(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

actually when i saw ashley at the expo fair today, i was walking past the booth... she of cos doesnt knw me nor i her.. only recognise her frm sassybaby's plc... i smiled at her then she jus give me one face. -_-" but its okie la. hurhurhur. maybe she nt happie i using connecta. LOL

eh same lor i also felt this way when i smiled to her when i walked past her booth on thurs when i went with hb.. as for fri visit to expo i didnt really tk notice .. hais. wadever it is. forget it lor. lets all forgive her bah.
haiii.... me sad... goin back to work next tues le.... =( the good thing is half day for 2wks... after that back to reality... bummer...
hi ida!

I've received the poncho! it's great! nice material and roomy.. haha. just dunno if i can latch her when i can't really see her when she's inside.
I'll transfer the $1.50 to you tmr. Thanks so much for going to the trouble of mailing it to us!
queenie/... glad u managed to buy the poncho at a great price
.. wah mummies really shop2...

kat.. no probs.. glad u like it.. no probs on mailing... gonna do that for devil later - will check my pm later

lenny... understand ur frustrations... dear.. cool down.. at least u got a good buy on ur carrier>... dun worry... whatever bad service that person does.. sure her services will not be likened by many and in the end her sales will dip down

my god.. alfafa.. she said that to u and u maintain how cool... how cool are u ,, OMG .. if its me.. i will give the look mann.. and say whats the problem with u .. and if 1 year.. whatever happens.. will happen to me and not to u ... haiyo.... salute u for being so cool
tuskywollie.. i actually went to search for good deals jabs and found in healthway clinics.. they have promo and can pay by CDA... 327 including gst for all the 3 6 in 1 jabs and u top up i tink abt 168 for rota virus. in fact the 6 in 1 here is cheaper than polyclinics
wow lenny, wat a horrible experience for you and bb. *sayang* bb. at least u got a carrier that both of u likes. with all the bad word of mouth, this sales girl is sure gonna kenna bad sales one.. haha.. cool down..

hmm. I'm going to the fair this sun with my hubby. probably after my hubby's off work after 4pm. any mummies going?
saw frm the info at the free items thread that tmmrw deals like quite gd leh.... delrosa syrup buy 1 get 1 free..

btw they said angel wipes are selling for 3 x packs of 80s for $5.50 .. dunno how true.. so if mummies gg to the fair.. can check out that at JL ???
btw the japan wipes that i bot sample frm that mummy - overall quite good.. thin and soft.... of coz not as thick as pigeon.. it will be ok to wipe poo.. but will be great to wipe up messes frm our little ones.. at the expo.. the same wipes selling for $7.50 for 3 packs... so dunno if u mummies want.. i m open to collecting frm my house???my fren is getting 2 packs... not me though coz i still have my tollyjoy ones bought frm JB in FEB.. and i dun use that much ... so no probs...
sob sob

I damn suay leh ... kenna plugged ducts again. Hope my fever doesn't go beyond 38C, which means it's most likely mastitis.

Spent 45min pumping just now and squeezing my left breast which is the culprit. Very painful. Sob sob. feel so depressed. Still painful. Like someone pressing on your sprained ankle kind of pain but on the breast.

Took panadol liao. Hope to catch it in time this time.

thanks queenie, seabreeze, ida, misscandy ... think she added something like... "You are saying that only because your baby is still small. Wait till one year later then you will know .. then a sneer." funny man. She's just plain rude lah. At least the pikkolo lady is ... hmmm just lack tact in her rejection I guess, but she wasn't rude rude per se. Don't know how to explain.

I am not cool. This is called " L L" Stupid to let her get away with it. Was taken aback didn't know how to respond still smiled and said thanks. After that then complained to my hubby.

