(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

laughing gas,
i tried to use this b4 i ask for epi.
the gas doesn't seems work for me leh .. i dun feel any ease in pain or any high after 30 mins deep breath of the gas. it only make my lips very dry.

Ha ? thought 6in1 has only 1 additional jab & the rest of the 5 jabs should be the same as the 5in1. How come the price for the jab is different ?
it means for 6in1, the cost is (6x$130)+(6xconsultation fee).
that is quite exp leh.
aiyo, i thought i can tahan & no need to use epi lor .. try to be hero.
but the gas really no effect on me at all ..
no choice ask for epi lor ..
i ordered from lpecious...the marble cake is yummy..well at least is not the dry kind..
call this lady shannon..and code my name...she'll give you a good price.. her no. 94773380....i told her i'll advertise in the forum for her..hehe

i have done a full month for ugin..but i am diffrent coz i am like wedding cum full month..joe and i got ROM only and we didn;t get to have a wedding ceremony baby arrived...
so we winvited about 260pax...we had it in MY HUMBLE HOUSE for luncheon..it's 40++/pax on last sunday.

dearest mummies...pls do not or try not to eat brocoli, long beans ( all bean kinda), cabbage
as they will promote wIND to baby...

PUMP milk..
i usually wait till the breast is hard then pump..so in aday i can pump up to about 160ml on both breast so averagely i can pump 80ml each..maybe about 5hrs plus..

to avoid baby having nipple confusion....wat i do is that since baby sleeps with me...when he wakes up in the night or anytime..i will 1st latevh him on...and then wait for the confinement lady to get ready my EBM(am) or FM(pm)..that way he'll latch on me and the bottle...
maybe you can try and that might help with the bonding....yes the look of baby sucking on the nipple is way beautiful...
6-in-1 @ Ployclinic

6-in-1 package (3 doses of 5-in-1, 1 dose of 6-in-1) =S$326.10

I already book for 6-in-1 @ ployclinic. Next month gg to jab.

New 6-in-1 only clinic visits only 3 times. No of Jabs 4.
1. At birth
2. At 1.5-2 months
3. At 3 months
4. At 5 months

Not like 5-in-1 Clinic visits 5, No. of jabs 6. So 6-in-1 save 2 jab.
prior to jab for baby.....do boil pao sheng with water for baby to drink.this way will prevent baby from havin fever..that's recommanded by my PD..

can i advise you about the cleaning of baby month with cotton bud..
maybe she's an expert..but for a newbie like me...my Cl used to use it too.. but she changed the cloth for me...she used the very smooth one for baby month..same method but at least when we put the cloth in we won;t loosen the grip and then get into baby's mouth...cloth better grib too..
Avent bottles vs NUK bottles
Miss83, does ur baby like fast flow or slow flow? I have 4 avent bottles and 2 NUK glass bottles. My bb is the impatient type, so i am giving him EBM on the avent bottles which he likes. In fact, sometimes it's so fast, he seems to b e gasping for air. The NUK is slower flow. I know, coz i put water in both and sucked it on to compare :p (hehee, i didn't know how else to find out). Although i must say the NUK teat is more shaped like our human breast...
Hi Mummies!

I have delivered my little angel on the 8th of March (International Women's Day).

Would like to check if any mummies out there has any recommendation on gd anti-heat rashes cream?
She start to have red pimples-like rashes on both her cheeks. Necessary to bring her to PD?
Thanks for the advice, will def change to cloth
But what do you mean by the smooth cloth ah... which type is it?

I think think liao, will go to my GP instead cos PD really super ex.
oic.. my fan at my mom place is no gd one lor.. cant turn tt type.. me oso perspiring in a/c room esp when handling baby.. +_+

the contest must do what de??

polyclinics offer 6 in 1 and 5 in 1 jabs too.. price not sure.. but cfm PDs most exp..
haha i watch my family bath my bb everyday..u rem b4 undress baby, get all things nearby u.. even his cloth put on the bed properly so can wear for him asap..
pls update us on the pricing k?

the laughing gas got slight relief but muz make sure we breathe in when the contractions abt to come if im nt wrong..
me at first gong gong keep using it b4 contrations come den like no use .. lol.. and i use it at a very late stage.. i don have the want to faint feeling.. but abit high high.. piao piao the feeling.. keke.. still got strength coz juz got tt urge to push so i push damn hard while im alone in e waiting ward.

re: jabs
how would i know baby shd tk 6 or 5 in 1 ??
queenie - becos interest higher? ahahahaha...

