(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

can still remember how much is the blue egg milk bag selling over at the expo?

so BP selling cheaper swimming tube?? me also want to buy

Kome, nice bag.. I prefer this bag design to the current BP ones..

Gotta choose one color that is easy to match clothing... mmm.. gotta keep it a secret from hubby... buy le then say.
<font color="ff0000">meerkat</font> - not sure if anyone replied u. I have been feeding Joel with gripe water everyday since wk2. So far ok.

<font color="ff0000">kome</font> - still prefer the bag u bought rather than the 2nd BP one. more girly. The happy circles is nice

true lah..one hand very difficult to open the bag.. u say now price increase ah?

<font color="ff0000">prosper</font> - update me if the seller replies u :p

<font color="ff0000">lenny</font> - u bought so many bras ah? Too many ppl i also lazy try. maybe i just go BP/online buy better. Thanks for info
<font color="aa00aa">re:swimming tub</font>
wow..suddenly so many ppl wanna buy ah?

<font color="ff0000">St</font> - BP not say selling exactly cheaper. It's just that u pay $5 more bucks for an extra float which the bb can sit on when he is older.

The Blue Egg milk bag is $8 for 20pc cos its the new series with thermal sensor

<font color="ff0000">cindy</font> - i also hope i can make but i sucks at sewing lor. And my mum's style is if really want one, go n buy save trouble.

Anyone got the taggies blanket pics? Maybe i can use it for reference if i really embark such a project.
kome:the diaper bags r really nice...btw is it ex?

queenie: haiz i also wana go expo agn...bu gan xin nvr buy my nepia diapers...n hearing abt the taggies blanket, like very useful like tat...anyway, i'll call u next tues to pay u e cab fare hor...paiseh gotta rush hm ystdy...my cranky elixir...

seabreeze: is it true ntuc always gt promo for nepia diapers? like tat if i nvr go back expo also wont regret le...keke

sassy: tks for guidance on the sling n yr hm...
wha juz nw when i tt to u tristan is crying like cow boy like tt.. u got check? so scare i tt wrong a/c haha..
i tempted to go la. but hor not tdy i guess. im gg to two bday chalets soon..

haha when u gg expo? the taggies blanket nth much one la.. small small $18 liao. hehe.
queenie: wah seh so ex ar...me very broke le so i'll give it a miss ba...m thinking wana go la but very far...then no one look after elixir n i dun wan bring him la if not cant shop n carry things...hubby go sailing n wont be back till 1 mth later...haiz...i got a carrier passed down by couz but its those cheapo ones(lucky baby) but elixir like dun like leh...but if can then use first until strike 4d then i buy pikkolo or connecta or ergo or beco ba...hehe dun even know which is which...
<font color="ff0000">queenie</font> - i haven check..lazy to log in..shld be ok one lah..

Wa $18 for a blanket taggies..not cheap leh
ya the taggies blanket is 18 lor.. exp hor? hur hur hur nvm la. since i bought liao let tristan use lor. hehe buy connecta (ann's) like very shiok like tt.. very liang ah liang.. haha im tempted... wha ur hb sailor? 1mth so long leh... luckily u have maid n yr gmom.

ya lor.. keke. 14" x 14" but the texture is nice to feel lor.. so u gng expo ah?
<font color="aa00aa">The babies at gathering</font>
pinkdemoness.. nepia... u can call them.. prmo ending june.. still will be $14 leh

strike 4D... then buy carrier... can also... good luck to u...

alfafa.. dun give up babe... i imagining as u described ur painful ducts.... dun give up babe...i know u can do it.. only that.. u in pain now that u are thinking of giving up.... we are here if u need to rant... but dun giv up ok babe.... small hurdles to go thru to give the best to grace.... take care ok...
i forgot to post to u. keke too many things running in the mind. wanna consult mdm rokiah will it helps u? jia you!

Before i came to US, my MIL and mom have been giving my bb the bottle, at least once a day. Even so, she was showing signs that she dotn like the bottle.
First 2 weeks in US was without bottles as well cos I was too tired to pump out for my hb to feed when he was ard. We started giving her the bottle after that.. weird thing was that she finished every drop of the bottle when my hb first feed her. And she wasnt even crying for milk then. Subsequently, he fed her 2 times successfully. We are not sure when she suddenly rejects the bottle since last sun.
<font color="ff0000">queenie</font> - no lah nt going expo liaoz...the place so crowded n hot one. somemore later got bday party to go...

But i want to buy nursing bras n lazy to go expo. so may buy from the seller that last went sassy's place

take care leh... i think u got to be more disciplined with pumping after each latch liao.. i did that for 3 full weeks i think. Now i dont have blk ducts problems already though my boobs still get engorged and leak.
Do get mdm rokiah to clear ur blk ducts so that u can recover faster from mastisis.
<font color="ff0000">kome</font> - how many wetbags u order from Joann ah? was thinking can tobang u 1 order for Large then can get another bandabib?

Or is there anyone in AMK or SK want to combine orders?

Thanks for organising the gathering
It was good fun!


