(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs


Ya i understand wat u mean. somehow ppl will mis-pronounce wrongly. this is my concern. i think i will stick to this name ba...
this thread is running like a bullet train...

devil - i oso cannot tahan my FIL's nagginess...always nag nag say the same thing dunno wan to repeat how many times...but i diam diam lor...jus complain to hb onli...haha...then he got feedback to his dad say he and me cannot stand his nagginess lor...hehe

meebb - ya i'm oso scared that CL will anyhow do confinement for me so dare not displease or offend her...somemore have to depend on her to take care of my boy...
my sister told me is An Rick for (enrique)
the Andrique and Endrique i donno le..

i asked my brother he pronounced in Spanish gimme.. so funny lor...
devil ...
suspect by the time our kids grow up, their generation will be cool about it. Actually nice leh, the more I say it, the more I like it. Girls called Charlie. You3 Xin4 Ge2 (got character). But I know my hubby sure won't agree one. JHahaha he's very traditional.

aiyo why like that. What is his purpose for nagging at you about money-not-enough? Is he just sharing his worries with you but unwittingly ends up giving you tons of stress? OR, he actually wants you to cut down on your expense? Maybe need to talk it out once and for all.
May i add my 2 cents worth on mis-pronounced names :p
Eileen--is really 'Ai-leen' but in SG alot of pple pronounce as 'E-leen'.Somehow Eileen sounds like a studious and dignified girl. haha.I know i'm stereotyping!

all the Ruths i know are serious serious kind. ;)

Am a teacher so when i see very incorrigible boys or girls i make a mental note--never to call my kids that! :eek:
haha don worry i got alot hand me downs clothes from my sis and friends. i really didnt dare to buy too much other things..
even Cordlife im still deciding to take up or not. but im certain that i wont that up the 10/21yrs plan coz ytd one of the Agent told me is one time payment lor. hahas.

i also donno why he keep telling me no $. everytime i so fear of goin to letterbox tog with him coz he will niam again..
i tink maybe he didnt did it on purpose lor. me no expenses one. i even stop myself from gg restaurants to makan tho deep inside me im dying to eat those foods. hahas.

my sis is Eileen leh. and we call E-leen for years....LOLS
heeee so excited. Just decided on the fly that I want to take maternity shots and immediately arranged with Maryann from StudioLoft to take photos today at 3pm.

Don;t know what to bring leh. I didn't buy any maternity clothes but neither can I fit into my pretty pre-pregnancy clothes liao. Have been relying on normal clothes bought in larger sizes, the comfy type, not the ones I want to be pictured in.

Alamak. I might just end up wearing a white sports bra and panties. Heeeeee
so it was u... keke
can't rem off hand... hope u dun mind...
tat's y i'm getting fr pink beauty since airport more exp...

thks for the no... juz called n left 1 tube...
hv reserved n will collect fr them 2nite... they told me came in 3 n left 1, selling fast wor...

I cant tahan in-laws nagging.. so no matter what i push the hubby to get CL for mee even on tight budget.. Sure got conflicts if she do confinement.. Scared i have post natal syndrome..haha


Is the name pronounced as "An-rick-kee"? Wah jin cheem..

Wah kudos to mummies thinking of english names.. i'm not devout christian so think can omit english names.. chinese names aldy give mee headache.. supposed to select the chinese characters given by master too.. enough to give mee headache... haha..

I agree..there are some blacklisted names and cannot name your kid de.. haha..

I love the name Grace also-if Rebecca wasn't "R" i might have conssidered that.

As for Ruth --being misprounounced as Roof! --exactly! My Mum and MIL are chinese chinese kind and they 'frowned' when i proposed the name. Say its very hard to pronounce!
NVM--let them call my girl by her chinese name .

Maybe i should write Ruth and Raeann on 2 slips of paper and ask Rebecca to choose (she's only 15mths so too young to explain to her).