Anyway ... going to sleep liao. Sob sob. a bit demoralised by the recurring plugged ducts. Somemore much more painful this time. Can't help but wonder why on earth am I persisting in TBF. Envy Jtho leh. Think I will open a champagne to celebrate on the day I stop also. Actually ... feel like stopping liao.


going to zzz liao. Headache coming on already. Can feel the fever also. Damn suay man

p/s love that poncho but tried using it earlier in the night and I think I prefer my old nursing cover (the type with a curved boned out part) much more. Not suitable for me. will explain another time. zzzzzzzzz
Haha seems like we are also boycotting that ashley ah! Haha, what an irritating attitude she has. lets not recommend ppl to buy beco from her Haha. Probably ya ya cause they got the distribution rights.

Queenie, think tristan will not appreciate that bag now lo.. But when he is older, definitely. Monster likes to take out cards n notes from our wallet! Haha....

Missycandy, Haha how bout cancelling half day for 2 wks n start work full force after 1 more wk? Haha Sian me also la, really don't wanna go back work!
Alfafa, hugs to u. Rest rest rest! Not gg to Tbf? I m sure u said it in a moment of fury Haha. One look on grace or I should say thoughts of grace will make u change your mind.. Where is my favourite source of food!?! Heh.e 1 yr old no need carry liao la.. Pram best, she cannot control n need to carry her own kids is her problem. She cannot assume all kids still wanna be carried in a carrier when they know how to walk n run. Stupid comment. Her ignorance really needs to be hidden!
thks for the great deal!

---> Motherhood fair
ya did a bit of shopping too, bought nursing bra, nepia, poncho, peek a boo (Queenie, reason to buy, for fun.. hahah)
got samples from EQ.
what else...
actually, i din have peace walking the whole fair, cos my #1 keep mumbling she wans balloons. hahah

so what i did to hardseller, i ask them, my ger wan ballons, u have.. hahha

i oso went to try ergobb carrier on my #1, heng she dun like n save my money, although it can take the wt of 20kg. Buw guess like what cindy says, by the time they start to walk, they wun even want us to carry liao.

maybe bb grace din empty the breasts.
few days ago, i oso find my breasts still lumpy after pumping.
Difficulties in sleeping, very very lumpy.

Then what i did is i hand express after pumping, it helps lots, the milk supply seems to build up in the next pumping.
another way is i use my avent single electric pump, n ask my #1 to help me press my breasts, wa i can c shootings of milk.
lucky for me, i m using 2 different sets of pump, so for single i can press, massage the breasts to make sure its really at least empty.

LASTLY, look at bb grace, she wun let u give up!

Maybe u wan to hand express after every feed.

Bbs who reject bottles --->
Mummies, u might wan to try spoon feeding.
Its tiring but at least bb is drinking.
wah.. seems like these sellers dunno wat is PR.. how to do biz like this...

Hazel, take care ah.. latch more n pump more.. massage before n after latch or pump...

ok.. now reporting my loot from motherhoodfair.

1. tube tops nursing bras - 4 pieces (2 black, 2 nude)- finally got my size man...

2. padded nuring bras (4 pieces (2 black, 2 nude)-

3. Bum wear swim diaper for brianne

4. Aloe Vera gel recommended by Pumpkinseed

5. 2 organic cotton rompers for Brianne

6. Ergo baby carrier - Hawaiian & Sucking pads - Mocha

7. Blue egg milk bags - 1 box

regarding the stupid beco staffs that we encountered, my gf told me she is the mainv authorised distributor for Beco in SG.. she has the right to take away the distributor for beco in SG.. she did that to one mummies in my gf's thread..my gf's friend told their thread mummies what exactly happened and that's why they boycotted her.

think she never kena me.. else...can write to Beco HQ and ask mummies to petition so she cannot behave in such "ya-ya" manner.

This kind of thing.. i do alot if ppl pissed me off at work.. i remember .. i kena a nasty phone call from a sales staff. this guy trying to speak to my boss. he started being nasty to our reception then the call get transfered to me..

anyway.. i told my boss and my boss wrote an email to tell his director off and told them that we are not keen in doing business with company who has such unprofessional sales staff as we do not want our brand to be tarnish.

so that guy kena f*** by his director and wrote an email to apologised to my boss and all the ladies who handled his call. wah.. i really love my boss for doing this .. miss working with him..

so.. if this beco girl is still not street smart.. one day sure kena ppl like me..

i mean if we petition.. think i can get the other thread mummies to put their names down and get her spanked!
Halo mummie,s wah so many posts and so many cooments abt the motherhood fair :p

Ann...thks for 'physcoing' me to buy the taggies blankets, I love the texture very much and hubby just shake his head,haha!
Anyway, hb & me gng again later to buy diapers and the inflatable swimming tub.
I bought the skincare products named BabyBuds Organic frm this Pupsik booth, think I am gng to buy somemore later :p
Lenny, did u buy products frm BabyBuds Organic? Good for bb wif eczema prob.

