(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

thank u.. i tried ytd giving him 60ml of fm after bfing.. but still he got up 1 hr later.. +_+
i tink he cant slp well previously.. nw can oni hope each day be better for me n him..
i did the power pump tdy again.. merely got 75ml.. SO saddening..

ur welcome

Re:cord powder
Baneocin Powder .. i got it from my pd @ tmc.. dr keoy..
it written: Broad Spectrum antibotic combination for tropical treatment, protects against infections
cost me $4.40..
tink if ur pd nvr prescribe then no nid to go get it lor. juz keep the navel dry at all times?

all the best to u..!!!

and can help me amend my son's name .. haha no more Xander... pls amend to Tristan! thanks !!!

congrats to piggy and reverie island..

don worry.. juz have plenty of rest while u are still in mt e.. 1st few nights will be quite tiring...

congrats to reverie & piggy!

Sun - soon!!! =D

today i let bb latch on... she managed to latch properly and i was so happy... then after finish her feeding, the pain came... OMG its like many ants biting my boobs... freaking pain... i jus keep on massaging my boobs... does anyone experience the same sensation? i though it was just the nipple at 1st... then realise the pain sensation travels along the cleavage ... i dont think i can continue with latching on if i keep getting such pain... dunno whats the cause as well... so sad... =( anyway will pump what i can.. rest i will feed with FM... cant TBF nvm... at least some EBM i also happy...

Actually FM is supposed to make the baby fuller... as compared to BM leh... thats what the PD told me... hmmm

i guess most babies are awake at times when we want to sleep.. haha... seems like most of us are experiencing the same thing... oh well, my frn says by 2nd to 3rd mth bb wld sleeper longer during the nights... so i guess we can only count down til then...
jasmine, Haha I got mil to help loh. But also not much help cause #1 sticks to me, I just let him watch tv whenever I need to latch, and whenever bb is zzz I will play with #1. So in a way, when I need to attend to bb, he is still okay Haha but very tiring.. So I always look fwd to his noon nap.

Moomoo, me drink milk every night. Never warm up Haha. We need the calcium la, not whether make bb fuller or not but think only Fm can make bb fuller cause it curds in their tummy..

Sunsun, all the best! Update us... How time flies. Now end march liao!
ARgh,.. buay tahan my boy.. from 6am plus wan suckle until now. and when i latched him on, he can scream while latching..... i wan ki siao liao...
actually FM doesnt make the baby fuller ... its harder to digest so it will take longer before they cry for the next feed

in fact i know of some bb who cant take to FM well cos of indigestion

anyway my PD just called and say that bb can come home today even though his jaundice is at 11 cos he thinks its breastmilk jaundice too

but the sad news is taht my bb seem to have abit of running nose ... we are just worried that he kanna from the Gor Gor who is now down with flu ... PD say to administer with him nose drop

guess i have no choice but to spilt the 2 boys up for the time being and no air-con at night
My CL will clean the inside of bb's mouth everyday during bathing time. She will wet the cotton wool using her index finger, make sure the cotton wool is "dry" (as in not dripping wet), then put her finger in to clean her gums plus tongue if there is a white layer of milk on the tongue.

I wanna start my first hands-on experience on bathing her tomorrow! Hope it'll be ok and bb dont struggle too much.

PD / Vaccinations
Any mummies seeing Dr Ong WH from Aglow Clinic? Have you decided which vaccinations to give your bb? I read that its no good to give the 5-in-1 or 6-in-1 jabs cos too strong for bb.
i gave him EBM and FM ytd but still the same..
he cant even slp for full 1 hour ytd.. +_+
i suspects he now in his growing spurt..

gd tt bb can go hme le! don worry. hope his flu will go away real soon...
Sun - i hope yr boy doesn't get too uncomfortable inside and will pop soon

Here is my details...
EDD: 25-Mar-09
ADD: 17-Mar-09
Mode of Delivery: Natural with epi
Baby's Name: Kyan
Weight: 2.435kg