LIke choose TOTO numbers like that!
If i finish the elancyl tube.. what shld i buy? clarins oil or clarins cream..??
I like the smell of elancyl and although SM still have but its like not as red..
But i wanna try clarins also loh..heehee..

don mention!! wow u really HENG lor.. there was once i pass by and wan to get but no stock. end up i bought my 3rd bottle from another shop at $60.. lugi $4.
their stock reallin sellin fast de. even for SM cream i also called to reserve. kekes. i kiasi.

i donno leh.. if is an-rick-kee then i don wan liao. LOLS...

chinese names: i very scare my in laws will force me to let wad master to select my bb names.
coz me christian.. cant possible let wad master count ma...

i wont name my son JACKY / JACKIE HO coz my hb's name his jack russell that. +_+
yah yah should be Ai-leen. no choice, when in Rome, "speak" as Romans do. Hahaha Queenie, hahaa think your siser used to it already.

not good leh. Maybe he just wants to unload stress, but he's not aware that he's making you feel terribly guilty ... over nothing. So poor thing, don;t even dare to indulge once in a while. Not healthy really. Somemore you are pregnant and has cravings, plus emotionally vulnerable. No wonder you run away! Don;t mind me ka-poh, but maybe find a nice tender moment to tell him he's giving you tremendous stress even though you know he didn;t mean it. Because you love him you feel the urge to "do something about his worries", but yet feels handicapped to do anything, that's why you are feeling so bad. Ask him if there is something you can do to help him manage better and feel better? Hopefully he will be touched and understand what he's been putting you through. :0)

Sorry if I too kaypoh hor.

My gynae's sounding abt cord blood banking is that if you have budget then you bank.. he makes the point like not really compulsory type


I have not tried her post natal massage lei.. This is my first child.. But I tried her prenatal massage just last week.. Was quite good I should say.. Intend to engage her prenatal service one more time before I pop hopefully..
u can choose la... if u wanna try clarins, juz go ahead to test it out... juz tat the price difference elancyl n clarins double right?

realli appreciated tat u asked me to call n reserve if not 2night i pop by might don't hv stk too... sometimes kiasi a bit oso gd...
at least not making a waste trip ma...
u oso stay ard AMK???
no lah it's Enrique as in And-Rick

I once had a friend name his dog Richard! So funny!

Yah yah, can't wait to take those pics

I also say. Last resort, leave it to your #1 to choose. She's the most unbiased one, not yet "tainted" by peer pressure and stereotypes!

heeeeeeeeee we simply translated Grace into mandarin. So it is En1 Ci2 in mandarin, which means Grace. En Hui also can but we like the word Ci2.

Me go and finalise my clothes selection. Be back later!
Queenie ...

Must reserve at pink beauty ar ... ok then i give them a call to reserve ... my elancyl still got 2 tubes left so i think enough but i wan to buy the SM cream to lighten those red marks lor maybe i dun need the oil since its just another 6 weeks heehee will use the SM cream during my confinement
Talking abt names...

My gal will have a middle name.. It would either be Julia Shannon or Julia Shanelle... Which one sounds better ah?

Actually i find there is nothing religious abt getting Chinese names.. cos neber say anything abt religion mah..haha. Baby's chinese names also will be matched with parents' names and lives so in a way, the baby is a blessing to both parents.. if you know how one can tells your personality and life from your name, it is very interesting to know =P

The problem is the name may not be nice sounding but usually the not so nice sounding ones have a meaning behind loh..choose the best lah.. if not comfortable let your in-laws know and discuss discuss lah..

Sun, I was telling hubby Ryan seems very common… but he say it’s okie..
I guess unless we can come out with better names, we will just stick with Ryan.
I had a student called Kenny once and he's really good! Very polite and helpful boy!
So always have good impression of Kenny.