Lenny & Alfafa, so sorry to hear the bad attitude that you both get frm the Beco distributor, I was shocked that she is so rude to both of you, well it is really up to individual preference of buying what kind of carrier suits the best for babies mah...and now in spore service experience is so important, hiaz...so sad to here our retail service is still so 'cannot make it' n unprofessional

Aiyo so sad to hear bb C rejecting bottles, yah must need alot of patience to train her. Share an experience with you.
My best buddy,her boy is 8 mths old now..when he was 3 mths old he had very bad colic and getting nipple confusion, so he rejects bottle totally and frm then on my fren do total latch on to sooth him and didnt know it was a bad mistake! Becos of her boy case, she need to take no pay leave after her ML finish and still on NPL now but she is gng back in late Aug...Poor her gto to suffer and back train her boy to bottle feed during last mth, aiyo it was very heartaching experience...her boy was so stubborn that rather starve himself than taking bottle! My fren was firm nt to give in latching her son on..wah he cried frantically and pull her top just want breastmilk! She was so desperate and asked helps frm her mummies frens and even ask us to pray for her...Thk God her boy finally want bottle cos I advise to try rubber teat frm pigeon cos it is the closest feel to the nipple. So she start to let him drink frm 12oml, slowly increase to volume nw to 180ml to 200ml on average as he is taking solid food as well. Previously she was using latex teat and it's too hard for her boy to suckle. So now in day will be strictly bottle for him, in evening she will do total latch on, cos he has to get use to this habit when she is back to work lor.

So Asura, you gt to be firm to pacify ur gal, use all methods to let her take bottlefeed and need alot of support frm ur family, husband etc..

You can do it ,jiayou!

aiyo Alfafa, hope u recover well, gt to massage ur breasts diligently, think u gt to pump n nurse both ways liao, take care gal
Lenny, aiyo dun need to be so mean to write petition so serious la...she need to make a living too..but up to u..well there are so many similar encounters in our service here lo
Where is the bluegg milkbags? I cant find leh..
<font color="ff0000">kome</font> - u starting another craze ah? eh post the designs for both ur bags again..can see see..
zip no good for the bag meh? i tot can be more secure with zip?

<font color="ff0000">prosper</font> - heehee heard u so keen on the bag eh?
heehee y u confess to hb? u also nvr let bb swim? swimming is actually good mah..develope muscles

<font color="ff0000">seabreeze</font> - yeap i agree with u. Really dislike insurance n slimming saloon ppl. very hard up for sales.

<font color="ff0000">queenie</font> - u can pass me the money for the gathering. pm me for ac no. U say hungry end up also nvr eat a lot leh?

when u kena from that stupid woman.. wish i was there.. i think i might have lost it and scold her on the spot and exposed her.. keke..

but i donlt want our host to be in a spot.. if at public place.. she sure kena.
<font color="ff0000">queenie</font> - the taggies blanket cheaper at fair than BP? I wanted to buy initially. The material very nice...but my mum say useless. sigh..

aiya queenie..slimming saloon ppl basically approach all women! If it's not fat, then its face lor

<font color="ff0000">lenny</font> - how much u bought the padded nursing bra? Is it from the kelly series?