Mummies, when did u all give the first jab to yr bb? my bb hasn't even got her first jab yet as he was still having jaundice the other time. I was scheduled to go back to the clinic on 4-Apr...but i want to change the PD so am thinking of scheduling the jabs elsewhere...
Queenie - yours is born on 3/3 also right? my gal is on a growth spurt for sure..she is drinking 100ml of Formula and EBM. These days at around 9+ evening time, she demands alot more, took EBM of 125ml....'da wei wang' (aka big eater)and will be very unsettled until 11 for her next formula feed...
Seabreeze, glad to hear that your bb can come home le. For the running nose, just give him the drop. Zac also have running nose, got it from the sister.
congrats! what 1st jab are u referring? the 5or 6 in 1 jab ar? tink i will bring him to tk after he turn 1 mth..u can bring ur bb to polyclinics, GPs or PDs..

ya 3/3 ! ^5.. my hb made the FM always 60ml one..and my EMB quite little nowadays... saddening.. i read all the symptons all fit in for my boy's new pattern.. i really hope all these go away asap.. ytd 12am feed him for 1 hour until 1am. den we both rest and 2am he wails again.. and got up and feed him more than 1 hour.. until 3plus -4am.. den 550am he wake up again.. and feed him until 7plus am.. woa very Siong lor..
my dad still can tell me don feed him so much.. and hb keep askin me got milk or not... wha, these 2 men plus the little boy is stressing me up for sure..
koala - my bb refuses to open her mouth to let us clean... -_-" she wil pout n shut it even more tighter.. haa.. nvm la.. sometimes i see quite clean... sometimes becos jus after feed sure will have some residue... will try again later...

queenie - *sayang* when i latch on my parents esp my mum also like to always ask not enough milk is it? whenever she cries... mum wil ask her u hungry is it ... -_-" even after i jus fed her... grrr.... if you can tahan him crying for awhile.. then try to let him go hungry for awhile... if not very difficult to feed. becos everytime you are just topping up... not giving full feed right? we sometimes make 90mls sometimes 60mls... sometimes she finishes, sometimes she doesnt... my precious EBM i will give ard 70mls... but she will always leave behind ard 10mls of EBM and 10-30mls of FM... =\ no choice...

cindy - u drink cold milk ah? o_O

pinksorbet - my bb had the hepB & bcg jab in hospital... when i went to PD for appt, she says can take the 6-in-1... she says take it at 2, 4 and 6mth... maybe u cn check with ur PD.. or you can always go to ur nearby trustworthy GP.. nowadays a lot of GPs do it for a much cheaper price! I will be going to GP to do as well... my PD charges $550(excld consult) and her consult is ard 70-80 bucks... so exP!!! anyway, i wont bring bb to see her unless really really serious *touchwood* i wil go to my nearby GP...

Seabreeze - yeh! cn bring bb hm! =)

last night/this am bb cranky on n off... i hope she gets into a routine soon... initially refused to be put onto her bed... put dwn start crying n struggling... -_-" haii.. then keep up down up down... anyway now i try to feed her 2.5-3hrly... depends if my EBM or FM lo...

today hubby took MC =x then guide him how to bathe bb... hahaha.. he nvr pay attention during class.. KNS... try to make her sit -_-" but quite good for 1st timer la... i jus stand next to him and show him how to hold... how to bathe... then make him do it... plus wear the clothes.. he take to long to put the pampers on and play with her that she peed... LUCKILY today i decided to put the changing pad on our bed.. if not kena the bed again... hahaha! forgot to take photo! argh.. missed it... oh well.. btw i tried to see if bb wld sleep better if give bath at night... so last night decided to give her a warm bath b4 bedtime... lets just say it doesnt work.. hahahaha... still cranky... so i guess not goin to do it liao... morning bathe, night just wipe up... =P
haha sian rite.. but i noe they meant well lor.. i tried letting him cry for awhile after u shared what ur PD said.. but apparently, his cries from the start is loud loud one.. so really got to attend to him real soon..
haha ur hb learning hw to bath her only tdy? kekes.. so funny right seeing how men bath babies.. even my dad i see how he bath my boy nowadays (every morning) i will shake head in my heart one.. my hb learn bath my boy from day 1 or 2 when we returned home.. i got my sis to teach him.. he have to pick up the skills asap coz 1st wk of confinement he was in charge.. haha..
Dear all,
I finally popped after 40 weeks and 2 days. Had a long and tiring labour, about 27 hours in TMC.
My bb gave me a scare when I couldn't dilate fast enough. Gynae was prepared to do c-sec on me if I haven't reach 10cm at a certain time. But luckily, at the very last min. I managed to fully dilate but it took me 1 hr and 35mins to push bb out. Wonder how some of you can do it within a few push. Very pei fu.

