(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

re: motherhood fair
arrrgghhhhh all of you speak so well of the fair, makes me want to go too! But I don;t want to bring baby there what with so many swine flu cases, and sick people in general. Hubby won't allow either.

Hubby went to the fair yesterday, for work lah, and brought back the moomoo cow toy touch for baby which they are giving away with huggies purchase. Damn cute man. Wish I was there to choose one myself. Comes in various animal forms.

I want to go! Sob sob

Meerkat, Irene,
just nice. I was about to vote for Pine Coriander too. Really like carnival on beco but I think I got overdosed on it liao. Getting a bit sian of carnival. Pine Coriander looks good. Apples and PEars looks a bit messy to me.

meerkat, i've emailed you.
lazy to go out and take my handphone cos still charging it.

as for your question:
1) I think it's necessary, cos you need to bring the milk back from office to home. The travelling time without the coolness, I'm not sure if the ebm will go bad or not. I bought a fridge-to-go. It's quite heavy, but it can really last quite long. However, if you have a fridge in office, just leave the ebm in the fridge and transport it home in a normal cooler bag with ice pack will do. unless your travelling time is very long.
My office is quite near my house, but I KS la.. still got the FTG.

2) I dun have a steriliser in office, so I will use HOT water to sterilise it.
I use my pikkolo alot because I go out alot. Nowadays I put her facing out occasionally. She seems to like it. At least she didn;t need to tilt and turn her head to see from the sides, though I think that's ok too. I can wear her on my pikkolo for hours, but for forward facing I usually just do it for a short while to let her have a bit fun only. Scared she gets over-stimulated. I wear her on my pikkolo occasionally at home too, when I am desperate to get her to sleep. heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee bad habit though.
Your dolls are really cute. Shld consider selling them!

re:bottle feeding
VT,my little one keeps whining (especially when he is sleepy) when i first started bottle feeding. Since I'm going back to work, I had ignored his whining. Sometimes,we mummies have to be cruel to be kind. Tried all kinds of teats and found that he is comfortable with the nuk's sillicon teat for premium bottles. Now finally managed to bottle feed him 5 oz for the 4 feeds in the daytime.
p.s I've decided to sell my virtually new pigeon fridge to go liao cos I am TBF-ing and have no use for it. Anyway I have two other cooler bags for emergencies. Bought it from another mommy who used it less than 5 times; looks BN to me in fact. I haven't used it myself. Still in box. but must come to my place at queenstown to collect hor? thanks thanks
sorbet: haha GREAT COLLECTION Of bottles! hahha me tried different brands of FM, all the same. gosh. what we have to do for our little ones. Sigh i fed her just now, already 2 hrs, after she drank her 60mL, but CRY CRY CRY, move the teat here and there refuse to suck. i give up la. Me bought a green to grow bottle to try after recommendation from kome n pumpkinseed, hope it will work, if it does, i let u know okie? HAve a great haircut!! sighs. 2 more mondays and it'll be my turn to go to work.. sobs sobs! guess if really cannot, just have to conbtinue to let her latch at night for her to eat loh. cause now she knows at night can latch, until when i start work, maybe milk ss low, then she will wisen up and take more in the day time.
Hazel.. go sew some dolls and sell to us here... earn some pocket money for yourself and spend it on Gracie.. kekekeke
thought of it before. Esp the booties I made. Problem is that handmade things end up quite exp compared to mass produced ones. And it takes so much effort to make one. Think that wetbag lady is smart, wetbags look sooooo much easier to make than reversible booties, and dolls!
I really hope he'll get over this phase soon... hee~~

I use a cooler bag (comes with the medela pump) to put the bottle after expressing at work then I will put the cooler bag in the freezer...=) AS for steriling, I oni use hot water to rinse it after washing them.

If you happen to go People's Park, maybe I can meet you for lunch..I'm working @ Maxwell Road =)
AS for the poncho, it's really quite huge & long...I'm sure it'll be even bigger for you bcos u're petite!! =)
you really shld go to the fair. Really lots of gd bargains for the mummies and babies. Think you can consider making items such as nursing covers and dream bags for selling.
Cindy, I'm starting work next Tuesday... haiz... the thot of it sadden me.. I will miss the time with Zachary.

Oh Hazel, wanna ask you, when can we start cow's milk for them (lactose intolerance babies)again ah? Cos I remember the PD told me can try one or two months later, to see if he can take it or not.
hehehe I wish sia. Got copyright issues involved as well. And lazy lah. Hahhaha might make a few more for some fun :p

this mommy is such a talented doll designer. Won't be surprised if the itsy bitsy ones are copied and then modified from hers to begin with. See her link here. Am tempted to buy more patterns to try for the new dolls. Which ones do you think are nice?


my hubby stubborn like ox. Die die refuse lor. Told me he is ok liao but last night he kept waking up to go toilet. LS. Men!