Alot of parents give interesting names to their kids nowadays. I used to know a student called Einstein. What a name to live up to.
i'll be continue using the oil n cream aft birth so tat's y replenish both stk now...
heard some mummies use clarins SM cream to lighten the red marks n mayb u wanna give it a try to see effective anot...
Nana, congrats on the arrival of your prince.

jasminbc, jiayou! jiayou! have a fast and smooth delivery.

Clio, I think Ruth is a beautiful name. However maybe like what the other mummies say, people may make fun of her name and mispronounced it.

Queenie, dont worry about money issue. Even though you are a SAHMTB now but you are planning to return to work. So by then the financial issue would be solved. Now just stay happy and wait for the arrival of your precious.

Meebaby, your baby also quite big hor. Same as me, now you have to worry she dont become too big if not hard to deliver rite.
Devil - tink i will be like u if my hb don't defend me lor..mus learn to speak up =P

tink my hb and i will be naming our boy Kyan....but scared ppl will not know how to pronounce or mispronounce...

Me just called pink beauty to reserve the clarins cream... No more stocks liao lei.. The new stocks will only come in on Monday.. Just will wait for the lady to call me back i guess

Thanks ! I also think that Julia Shannon sounds better.. U booked with Ida for massage too?
re: name

my aunty ever mentioned that dun give a name that is linked to a v famous person like einstein, clinton, beckham etc cos the name is too 'stressful' for the child dunno how true though heehee

sunshinebaby ....

me likely to just buy the cream lor since heard that its effective in removing the red mark heehee
For Clarin's cream is to reduce redness of SM.. then the oil is for what purpose? Or it's the same?

Yah loh, ydae saw her face like chipmunk aldy.. Need to control aldy..
But later i wanna eat chicken rice =P

issit... einstein, unique name lei...

hv u start calling yr bb - ryan? if yes, then better stick to it as tink yr bb already get himself familiar w tis name liao...
u not kaypoh la. u are nice advisor
i told him b4 that i read newspaper on this article. pregnant mtbs will get donno wad depression w.o knowing and financial issues is one that triggers lor. so i told him don tell me too much abt $ problems. but still i did told him what i have been doing to help out..
example: we started noting down our daily expenses. and we avoid going to shopping malls..
i gave him some solutions ytd. but he shut me off lor. so i v gek xim last night..
nvm lar. aniway i will try use ur tactic kekes
thank u so much..
haha so correct lor. And-rick.. hb say sounds like ANGRY. where got same. lols
u must eat bao bao b4 u got photoshoot leh.. kekes luckily my dogs name bobo and beanie. no human will take after their names de. LOL

ya thats what my gynae told me too..

wha. she still can sms u. she is so capable of handling the crisis man! kudos to her.

don mention.. we nw heavily pregnants. cant afford to walk too much yue wang lu. lols..
i stay wdls. but i previously go mrs wong class there so go there shun bian buy lor. and the very last time i went there to meet friend for lunch..
kekes i love AMK. the food ther is so NICEeeeeeeeeee..

u intend to get what things from pink beauty? if amk don have then u can try call tpy branch..

ya i hope can survive at hme w bb for minimum 6 mths. meanwhile i don mind taking part time jobs.
Yah loh.. i find that its best not to name baby after celebrities or famous pple.. very stressed de..
I saw pple named kid as jesus..maybe they wanna their kid to be jesus-like in nature.. however i find that its not very respectful loh...

i like 'En Qi'... actually i like 'En' tis chinese char...

juz now when i called pink beauty, they only hv 1 tube SM cream left... i've reserved n collect 2nite... but their stock will be in on Mon, quite fast...

guess you were the last caller ba.. Coz when i called the lady said that a customer just called to reserve .. hehe . This clarins cream selling like hotcakes man.. I tried to go to the beautynscent website also sold out le..

Okie gals me going for a swim now... will chat again later.. Byezzz

ya me too prefer julia shannon

hehe. try TPY branch??

Blk 183 Toa Payoh Central #01-270
contact no: 62523488