Can u help to update my status in the chart?
My nick: Srumpee
BB Name: Eames
Mode of delivery: Natural with Epi.
Date of Deliver: 24 Mar 2009

BTW, I have another worry now. Do all your babies pass the 1st hearing test? My bb didn't and had to test him again one mth later. I am very very worried now. Nurse said this is not uncommon cos the ears could be stuck wtih water and lots of wax which could go away. I hope so, hope my bb has no hearing prob. Sob Sob.

I managed to feed him Colostrum during the stay in hospital. Today is my 4th day, no milk yet but I continue to let him suckle. But the bad thing is, his suction is so powerful that both my nipples bleed now and I have to stop. Mummies, how do you 'cure' the bleeding nipples ? Do you still continue to try pumping even if your nipples are bleeding? Really need some advise here.

queenie, isn't 60ml too little at 3weeks? my girl takes 60ml for first 2 days then have to increase again to 80ml. now she takes 100ml. same age as tristan...
Missy, yea Haha cold milk. In fact, I also take cold milo and cold vitasoy Haha. Oops..

Scrumpee, Congrats. u can apply some nipple cream? Once they toughen up, all will be fine. Hugs. Actually, there is no hurry to pump, cause no milk yet. Just latching is good enough, don't over stress them. Even when milk is here, u don't have to pump too. Just let them heal, latch still.
queenie - hahaha.. my bb depends.. sometimes she will whimper.. sometimes scream the hse down.. when she screams then no choice... i actually try to use the pacifier .. but she spits it out... haaa.. kns... yalo intial days is i bathe ma... so hubby didnt have to bathe.. jus play with her, feed her, change pampers and cuddle her...

scrumpee - congrats tO u!!!

cindy - ENVY!!! anyway i secretly drank some cold pokka chrysanthemum tea.. ahahahahh =x then jus nw hubby lemme tk a sip of his coke... but i also secretly took one big gulp when he went out of the study room... KAKAKAKA =X
oh ya. want to ask. anyone signed up with Standard chartered for the Baby bonus/cda? wld like to ask, they will send me another separate ATM card right? Or do i use the baby bonus card as an ATM carD?
congrats! did u try to pull ur nipples out when ur bb eames is still suckiling on it? coz by doin that will cause pain to ur nipples.. have to put in 1 of ur finger to his mouth and gently tk ur nipples out.. apply nipple cream ...

ya i tink is too little.. i oso donno why hb everytime only make 60 ml of FM for him.. lols..
haha.. i also tried the pacifier ytd.. and hb give me shake head look.. coz i previously said i wan TBF, but i didnt make it.. and i say no no pacifier and ytd i tried givinghim..so useless me. lol but anyway, tristan oso rejected pacifier.. hahas.. so happy inside me.. wha.. u bath bb urself.. so nice.. my parents don allow lor.. so far i oni manage half bath tristan.. kekes.. i donno anithing abt the bb bonus thingy.. haven endorse my signature.. why u choose SCB??

RE: cold drink
i oso drank cold orange juice and had hotcake meal ytd for my breakfast.. wha SONG lor,.. hahaha..

another time i stole sips of Cold Green Tea.. kenna caught by my mom.. den i spit it out to show her i nvr drink at all.. haha.. mommy buay tahan me oso..
do u ladies give bb to latch more often or bottle more often? I seem to give bb more on bottles leh..not sure if my MS will go down.