WAHAHAHAHAHA spit out so wasted!!! but at least got the taste la.. LOL.. i secretly drink when my mum sleeping... dn hb nt at hm.. LOL... =x

previously i also wanted TBF and also said NO pacifier.. but luckily hb very very supportive! *phew*
daphne - thanks!!! =)

immunisation info... http://childrenimmunisation.com.sg/

the diff is the Hep B jab. PD price is much more than the GP/polyclinic. But medicine is all the same. Same drug company. I think its either Roche or GSK... something lidat... im opting to get it done at my own work plc. ask my boss to jab my baby so i can save money. hee hee =P save on consult as well as hopefully the jab i can pay cheaper. but i mus ask my boss 1st. if the price is comparable with nearby GP then i might as well opt for nearby GP. see how.

swaddling/wrapping - i tried swaddling but she likes to kick free... and she likes to put her hands up in surrender.. LOL so i dont swaddle her.. in fact since come home i only tried to swaddle her to see if she sleeps better once... but didnt work.. so i jus leave it..

sudden noise/shock - sometimes she does get a shock sometimes she doesnt.. depends leh...

she's slowly changing looks... can see looking more and more like daddy... hee hee... the hair line also like his.. heart shaped... AHAHAHAHAA... hai shes so cute la.. i keep kissing her face n lips... dont knw will cause pimples or not.. LOL...
red eggs - my MIL will be making it herself.. she says dont need so many becos nowadays nt many ppl will eat which i agree.. so she will make ard 50-60 only...

Ang Ku Kueh - i shared earlier... if you all want, can order from Gin Thye Cake Shop... they have branch at Sembawang Road & Bukit Batok.
Gin Thye Cake Maker 锦泰西果饼家

423 Sembawang Road Singapore 758392
Tel 6257 1566 / 6758 3742
Opening Hours Mon - Sat : 8.00a.m. - 8.00p.m.
Sun & Public Holidays: 8.00a.ma - 1.00 p.m.

Block 152 Bukit Batok Street 11 #01-264 Singapore 650152
Tel 6899 6929
Fax 6566 8742
Opening Hours Mon - Sun & Public Holidays : 8.00a.m. - 10.00p.m.

their Ang Ku kueh going at 45cents each... can call them to enquire.. they also have full mth cake packages much cheaper than others ... =) i will be getting their Ang Ku Kueh and slices of cakes(instead of marble) from them... will only knw nice or not on the 10th April =P
(pigpig aka oxgal)

Hi Gals pls help to update thanks

EDD-31 march 09
ADD-20 march 09
Name- Shermaine
C sect

I only get out of bed on e 3rd day.was awaken by e pain and didn't try BF till day 3 but only for a short while. so far mostly pump out plus FM and only latch on when she needs to suckle for awhile..hee they really look so cute when they suck till they fall asleep.

however was feeling down for e ist few days when i got home ( not like most mummies cos of milk supply) but life seems to be different and i dun feel much bonding yet. and really SICK of confinement food plus feels sad tat me and hubby cant enjoy 'couplehood' anymore. 3 more weeks to go!!!!

Btw, TeddyBB give birth liao? didnt log in since last week..miss out so much thing here..
Queenie ...

Hmmm all the jab need to take and its just a matter of how many times you go back to the clinic and let the bb kanna poke

If you go for polyclinic .. they have a package that is free but they use the traditional med which we use during our times ... and those jab will cause v high fever for the bb

i am likely to go polyclinic to do the 6-in-1 ... cos of the cost saving compared to PD but i really HATE the polyclinic drs ... v craby one
pigpig - try to be positive okie? i also felt a bit dwn when i 1st got home... will cry for no reason... dont let it get it you okie... talk to hubby if you can... i also feel a bit sad at times no more couplehood.. hee.. but we have our little miracle with us... dont let it get to u okie? =) time flies really fast de...
Mumiiess – at 4pm - I got show – think my muscus plug came ut with brown stains – till 8pm also still have fresh ones coming out – no much pain though – bearable – but anething can happen in these few hrs – if m ok when get up at 6am later – will still proceed to work – wish me luck and pray for me mummies… never had this in my 3 pregnancies – when last I had it when I had anaemia already to clear my bowels and delivered shortly after…..
now good -that polyclinics have 6 in 1 - my boy lat year only had 5 in 1 - ok not much fever and some no fever - so this year my bb - i sure will choose 6 in 1 lah - so no need go for the hep b three times - PD is super expensive unless u wanna combine package with pneumococal vaccine lah
hey idaarshad ! wa... u didnt call ur gynae to check.. u might be next in line le.. hee hee... stil can go work ah? admire u.. haa... better take care!
Oh wow, another mommy about to pop. Best wishes, Idaarshad! Have just prayed for you to have smooth, fast delivery with minimum pain and discomfort. God bless!
missy - my gynae on leave till 30th - was telling bb to wait so all delivered by same gynae though he assigne me eunice chua just in case - but really dunno lah know - back pain... on and off - will monitor..yah still go to work coz wanna mximize my ML mah - btw u werking in clinic ar - so can bring bb there - wish me luck ya

