(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

mayb u can juz ask yr CL why is 26 days not 28 days to clear yr doubts...
icic... true la, ask yr MIL no need to quit early since she' waiting to get her bonus... mayb u can discuss w yr hb to let u stay at yr parent place on wkday, then wkend will fetch u back... i'm tinking to stay at my parent's place on wkday if too troublesome for my hb to come fetch me everyday...

Good morning Mummies...

My appointment at 12.05pm coz my hubby working night shift liaoz in March, so can only go in the morning or noon time liaoz... Nvm..

Nana, congrats on your little prince!!! Do update us on your birth story... And Happy breast feeding... Jia You!!!

Mummies, what kind of maternity dress are your referring to? For wearing to hospital and back? Is it the working type or? Got any pictures to show?

Have you paid deposit to your CL? Else, can bargain with her, if she dun do 28 days, can look for another CL.
My CL told me i be staying in hospital for 2 days so will do confinement for 28 days only. She charge me $2K also. Maybe like what sun mentioned just ask her to clear your doubts.
Re: Cravings
Mos Burger – Milk Tea Yummy!!
Have a lunch date with my hubby to eat the $4.50 Filet-O-Fish tomorrow at Mac…. Hehe
Actually Changi Airport T3’s Popeye’s chicken’s Cajun fries also very nice…..
I’m going to eat Tung Lok Dim Sum on Sat…must line up all the good food while we still have our freedom. Else, once confinement starts, have to endure for a month cannot go out.

Pinksorbet – I long long ago cannot tahan going to work liao loh….So I told myself to tahan till end of Jan, I started taking my ML in Feb, though my EDD is 7 Mar.

Queenie – no lah, u not suaku….I more suaku than u….till now, haven tried subway…haha…

May – Wearing the same dress on admission and discharge, that’s a very good idea… Thanks!

Sunshinebb – Last time I also am like u, hubby fetched me to my parents’ place, then fetched me home when he knocked off. This yr I very lucky, cos I got my parents to stay with me, so tht my parents don’t need to run thru n fro looking after my #1.
Hi all,


Have checked with my colleagues, we would be shortchanged for a day or 2. The CL would go to Immigration to chop passport after she is in Sg for 14 days, then she would leave us after her next 14 days pass. So if u look at calendar is about 27 not 28 days. Confinement suppose to be 28 days but including hospital stay. Most pple try to ensure that CL is ard for baby full month so that they are able to entertain their guests as well. Anyway, i heard that better to throw full month party early than late.
Good morning mummies,

My CL also doing 28 days for me. charging me $1900. already paid $500 deposit.
pinksorbet, agreed with mummies here, do tell her abt the standard is 28 days.
thanks mummies for the infor...

sun - hb said don wan...if i stay at my parents' place he has to come too cos he wants me to be around him cos he worried abt me and bb...aiyo...haha...bo bian lor at most i stay alone and call if need help...

devil - i already paid deposit to her already...yalor her deposit like alot lor...i called her yesterday to make sure she remembers she supposed to do confinement for me next month...

asura - thanks for yr infor...my CL is a PR so i dun have to apply work permit for her....she didn't say we have to do anything lor...mayb my 26 days is excluding hospital stay ba...
hi mummies

the CL will do confinement for us 28days upon our discharge.

after the CL left, i still eat confinemnet food till 40days.
not suaku la... mayb u dun hv chance to try yet... or u dun really like bread stuffs?

u r lucky to stay w yr parent... i asked my parent to stay w me but they dun wan as they hv their oiwn flat... they not used to stay at my place...
somemore still hv siblings at hm so they dun bear to leave them at home unless they get marry n hv their own place...
WOW ur Makan Outing schedule all out liao ah? LOLS.....
i very scare die to try new food one.. so i always drag n drag kekes..

can only wear the same dress provided we only having contractions, c-sect appointments.
if waterbag burst then cant liaos.LOL

Re: maternity Dress
i noe how it looks like. my sis passed to me a few pieces but i didnt wear at all.

wha . bo hua leh.. u pay her 2k.. she earn extra $140 plus if she only do 26days..
but u ok mah with the amount?if ok then nvm lar.. if like me i v niao coz sahmtb and hb pay little so i will tell CL lor..
but if ur hb ok den suan le bah. ltr u two bicker (TOUCHWOOD)
sunshinebb- My parents at first also dun want to stay with me. I had to beg them till no more saliva. I find it so much more convenient. We can have meals together, and only need to pay electrical bills for one house.
Your CL charges alot for the deposit. Then bo pianz.. Try to talk to her about it. I will be very niao like Queenie though I am not a SAHM. But will be very broke esp No 2 coming. So bo pianz...
mummies - if our water bag bursts, what shd we do? the water will keep on flowing is it? wear pad can? Or put towel in car to absorb? My water bag did not burst the last time. My gynae burst for me in hospital.