Do u express the milk after bb latch?

and i don't wrap bb now(2 weeks) cos hubby say bb too hot..
ladies ...

thanks bb is home with me now and zzzing ... tried waking him up for milk but he cont to zzzz in fact i only managed to latch him on in the car at around 12.45pm and just now at 2pm and both time for abt 15mins only ... sigh super scared he not enough milk then jaunidce shoot up again

anyway he just got his name today heehee we went to see the master in the morning - Ang Shao Han 洪绍涵 we tot it sounds like a gal name (Cos of the singer 张韶涵) and my hubby even asked the master if he got the sex correct hahahaha

the master says that Shao Han is a neutral name which means that can be used by both sexes and its meant to balance his life etc etc but the Shao that he gave my bb is the same as the guy from 5566/183 club so i think the word is still a boy boy word ba heehee

re: cold drink

try to avoid not just during confinement ... even aft tat if you intend to BF ... cos too much cold drink will reduce the supply one

re: bathing

think my mum cant tahan me liao she went to buy the herb and ask me to bath hahahahaha so me going to bath this sunday!!

Irene ...

Will administer the drop and hopefully his nose congestion goes off soon ... but i reallise that its not so obvious when we are not in the air con room or maybe cos i just administer the drop hahahaha will continue to monitor him ... anyway my PD took some sample of the mucus for lab test just to make sure there are no infection cos i had the Strep B infection when i was preg

going back to see the PD on tues - cross my finger
i latch more often den bottle feedings..

i rarely express after bb latch.. (lazy)

still try swaddle him.. if i nv on a/c i use cloth diaper to wrap him.. if i on a/c i will use a thicker one.. or use a blanket on top of the cloth diaper..

I wan ask::
do ur babies get shock when u sneeze or cough??
i've stopped wrapping since he is 3 weeks+ already, i think spore too hot...he sleeps longer in aircon, think he prefers colder weather...

Latch & bottle
He is taking EBM from bottle more, i latch about 15 mins to make him sleep (weapon #3 hehee). Also i try to give 1 or 2 full 30-40mins feed per day (so he remembers how to suckle on breast).

thanks for tip! I have started trying the "jin-yin" flower just now. Hopefully it'll go don in time for his sunday's full month party.

Full month party
The caterer i chose Stamford catering and for cake, Bengawan solo, Winnie the pooh design. Last minute chose, no time to shop also. After next week, i'll be on my own...a bit worried liao leh...

Red Eggs,
anybody making these themselves? i'm going to try...anybody got receipe? How to dry the dyed egg without putting it on newspaper and causing a patch on the egg?

moomoo, st,eliz, jasmin
i am also having difficult making him sleep. The breastfeeding support gp lady did mention, first 2 weeks they are in "sleepy stage". Now in 3-4 weeks, they show their "true colour". so i normally go with weapon1: let him suckle on breast 15mins. Weapon2: Walk around (i hate this "marching" part, feet aches...Weapon3: aircon. Wearpon4 (until no choice after 30-45mins marching): Pacifier. Sometimes when he is awake for 3-4 hours already, i know he cannot tahan, easier to sleep, i just put in cot, just pat pat 5-10mins will do.
Hi ladies,

I'm from the Jan 09 thread. I've given up BF and thus selling away my Medela PIS Traveller (but without the cooler bag).

I'm willing to throw in the following:-

1) Excellent condition nursing pillow (My Breast Friend)
2) 1 new packet of nursing mother's tea from MIM
3) 2 half bottles of Motherlove Goat's Rue and Motherlove More Milk Plus

Letting go everything for just $350. Price still negotiable. For more info on Motherlove products, pls refer to below.


Pls PM me. I'm willing to let go at a lower but reasonable price.
Hi mummies, i have a bottle of Avent baby bottom balm for sale which is recommended by TMC's Mrs Wong. It can be used even when baby is not having any rashes. It acts as a protective barrier for your baby's bottom.
Expiry Jan 2011.
It is retailing at $17.20 but I'm selling it for $13 (excluding postage) and giving a bottle of Pureen baby bath FOC.

