi likes to blow bubbles too...) i jus give him a pacifier if he 'looks' hungry but not near feeding time...

meerkat, u can try putting gripe water @ e side of his mouth...he/bb will swallow...i tink it helps to 'tell' him/bb wat u intend to do...they like to b informed...in fact, they can see wat u wan to do w them...if they enjoy it, they will coo after u give them e medication, if they don, they will resist @ all costs...
sun - i got keep my EBM in freezer too....each time i pump, i will try to put one bottle in the fridge and one in freezer....
yar Lenny, tink in such fair...don need to b too sensitive or polite...they thick skinned to push sales, so we jus act blur...bo chap abt their insistent pleas...
Sad to hear of your bad experience. However, Ashley saw us at the fair and she went up to mangogal to give her more advice on using the carrier so that it will not hurt her back...seems friendly to me though.

Me, queenie, mangogal and pink demoness went expo and see nice , bargain for "mini BP" price...haha so fun!!!!

Taggies Blanket - $20. We bargain and got it for $18.
Huggielugs - $20 per pair... bargain and got it for $17 each. But after the purchase, we saw Babylove ones selling at $19.90 and buy 2 get 1 free....arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Baby Shoes - orignally $49.90, bought a pair at $9.90.
Luckily, I neevr bring a big bag else....buy n buy.

For the milkbag, I only left with 2packs. I with box and another box dunno where I left it. But dun worry and that pack without box still having the inner packaging and it's unopened so confirm brand new :> You stay where and how to pass to you?

Checked and the Pigeon Mini Steriliser can take in the Ameda Pump Tubing :> So you still need?
Lenny, wah that lady must be so desperate to promote her carrier or she must be having pms! Yucks for her attitude! She needs to go attend some eq classes. Hugs to brianne.

Missy: super dollfies ah? Haha.... Yes u are right. I used to have bigger ones but really find them too hard to play n handle so now sell them off n stick to the small cute ones. Heh.

Sorbet: I have tried to intro btl since last monday. Initial also replace a day feed at a time, not so jialat cause she still latch a lot, can zzz through. Now end of second wk liao, all day feeds on btl, Jia lat. Update u on the bottle if it works Heh. If still can't, I will try nuk.

Queenie, my girl just zzz only ah Haha. I put her on cot, on the mobile for her n she suck her thumb to zzz... Haha....

got another lady kena from me.. she is trying to sell me bottles..

i smiled and told her that Bree rejects the bottle and need to latch on direct. so not applicable to me..

she still ask me to buy so i can use when i need to go back to work.. i told her i quit my job to look after Bree.. she still continue to ask me to buy so she can use later stage.. i gave her a stare and answered her sternly. i will buy when she need its later then i walk away..

she push me somemore.. she will kena.. my fav sentence... " Which part of my answer / sentence / NO do u not understand?!?"

Muahahaha... i am the very very bad type if ppl try to hard sell or pressure me to buy things.. paiseh ah..
tusky, what a coincidence, hehee today is baby's jab day too :p just realised typo, he's 6.1kg/64.5cm but he's 3mths 2days old. Payment was packaged $450 for a few jabs + Rotarix additional $100+ at Raffles hospital.

Talking about weaning from pacifier..some say vinegar...i think chilli a bit "zek ak" leh...
tusyky - speaking of blowing bubbles, i noticed my boi is drooling more these days, jus like now...wiping his saliva off...hehe

lenny - wow i guess u mus be realli pissed...yep i hate hard selling too...if we indicated like no thanks they should jus leave us alone...and seriously no offense i hate walking past all these booths where i see alot of the sales ppl standing there like waiting to bombard upon us as we draw near....like we r preys....

cindy - u know, NUK was one of my "mission" weapon too...unfortunately it failed! hahaha

I was the one who went up to enquire about the BECO carrier... normally if i approach.. i won't be fierce cos i want good service also la..

i kinda believe in reverse psychology.. be nice to sales ppl cos they can give u good buys / info etc.. i will be nasty if the sales staff is rude or hard sell etc...
if hair is tied up one shd be ashley.
shorter hair length is another one..

i saw another babylegs legs warmers lobang at WTS for $10 .. haha..
Prosper ...

