(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

Hi mummies

My last post was on 22 Mar in the morning.. I was alone at home and was having menstral like cramps and was not sure if it was contractions..

Well I popped on 22 March 2009 @ 1615 hrs ..

It is a princess Julia Shannon D'Cruz and she weighs 3.255kg. It was a natural delivery without epidural...

Julia has slight jaundice and is in KK now.. I hope she can come back home fast.. I miss her..

I haven really had the time to read the posts.. Will do so later..

All the best to mummies who have not popped yet.. And mummies who have popped yeah I have joined you all for the moo moo career..

Been expressing since yesterday as Julia was warded yesterday.. Just yesterday i got a let down.. Pumped abt 70ml this morning from both sides.. Hope it continues when my gal comes back home...

Will post again later mummies !

Alfafa77 ...

Have PM you for Joy Cuisine contact. Me sick of Neo Garden so looking around for new caterer =p

re: baby shower

my bb actual 1st mth is 17 april based on the chinese calendar ... so we will be doing all the ritual stuff on that day but have makan on 18 April and 19 April ... 18 April is for my relatives which already have 40+ pax and frens on 19 April ... oso another 50+ pax ... decided to spilt into 2 this round so that we have more time to mingle ... i rem for my #1 it was so crowded and messy

Asura ...

Typically for our normal freezer 3mths only deep freezing can store for 6mths.
Neo Garden
Mummies who have ordered Neo Garden before, can advise if their portion is big or small? Cos I'm expecting about 37 guests but afraid last minute got ppl dont turn up, so wondering if ok to order for 30 person instead since not many are big eaters?? What do you think, should I order for 30 or 35 pax?
Grace, if tt's the case, i think should be normal.. jus clean his face after everyfeed. condition should improve.

congrats dianiajs.

seabreeze, wah.. 2 sessions? then it will be tiring for you. I had only one and i only invite immediate fmaily and close friends.. was so shag out on tt day itself.
Breast Pad
Anybody using washable breast pad instead of disposable one?

Extract from http://www.pigeonbaby.info/subcategory.php?subcat_id=11
"Breastmilk contains many nutrients, and keeping the same breast pad in place for a long time can cause the growth of bacteria. Be sure to change the pads every 2-3 hours."

Like that, disposable pad running cost can be quite high!
Am considering AVENT washable breast pad... any feedback?
Ref: http://www.p4c.philips.com/files/s/scf155_06/scf155_06_pss_aen.pdf
Marble or anyone have any idea????
How much tablespoons/teaspoons of fenurgreek raw seeds to boil? My mil help me to buy 1 package of raw fenurgreek seeds. We dont know how much to boil.
Koala ...

The portion for Neo Garden is just nice type one ... i rather order for 35 than 30

Wintertime ...

Me 2nd time mum liao ... more relax hahahaha for my #1 oso only relatives and close fren moreover that time i was one of the earlier few who became a mummy among my fren ... so most of them not keen to attend 1st mth bb shower cos they find it boring ... but now those who visited me at hospital or reply SMS one all say: see you at the bb shower hahahaha
Irene ...

Me waiting for Alfafa's email heehee i cant find any website online for Joy Cuisine

Serene ...

where did your buy the raw fenurgreek seeds from? What isit called in chinese. Maybe ask my mum or hubby to buy over the weekend.

re: bb jaundice

PD called to say bb jaundice still 11.9 ... he wants to bring it down to below 10 so got to stay for 1 more night ... i asked him if its my BM cos i have been bringing EBM over for him to drink ... he said maybe so ask me to reduce ginger etc

told my mum Dr say one ... cos she has been adding ginger into almost everything i eat and drink despite my numerous 'warning' *faint*
Oh, I thot you ordered from them, paiseh.

11.9 is safe le, dun worry too much. Let the PD bring it down to below 10 ba, cos after we bring the bb home, it will rebounce back a bit de. Yesterday Zac went for checkup again and it rebounce to 12.2. Doc ask us to continue sun him on our own. and because he is on fully bm, it will prolong the jaundice but no harm to him.
I am so sad.. Just got a call from hospital.... Baby Julia still cannot come back home today... Her jaundice is still high.. I miss her so much..
Irene ...

Yap ... so me taking these few days to give more attention to my #1 though he has been asking me when is didi coming home and he has been very understanding when we leave him at home with my mum while we visit the didi at night at the hospital

my #1 was yellow for 3mths lor ... even when i my ML ended that time =p he was still yellow hahahaha just crossing my finger that my #2 wont be like that

i tot sunning doesnt help ... cos the presence of the blue light is v little and the UV is v damaging for the bb - i rem thats what my PD told us that last round

Dianajs ...