Pl PM me if u are interested. Price is negotiable. Tks

nope leh..bb dun get shock..but i realised he get shock easily if got sudden loud noise etc..that is why i like to swaddle him but hubby say bb is too hot...

bb will show his true colours in week 3 onwards?
Queenie and Cindy
Guess I have no choice but to continue to apply nipple cream. My massage lady is coming today, hope she can teach me to massage my breasts, I feel engorgement already. Hope I can pump out some milk by tonite.

All of your babies pass the 1st hearing test? so good. Pray hard hard now that my bb will pass the 2nd test next mth.

My mum swaddles my bb. I think he sleeps better, we will turn on fan for him if too hot.
u didn't have epi when u delivered right..how was the pain? u still can tahan the pain when it was 10 cm
ooo mine sneezze or cough he will get startled one.. den mymom say he timid. lols.. i use napkin to swaddle him lor.. nv swaddle he fidgets alot.. den cant slp well..
ya didnt get epidural.. is bearable until the mid/end of 2nd stage of labour i buay tahan den i reminded tt dr ang told me to ask for laughing gas .. the pain is undescriable man.. haha
at first me didnt even wan laughing gas.. coz wanted try total drug-free labour.. LOL.. i muz be siao. why leh.. u wan another round ?? hehehe

i turn fan but oso cant blow directly to him and me.. sehs.. so when i buay tahan i think he will lagi buay tahan so i on air con.. or if i feel freezing in a/c room i will quickly switch off.. i tink i ought to get one room thermometer..
Seabreeze, yup.. in aircon, it will get worse n he will not sleep well. we tested twice le, end up switch off aircon.

these few days very warm, i can't do without fan or aircon... but cannot on aircon for his sake...
Queenie, I turn on fan to blow at him but I made the fan turn so that the fan is not blowing at him all the time. Weather is very hot esp today, I am perspiring in an aircon room.

My bb also has slight jaundice, going to PD for checkup tomorrow.

BTW, have you all finish your massage? manage to lose some weight? I haven't step on the weighing scale since I gave birth, dun know what's my weight now.
Irene ...

Yap and my PD even ask me to monitor him for fever or cough ... just now got a scare cos i measured his temp and it was 37.5 then suddenly rem that he was zzzing on that side of the ear so took the temp of the other ear and shows 37.1 ... now i dun even swaddle him liao cos its really HOT!!!

but he is still super sleepy ... woke him up at 4.15pm to drink milk again ... guess i have to do that every 2 hour if not he will just zzz and zzzz

wonder if i should just pump out the excess milk in my breast but scared aft i pump then he suddenly wake up for milk then i am in trouble ... sianz
Hi mummies..
finally reporting..popped already:
baby Caleb Peter Lim
DOB: 24/03/09
weight: 3.470
height: 51cm
by c-sect spinal

will try to send pics
...now trying to establish my milk..colostrum only shows today (my 3rd day)..
last night was very tough..coz feed bb with formula-with avent bottle..and it took him 2 hours and still couldnt finish..got so frustated..i thought bottle feed should be easier for him..so in the morning try NUK teat..and finally he suckles well..within 5-10 mins finish and continue with my breasts.
Wah, u all so good ar .. i haven learn to bath my bb yet leh ..
now all job done by CL .. after she left sure i die one ..
This is what i found from the Polylcinic website ... now they offer 6-in-1 too ... havent found out the cost yet cos their call ctr is now closed.

"There are now newer childhood vaccines available in single injections for Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis, Polio and Haemophilus Influenzae Tybe b (5-in-1) and additional Hepatitis B (6-in-1)."

The link for more information
Thanks. I'll ask them tmr since i'm going to policlinics tmr for my bb's Jaundice checking.
Anyway, any mummies signed up with PD/GP ?
How much is the 6in1 & 5in1 from PD/GP ?
the laughing gas got help in the pain?? cos i try not going for epi then the pain was still okie but the nurse said it's not the highest yet. then i opt for epi lor..haha

did u wanted to faint?? so pain still got strength to push..i scare i no strength to push lor so better opt for epi
i heard from my PD's nurse that for 6in1, it cost around $130 per jab. 5in1, $80 per jab. Then still got consulation fee..