alfafa - thanks dear.. pray for me...

so far i never had gynae's bumber leh for all my four pregnancies - dunno izit coz he never do that or how
hi mummies,
my edd was supposed to b 17/4 but bb might decide to come out on 31/3. nw at 37wks, bb's head still high high on top so doc decided to do c-sect. most prob i will choose 31/3.

my particulars:
NICK: kris
YOB: 1982
EDD: 19/4
#BABY: 2
GYNAE: Adrian Woodworth

idaarshad, all the best gal..

Kris, welcome here.. very soon will be ur turn

Cindy, grace, after seeing the PD, my boy acne had improved tremendously! so happy to see the improvement.. also i think the evene spray helps too. TMC was selling it at a much cheaper price than guardian. i bought a small bottle at 10 bucks in guardian. TMC had this promotion 3 for 20 bucks nia.. so i bought 3 small bottles so that I can use it to keep bb's skin clean when i m outside.. of cos, think gynae's medication is gd too. at least now my bb can "face" the world outside. not so "chou ba guai"

Oh dear, i am falling sick. sorethroat and slight flu.. think going to start coughing soon.. how har? don't know if bb wil kana from me or not.. sobz.. i hope not..
Just continue to breastfeed your baby. Your body is building up antibodies to counter the possible flu now and the best way to pass these to your baby is to breastfeed. But should you really develop cough of runny nose, then remember to put on a mask when feeding baby. These masks can be easily bought from pharmacies.

Anyway, just drink lots of vitamin C and hope you can drown the bugs!
For the contest, they will see the development of the child and may ask you to breastfeed the baby in front of them. *This is my 1st time oso*

For the jab, my bb will be taking the 5-in-1 as recommended by PD as he is a prematured baby. So I'll just follow 'instructions'

Yup, I think the Avene spray does help. I'll continue to use it until we see the PD in 1+ week time. Btw, do you spray it on bb's face? What i do is i spray on the facial cotton wool then clean his face. *My mum commented tat...young young already do facial* heee~~~

I'm also pro-NUK!!! =)

Good morning! You gal seem very 'guai'...never hear her cry from my flat...heee~~
grace, Wintertime, hope your darling's face get better soon! Glad to hear the avene spray helps. Haha. I also spray onto cotton wool first. Then wipe. been only using this to clean her face Haha!

Wintertime, do continue to bf. Heee. No prob de. That time me also, but I latch as usual.

Grace, the contest looks interesting! Heee.
Thanks for the info on Gin Thye. My dad also ordered the traditional Teochew biscuits from them for my wedding few years back. They have opened up another branch at Bishan, Tel: 6255 6362.

Hep B
Have decided to bring bb to my usual GP for her 2nd Hep B jab since her first jab in the hospital was also done by nurse and not the doctor. My GP charges $30 per jab.

NUK bottle
My hb bought 1 NUK Premium and 1 Tommee Tippee for bb to try out. The NUK latex teat I find maybe too soft and my bb tend to "bite" or hold on it until its out of shape and CL commented bb seems to have more wind when using NUK cos she's not sucking on properly. Maybe the silicon teat is better? For now, I'm quite happy with her using Tommee Tippee.
Idaarshad pop already, 2cm dilated when reached hospital n within half hr she is fully dilated.. Her bb weigh 4.14kg... wooo~~~ tatz hugh!!! so envy sia with such a fast dilation...
Congrats to so many mummies that pop!!
Wah almost everyone is promoted liao