Dun be sad ... bb is in good hand ... like me ... take this time to rest well and bb will be back home real soon.
Dear mummies who pump,

can i ask do u guys sterilise ur pumps after each session or just wash with the baby bottle detergent but ensure it is sterlised at least once a day?

cos sometimes my pumping session is delayed cos have to wait for CL to sterilise the pumps..

Dianajs, I understand your feeling. Hope her jaundice will come down soon.

Seabreeze, Zac's PD say can sun him but not for too long, 5-10 mins a day. Morning sun will be good. He will be back soon. Don't worry.
seabreeze just replied liso

me readin but not participating in tis thread much nowadays

irene ... can ask seabreeze to forward you my email

their food taste juz like those at other 1st mth parties i've been to lor. but cheap.

they will cook for an extra 10% fr the actual no of pax u hv ordered. Even then ...restaurant portion in way bigger than normal .. not to mention that most people don't eat much at such parties .. n sure have no-shows one. so if 37 guests i would order 30max. cos they will cook 4 33pax restaurant portion

sorry 4 typo errors. tying w one hand only .. left hand
My birthstory

8am admit and get myself prepared
8.20am: Admit Induce drip and epidural
8:30am: Dr Chua came and do VE, 1.5cm dilated and broke water bag....
12pm plus :4cm dilate and increase more dosage of epi cos feel pain for contractions
12-1pm plus: Fell asleep. Dr Chua came in to check my dilation and said I will deliver by evening
1pm- 4pm plus: Contractions more intense. Hubby still can watch Jack Wu's show & chat with me. But during peak of contractions, I asked him not to talk to him cos I got to concentrate on breathing to relieve contraction pain.
5pm: Midwife said I ready to push.
5pm plus: panic cos I somehow stll cant push successfully. Then stupid young nurse scared me saying that I might hv to c-sec (as if i dont know)..
5.50pm Dr chua offered vaccum & i accepted immedly.. Scared I will C-sec. Shortly aft that, with 3 pushes, baby was out..
Re bf, hubby heart-pain to see baby hungry so baby had FM cum BF while at TMC.. I didnt realise possible consequence that baby might reject my nipple at that time..Only when my sis called yest and reminded me to stay to TBF then I realise the reason why baby's been rejecting my nipple these 2 days..

Was so sad that I cried..cos I like the satisfied cute look on his face aft I have breastfed him.. Hubby comforted me, saying that EBM is the same..sigh, guess guys wont understand mummies' feelings.. Somemore my EBM only 50ml each time. Each time baby cried at night, I wake up hopefully, wanted to bf him, but he'll cry and wanted FM instead..so sad..Can only do the next best thing now, to increase my EBM..
Hi Sunflower,

She choked and stopped sucking. When i try again, she pushed out the teat and showed me a i wanna vomit face. sigh...

First mth celebration: Hv heard must be on actual day or earlier but din know need to different between boy and gal

Pumpimg: Nurse taught me to alternate 5 mins on each side for 20 mins each. Seems to work for me.

Sore nipples: Mine really hurts so have been advised to put lanolin. Using medela. really helps

Cord care: noticed bb 's cord coming off but inside seems wet. Can anyone advise if this is normal?

BB acne: My #1 had it bad so I stopped bf and bottlefeed instead. Wiped his face after every feed. PD also gave a cream and managed to clear within a week.

Hi Ann,

Mekiasu, I sterilizae after every pump.
I called Neo Garden and they told me their portion is good for one only so if got guests like the fodo & go for 2nd round, wont be enough lor.... aiyo..

I ordered Neo Garden. The only thing that they cater for additional 10% is the carb. The rest very is very exact one. That's why after much consideration, we not getting neo garden.
vivien - yesterday i was telling hb i was pretty sad that bb was rejecting my nipples...he oso told me the same thing...expressed EBM oso the same ma, source is the same....i said its different... :p oh well its the bonding la..

anyway i tried to bf again yesterday night and this morning and he latched on....i'm v happy...i tink i will jus latch him on more often now...then oso express my BM...

these days i wake up once a night to pump, i realised the middle of the night yields the highest EBM. So mummies, if u do have hardening/engorgement at night, pls wake up to pump cos if not will leak milk and the milk goes to waste....at the same time can help to simulate MS....