<font color="ff0000">mangogal</font> - u buying the swimming tub? i fins it cheaper to buy from BP leh. Cost the include a wave rider float n cost only $75 if self collect

what u said is true la.. but she mean to others and take away others' rice bowl first.. and she goes off scot free?

i won't bother with her.. i just think her time will come if she does not wake up
ya Lenny, I want to buy blueegg milkbags leh..which booth?
Aiya, of cos la cos I bought the carrier mah..but to be faIR, I feel her customer service really CMI lor, well as I said 70% of local retail service are like dat lor, so so for majority, so sad to say

Vernice, eh hubby want to go dwn n buy leh , anyway I gt float liao so only buy the tub

i think its at booth B20. this booth also selling Ergo baby. they sell really cheap le.. but no hawaiian print... else i buy from them liao.

they only carry plain colours ergo bb and they didn't bring the erggo bb accessories. i was hoping to buy it like a package for a good price..
vernice, the taggies balnket is not useless, bb will like to play with the tags de!

mangogal:: what u said just scared me. Sigh my little girl is starving herself too. she last fed 445am and till now refuse to drink any milk from btl and zzz. GOSH!!
mangogal, Haha I intro the btl to her last monday, 2wks liao, she just refuse the btl n drink very minimally in the day. Latch like mad at night. Sobs... I'm gg back in another 2wks, she better cooperate!
<font color="ff0000">mangogal</font> - the set of tub also include 1 chin float
post pic of ur happie bb

The blue egg booth is near the stage area towards left side of the hall.

<font color="ff0000">lenny</font> - wow..wired? have u tried? the support good?

<font color="ff0000">cindy</font> - issit? they like to play ah? hmm...maybe i can buy those ribbons n sew on to a cloth?
poor gal..hopefully she can adapt to btl fast enough then u put rest ur mind when at work

i have been trying to find my receipt for the bra.. i knew i paid 180 plus for 8 bras..

the tube one is $18.90 before less.. its better than Moms in Mind.. i can fit in and material thicker..

the padded one is 36.90 before less. if buy more than 100 bucks.. one of the bra is 40% off..

think they give discount for all my bras. u need to go to the booth and see..

10% if spend 100 or more.. 5% if spend less than 100
Irene &amp; Vernice
Here is how the bags look like:

<font color="ff0000">Design: Happy Circles</font>

<font color="ff0000">Top zipper view</font>

<font color="ff0000">Design: Tutu</font>

<font color="ff0000">Tutu internal View with snap closure</font>
Initially, i also thought that zipper will be more secure but when i tried open with 1 hand it was very difficult.

Wow.....seems like mummies going to the far have good 'reap'. I better not go if not i go and buy alot of things. :p
how much is the tub? what time u gng dwn? hah im still thinkng of my flash cards and dvds.. donno if will be very crowded later..

i wanted to buy the tube bra also but im afraid not enuff supporting ..

u got pm..
Kome, Haha u better tie your legs up!!! Haha.... Joking la.. My #1 is still feverish, 3days liao. Aiya. Sian. Kenna grounded at home. Haven't take mmr jab already fever. When your #1 took his mmr jab, did he develop fever?

Vernice, definitely u can make one. Keeps them entertained for a long time. Worked for my #1, so I bought another for #2. Make one for joel! N sew his name Hehe.
Yup, can say its just a piece of cloth. I had put in 1 0.5ltr flask, 3 4oz bottles, 1 small umbrella, 1 small wetbag and 1 medium wetbag and of course my wallet, card holder, key pouch and handphone.
Forgot to add, small wetbag contain 3 small containers of milk powder and medium wetbag contain 2 rompers. 3 handkerchiefs, 4 diapers &amp; 1 baby wipes.


I also kenna blocked ducts on my left breasts. Can feel about 3-4 lumps in total. Hard like anything lor. Tried massaging but to no avail. Then last minute went TMC to get them to help unblock. But still got lumps left leh, albeit now smaller. The lady says one time cannot remove all lumps. Actually wanted to get Mdm Rokiah but impatient. Paid $60, excluding parking and petrol. Not very worth it leh, if lumps still there next week, will get Mdm Rokiah. Now everytime I pump, I try to massage. But very tedious and my fingers, esp thumbs are so sore

Hope you will manage to unblock the ducts soon. What kind of panadol are you taking that enables you to still BF? I want to go get some to standby.