I will stick to 5 in 1 jab, BTW any of you gng for the 2 extra or non optional jab? THe rotavirus jab & Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine
Wintertime, I'm sick also.. Down with a bad flu.
I do not dare to go near Zac cos dun wan him to get infected by me. He himself is recovering from blocked nose.
What I do is to pump out the ebm then ask my mom or hubby to feed him.
Oh ya, when we fall sick, will our milk supply drop?
st - ur bb taken the 1st hep B jab already? the thing with 6 in 1 jab is it includes the hep B jab.. so for those taking 6 in 1, if at birth already given the Hep B jab, the bb will be given the Hep B jab 4 times instead of the usual 3. i asked my PD abt it and she says the drug company has done research on it and it does no harm to bb to get additional 1 more hep B jab. the 6-in-1 is all the drugs combined in 1 syringe... so just 1 jab for the bb... so like what my PD mentioned, if im taking the 6 in 1, baby shall go for the jabs when she is 2mths old, 4 mths old and 6mths old... =) u might want to check with ur PD or ur regular GP(wherever u will be going to get the jabs) they will be able to advise u better.


Welcome Kris!!! tuesday ur turn le!!! Jy Jy!

btw, any news from Sun? hmmm... has everyone more or less popped??? shld be right? vernice80? fatfish? fairymoss? teddybaby?

confinement ending in 12days... ooo la la.. i cant wait!!!
pups, thanks for advice. i might be popping to see a doc later to get my flu cured.. don't wan to prolong this further..

Grace,Cindy, i did the same as u gals.. dare not spray on the face directly..

Anyone able to train their kids to sleep throughout the night already? did you latch on or bottle feed bb? my boy sleeps at night now, but still wakes up 2-3 times for feeds. i put him to sleep at 9pm after his sponge bath and thereafter, he slept.. I latch him on directly at night if he's hungy. pros is that i lie him besides me and I will doze off while he suck away.. Now I am wondering if I should bottle feed him instead so that he can last longer at night.. cos he often fell asleep after latching on. any advice from mummies here?
Irene, i think I fell sick cos I have "overworked" myself.. as I m seriously lack of sleep.. but i still continue to pump my milk out... last night I still drag myself out from bed once to pump, damm shag but no choice. bb's appetite is increasing whille my MS is stagnant.. grrhhhh..
winter - hw do u manage to let him suck while u lie next to him? im tryin to get that position but dunno how leh.. scared wil suffocate her...

my bb more or less slowly getting a routine... at night usually will feed her ard 11plus-12plus.. then sleep... then 2plus feed... 4plus feed... 7plus feed... then 9plus-10plus feed... then i will bathe her and put her outside for the grandmothers to coo & play with...
Hi ladies. I have also popped last Sat.

Nick: Padi (Hui)
EDD: 23 March 2009
Delivered on: 21 March 2009
Mode of delivery: Natural with Epi
Name of Baby: Tabitha
Your boy very 'guai' too! I also don't hear his cry from my side :p But there is this baby inbetween our level whom I hear quite often. I think over at my side, directly above me.
misscandy, hmm.. i just lie him sideways close to me.. once he open his mouth and i pop his mouth towards my nipple.. I will place a pillow behind his back to support him..

padi, congrats..
Yup..I can hear tat bb quite often too..! At first, I thot was my bb but when i went to take a look at him, he's sleeping so soundly. =)
congrats Padi!!!

winter - i cant leh... i see my breast like pressing on her face leh.. like wan to suffocate her lidat... hmmm...
oh.. didnt noe their interest is different.. tot the same. lols. hb ask me open ocbc saying more conveinient..
ya lor.. at least got the green tea taste lingers ard my mouth i oso happy. lols..
i tink vernice shd have pop already.. if she overdue maybe she'll come in and ask qns liaos. lols
feeding while lying side way.. sometimes i can sometimes cant..

1st few days is quite terok one..for me n hb oso the same.. cry for 1st n 2nd wk.. nw pretty ok liao.. bear with it. all will get over soon~

i heard frm my sis tt polyclinic's free jabs no gd.. maybe bcoz will cause fever i tink...
so we muz tk both 5 and 6 in 1?? some polyclinics drs is crabby.. keke. hope the one u seeing is gd!

all the best! change to CONGATS! hehehe.. so fast dilate!


wow.. wad a interesting contest.. but they wont be askin us to BF in the public?? lols..
i oso gg to get the avene spray to spray his face.. coz gg to full mth soon.. prevention is the key word. hahahas..
neighbour with pup? lols

do get lotsa of vit c.. it will speeds up recovery.tink most of us here are lack of slp coz even when we free.. (baby not askin for our attention) we are here in forum to chat. kekes..
but what i do, sometimes when i feel real tiring.. i will drink chicken essence.. u can try tt..