and do try and get a good pump, i'm using the ameda dual electric pump and its pretty good...cos the cheaper pumps can make the breasts hurt and u may not want to pump already...thus decreasing the motivation to breastfeed....
thanks alfafa! =)

diana - dont be sad... ive been thru it too.. i was crying initially when have to admit her for phototherapy.. so sad... then everyday go to hospital with my EBM to feed her... also wil cry on n off.. but good opportunity to try and do ur own stuff and rest as much as you can... dont worry she is in gd hands... the light will help her get better... =) *hugs*

im opting for Melrose Bake House but its not halal... i spoke to the sales lady... they buffer only 10% or 3 pax... becos i was asking if i have ard 90-100 hw many shld i cater for.. she said... max is less 5 pax... so ard 85-95 lo... hmmm... but i think i will cater for 75-80 because pple dont usually eat that much... see how ba... you can check out the website.. they have a few menus.. im taking the promo menu... $10/pax for 8 dishes + 1 dessert + 1 drink. Cheapest i found so far. =D
haizz.. bb's cranky again.. i made sure he's fed full a 1.30pm.. change his diaper, make sure the room is cooling.. he almost fell asleep and i place him down his cot.. he's too used to have someone carry him. so the min i put down, he wailed again.. Heartless mummy decided to let him cry.. this morning let him cry for 5 mins before i picked him now.. then jus now, his last feed, i let him cry his heart out.. in the end, he cried for 10 mins and tire himself out and he slept.. wonder if it's okay to let him cry hor? pple say, if bb cry too much, will have wind in their stomach...
missycandy.. i know.. there are 2 schools of thought.. either let them cry else, give him comfort.. but somehow, my bb is asking for too much "comfort" liao. i can't possibly carry him every min and let him sleep in my arms? I got my things to do also. i need to pump milk too..
Thanks missycandy,
i think i heard this ginthye before .. it's quite famous though ..
but not sure how is their packing .. coz they seems very traditional (scare the packaging very o-piang)
maybe i should just drop by & buy some of their to try out ..
i'm thinking to buy the begawan solo card for the colleagues who contributed on the gifts & some cakes too for them to eat ..

bengawan solo,
does they give discount to buy the card ?

kyo/ecreatve/melrose/Le Precious,
had anyone tried the cake from kyo/ecreatve/Melrose/Le Precious ? nice ? which one will u choose ?
If I'm not wrong, for Bengawan solo, if you buy more than $150 of the vouchers, they give 10% discount. I just got my vouchers from them & got 10% discount only altho' I spent abt $800. =(

Pls note that Bengawan solo is non-halal.

Re: Carrying baby when they cry.
I guess there should be limit to do this. Becos they are very smart...will know when to bully us!!! hee~~~
sinmey - u cn try to ask asura. she is going to buy bulk. more u buy higher discount. if not their usual is 10% off for voucher purchases above $150. =) u cn check out their packages here. http://www.bengawansolo.com.sg/Baby's%20Beginnings%20Brochure_5608.pdf

i got ginthye cakes for my guo da li.. but i didnt get to eat the cakes.. so i dunno..

winter - agree ... i also try not to carry... but after awhile really heart soft la... heh heh.. so now she is like my lil koala bear... =P
sinmey - i asked my mum to help me check out gin thye cakes and their stuff.. am going to get the ang ku kueh from them... very cheap leh... only 45cents each! cheapest ive found as well.. lol.. will ask my mum to buy some back n some cakes so i can try before ordering... anyway by next week have to order liao... will u be doing full mth as well?
Koala ...

Wats ur email address?

Irene ...

Just email to you =)

Misscandy ...

gin thye is q nice ... they just opened an outlet near J8 Bishan opp the CPF building

Bengawan solo vouchers: $150 purchase = 10% discount
$1000 purchase = 12% discount
$3000 purchase = 15% discount

Let me know if u want to combine and buy if i am able to consolidate and get $3000 purchase. I think all the mummies are very busy now.. seems like no one free to reply me on this leh..

Missycandy, u still interested?
Dear Mummies

Re: Baby Acne
My elder gal also had red baby acne when she was newborn. My CL recommended bathin bb in water that has been boiled with this herb called 'jin-yin hua' (gold-silver flower???) that can be bought at medicinal halls.
after a few days of this kind of bath, bb acne really cleared up!

another gal fren's bb also same thing--her cL says bathe bb with stout!!!

basically i think the premise is a reaction due to bb heatiness as i think stout is cooling. any mummies 'garang' enuf to try??? haa

I stay in Ang Mo Kio. As the cards are for my colleagues, am not in a hurry to get it, only need to order in 1st week Apr. Collection can be from my place or at AMK since i no more on confinement. Can also make arrangements for collection at Tiong Bahru as my bro can help me pass the cards. But i would only do the bulk if got more than 3k cos 12% discount would not be worth the effort.
That's work too. But now my baby bath with "Huang Qi Zi" for her jaundice. Hope it works too.... Tmr need to do blood test again. Hope her jaundice will gone down to 100. My poor little girl.
Koala ...

Its an attachment with the menu thats why i need your email address

Me making a comparison with another quote that I got from my fren's cousin, I can email to you too and you decide