Thanks for opening up your place to us again. If want to go jalan jalan, give me a buzz ok, I am just opp gardens.


Wa, your hb goes sailing for a month ah? So you will be taking care of Elixir alone lor, but got your mom and MIL? Hee hee, my hb just got back from London so my burden is halved! Oh, if you strike 4D and want to buy Pikkolo, I have 10% discount!!

You stay katong right? ECP all the way to expo quite near leh. I want to go expo, but am afraid of the weekend crowd. And I don't want those pp from slimming centers to approach me!!


Wa, you going chalet ah? So nice! Think I am too old for such things already...
still cant leh. i give up liaos. haha..

my frd invited me one. kids chalet haha.

going out now. have a nice wkend !
Pei, ya ECP quite near...giving myself an excuse not to go le...wait anyhow buy agn...ok, if i wana buy pikkolo, i'll let u know, meaning if i call u means i strike le...hehe...ya hb sailing...sobz...but normally elixir is i look after singlehandedly one so not much problem here..my granny helps me though...

queenie: still cant meh? i just uploaded mine..maybe try agn tonight ba..enjoy yr chalet hor...me also very long no go chalet le...miss e bbq food...
asura, ida, queenie, cindy, pei and ladies
thanks. Feeling like shit now though. This time it bladry hurts sia. I will yelp out in pain if I as much as touch the affected areas in my left breast. Don't know what to do. Will wait for hubby to help tonight. Think I will cry. In fact, was already tearing out of pain last night when I tried to compress it myself.

I suddenly remembered your sms last night also. Wanted to ask how you are. Everything ok now?

Now ... as shitty as I feel I am still shopping. Think it's because my fever is not as bad as before when it hit 39.2C, totally cannot focus then. This time I took panadol (oh yah pei, normal ones will do).

I'm DEAD SURE that some of you will go crazy over this site!

check it out. Cheap and oh so pretty! not diaper bags per se but ahem ... just add the cute waterproof pouches from here lor, she sells them too.

hi all
i am feb mummy.sorry to interrupt, but wish to find out something from u mummies who have gone to the expo.

my sterilizer just gave me problem n i was wondering if anyone of u knows the price of the advent sterilizer which is on sale at expo? kindly advice.

i ordered the diaper bag liao. say if i paid today will deliver by next wed.
I choose the tutu design. oh the bag increase liao to $45
Yesterday came home from east coast caught myself fever after pumping. My last pump was 5pm and all the way to 2am tat y suffer for all these shit. And my right breast hurts.
*sayang prosper*
same boat
damn sian
thought better nurse bb first then express. she is a much better pump than my PIS

prosper, take panadol quickly before it gets even worse
nice hor? cheaper and nicer than BP ones. Some have base somemore. Check out her pouches too. Waterproof ones. Can put inside these shoulder bags
i like item #5 ishine shoulderbag 4 animal zoo print and #10 ishine shopper bag pretty floral print and #15 Neko Mania Cat Shoulder Bag

amongst others

hubby just got back. I'm going to manja to him liao
oh yah before I forget. I like kome's bag too. very tempting, luckily that BP has ended. Like vernice, I also think that first BP bags are nicer than the current 2nd ones I think.
hazel.. Nice site... Will browse thru later, now using phone to surf...

Prosper, can nego price with the diaper bag seller.
Irene &amp; Vernice
Haha....quite true after much conparison, this bags look nicer than the one at BP.

Vernice &amp; Pinkdemoness
Ya.....her BP that ends not very long had mentioned to me before that the bag now cost $45. I not too sure is it or not. You may just email to her and told her that i brought it at $39.90 and see what she says.

I had ordered 3 from her. Yup, i got no problem to tobang your order but i not sure if she can still free 1 more bandabibs to me or not. I suppose should not be any problem since i have already order $74+ from her.

Hope you get well soon.

Wahaha.....got brought alot of things from her already, of course she still remember me. :p
Alamak.....Alfafa.....you so bad lor, make me so tempted to get 1 of it.

Think we 2 about the same likes bag.....? :p
Lemon tea - No problem ;p Will definately call u... Hurhurhur... Is shopping time...

Kome - I will take ur bottles... Can PM me ur account no and amt to trf... Thanks... ;p
I looking at the pouch section lor....so cute.....see until my eyes blur blur. Are you getting it?
bo bian. usually am out during the weekend. Now stuck at home mopping like a sad kitty. so look for online retail therapy lor. Esp since I am latching her now. sit infront of PC again

btw, the KFC breakfast is yummy. Hubby specially wnt out to get my the am. twister meal seeing how manja I was. hehee if not he usually cannot stand fast food one. Very very de-lish!
getting confirmed getting. need to take out my measuring tape to check the size first. hehe now stuck at my lappie cos latching.
I don't need the pouch they are so nice makes me want to get 1. Thinking to get the bag too. :p Think hubby going to nag at me again.

feeling better liao. Somehow this time my bb is clearing the ducts much more effectively. heeeee pain subsiding by lots. *sayang bb grace* she's working hard as we speak. heeee