You v good gal ler ... 'confess' when you didnt do anything hahahahaa

Tusky ...

Really the cheapest place is still polyclinic ... the nurses are fine actually its the dr that sucks!!

Sassy ...

Thanks for opening your place again ... we had fun =)

re: Motherhood fair

Actually what i really really hate abt these fairs is that insurance & slimming ppl hahahaha
Asura & Alfalfa,

re: bb rejecting bottle..

i also have the same problem. i tried means.. either hubby or my mum feeding (i will not be present) diff ways, diff teats, diff bottles even diff milk (EBM, frozen EBM and FM) she just refuses..

either she will just drink less than 50ml.. then vomit everything out and cries her head off - after that i took over.. she looked at me and seems angry with me for not feeding her.. continues her angry cries even after she starts to suckle a few mouthful.. she only calms down after 1 - 2 min latching on my breasts. she will feed till she fell asleep with me..

.. or she will cry till she got tired and not drink at all.. then for the next feed... she will suckle for an hour till she fell asleep. and if i tried to move her.. she will start wailing.. its like she is afraid that she won't get to see me or suckle direct.. then becomes super sticky and dun want anyone else to attend to her..

Haiz.... i really dun know what to do..
u got pm

don be mad with the sales anymore. at least u got ur ergo carrier! haha.

i also confess to hb my loots at expo. wha heng he didnt niam me.. but he luff at me.. saying the taggies blanket i bought is so small for tristan.

i also saw the peek a boo thingy at pupsik booth when i went down to purchase my poncho .. i cant find of any good reasons to buy that for tristan..

oh ya saw daphne crosailo kang there.. haha. wonder what time u left daphne..
salutes.. ! i feel so demoralize when the slimming staff approaches me on thurs. but i tell myself juz live with my fats for the sake of tristan.

she lucky cos i started our from that row, i dun want to spoil my shopping mood.. if its at the end and i am pissed.. she sure kena
seabreeze - i not onli hate....i try to avoid la...i always give them a smile and say no thank u to them...i remember there was once i was approached by this sales person...so idiotic...i told him i was in a hurry and he can tell me the mrt jus left onli! can u imagine! so angry lo...
pinksorbert ...

v hard to avoid at such places hahahaha if they approach me i will give them a dirty look lor and like lenny ... i tell them - you dun understand NO isit??
Seabreeze & Queenie,

for the citispa staff, i told her i alsready got package with them.. (my mani and pedi package at jurong point)

she still probe.. then i told her ..i am not pumping more money with them cos i don't like their hard selling and the nail polish they use on me sucks.. not OPI but jessica brand
seabreeze - ya can't avoid...but if they insist on selling or blocking my way for the third time (2nd time i will re-emphasise the NO THANK YOU) i will give them black face too...i'm nice la but dun pissed me off too, wakakakaka....the message is...don't offend women...hehehe....
dun remember which salon la..

she came to me.. and show me her picture... it was before she went on diet.. and ask me to look at her now.

i told her.. " Oh..Good for you! but i am happy with how i look now.. Thanks but No Thanks..

My Hubby... he so funny... he just keep quiet and walk behind me carrying Brianne while i push the stroller like i opening a path for him and bree to walks thru.. Muahahahaha... he just smile or laugh.. cos he knows how i am la.. he always feel embarrased when ppl approach him and entertain..
lenny u are good lar.. i dont think i have the fast reaction as yours to tackle those pushy sales. i muz learn more from you.!
Soory, I mean WetBags not milkbags...I no more supply and let go of all my milkbags already./.hee

WEtbags...which links?
y u not keen giving yr bb pacifier near feeding time??

anyone of u eat bird nest or dong cong cao when still BFing?? wondering can or cannot take...

re: motherhood fair
mummies tat went, anyone hv idea seeing the disney bathtub tat advertised on the brochure selling @ $9.90 (UP:$29.90)
tot of getting one... but fr brochure seem like tis promo start fr 7th june, which mean i can only get it @ $9.90 on tis sun, not sure true anot...