Actually my maternity dress is not maternity dress. It is a normal dress, just that now I wear without the belt...haha...save money. Anyway, I look weird in maternity dresses. Machiam like wearing pyjamas. Guess is cos I small build.
queenie - this CL previously promised to buy special grade sesame oil and ginger for me from malacca...she totally forgotten all abt it and ask us to go and buy...till my hb reminded me (i oso forget la)...i called the CL back and said she promised to get for us intially then she told us back dunno whether this season have anot...and that we have to pay more for such special grade stuffs...anyway i told her to get receipt we pay her back lor...i find that she should be more responsible and remembered wat she promised to get ma, not the other way round (we need to remind her instead)

aiya i oso dun wan to quarrel with my hb..already quarrelled with him many times over his parents moving in with us to our new flat this or next year...
pinksorbet - I understand how u feel to have yr in-laws to stay with u at yr new house. Must endure loh. But sometimes it's not easy, esp if they have already retired. I see my in-laws once a week during weekend, sometimes also not happy with what my MIL say to me. She can be quite insensitive at times.
Meebaby, my side here is doing re-painting. Not sure when will be my block’s turn. I was hoping before I give birth, they will finish, if not, imagine the painting smell.. Guess no good for baby loh.

Misscandy, I also can’t sleep well at night, no matter which position I shift to, the baby will kick me hard.. had a hard time finding the best position. Also realized that my legs are getting a bit swell. I cannot stretch too much, if not will have cramps. Pelvic area also always feel sore.
haha i tink wear pad use towel oso cant hold the water man.. eeek i don wan my water burst when im on my bed. later bed spoil how siaks..

she promised to buy.. oso will still claim from u one.. ya lor i agree w u .. she shd not be forgetful abt things needed to be done.. she supposed to be tkin care of u. but don worry too much now.

heh me quarrel w hb ytd abt $ issues. so sian. i cry n cry den 3am slp until 6am cant slp liao. my mind auto tink of $ then i wk up. :p
envy u lei... managed to get yr parent to chg their mind n stay w u...

i'm oso wearing non-maternity dress, juz a norm dress which i'm wearing to work... tink is ok one la, as long as u feel comfortable in it will do...

i've bought a pack of waterproof sheets fr guardian, will place a sheet on my bed, keep 1 sheet in the car n 1 sheet in my office juz in case my waterbag burst...

my CL didn't take any deposit... will pay her once her job is done...
during confinement, we are not allow to drink plain water right? can we drink juices, eg prunes juice??
lemontree - my PILs are ok, jus pretty naggy, especially my FIL...i tink they like to stick to their son (which is my hb) lor...actually i'm not v keen in them moving over cos i wanna have my own privacy but cos MIL gg to take care of my son, so hb thinks its better to let his parents rent out their current flat and stay with us at our new place....

Queenie - i can understand yr stress...have to air out with hb and talk it out lor...$$$ is one of the issues most couples faced...me too sometimes cannot tahan my hb keep thinking and saying abt $$$$....he very save save type one, whereas i'm those who feels if $$ needs to be spent, jus spent lor..hehe
Congrats! Can't wait to hear your birth story. Your BB is of gd wt, shld be in normal BB nursery?

wah actually your MIL quite dote on you...willing to forgo her bonus to accompany u. My confinement is also 28days and CL will probably need a few hrs off on 1 of the days to go woodlands there to chop her passport.
I also think of $$. Just few days ago talked to my hb that we might have some financial problem when #2 as need to pay alot of things and need to save some also and yesterday i told hb i did not have much spare cash to buy herbs etc for my CL as initially i had only budget for confinement food of 14 days only. So sian......don't know how since both hb and my company already annouced there will be no increment this year. Need to take a step at a time and see.

You can only take longan drink not other type.
my legs are swelling, finger joints too..all due to water retention ba..

tummy getting bigger..haa

just went for wk 37 checkup, bb estimated at 2.8kg, also dunno that's big or small..

cant walk much these days...cant wait to unload..but then still not mentally prepared..haha...dilemma..
Longan dates drink
Ask u MTB, we r not suppose to drink water after deliver rite. Then during our hospital stay, do i need to bring the longan drink to hospital or drink H20?
tink tat's consider ideal weight ba... tink yr bb will be ard 3kg when out, possible hor...
most of yr stuffs prepare liao??
I only know Longan drink any other type i not so sure, but confirm no juice and other drink.

During hospital stay also must drink longan drink also. Have to ask mother or MIL to help boil some first before CL arrive.
tink i'll get mum to prepare to bring to hospital aft i give birth since kome mentioned no h2o only longan drink...
hehe ya lor. even my mil always tok to hb in front of me abt $ issues. giving me even more stress. coz i sahmtb cant contribute mah.
once bb is out got another expenses column to add liaos. lols. pray hard i can survive thru with hb lor.
Hi Kome- Thanks for updating the table.

Queenie- Aiyo...not too good to be sad when preggie. I also had a major quarrel with hubby and also cried and cried cos very sad, till he felt sorry and wrote me an apology note. My hubby also the conservative type when it comes to $. Alot of things we cannot reconcile over money, but throughout the years, we've learnt to accept each other's habits and close an eye sometimes to avoid getting too angry. Afterall, u n yr hubby r 2 different individuals, surely got some things that dun see eye to eye. Gotto learn to accept the differences. But now tht u're preggie, think yr hubby shd give in to u more too. Let him know and understand tht u are more easily fragile during pregnancy and u need his help to stay emotionally balanced.

sunshinebb - during confinement, boil red-dates and drink the red-dates water. In the morning, drink Milo or the milk formula for mummies to build our calcium.