Now don;t dare to ask him to help with baby duties. Think he purposely one. =P
<font color="ff0000">meerkat</font> - a cooler bag is necessary for transportation of BM. Even if u can store it in your office fridge, u will still need to bring out while u travel home. Brands such as medela n pigeon also carrys cooler bag.

<font color="ff0000">ST</font> - behind still got some stalls selling drypers n clothes etc.

<font color="ff0000">alfafa</font> - heehee true. If i got nimble fingers like urs, i wont mind doing it myself too. but i am just plain too lazy lor. if u start mini biz, sure got customers one!
think you hit the nail on the head with your "be cruel to be kind" bit. Totally agree with you!

don't know leh? The other day I went mad and binge on creamy stuff (choco cream puffs, apple strudel, durian cream balls, plus some ice cream) and she kenna blood in her poo poo again. And she is already 3weeks plus old. But PD told me not to mistake this with lactose intolerant wor; he says all small babies in general cannot digest cow's milk well, just that some are a bit stronger than others. one to two months later meaning when ah? I also want to know. I like my HL milk!
I am too lazy to go on my own lah. So can only go in the weekend when hubby can drive me there. Aiyah you started work so early. Haven't even get the chance to meet you yet. ;)
Siao liao. confirm my next doll will have some of my poncho print. LOLs

eh if you guys have time, go to the link and help me choose a patternt o buy leh. Really feel like buying ALL of them.
Hazel, we went to see the PD when he is 2mths old.. so one to two months later, i will think 3 or 4 months old?
I miss the HL milk also...
sometimes, tempted to try drinking HL milk then see how he react to it.
My gynae told me to do this, at least from BM, the cow's milk is greatly reduced.
sell your unused diapers at the WTB section. A lot of mommies started threads saying they want to buy. I sold all 7 packs of my huggies ultra s liao. Actually regretted it after that cos now I find that Huggies M size is still a bit big for her. Luckily my hubby has two more packs with him which he forgot to bring home.

9 packs ok lah. I have 12 packs of M ultra plus 1 jumbo dry! hahahah yah I heard M size can last for very long. My girl still poos quite regularly, probably because she is on TBF, so the churn rate is still quite high.
Hazel, all patterns look nice loh... but i like butterbean, gertie goat more. the girls doll patterns are nice also.
I probably overdid it last weekend with the cream stuff then. Cos she was more than 3 mths old but still got it. In fact, her poo poo still has one layer of slime on top of her usual mustardy poop. Not good.
He did tell me that for most babies, if mommies take cow's milk in moderation it should still be ok. Just don't go overboard because then baby's intestinal walls will likely get inflamed. That's when you start to see them poo blood. Very heartpain.

Think I will try HL milk when she hits 4 mths then. Will continue to take other dairy related stuff meanwhile but in small quantities lor.
you not helping me leh!!! I also thought the same as you. Die die, am I really going to buy all of them? Spend money again! hahah
Gertie goat I have already. Didn't buy. Just modified from my lamb pattern. That's my billy the goat lor.

Maybe I buy Jane. Cos I can try to modify the rest that are similar to the lamb pattern. Butter bean is sooooooo cute! Little peanut too. Looks easier somemore.
hahaha... i think just get another 1-2 more patterns? so tat when you wash billy the goat, you have another spare doll for her?
Pee-a-boo bags:
i'm staying in amk too... dun mind sharing w u... btw, how much is the postage? =) actually they hv a store @ the motherhood fair oso?

I am facing the same problem as u. Initially, bb came here and willingly took 1 bottle from my hb so we tot ok.. but these few days she suddenly reject the bottle. We tried change teat, change bottle... the thing is she see bottle only start to westle liao... cant seem to force the milk down her, she just cry. How long u try before ur bb reluctantly drink from bottle? Think i need some help in this department.. haiz.. i clean her tongue since wk 7, until now still like that.
still haven't taken lunch cos my girl decided she wanted her "lunch" first. :p

re: the above posts whereby bb is fussing during bottle feeding.

I have not experienced it myself but I'm wondering if it could be

(1) they are rejecting the taste of thawed frozen BM? Saw on one thread taht some babies will start be reject only some time later

(2) teat size is wrong? I mean, by the time you change the teat size baby has already associated bottle feeding with negative thoughts, so they reject it even after you have changed the teat?