icic... norm i dun pump aft i let my boi latch on... i only pump b4 sleep coz i give my boi FM for his last feed...
lenny - LOL!!! yes i guess i can sleep btter tonight knwing im nt that bad afterall.. =P hahaha! i jus walk away la. dun wan to waste so much saliva on such ppl. the slimming one is marie france... zzz standard de la... all these ppl... anyway, my style is to put my hand up to stop them frm yakking. if they continue they cn do so. it jus falls on deaf ears becos i jus walk away...

queenie - actually if u have time.. since u SAHM.. maybe cn make ur own peek a boo bag.. LOL! it looks quite strtforward.. u jus have to find stuff to put inside bah... and mus knw hw to sew la.. =P
double post..connection was laggy when i posted earlier...thought the post didn't go thru...

sun - yes better empty the breasts b4 u zzzz....i got eat bird nest leh...cos i haven't heard cannot eat....
just watched Will Smith's 7 pounds and cried buckets. What an incredible movie. Will Smith movies are almost always entertaining or gripping. *sniff sniff*

About to go for a nap before she wakes up for feed liao.

so sorry to hear of your experience with the beco sales person. Actually whether it's ashley or her sales staff, when you posted about how an entire thread of mommies boycotted Ashley I was thinking to myself, why am I not surprised. I found her off-putting myself in our brief 2min encounter at sassy's place. There I was minding my own business with my baby happily resting in my pikkolo (just finished nursing her so she was still seated low at my chest level) when she suddenly marched over to me, didn;t even bother to introduce herself or ask who I am... just pointed at my baby in my pikkolo and asked, so are you comfortable in your pikkolo.

I said yah I do. Then she just glanced down at my baby, looked back up at me and said, "do you know that you are wearing her wrongly". I smiled (but inside was think what the %% is with her) and said yah I know, I just finished nursing that's why. Will wear her higher up usually. But yes I am comfortable with my pikkolo, thank you. Everything still cool up to now ... then this is when it began

Next she said something along the line of "oh really? You just wait one year. One year more and you'll see what happens to you." I was so taken aback but didn't want to appear rude. So I replied, no really, I feel fine and my baby likes it too. This time she actually sneered "ha I give you one year, just one year and you will know". I'm not kidding you, her attitude was one of sneering. I was stunned but really didn't feel like telling her off there and then so I just walked away. In fact I got so stunned that I think I even said thanks before walking away. So stupid in hindsight. Should have scolded her. Didn't even introduce herself, just came to me and started barking.

Kenna sai. She's definitely one of those people who doesn't know how to respect other people's opinions. the type to shove it down your throat. I did my research ok! I wonder if she even knows that Pikkolo has an extra belt support these days. this is really a matter of personal preference. I've known people who give up on beco to get pikkolo (hey no offence to beco loyalist). I've also read tons of reviews on beco vs pikkolo amongst others and the conclusion is that ... no one can claimed that either is superior to the other. It seems that there are die hard loyalists on both camps. Kenna sai man her attitude. Whether or not she wants my business, she should first identify with me as a fellow babywearer instead. And even if she had good intentions ... (which I doubt so, she was so rude!) and truly die die believe in her own product, she should have dished out her advice in a professional manner. What the hell was that?

ok rant over.

btw you guys should check out funshion, the free movie download site. The difference between this and the other sites is that most of the downloaded movies are actually very clear.

ok night night ladies :p
huh......... im speechless man over ur short conversation with the beco seller ashley..
why all the baby carriers sellers have problems here n there one. shake head.
alfafa ...

yap i was there when she said that to you ... in my mind i was thinking ... 1yr old sit in stroller liao!!! Why still need to carry?!? Hahahahaha

frankly i didnt like her attitude too when she said that to you

ya true lor. i also didnt even hope to see tristan in my carrier when he turns 1 yr old.. until now im still so shocked to know about the way she talk to our march mommies.. so angry.