Was told that if no longan drink, got to drink milo instead. Haha.. think would get fatter drinking milo instead of longan drink. So me going to get the stuff for the longan tea and pass it to my MIL with a vacumm flask. Would be asking her to start boiling as soon as i admit so that once i wake up got longan drink. Heard that most importand part of the confinement is the first 2 weeks, must make sure we bu properly.
agree with lemontree, dun think so much. Think ur hb also dun want this thing to happen. As long as he knows u will contribute after ur delievery.. Cheers
teddybaby - my MIL is nice in her own way ba...she's v concerned abt me during this pregnancy...

queenie - i know its hard to do it when its easy to say...u have to be cheerful...jia you!! like wat lemontree says, sometimes we jus got to close one eye with regards to certain issues...thats wat marriage is all about ba...for my hb and me, he gives in to me most of the times (i admit i'm pretty unreasonable at times lor) but certain things he can be pretty stubborn abt it...so need to give and take lor...after u give birth u can start looking for a job again...i oso salute SATMTBs willing to foresake their career and then take care of their children...v wei3 da4 oso...
sunshinebb - getting parents to stay with us is ideal, but the logistics part not easy.

Momoland, Irene - My legs easily numb, esp if I sit for too long. Feel so heavy, feet abit swollen too. I expanded everywhere, even my fingers cos my ring feels tight on my finger.

Last night I wanted to roll off my bed to go toilet also cannot. Cos cannot move my legs. Had to ask hubby to help.
my bb cot oso same dimension as yrs... but yrs not the same brand as mine right? my flat is considered new flat so not sure any difference in the room door size compare to yr resale 10-yr flat
same plight hor. :| oh ya coz u prev wan do Confinement urself right?
my mom goin to do confinement for me. but i donno i got enuff to pay her back or not..
my hb's company cut OT lor. and his pay was high bcoz of OT one. now no OT chin jia lart.

tell me abt it. i start swelling since last christmas. endure!!! i tell myself coz left less than 30days liaos.LOLS
i wan sweat it all out man.

like tt will get diabetics or not...... +_+

my mom used to bring logan tea over.. but i dono cant drink water. jia larts.

i try my hard not to be sad liao lor. but whenever hb toks abt $ issues i get v upset. he still write u apology note so nice.
there was once i ran away home then i ended up my mom's hse void-deck didnt want to go up and scare my mom. so coincidental, my mom call my hse and hb answered then noe i didnt go back mom's place then he panicked and sms me say i pregnant he shd give in to me.
+_+ haha he cant give in much to me liaos. left less then 30 days to pop. my hb frds keep sayin he will not trit me like Queen animore after birth. but during preg i oso don tink he trit me like Queen lor. LOLS.
Hi mummies,
have been following the thread but haven't been posting.
i'm having a girl and just to ask for yr opinions--i'm looking for a 'R' name for my girl: it's between Ruth and Raeann.

Which one is better? Any comments?

its normal for couples to quarrel over $$ issue. i had the same prob too.. dun brood over it too muchm not good for bb. give and take and try to save loh.


agreed w u... bu realli important during confinement....

so milo or FM oso can other than logan/dates drink... tink i need to get a can of FM as currently i didn't drink at all...

yr EDD same as me lei... not sure we'll give birth on the same day anot... kekeke
Can drink Longan drink only I heard. But during my #1 confinement, my MIL never cook the longan drink, so asked me to drink plain water... But my mom they all not happy.. Said plain water will cause air in the stomach. But my MIL said nvm... So bo pianz...

Parents staying over
I also wanted my parents to stay over with us. But I think my hubby wont like it. Likewise, he would like his parents to stay over with us, but I wont like it. My hubby said when he goes to work night shift, ask his mom to come out from J.B. and stay with me. I straight away said NO. I said I want privacy... I feel uncomfortable with his mom ard... :p Think he is not very happy but he LL loh.

Dun think will get diabetics. Never add sugar mah..
Queenie - last time when I was newly married, I also ran away from home b4 cos very upset over some matters. Felt like running back to my parents' home, but like what u said, dun want to scare them and dun want to blow matters up, ended up at the playground near my place to cool down.

Re: Confinement - my mum did confinement for me the other time. Wanted to give her ang pow but she refused to accept. In the end, I bought her diamond pendant as present since she refused to accept my money.

Cheer up Queenie, after bb born, ur hubby will be even nicer to u after seeing how much pain u have to go thru.

sun - i'm oso thinking of the same thing...hehe...

clio - i prefer Raeann... =)

Devil - yalor...there was once i'm v pissed with hb..he said if his parents stay over with us he can take care of them...so i retaliated saying then wat abt my parents..he said they have my brother woah...then i asked wat abt those without sons? he said then the daughters have to do the job of visiting them frequently and make arrangements to take care of them...