Thought the above might be two potential reasons since they explain why babies are OK with latch on.

yah I thought the owl thing is cute also. need to go and buy fabric liao.

ida, grace, received my poncho with thanks! wow so soft! soft pretty! Am very happy with it. But am concerned that it's not as easy to put it over my head with a single hand during urgent moments, compared to the normal nursing covers with a curved out boning that is. Yah it's really big man, a bit too big for me. Machiam like wearing a dress. All I need is a belt to cinch it together. Lols
Any mummies feeding your babies gripe water? Is it okay to feed them everyday? It is supposed to get rid of the wind which makes bb fussy.

haiz... i hope u are right.. but i gave my bb ebm which was not frozen..

i think ihave to be hard hearted and let her go hungry unless she drinks some milk from the bottle i feed. hb goes to work at 7 and comes back almost 10 pm everyday, there is almost no opputunity to train her on the bottle by someone else and nite time is not the time to let her go hungry..haiz..there's also no one else here to help me feed her.
can try letting someone else feed the baby with bottle too. Think some babies are very smart. Once they smell mommy they reject the bottle.

could yours be the same case as the above?

Potentially, another reason is because you are feeding when baby is fussing because of some other reason? Not out of hunger? Think Jtho related her experience before, of how her hubby insisted on bottle feeding when Little Oli cried despite Jtho thinking that it is out of over-tiredness. In the end Oli still cried for a long time even after the feed. Didnt calm down until Jtho took over and he fell asleep shortly after. Jtho knew this because Oli was on the EASY pattern. VT, think yours might possibly be due to this?

I know that carers, esp MIL loves to over feed babies. Everytime baby cries they will say that it's because bb is hunr=gry. Mine is like that. And almost everytime I had to insist on not feeding, but distract my baby with toys/songs etc. I am almost always right because she would smile and then fall asleep after that. Had it been left to my MIL, my baby would just be drinking milk non stop.
pat pat. Yah no choice if that is the case.

got to rem to take care of your health first.

Or try and determine if she could be rejecting because she is actually not hungry? just fussing out of over-tireness/stimulation ... boredom?

No choice lor..
Very heartpain over letting her cry but no choice. SHe is very hungry.. after i give up and let her latch on, she finished latching in 6 mins and went straight to sleep. Heh... she just dont want the bottle..
aiyo ... so jiat lard.

V hard for you to go back to work in this case. but yah, like what meerkat says, might really have to be cruel to be kind. better you do it than the caretaker.
meerkat, tink itz ok to feed ur bb w gripe water...in fact, u can do this twice a day, i tink...check e requirement on e bottle...

overfeeding e bb...ya i tink itz good to stick to e feeding interval...e.g. 2 hr/3 hr...BBs cry not jus out of hunger...my boi would keep opening his mouth/sticking out his tongue if in need of a drink...

those changing frm breasts to teats...it definitely not easy, esp when bb is used to e comfort of suckling near ur body...one way is to make them hungry...until they don wan to choose...another way is to give some water...u may oso give a pacifier to improve e situation...my bb looks every bit a bb, w his pacifier...haha...

EASY...go longer on e activity...if bb not crying...

Yah lor.. i tot better train her now before too late. Cos by the time i go back to work, bb is 5 mths old already. Definitely more difficult to bottle feed her then. I shall let her enjoy herself tomorrow andthe weekend and start her training on mon... jia lat.. got to train her on both sleep and bottle feeding.
You must really try to be hardhearted. If not, it will be really tough to get back to work. Heard from my fren that one of her colleagues had to extend her ML and take no pay leave as her bb refuse to bottle feed.Ya,i know it is really heart pain to see bb wailing. My little one also cried or rather screamed until the face turned red whenever we bottled feed him. However, he caved in when he is really hungry. Really a contest of will and patience.

Yah... thanks.. i have made up my mind to force her to take drink from bottle for the first feed of the day from monday onwards. But my colleague advise that i feed water from bottle first to let her get used to bottle. What do u think? I dont have anyone to help me bottlefeed so it would be tougher to do it myself.

from what i know, we dun need to feed bb water if they are breastfed. You might want to try to one feed first at the same time first? Initally, will be hard and probably you will have to wait until your bb is really hungry. My little one could actually refuse to feed after an hour from his feeding time.
My colleague's daughter is 4mths+ and is still refusing the bottle. Her gal will latch on at 7am before she leave for work, take cereal in the afternoon and wait for her to knock off at 7pm to latch on again. Her gal can simply fast just to wait for her mum to latch on. Super power...

My colleague just told me that her niece is like that. I trying to prevent that and start forcing bottle down her now rather than one month later when it is too late.
asura:: ask me man. i have tried btl feeding for her for 2 wks liao, when she turned 3 months cause me gg back work in another 2 more wks. REJECT lo. she can starve and whole day only take 2 feeds of 60mL each and then latch happily every 2 hrly in evening.


So we likely to be in same boat...
Let me know when u succeed in making her drink the full feed. So u just let her starve? She dont cry? or fall asleep from hunger? When did u relent? the 60 ml is during the day when she reluctantly drink?
